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The Aboriginal Australians are the oldest surviving race in the entire

world. The word "Aborigines" or "Aboriginal" means "the earliest

known inhabitants of Australia. "Having no alphabet or system of
writing,they have no written evidence of their existence. The only types
of evidence that can be used to establish the amazing history of culture
are their oral traditions that have been passed down through
generation by word of mouth and the various archaeological
discoveries. Because of this lack of written language,they were
considered a primitive race by the European explorers who landed on
the Australia continent in 1788


Aborigines have been living in Australia for at least forty thousand

years. They originally came from Southeast Asia in the north by
crossing land bridge on foot or by traversing oceans by canoe. The land
of Australia that they had occupied was unique and harsh, so they had
to adapt to the land and become efficient in their ways. They are
responsible for altering the landscape by creating "firestick farming," a
technique which allowed them to control the growth of the bush and

to help them with hunting and gathering. The Aboriginals have been
known for many innovation, including the earliest human cremations,
rock art, first boomerangs, and ground axes.

Until colonization by the British in 1788, the Aborigines of Australia

had a culture that had changed little in thousand of years. They lived in
tribes or clans and slept in gunyas (bark huts), caves or in open air. The
camps were as small as 6 people and as large as 400 people. Those who
made up the tribes were in a family or kinship group that shared the
same bloodline and had their own beliefs, songs, and stories.


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