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Using Focal Species in the Design of Nature Reserve Networks Brian Miller, Richard Reading, Jim Strietholt, Carlos Carroll, Reed Noss, Michael Soulé, Oscar Sanchez, John Terborgh, Donald Brightsmith, Ted Cheeseman, and Dave Foreman IMENT AND MANAGENY7 OF NATURE RESERVES isone ‘fa vetiegy «of methods peometed 0 help cansere hislegical civersiy: Over the past couple of decades, che numberof proteced nae rts hes fncrentod dramatically worldwide, anil the theory andl praccice of reserve design has developed intoa subsdiscipline of ‘gynseriaion ology Jo designing a reSene or sserve veework (@ egional system of cnaneceed reserves), conservationists genetally use some ommbinasion of hace tactics Thane appracesar: 1) smupping gpecal elements (le, sites of high value such as Wildeniess Areas, cotless areas, cation of rate species, ete); 2) seking epreseeation (ty inching all hobiae types ig ceion a6 “coarse Filter” approach co proteting bindivesicy), aul 3) xalat ing te equirements of selected focal species (Noss 1990) Relying ow only one of chee appmctes wil nc provide sulicient proccton, so leaning the sceyéhs and wesknesses ofthe three will id decisis about intega- ing them ineo « moce compechersine restive plan. Obviously, ecological, political, and secin-eonore cna wll hinge erent egio, an tone he wal sad porous arias faeves wildlife Bacaie muh of pene rave hry ‘ote se etl vias wl fern thc oper vec he wight ha shoul be raed a eich etic a genplan, Tes ditsions sel ehanee—ace re el gal esablshig pared an inchs pen ye jt aso sg fal species in cserton tons (ve sess th ch in niche iat ligt sol cna in any ree pening tht tis apo, We os aly n bilgi cnr ations; she scinacnomie comidenios in rate ahd sed ypleicttn desert aetna theme tpi of antmpe and ae yond the seo of hi mana. The eso ets we peat sts ad oy dene en ‘ayeeerin Noh Ameri rat ofthe Yoon Fins ac STACI EEE Ey irs peg The vretants Prose an Wed ath ae cl lied ut ndependee none ‘omenzators dite t9 eee, fdr dodo, ecological ivan Noh rnin hasan bie forall rte spec Sie 464 52184-0575 WINTER r99a/e0 Wikp nate a Focal Species and Reserve Design Foca species are oganisms sein planing ad managing rurare reserves becuse thee requirements fr survival rep resent cor impentant to ining cogil bey conditions. Ukimately, questions about ecological pacers an proceses cannot be answered without reference to che species that live in & landscape (lambeck 1997). Representation an special lemes themes pin 10 which ares shouldbe ince in reserve, bu foal species analy Sis enifesavionalhigh-zalve habitats and adresses the questions: 1m What isthe quality of habia? ‘How much area is needed? 1 In whae configuration should we design components ofa reserve nerwork? ‘One of the first steps in using focal species asa basis foe planning a reserve neework i clear description ofthe process. What species ae chosen and why? How will the particular focal species concribute roche general goals and ‘objectives of the reserve network? What assumptions are smude in the selection of those species and in the models that are developed from eheir data? What are the poren- tial weaknesses ofthe assumptions? What type and qual- ity of data fom cach species are available? eis essential €0 bbe honest about what is known, what is assumed, and ‘what i uncertain All the terms used shoul be carefully defined ro pre- vent misineepreaion. Many popular terms remain dis- curbingly ambiguous, “ecosystem management” and “sus- ‘winable development,” for example, are used casually and ‘an promote a wide range of political agenda, Terms ger- mane co focal species ae Astne pcs, mila ypc, fag ship sve, and indicat sc, Us important not co confuse the purposes of these diferent categories when selecting Focal species. this paper, we fellow the definitions of var- ious’ foal species recently popularized by Noss and Gooperter (1994), Lambeck (1997), and Meffe and Carroll (1997). We als add some of our own. Keystone species enrich ecusystem function in ‘unique and sgnificane manne eheough thie activities, and the eee is disproportionate to their numerical abundance Paine 1980, Terborgh 1988, Mills ec al. 1993). Their removal initiates changes in ecosystem structure and often @ dos of diversi. Examples of animals chat significantly rege late coystem process include bee Cat code) (Naiman et al 1988) le carnivores Teor 1988), and rie dogs (Cyn sp. Nl eal. 19. Because of the pronounced lect keystone species have onthe negrity of an ecxptem, making chem target of management efor provides an exellent opportunity 19 maintain or restore ecnytem proces through actions etd at asin- le species Miller ec al. 1994). ‘Umbrella species generally cover rzeareasin thir

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