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CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Version 2043 R2 (13.2) November 2012 DICAS-PE-200013A, INTERGRAPH’ Copyright Copyright© 2013 Intergaph® Corporation All Rghis Reserved. Intergraph is prt of Hexagon Including sofware, tle tomas, and audowsual dsplays| may be used pursuant to applicable sonware license agreement, conta confiential and proprietary infomation of intergraph andlor thd partes which i protected by copy la, rade Secret aw, an intemationalreaty, and may no be proved or otherwise mace avaiable wihout proper authorization fom Intergraph Corporation U.S. Government Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the governments subiect fo restrictions as set forth below. For civiban agencies. This was developed al private expense and is “esticted computer sofware” submitted with restricted rghs in accordance wth ‘subparagrapn (a) through (dof tne Commercial Computer Softare - Restictod Rights clause at $2.227-19 of tha Federal ‘Acquistion Regulations ("FAR") ands successors, andis unpublished and allights are reserved under the copyraht laws of ‘he Untied States. For unts of the Department of Defense (‘DoD") This “commercial computer softwarat as detinad at DFARS 252.227-T014 and the righ ofthe Government areas specified at DFARS 227 7202-3. Unpublished -ights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States Intergraph Corporation| P.O. Box 240000 Hunisvile, AL 35813, Terms of Use Use ofthis software products subject tothe End User License Agroomont ("EULA") dolore with tis software product unless the licensee has a valid signad license for hs software product wth Intargraph Corporation If the licensee has a vabd signed license for this sofware product wth Intergraph Corporation, the vald signed license shall ake precedence and govern the use ofthis software product, Subject othe terms contaned within the applicable license agreement. Inirgreph Corporation aves licensee permission fo print a reasonable numberof copies of the documentation as defined inthe applicable license agreement and dolvered wrtn the software product for ieensee's internal, non-commercial uso. The documentation may not be printed for resale or redstibuton Warranties and Liabilities ‘All warrantias given by Intrgraph Corporabon about quipment or software are set forth in the EULA provided withthe software ‘or applicable license forthe sofware product signed by iteraraph Corporation, and nothing stated in, or implied by. ths ‘docamant or is contents shal be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes {ne information ins publeation s accurate as of ts publication data ‘The information andthe sofware discussed inthis document aro subject to change withaut notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions Intergraph Cofpotation is nal responsible fr any err thal may appaar this document “The sofware discussed inthis documents fumisted undor a license and may be used or copied only in accordance witn the fois ofthis license. No responsibilty is assumed by Intergraph for the use o”relablty of sofware on equpment that s not, ‘suppl by Intergraph ors afiatod companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT. Intergraph isnot responsible fr the accuracy of delvered data including, But nat ime 19, caalog,refrence and symbot data Users should veny for themselves thatthe data is acewate and sulabe forthe project wexk Trademarks Inferarapn, the Interaraph logo, CADWorx, and CAESAR I are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation or | subsicarias nthe United States. and ether couninas. Mlerosot. and Windows ace registred tadamarks of Mlcrosont Corporation Oracle, JO Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Retek are regstered trademarks of Oracle Corporation, andor ts afiiates [AUIOCAD, ObjectARX and RealbWG are trademarks of Autodesk. HOOPS isa trademark of Tech Soft 30, LLC. Other brands, ‘and prodict names are trademarks oftheir respective ownes, CCADWor« Design Review contains Autodesk® RealDING by Autodesk, Inc, copyright © Autodesk, nc. All igh reserved ‘Autodesk, In. 111 Meinnis Parkway, San Ratee!, Calfoma 64903 (‘Autodesk’) sa third-party beneficisry fo tis Agreement to the exent that he Sofware Product containg ResiDWG, and to the extent that the provisions herein relate to Licensee's use of the Software Product contaning RealDIVG@ Such provsions are made expressly fr the benef of Autodesk, and ae enforceable by Autodesk in action to Intergrapn, Contents Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor What's New in Spec Eiitor... a “ a sonnel Keywords 9 Quick Access Toolbar - sone Status Bar “ oo - - sone Help. 12 New Catalog 13 New Project 14 Open 18 Save. 15 Save As, 16 Recent Files 16 About 16 Exit Spec Editor 16 Home Catalog Tab... 47 Clipboard Panel 7 Paste, 7 Copy 18 Cut oo 18 Other Editing Features 18 Undo 19 Remove Row. 19 Add Table Panel 19 Exit table features. 