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Experiment 12 //— potato chips Figure 11.9 Investigating osmosis in potato tissue. investigating the effects of osmosis on potato tuber tissue A potato tuber is a plant storage organ. It is a convenient tissue to use to investigate the effects of osmosis on the mass of the tissue. A boiling tube is half filled with tap water and a second with concentrated (Molar) sucrose solution. A third tube is left empty. A potato is cut into chips 5 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm, making these measurements as accurate as possible so that the three chips are the same size. No skin is left on the potato tissue. Each chip is gently blotted to remove excess moisture, and the mass of each is found by weighing on a balance. One chip is placed in each of the three boiling tubes (Figure 11.9). ‘After 30 minutes, the chips are removed from the tubes and gently blotted to remove excess liquid, then re-weighed. Each is felt in turn, to compare how flexible or stiff they are. The change in mass (+ or -) of each chip is calculated, and the percentage change %echange =

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