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) Financialization ,

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financialization is a pattern of accumulation in which profit making occurs

increasingly through financial channels rather than through trade and commodity
, Shifting Sources and
Uses of Profits: Sustaining U.S. Financialization with Global Value Chains

Financialization is defined in three ways in the recent literature: (a) A greater share of gdp or net
worth in the industrialized countries is accounted for by the financial sector; 4 (b) Gross international
capital flows have grown much faster than world output and faster than trade in goods and services;
(c) Non-financial firms have increasingly used finance rather than production as both a source and a
use of their funds.

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capital flows including lending, foreign direct investment, and purchases of
equities and bonds took a quantum leap forward as cross border capital flows rose
from o.5 trillion dollar in 1980 to a peak of 11.8 trillion Dollar in 2007.In 2012
they remain 60 % below their former peak in 2007. In 1980 it was 4 % of total
global GDP, but in 2007 it was 20% of global GDP. In 2012 it was merely 6 % of
global GDP. ( Source MGI, March 2013 Report)

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1) 1980

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