20 Size Table. 22 Material Table 24 Schedule Table 25 Thickness Table 7 EndType Table... 28 Category Table.. 30 Data Table... 30 Legacy Catalog Data Panel. 34 Import By Spec. 34 Import From Data File 35 Transfer Data Panel 37 Catalog Data 37 Project Data 38 Export Data Panel. 39 Export Table To Text Excel 40 View Catalog Tab: Display Panel... seneeld Catalog Data a CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 3 Contents Base Catalog Data Properties ‘Component Tables EndType Tables Home Project Tab Specification Panel ‘Add Specification. Edit Project Specs features Import AutoPLANT Data for a project. Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specs for a project Catalog Panel. Update From Catalog Review Table Links Legacy Specification Panel Import Legacy Specification Export Data Panel Export Specification To Text Excel Editing Panel Find and Replace View Project Tab.. Display Panel Project Specs Project Catalog Data BABAR SBSBRVV*SSIHRHSH F ERGS Properties Appendix Property Descriptions nnn senmnnnnnnnsnsennnTd Project Properties. nm ‘Specification Properties. nm Catalog Properties 72 Size Tables Properties 73 Material Tables Properties 73 ‘Schedule Tables Properties 74 Thickness Tables Properties. 75 EndType Tables Properties 75 Data Table Properties. 7 Index 4 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide SECTION 1 Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor ‘The CADWork Catalog and Specification Editor views, edits, and creates specifications and catalog data loaded with CADWorx. The Spec Editor also imports legacy data, and specs from all versions of CADWorx. IMPORTANT] Your project administrator needs to review and update the catalog (.cat) and project (pr) fil in the Spec Editor before modeling begins, Catalog File - Contains all the size, material, schedule, thickness, end type, category, and component data for all the components in CADWorx. This is a cat file, stored in the Spec folder, and can only be accessed through the Spec Editor. The catalog file works in conjunction with the project (pr) file to allow CADWorx to build models. ‘The areas highlighted in red are referenced throughout this manual. Windows such as the Catalog Data window are referenced by the window name, Please take a moment to get familiar with the interface. a i Ss Dom | 0 of O- pamm| OF oF | ge 2a) OF 7 eter ae ee f a3 Tabs andPaneis | |an Table Us Staws Bar maz ms mos mor mos noe om omz om ome oms CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 5 Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor The iew tab is explained in View Catalog Tab (on page 41). Project File - Contains the specifications for CADWorx. These specifications can be updated by changing the base catalog attached to the project. You can also update the individual components using the edit component dialog box. The project file is used in CADWorx to select, specifications and sizes when creating a new model. ‘The areas highlighted in red are referenced throughout this manual. Windows such as the Project Specs window are referenced by the window name. Please take a moment to get ‘familiar with the interface. The Component tab is the defauit tab when, you open the Main Spec List View. re Main List View EB hen. Cs 203 Catalog caro Specticibon Name Catig Path Messe Bore Thctnes Tale Name Mater Table Name Weight Factor Component Clas Temperature Raiog 10 Engtavinck TK mat CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor The iew tab is explained in View Project Tab (on page 65). What's New in Spec Editor Version 2013 R2 (13.2) This user's guide was created for the 2013 release of CADWorx. The following changes have been added for each subsequent release. Items added and updated with CADWorx Spec Editor 2013 R2 - January 2013: Program + You can now import AutoCAD Plant 3D catalogs using the Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data option. For more information, see import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data for a catalog (on page 21). + You can now import AutoCAD Plant 3D specifications to a project using the Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Spec option. For more information, see Import AutoCAD Plant 3D ‘Spees for a project (on page 57). + You can now review catalog data when updating a project ftom a catalog with the Review Update option. You can also use the Review Table Links option on the Catalog panel to review and update. For more information, see Catalog Panel (on page 60), Update From Catalog (on page 60), Review Update (on page 