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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #14

Lab 3
Lead Teacher:

Monday, February 23, 2015

Melissa Martin
Brittney Oman

Children and Learning/Development Goals:

1. Eli: Eli is interested in cooking and has a goal of following instructions. On way that we
can fulfill Elis goal through this topic is using his interests of cooking and food and
incorporating it into an activity like making a fruit smoothie that requires him to follow
teacher instructions as he adds fruit inside the blender.
2. Spencer: Spencer loves fruit, and has a goal of drawing shapes. One way that we can
fulfill Spencers goal through this topic is by using his interest in fruit and encourage him to
draw and create shapes such as grapes and bananas at the art table by setting out fruit
on the table for the children to draw if they choose to.
3. Charlie: Charlie has a goal to come to snack and be willing to try new food. Through the
topic of fruit we can create an engaging activity at the snack table, such as making
smoothies, that will not only bring his interests to the snack table, but also get him to try a
smoothie (which may not be new to him, but it could be a new flavor).
4. Robert: Robert is interested in food, and has a goal of interacting with other children. By
having a farmers market set up in the dramatic play area we can provide Robert with
the opportunity to look at and explore fruit as well as an opportunity to interact and play
with the other children by buying, selling, and cooking with fruit.
5. Deklyn: Deklyn has a goal of following instructions. One way that we can help Deklyn
work on his goal through this topic is providing a mystery smelling box. This activity can
help him follow directions by having the teacher ask him to smell the box, and then tell
them what he thinks is inside. Another activity that could help with this goal is making a
smoothie at the snack table.
6. Hollie: Hollie has a goal of sorting objects, and taking initiative in play. In the Math area
there will be a farmers market fruit sorting/counting activity set up to help Hollie with this
goal. The farmers market in dramatic play will also provide Hollie with the opportunity to
interact and participate with the other children in the lab as they pretend to buy, sell,
and cook with fruit.
Preassessment and Findings:
During a small focus activity, there was a picture of strawberries and raspberries; when Katie was
asked what kind of fruit they were, she called them both strawberries. At the snack table Deklyn,
Brynley, and several other children were asked if they knew what fruit was, and they said it was
food. These children also mentioned that they liked fruit, especially strawberries, peaches, and
pears. When asked if they knew where the fruit came from or how it grew, they said that the fruit
came from the store. When Logan was asked if he knew what a pineapple looked like, he said
he wasnt really sure, but then he asked what pineapples were. While observing Claire, Christian,
and Raleigh in the dramatic play area I noticed that they were using play fruit in their cooking. I
heard them say things like Im making blueberry soup (as they put blueberries in a pot) or apple
salad (as they put apples in a basket with other pretend food).
Through asking questions and observing the children I discovered that they are familiar with
some of the common fruit such as peaches, pears, and strawberries, however they arent as
familiar with fruit that doesnt grow around this area such as pineapples. I also discovered that
they didnt understand that fruit grew out of the ground and needed constant nourishing and

they believed that fruit comes from the store instead of a farm. I also discovered that the
children dont yet understand what makes a plant a fruit, such as having seeds on the inside or
outside of the plant; however they can name some fruit.
One way that I feel that I can help the children gain a better understanding of what fruit it by
providing them with the opportunity to look at new and different fruit and their different qualities
such as shape and smell, as well as provide them with the opportunity to plant and water a fruit
seed so that they can gain an understanding of how fruit grows.
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Fruit seeds and plants need dirt, water, and sunshine to help it grow.
2. Fruit grows on trees, bushes, and vines.
3. Fruit is a food that contains seeds.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Colors
2. Outside and Inside
3. Small and Large

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #14
Lab 3
Lead Teacher:

Monday, February 23, 2015

Melissa Martin
Brittney Oman

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Fruit seeds and plants need dirt, water, and sunshine to help it grow.
2. Fruit grows on trees, bushes, and vines.
3. Fruit is a food that contains seeds.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Colors
2. Outside and Inside
3. Small and Large
___________________ Self-Selected

