BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #27

Lab 6
Lead Teacher:

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Stephanie Archer
Ciara Argyle

Preassessment and Findings:

- Calvi expressed that he couldnt see the light when his eyes were closed. Only when they
are open.
- Brigham felt his vest and described it as scratchy.
- On the instrument day Elaina talked about how the drum was too loud for her and covered
her ears.
- The students seem to know how to use their senses, but not what they are or what body parts
are used.
Children and Learning/Development Goals:
-Annie: Letters & Numbers, She will work on her numbers when we learn about how many fingers
and toes we have.
-Elaina: Working on vocabulary, she will learn knew words about our body and how we can use
-Jesse: ABCs, he will work on letter recognition in the literacy activity.
-Brigham: Colors, He will be asked to say his colors during a closing circle activity.
-Mya: Reading & numbers, she will work on numbers when we count our fingers and toes
-Calvi: Interacting with peers, He will be invited to work with a friend during group activities
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. The 5 senses are Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch.
2. We use our eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hands to know whats around us.
3. We use our words to describe our senses.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Senses
2. Sorting
___________________ Self-Selected

_______________ Floater/Runner/Snack

___________________ Small/Focus Groups _________ /_________ Booth/ Photographer

___________________ Outdoor play

_______________ Greeter/Walkie (Lead Teacher)

_________ /_________ Snack

_______________ Data Collector


Literacy Activities/ Books: My Five Senses by Aliki A3, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? by Bill
Martin Jr M6, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr M5
Activity Description: We will have do letter matching using a piece of paper with all the letters on it.
The paper will be on top of a cookie sheet. The students will be able to match magnetic letters to the

letters on the cookie sheet.

Child Objective: The students will gain better letter recognition as they look for the letters of their name
and match them to the magnets.
Intentional Teaching: Invite the students to look for the letters of their name and match them to the
cookie sheet.
Activity Name

Description/Activity Objective

Materials, Special Set-up

*Creative Art:

Activity Description: We will have out paper and

glue. We will also put out things of many different
textures that the students can glue to their
paper. They will be able to create textured
artwork that they can feel.
IELG: D4 G46 CI8 Children will use a variety of
media and tools to create original works of art.
Intentional Teaching: Ask the students to
describe what their art feels like. Invite them to
feel the different textures.
Activity Description: We will have scented play
dough in the small sensory table. The students will
be able to manipulate it with their hands as well
as smell each color to guess what smell it is.
IELG: D2 G18 Children will use fingers and hands
for purposeful tasks.
Intentional Teaching: Ask the students to guess or
describe what each color of play dough smells
Activity Description: We will have ice cream
cones in different shades of 3 colors. The students
will arrange the ice cream cones from lightest to
IELG: D1 G10 CI1 Children will imitate sequences
of action.
Intentional Teaching: Use self-talk while arranging
the ice cream cones in order by shade so that
the students will follow what you do.
Activity Description: We will fill water bottles with
different objects (spaghetti noodles, buttons,
pompoms, grain). The students will be able to
experiment with each bottle to see what sounds
each one makes.
IELG: D4 G42 CI4 Children will label and describe
sensory exploration of materials, objects, and
natural phenomena.
Intentional Teaching: Invite the students to
predict what each different bottle will sound like
as well as why they sound the way they do.
Activity Description: We will have shaving cream
in the sensory table. The students will be able to
feel it and draw pictures in it using their fingers.
IELG: D4 G47 CI4 Children will explore and
participate in various expressions of art.
Intentional Teaching: Ask the students to

Material- Paper/glue
Tissue paper, Foam pieces,
feathers, cotton balls, and
pipe cleaners RR1 O9,13,17

Scented Play

*Math: Sorting

*Science: Sound

*Sensory Table:
Shaving cream

Materials: Play dough

Play dough toys RR2 G124
Should be made ahead of

Materials: Laminated Ice

Cream Cones IWP

Materials- Water bottles IWP

Rice RR2 G136
Buttons, pompoms RR1 O13
Sand RR2 G137

Materials: Shaving Cream

RR1 O14

*Blocks: Foam and

cardboard blocks

Dramatic Play:

describe what the shaving cream feels like in

their hands.
Activity Description: The students have primarily
been working with hard wooden blocks. We will
put out foam blocks along with the cardboard
and wooden blocks in the classroom. The
students will be able to work with all the textures
and build structures.
IELG: D1 G3 CI5 Children will find and use
materials to follow through on an idea.
Intentional Teaching: Ask the students if they can
tell the difference between the blocks and what
that difference is. Ask the students what they are
going to build, and how can we start it?
Activity Description: The students will be able to
buy and sell baked goods to each other.
IELG: D1 G15 CI1 Children will take on pretend
roles and situations and use appropriate
language, tone, and movements.
Intentional Teaching: Invite the students to
pretend it is their own bakery where they can sell

Materials: Foam/cardboard
blocks RR2 B189,190

Material: Aprons, bakery,

cash registers RR2 Y227, 244,

Creative Art: Free

Description: We will have out paper and paint for

the students to create art.

