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Make-up guru at a young age

By Mai Tep

Narita Sisowath, 18-year-old self-taught make up guru, has her own YouTube channel where she
posts tutorials and gives tips to other people. Although she is still very young, her skills and
techniques show otherwise.
I think it was in 2009, I was 11 back then. The very first make up products I got were a black
eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. I felt free and older, since only older teenagers and women
back then wore make up, Sisowath said.
At one time, to become a make up artist, you were required to go through beauty school.
Nowadays, technology and social media have allowed us to self-promote and share our talents
with a wide audience. Therefore, anyone is able to learn any type of skill just by going on sites
such as YouTube.
I am a self-taught make up artist and I first tried it [make up] on myself then I moved onto
watching tons of make up tutorials on YouTube and caught it from there, Sisowath said. I did
not have much of a social life except on social media so I gave YouTube a try. I enjoyed it very
much even though I do not have that many subscribers or views. I feel like I can help other girls
and most of all share my make up knowledge.
People have achieved recognition, even fame, through social websites and apps such as
YouTube, Instagram or Vine. If you are a beauty and make up fanatic and have never heard of
Michelle Phan, you are probably not from this planet. Needless to say, not everyone is as lucky
and talented as Phan, who is now a millionaire with her own cosmetic company, thanks to her
early start on YouTube.
Sisowath is far from YouTube fame, but 300 subscribers for a channel that was created merely a
year ago with only 13 videos, is a good beginning for an 18-year-old. She has already been
contacted by NYX, a cosmetic company, which sends her free beauty products in appreciation of
her work.
I have been sponsored by NYX Cosmetics since 2014. They reached out to me to sponsor their
new products by creating looks and posting it on social media. I was very shocked because when
I started this I never imagined getting anything from it and I am very honored for that, Sisowath
She has also been offered a deal by Motives Cosmetics, but turned it down as she has a lot on her
plate. Between graduating from high school, applying to fashion schools, doing freelance make
up, and filming and editing her own videos, Sisowath admits that she is still too young to commit
to the job offering and has other priorities to focus on.
What the future holds for this young make up guru is still undecided. Sisowath says she has
many more plans. Make up has become her passion, but she doesnt think she will make a living

out of it. Although she will continue making videos as often as she can in her spare time because
that is what she loves, and she wants to be an inspiration to other people.
Despite the easily accessible ways to make it as a make up guru, only a few are successful
enough to build a large following and make a living out of their passion. For the majority, this
isnt necessarily the case.
Well, its a big dream to girls becoming YouTube gurus, but it is hard to make it out there when
there are so many more talented people, Sisowath said. Although I must say the first way to
start is knowing what youre doing, your personality (being yourself), and most of all if you
really enjoy doing it. Were living in the 21st century so quality matters, my bet is to have a high
definition camera, and people nowadays look forward to watching HD videos. It sounds very
simple, but it takes time and patience.

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