_______________ Floater/Runner/Snack

___________________ Small/Focus Groups _________ /_________ Booth/ Photographer

___________________ Outdoor play

_______________ Greeter/Walkie (Lead Teacher)

_________ /_________ Snack

_______________ Data Collector


Literacy Activities/Books: (4) @
An Alphabet Salad: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z by Sarah L Schuette (S5)
Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey (P M7)
Fruits by Acorn (P A6)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (P C4)
Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry by Don and Audrey Wood (B L7)

Foam Alphabet
letters (RR1 W
Paper with
letters drawn on
it (IWP)

Activity Description: Foam letters and a giant piece of paper will be placed on the
table. The children will match the foam letters with the written letters.
Child Objective: The children will find the letters of their names on the table and
match with the written letters.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can instruct the student on what the names of the
letters are, as well encourage them to find the letters that are in their name, or the
letter that their name begins with.
Activity Name

Description/Activity Objective

Materials, Special Set-up

*Creative Art:
Sketching fruit (5)

Activity Description: Fruit for the children will be

placed on the art table for the children to sketch
if they want to. Paper and colored pencils will
also be provided for them to color on.
Child Objective: The children will have the
opportunity to draw what they see by using
circles, squares, and rectangles, as well as colors

Plastic Fruit (RR2 Y234)

Paper (AC)
Colored Pencils (AC)

Puzzles (3)

Math: Frogs on a
Log (4)

Mystery Box (4) @

to create new shapes that can represent fruit.

IELG: D2 G18: Copies shapes and geometric
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can encourage
children to create shapes like circles or
rectangles to help draw their fruit. This activity
also provides the children with opportunities to
sketch new shapes. Teachers can also talk about
how some fruit has seeds on the inside and some
fruit has seeds on the outside of their skin, and
encourage the children to draw the seeds.
Activity Description: Incomplete puzzles will be
placed on the fine motor table, to encourage
children to come and finish or start the puzzles
Child Objective: The children will have the
opportunity to use their problem solving skills to
solve a puzzle by figuring out what shapes can fit
where. This also provides an opportunity for the
children to start and finish a project.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can encourage
children to try rotating a piece of puzzle to make
it fit into a slot, and saying things like that
doesnt quite fit there, lets try a different spot.
Activity Description: The counting activity Frogs
on a log will be set out on the table for children
to count and manipulate by stacking them on
the logs with varying amounts of frogs
Child Objective: The children will have the
opportunity to create patterns with the frog, as
well as count, by using one to one
correspondence, how many frogs they have on
their logs.
Intentional Teaching: The teachers can
encourage the children to create patterns with
the frogs (such as all red frogs on a log, or
alternating colors). Teachers can also encourage
the children to count the frogs on the log by
using one-to-one correspondence.
Activity Description: 4 covered boxes will be
placed on the science table the children will be
encouraged to smell and feel the object inside
to determine which fruit could be inside.
Child Objective: The children will use their
problem solving skills to determine whats inside
of the box, they will tell the teacher what they
smell and feel to help them solve the puzzle.
IELG: D1 G9: Thinks out loud and talks self through
a plan or a situation.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can encourage
the children to use their senses to identify what
they think is inside the box such as touching it to

Puzzles (RR1 W36 or W46)

Frogs on a log (RR2 R145)

4 covered boxes (IWP)

Fruit (IWP)
Fruit extract (Kitchen)

*Sensory Table:
Growing fruit (4) @

Farming (4)

*Dramatic Play:
Farmers Market (5)

feel if there are seeds on the outside, and

smelling it to help identify what kind of fruit it
could be.
Activity Description: Pots with plants and dirt
inside will be place inside the sensory table along
with watering cans for the children to water and
take care of their plants.
Child Objective: The children will have the
opportunity to learn how to take care of plants in
order to help them grow and produce fruit.
IELG: D1 G8: Identifies objects that have an
effect on other objects (i.e. water makes the dirt
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can talk about
how plants need water, dirt and sunshine in order
to grow and produce fruit. They can also talk
about if a plant gets too much water it makes it
hard for it to grow.
Activity Description: Tractors and a farm house
will be set up in the block area for the children to
pretend to grow and take care of their fruit on
their farm/orchard.
Child Objective: The children pretend to take
care of their farm by using the tractors to plant,
weed, and pick the fruit.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can talk about
how fruit grows on a farm or an orchard. They
can also talk about how fruit needs dirt to grow
as well it needs to be taken care of by doing
things such as watering it, weeding it, and then
collecting the fruit when its ripe.
Activity Description: Plastic food, aprons, grocery
baskets, and cash registers will be set out for the
children to pretend to be at a farmers market to
buy and sell different produce to each other.
Child Objective: The children will buy, sell and
cook fruits and vegetables from each other and
learn that food grows on a farm or an orchard
and it must be gown by someone before we can
get it at the store.
IELG: D3 G31: Use play to explore, practice, and
understand social roles
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can emphasize in
this area that when farmers finish growing their
food they either sell it to a grocery store or at a
farmers market.