Materials: Paper
Paint RR1

2nd: I-Spy bottles

Description: The children will look for different

objects in the I-Spy bottles

Materials: RR1 P76

ROTATING SNACK 2:00-2:50 p.m.

go-gurts, cracker, water

*Gross Motor:

*2nd: Sight

2:10-2:50 p.m.

Location: North

Description: We will put out the mallets so that

the children can play music on the ladybug and
xylophone outside.
IELG: D4 G46 CI1 Children will participate in
group music experiences.
Intentional Teaching: Invite the students to work
with their friends to create a song.
Description: The students will go on a sight
scavenger hunt. We will have a checklist outside
on laminated paper for them to look for (bird,
tree, clouds, car, etc).
IELG: D1 G4 CI8 Children will find missing or
hidden objects by searching in more than one
Intentional Teaching: Ask the students to help
you find objects on the checklist.

Materials: Tumbling Mats GG

Mallets WR Cabinet 9

Materials: Checklist IWP

Discovery kits RR2 P71

*3rd: Touch

Description: We will make play dough for the

students to bring outside. They can make imprints
of different textures outside (tree, rock, leaf). They
can then feel the imprint to compare the texture
of different things in nature.
IELG: D1 G13 CI7 Children will match, sort, and
classify objects based on one or more attributes.
Intentional Teaching: Ask the students to
describe what the play dough feels like after
they make an imprint.

Materials: Play Dough

CLEAN UP 2:55-3:00 p.m.

Clean up song x2
3:00-3:10 p.m.
Transition We will dance to Going on a Bear Hunt Y9
Activity Name
1. Name Which
We will go through each body part that
body part?
corresponds to each of the senses. I will have the
students say and point to each body part as I
describe which one goes with each sense. Point
to your eyes. We use our eyes to see. Now
Point to your nose. Does anyone know what we
use our nose for? We use it to smell things. Point
to your ears. We use our ears to hear sounds.
Point to your mouth. We put things in our mouth
so that we can taste them. And last, lets point
to our hand, we can feel things with our hands.
Lets go over that again. Eyes, nose, ears,
mouth, and hands.
2. Name Describing I will cut up and give a piece of apple to each
student. We will talk about how we can use our
words and senses to describe the world around
us. We will go through each of the senses to
describe the apple. What does the apple look
like? What does is smell like? What does it feel
like? What does it taste like? What does it sound
like when you chew it?
3. Outside Sounds
We will play the game outside sounds so that the
students can practice using their ears. They will
have to listen and then decide what they think
the sound is.
Transition to Small
The students will play I-spy to find their teacher. I
Focus Groups
will say I spy with my little eye, something
yellow Those students will go to the teacher
wearing yellow.
3:10-3:25 p.m.
Your Activity
Taste Testing


Materials: Apple slices

Portion Cups
Hand sanitizer

Materials: Outside Sounds

WR Cabinet 6

Description & Objective

Description: The students will be given different things

1) Cracker, lemon,

to taste. We will have a chart that says Salty, Sweet,

Sour, and Spicy. The students will taste the food and
then decide which category it fits under.
Objective: The students will work on understanding
their taste as they describe what each food tastes
Intentional Teaching: Have each of the children
wash their hands before sitting down. Then invite the
students to try each food. Then ask them to describe
whether it tasted salty, sweet, sour, or spicy.

cinnamon bear,
and pudding
2) Eating the
Alphabet by Lois
Ehlert E6
3) The Giant Jam
Sandwich by
John Vernon
Lord L26

3:25-3:40 p.m.

Transition Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes x3 at different speeds.

Activity Name
Name Review
Old Macdonald

Big Book
Outside Sounds
Red Light, Green
Big Book

We will review what we talked about in gathering time. (eyes,

nose, ears, mouth, and hands).
We will sing Old MacDonald had a farm using cue cards with
pictures of the animals on them.
We will read The Little Mouse, The Red-Ripe Strawberry and the
Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood.
We will dance to Cant Sit Still with the egg shakers.


B L3
Egg Shakers

We will play the game outside sounds again.

We will play red like green light in a circle.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle


B V1

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