Freedom of Speech

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Wissem Dhaouadi

Sam Bacile's movie
The Innocence of Muslims
. This is a movie which claims that Prophet
Mohhammed is not worthy of the dignity bestowed on him. But Sam bacile has not chosen
his words carefully. This movie is a bare mockery bordering on vulgarity. It has some very
detestable scenes. For these reasons people world wide condemn it.

In my opinion, freedom of speech is applicable in discussing ideas, including expressing
opinions, but is not reason to allow things to be said (or done) beyond that, if society finds
those things offensive. So, in my opinion, freedom of speech at first, gives one the right to
argue that murder is acceptable, but does not give them the right to murder.
Second, it gives one the right to argue that abortion is okay, but does not give them the right
to abort.
Third, it gives one the right to argue that some people are inferior to others (such as racism),
but does not give them to right to treat or speak of others as inferior
Of course just because the freedom-of-speech principle does not give one these rights does
not mean that we don't have such rights for other reasons.

Arround the world, the right to free speech is granted formal recognitions by the laws of
most nations; despite the declaration, free speech varies widely arround the world.
For example, in the UK you cannot incite racial hatred. The form of speech would plausibly
be protected, provided it could not be successfully argued that you were inciting racial or
religious hatred.

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