Flower pots (SS)

Potting Soil (RR2 G138)
Watering cans (SS)
Plants (RR2 Y249)
Gardening gloves (RR2 Y217)

John Deere Toys (RR2 B179)

Wooden farm (RR2 B182)
Plastic trees (RR1 P77)

Aprons (RR2 Y227)

Grocery basket (RR2 Y230)
Plastic food (RR2 Y234)
Cash registers (RR2 Y253)
Plastic pots and pans (RR2
Farmers market stand (Sister
Ellsworths office)

Creative Art:
Sticker Fun

Description: Clip large, white paper on the easel.

Provide different shaped and colored stickers, as
well ask markers or crayons for the children to
draw and place on the paper.

Butcher paper (RR1)

Stickers (RR1 O Cabinet 20
Drawer 2)
Markers (AC)
Crayons (AC)

Large Legos

Description: The children will build structures and

shapes by using large Lego pieces.

Large Legos (RR2 B172)

ROTATING SNACK 9:00-9:50 a.m.

Fruit smoothie and animal crackers

*Gross Motor: Fruit
Hop (5) @

Musical Drums (4)

Tunnels (3)

9:10-9:50 a.m.

Location: North Playground

Description: Place pictures of fruit on the flattest

ground possible. The children will hop from one
piece of fruit to the other.
Objective: The children will work on their gross
motor skills by hopping from one piece of fruit to
the other, as well as their balancing as they try to
stay on the fruit and not touch the ground.
Intentional Teaching: Encourage the children to
try different types of hops/leaps like using one
foot, or both feet to get to the next piece of fruit.
Description: Drum sticks/mallets will be placed in
the tree house where the children will have the
opportunity to make music on the ladybug drum
and the xylophone in the tree house.
Objective: The children will gain an
understanding that their actions can have an
effect on objects round them.
Intentional Teaching: Encourage the children to
hit the lady bug and xylophone in different
places and ask them if it makes a different
Description: Multiple tunnels will be placed next
to the gate for the children to crawls through
and discover where the tunnels take them.
Objective: The children will have the opportunity
to use their gross motor skills of crawling to
navigate themselves through a series of tunnels.
IELG: D2 G17: Crawls through a play tunnel.
Intentional Teaching: Encourage the children to
move the tunnels to take them to new locations
or under new things like the playground set, the
tree, etc...

Fruit shapes (IWP)

Drum Sticks (Sister Ellsworths


Tunnels (GG)

CLEAN UP 9:50-9:55 a.m.

Preschool Clean up song:
Its clean-up time in preschool, its times for girls and boys, to STOP what theyre doing and put away
the toys (sung twice)
9:55-10:10 a.m.
Transition: play the song Oranges and Lemons (CD G7) to indicate to the children that its time to
start gathering time. The teacher will sing and dance along with the song and encourage the children
to do the same. The teacher will make the song quieter and tell the children that when they cant hear
the music anymore they need to sit on their mats and get ready for the next activity.

Activity Name
1. Fruit grows on
trees, bushes,
and vines.

