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3. Exclamation
(Cu cam than)
1. Cach thanh l p
a) Cach 1: dung What
What + (a/an) + Tinh t + Danh t (+ Chu ng + ng t)!
Vi du: - What a lovely house it is!
(Ngi nha th t la d thng!)
- What a great lesson we have!
(Chung ta co m t bai hoc th t hay!)
Chu y: - Cu truc cu cam than What ! co th lc bo chu ng va ng t cui cu.
Vi du: What a lovely house! (Ngi nha th t la d thng!)
- Vi danh t s nhiu, danh t khng m c, chung ta khng dung a/an.
Vi du: - What tight shoes they are! (i giay ch t qua!)
- What awful weather it is! (Thi tit th t la t ! )
b. Cach 2: dung How
How + Tinh t/Trang t + Chu ng + ng t!
Vi du: - How beautiful she is!
(C y th t la ep!)
- How carefully he drives!
(Anh y lai xe th t la cn th n!)
2. Cach dung
Cu cam than giup bay to cam giac hay xuc ng, dung khen ngi ho c than phin.
Vi du: - Khen ngi: How well she sings! (C y hat hay qua!)
- Than phin: What a lazy student! (Em hoc sinh y th t li!)
I. Use What to make the exclamation.
E.g. It is a thick book. What a thick book (it is)!
Tran Phuong Thu Huong

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1. They are beautiful flowers.


2. That is a nice surprise.


3. These are expensive rings.


4. The painting is colorful.


5. They are dirty chairs.


II. Use How to make the exclamation.

E.g. It is very nice. How nice it is!
1. He is very strong.


2. He can run very fast.


3. They are too dangerous.


4. You play really well.


5. They wear very expensive dresses.


III. Write the exclamation for the following situations.

1. This cake is delicious.


2. That bicycle is very old.


3. She is an intelligent girl.


4. This is a very comfortable room.


5. These are modern computers.


IV. Complete the dialogue with exclamatory sentences.

Hoa: ..! You must be cold, Lan. Come in and have a seat.
The armchairs in the living room are comfortable.
Lan: Thanks. .! Where are your uncle and aunt?
Hoa: My uncle is at work and my aunt is shopping. Would you like some tea?
Lan: No, thanks. Im fine.
Hoa: OK. Come and see my room.
Lan: ! And !
Pink and white.
Pink is my favorite color. Can I see the rest of the house?
Hoa: Of course.

Tran Phuong Thu Huong

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