Hang a chart with columns for a tree, a bush,
and a vine on the white board.
Today we are going to learn about fruit, and
what type of plant that they grow on.
Did you know that fruit either grows on a tree, a
bush, or a vine? But how do we know what type
of plant a particular fruit grows on? Im going to
show you an easy way to figure that out.
The fruit that grows on vines are things like grapes
(Show real grapes) and melons whose seeds are
all over inside of their body. (Place a picture of
grapes under the vine column)
The fruit that grows on bushes are things like
berries (Show real strawberry) that have their
seeds on the outside of their bodies. (place a
strawberry under the bush column)
The fruit that grows on trees have their seed or
seeds in the center (Show apple cut in half)of
their bodies like apples, peaches, and bears.
(place an apple under the tree column)

2. Fruit needs dirt,

water, and
sunshine to
help it grow.

Now that we learned what fruit grows on, I would

like you to help me sort my basket of fruit and
help me decide if it grows on a tree, a bush, or a
Show the children a picture of a fruit and have
them help sort it into the proper column.
Sing the Song The Gardener Plants the Seeds
(Tune "Farmer in the Dell") while doing the actions
to the children to explain that fruit needs dirt,
water, and sunshine in order to help it grow.
Repeat the song so that the children can have a
chance to do the song with you after learning
the actions.
The gardener plants the seeds. (Place one hand
flat to represent the ground, and use the other
hand to plant the seeds)
The gardener plants the seeds. (Repeat action)
High ho the derry oh,
The gardener plants the seeds. (Repeat action)
Second Verse: The rain falls on the ground.
(wiggle fingers from the sky to the ground)
Third Verse: The sun shines bright and warm.
(Spread arms out in a circle, and then bring them
back to hug yourself)
Fourth Verse: The seeds begin to grow. (Place
one hand flat and take the other hand and
imitate a plant growing out of your hand)

White board (Classroom)
Butcher paper with columns
for a tree, a bush, and vines
Pictures of Fruit to go in each
column (IWP)
Tape (AC)
Grapes, Apple, Strawberry


Fifth Verse: The fruit is ready to eat. (Imitate

eating fruit)
Beforehand, give the support teachers their fruit.
Hand the children a piece of fruit and tell them
to go to the teacher that has the same type of
fruit as they do so they can go to their small focus
groups. (The teacher will also find them to make
it easier)
IELG: D1 G4- participates in basic routines such as
transitions to different activities.

5 plastic bananas (RR2 Y 234)

5 plastic apples (RR2 Y 234)
5 plastic oranges (RR2 Y 234)
5 plastic pears (RR2 Y 234)

SMALL FOCUS GROUP 10:10-10:25 a.m.

Your Activity
Description & Objective
Fruit is a plant that
Activity Description: Placed a large basket on the
contains seeds.
floor with various types of plastic produce for the
children to choose from. Then ask the children to pick
out a food item that they think has seeds. Talk with
the children why they think that food has a seed in it.
Cut open some real fruit with the children, and
explore where the seeds are located in that fruit and
what those seeds look like.
Objective: The children will learn that fruit is a type of
produce that has seeds in or on it by exploring some
fruit and discovering what their seeds look like.
Intentional Teaching: Explain to the children that
some fruit have their seeds on the inside of their
body, however some fruit have seeds on the outside
of their body; these types of fruit are called berries.

Plastic fruit (RR2 Y
Apple, Orange,
Banana, Strawberry
1) Fruits by Acorn (P
2) An Alphabet
Salad: Fruits &
Vegetables from A
to Z by Sarah L
Schuette (S5)

10:25-10:40 a.m.

Transition: Play the song Here we Go Round the Mulberry Bush (CD G1). This song will signal to the
children that its time to start closing circle. Dance and do the actions along with the song and
encourage the children to do the same. When the song ends tell the children to sit down on their mats
and get ready for the next activity.
Activity Name
Music Fruit Salad
Play the Fruit Salad song and allow the children to
Fruit Salad (CD Y1)
dance and interact with the music and words.
There will be a small box with some random items from the
Box (IWP)
Awareness In My classroom inside. Sit in a circle with the children. Hold the
Items from the
box in your lap and chant box, box, whats in my box? It
classroom (IWP)
starts with (the sound of the first letter on one of the items in
the box i.e. /k/), and ends with (say the rest of the word i.e.
/ar/). Allow the children time to combine the sounds
together to form the word of the item (i.e. car). When they
say the word repeat the chant and continue on to the

Row Your Boat

Parachute Game

Story/ Book Little

Mouse and the
Red Ripe

Shake my Sillies Out

Grape, Grape,

The Copycat Game

next item.
Have the children shake the parachute up and down to
the tempo while they sing along to Row, Row, Row Your
Boat. Start by singing the song at regular speed/tempo.
Then sing fast, then very slow.
Read the story the Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry,
and the Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood While
reading the story have the children interact with you while
you read the story by saying things like where do you think
the strawberry is? or do you think the bear is going to get
the strawberry?
Pass out egg shakers to each child and turn on the song
Shake my Sillies Out for the children to dance and shake
their eggs to.

(parachute) (GG)

Little Mouse, the

Red Ripe
Strawberry by Don
and Audrey Wood
(B L7)
Egg shakers (WR
Cabinets 7&8 shelf
Shake my Sillies out
(CD G 11 or R 1)

This game is played exactly like "Duck, Duck, Goose"

except the children will say "Grape, Grape, Raisin".
Demonstrate how to play the game first, explain that this
game is like tag and when you tap someone on the head
and say raisin they have to get up from their spot and
chase you around the circle, if you make to their spot
before they catch you, it is now their turn to say grape,
grape raisin.
Save this game until you have a smaller group of children
to help eliminate turn taking.
This game will help the children interact with each other.
The teacher will start off with the chant and choose a
child. When the children are finished copycatting that
child, the teacher will start the chant again, and choose a
different child.
Lets play copycat just for fun. Lets copy (childs name),
(s)hes the one! Whatever (s)he does, well do the same,
cause thats how you play the copycat game!


The Gardner plants his seeds
The gardener plants the seeds. (Place one hand flat to represent the ground, and use the other hand
to plant the seeds)
The gardener plants the seeds. (Repeat action)
High ho the derry oh,
The gardener plants the seeds. (Repeat action)
Second Verse: The rain falls on the ground. (wiggle fingers from the sky to the ground)
Third Verse: The sun shines bright and warm. (Spread arms out in a circle, and then bring them back to
hug yourself)
Fourth Verse: The seeds begin to grow. (Place one hand flat and take the other hand and imitate a
plant growing out of your hand)
Fifth Verse: The fruit is ready to eat. (Imitate eating fruit)

I Will Provide
Box with pictures of objects that rhyme (IWP)CC
Butcher paper with columns for a tree, a bush,
and vines (IWP)- GT
Fruit shapes (IWP)-OD
Paper with letters drawn on it (IWP)- literacy
Resource Room 1
Puzzles (RR1 W36 or W46)
Resource Room 2
Plastic fruit (RR2 Y 234)
Potting Soil (RR2 G138)
Wooden farm (RR2
Plants (RR2 Y249)

Apple, Orange, Banana, Strawberry, Grapes

(IWP)-SF and GT
Pictures of Fruit to go in each column (IWP)-GT
covered boxes with fruit for smelling (IWP) SS

Plastic trees (RR1 P77)

Foam Alphabet letters (RR1 W 48)

5 plastic bananas, 5 plastic apples, 5 plastic oranges, 5 plastic pears

(RR2 Y 234)
Aprons (RR2 Y227)
Frogs on a log (RR2
Gardening gloves
(RR2 Y217)
John Deere Toys (RR2
Cash registers (RR2
Grocery basket (RR2
Plastic pots and pans
(RR2 Y231)

Work Room
Fruit Salad (CD Y1)

Shake my Sillies out (CD G 11 or

R 1)

Oranges and Lemons (CD


Egg shakers (WR Cabinets

7&8 shelf 2)
An Alphabet Salad: Fruits & Vegetables from A to
Z by Sarah L Schuette (S5)
Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry by Don and
Audrey Wood (B L7)

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

(P M7)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
(P C4)

Fruits by Acorn (P A6)

Gross Garage/Sheds
(parachute) (GG)
White board
Fruit extract (Kitchen)

Watering cans (SS)

Flower pots (SS)

Tunnels (GG)

Tape (AC)

Colored Pencils (AC)

Paper (AC)

Drum Sticks (Sister

Ellsworths Office)

Farmers market stand

(Sister Ellsworths

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