61), Review Table Links (on page 61), and Review Table Links Dialog Box (on page 61) + You can now review the catalog data between a catalog and its base catalog by selecting the Review Table Links option in the right-click menu, For more information, see Edit table features (on page 20) and Review Table Links Dialog Box (on page 61) + You can now setup the short description and tag formats for projects. For more information, see New Project (on page 14), Short Description Format Dialog Box (on page 66), Tag Format Dialog Box (on page 67), Long, Short, and Tag Format Dialog Boxes (on page 49), ‘Component SD Format (on page 50). Component Tag Format (on page 51), Add single new component to a spec (on page 51), New and Edit Component Fane (on page 47), Add Mutti ‘Component Pane (cn page 53), and Add multiple new comeonents to a spec (on page 53). All of these topics have been updated or acided to the manual. + You can now include a DAT file when importing legacy catalog data using the Import By ‘Spec option. This associates the DAT file part numbers with related components imported through a custom component field named USER_PART_NUMBER, For more information, see Data Table Properties (on page 77), all the components, Edit date table features (on page 33), and Import By Spec (on page 34). CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 7 Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor Manual + Updated AutoPLANT import location in the manual. There are now separate topics for Catalog and Project to clarify the Use Spec Catalog feature, For more information, see Edit table features (on page 20), Import AutoPLANT Data (on page 20), Edit Project Specs features (on page 55), and Import AutoPLANT Data for a project (on page 55) + Updated the Export Data panel topics. There are now separate topics for Export To Text Excel due to changes in the Ul. For more information, see Export Data Pane! (on page 63), Export Specification To Text Excel (on page 63), or Export Data Panel (on page 39), Export Table To Text Excel (on page 40). + Added information on the usage of the Quick Access toolbar. For more information, see Quick Access Toolbar (on page 11) + Added a right-click menu options topic for the Project Spec Features, For more information, see Edit Project Specs features (on page 55) + Added component images to the Data Tables Properties section. These are new images for R2. For more information, see Data Table Properties (on page 77). + Added endtype images to the EndType Tables Properties section. These are new images for R2, For more information, see EndType Tables Properties (on page 75) + Added a note for how the EndType property works in conjunction with a Data Table, For more information, see Data Table Properties (on page 77), all the components with end types, and New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47). Items added and updated with CADWorx Spec Editor 2013 R1 - July 2012: Program + You can now import AutoPlant specification and data using the Import AutoPLANT Data option. For more information, see Import AutoPLANT Data (on page 20) + You can now export data to an Excel or text document with the Export to Text Excel. For mere information, see Export Data Pane! (on page 39) and Export Table To Text Excel (on page 40). + You now can find and replace text in a project with the Find and Replace option. For more information, see Editing Panel (on page 63) and Find and Replace (on page 63). + You can now right-click in the Main List View and import legacy catalogs from a spec or data file, export to text or Excel, or Import AutoPLANT Data, For more information, see Edit table features (on page 20) Manual + The ETS Descriotion has been updated with more detailed information. For more information, see Common Component Properties (on page 78). + The Schedule table properties has been updated with more detailed information. For more information, see Schedule Tables Properties (on page 74). + The Gaskets, Bolts, and Welds section has been updated with more detailed information Each section is broken down into its own section and bolts has had new properties added, For more information, see Gaskets/Bolts/Welds (on page 89). CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor Keywords Keywords can be used in specification descriptions that allow information to be automatically inserted during placement of a component. Keywords can be used anywhere within the Tag, ‘Short Description, and Long Description fields. Keywords can also be used in the Index Code data file. Keywords are: + MAIN "RED SPEC = MAINTHK + REDTHK + LENGTH + BORE + MAINACT + REDACT + TAG + MAINDEC + REDDEC + MAINACTDEC. + REDACTDEC PIPETHK PIPETHKRED LINENUM ‘SPECINFONOMINALRATING + SPECINFOTEMPERATURE + SPECINFOPRESSURE + SPECINFOFLANGEFACE + SPECINFOPIPINGMATERIAL + SPECINFOFORGINGMATERIAL + SPECINFOFITTINGMATERIAL + SPECINFOGASKETMATERIAL + SPECINFOSTUDMATERIAL + SPECINFOBOLTMATERIAL + CWDBCODE ‘The keywords (BORE), {PIPETHK} and {PIPETHKRED} are calculated from the pipe data fle in the specification instead of the component's data file. For example, for a 4°x1" reducer, {PIPETHK) would get the values from the 4” pipe data file as listed in the specification, {PIPETHKRED} would get values from the 1” pipe data fle. A 4"x1" reducer with {MAINTHK} or {REDTHK} would get the keyword values from the reducer data file as listed in the specification Olet data files do not have any thickness values listed. Olet (MAINTHK} or {REDTHA} values are always read from the appropriate pipe data file. The {BORE} keyword is a calculation of the inside diameter of the main pipe size. Itis calculated using the following formula: {BORE} = [ (Pipe Outside Diameter of Main Size) - (2"Pipe Wall Thickness of Main Size) ] ‘Some ways in which keywords can be used are below: CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 9 Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor PIPE, (MAIN) {MAINTHK)" API-SL GR.B DSAW, PSL2 FLANGE, {MAIN} ANSI 150 RFWN {8ORE}" BORE ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 NIPPLE, PIPE {MAIN} x {LENGTH} XS ASTM A106 GR.B WELDOLET, {MAIN} (MAINTHK)" x {RED} (REDTHK}" ASTM A105, ASME B31.8 NALVE, PLUG {MAIN} ANS! 150 WE API 6D TWT {PIPETHK) API-SL GR B PIPE REG Le + GASKET, INSULATING KIT {MAIN} ANSI 600, RF, 8=(BORE}, PIKOTEK VCS WITH ZINC PLATED WASHERS, GRE INSULATING WASHERS AND SLEEVES + BOLT, STUD {MAIN} x LENGTH} ALLOY STEEL ASTM A193 CL 2A GR B7 W/2 HEX NUTS ASTM A194 CL 2B GR 2H (FOR {MAINDEC}" 150# FLG.) User Defined Keywords: User defined keywords are now associated with user defined columns in side Spee Editor and can be created in catalog tables and projects by Custom Data in Properties. Keyword Formatting: ‘The numeric values are formatted based on the SystemMeasure. The tables below explain the different formatting for each of the keywords, The AlphaSizeControl is read from the current configuration fle Keyword SystemMeasure - English/inch MAIN, RED AlphaSizeControl MAINACT, REDACT | AlphaSizeControl MAINDEC, REDDEC | Always 3 decimal places MAINACTDEC, [Always 3 decimal places REDACTDEC MAINTHK, REDTHK | Always 3 decimal places BORE, PIPETHK, Always 3 decimal places PIPETHKRED LENGTH Based on DIMLUNIT, DIMDEC, DIMLFAC SPEC Specification filename without extension Keyword SystemMeasure - English/inch MAIN, RED AlphaSizeControl MAINACT, REDACT |LUPREC and DIMZIN control number of decimals MAINDEC, REDDEC | Always 3 decimal places MAINACTDEC, Always 1 decimal places REDACTDEC MAINTHK, REDTHK [Always 1 decimal places 70 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor BORE, PIPETHK, Always 1 decimal places PIPETHKRED LENGTH Based on DIMLUNIT, DIMDEC, DIMLFAC ‘SPEC ‘Specification filename without extension Keyword ‘SystemMeasure - Metric/Metric MAIN, RED. AlphaSizeControl MAINACT, REDACT |AlphaSizeControl MAINDEC, REDDEC | Always 1 decimal places MAINACTDEC, [Always 1 decimal places REDACTDEC MAINTHK, REDTHK [Always 1 decimal places BORE, PIPETHK, [Always 1 decimal places PIPETHKRED LENGTH ‘Based on DIMLUNIT, DIMDEC, DIMLFAC SPEC Specification filename without extension Quick Access Toolbar sre uc Actas nour ects nin uperetransconerreto rte A) Al Main tools available Open - Opens the Open File dialog box and allows you to select a file to open Save - Saves the project or catalog that you are currently working in, Undo - Undoes the work you previously did in case you made a mistake. Redo - Redes the work you just did in case you changed your mind and wanted the information back ‘About - Dispiays the About box, which displays information about your copy of the software, including version number and the copyright, legal, and licensing notices. Customize Quick Access Toolbar - Enables you to add other features to the Quick Access Toolbar. Customize Quick Access Toolbar features New Catalog - Starts a new catalog. New Project - Starts a new project. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 17 Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor More Commands - Allows you to add commands in the Spec Exitor to the Quick Access toolbar with the Customize dialog box. ‘Show Below the Ribbon - Moves the Quick Access toolbar below the ribbon Minimize the Ribbon - Minimizes the ribbon, Status Bar Located at the bottom of the Spec Editer, displaying the word Ready and whether the caps lock (CAP), number lock (NUM), and scroll lock (SCRL) are on. There is no command for this bar. Help Click the question mark in the upper right corner of the Spec Editor to open the help file. @ Help - Displays the help fle 72 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide SECTION 2 File The File ‘menu commands are used to create, save, and open catalogs and projects in the specification editor. New Catalog - Creates a new catalog. For more EE) information, s2e New Cataiog (on page 13) New Project - Creates a new project. For more information, If | see New Project (on page 14) [Open - Opens previously created projects or catalogs. For more information, see Open (on page 15) information, see Save (on page 15), [Save As - Saves current project or catalog with a new Name. For more information, see Save As (on page 16). [ez [Save - Saves current project or catalog, For more Recent Files - Opens recently opened files. For more information, see Recent Files (on page 16). [About - Displays information about the Spec Editor. For more information, see About. Exit Spec Editor - Exits the Spec Editor. For more information, see Exit Spec Eaitor (on page 16). New Catalog § CADWor Spec Editor File: New Catalog af Creates anew catalog with a specific layout for sizes, thicknesses, materials, schedules, end types, and components for a customer. Name - Specifies the name of the new catalog. Type - Specifies the type of catalog. The following catalog options are available: + Company Catalog - Builds a catalog for a specific company. + Global Catalog - Builds a catalog for an entire industry. This catalog is the base catalog, Global catalogs are used when an entire industry, such as the oil industry, has all the same information, + Industry Catalog - Builds a catalog for a specific industry. Base Catalog - Specifies the catalog that this new catalog pulls its information from Description - Specifies the description of the catalog, Location - Specifies the folder where this catalog is saved CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 13 File Units - Specifies the units of measure that are to be used in this catalog. The following unit options are available: + MetriciMetric - Uses the metric system with metric input + English/Inch - Uses the imperial system with nominal inch input * MetriciInch - Uses the metric system with nominal inch input fe 1. Click File > New Catalog 1 The New Catalog dialog box displays 2. Type the name ofthe catalog in the Name box. 3, Select a catalog type from the Type list: Company Catalog, Global Catalog, or Industry Catalog 4. Fora company or industry catalog, click the Base Catalog ellipsis, select the necessary base catalog, and then click OK. For global catalogs, skip to step 5. Global Catalogs are the base catalog. 5, Type a description of the catalog in the Description box. 6. Define the location to save the new catalog. Click the Location ellipsis, select the necessary base catalog, and then click OK. 7. Select a unit type from the Units list: Englishiinch, Metric/Inch, or Metric/Metric. NOTE] The base catalog you select must use the same units you specify in the Units list. 8. Click OK to create the new catalog, The catalog list is created and displays under Catalog Data on the left side of the spec editor, in the Main List View. New Project % CADWorx Spec Editor File: New Project if Creates a new project enabling you to design specifications for companies or customers. Name - Specifies the name of the project Default Catalog - Specifies a defauit catalog to attach to the project, BOM type - Specifies the Bill of Material (BOM) type for the project. There are four material types: Fabrication, Erection, Offshore, and Miscellaneous. Long Desc Format - Specifies the long description format for the project. For more information see Long Descriction Format Dialog Box (on page 66) Part Number Format - Specifies the part number format for the project. For more information, see Part Number Format Dialog Box (on page 68) Short Desc Format - Specifies the short description format for the project. For more Information, see Short Description Format Dialog Box (on page 66). ‘Tag Format - Specifies the tag format for the project. For more information, see Tag Format Dialog Box (on page 67) Description - Specifies the description of the project. Location - Specifies the folder where this project is saved. 4 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide File 1. Click File > New Project i The New Project dialog box displays. ‘Type the name of the project in the Name box. Click the Default Catalog ellipsis, select the necessary catalog, and then click Open. Select the Bill of Material type from the BOM type list Click Long Desc Format, ecit the long description format, and then click OK. For more information, see Long Descristion Format Dialog Box (on page 66). 6. Click Part Number Format, ecit the part number format, and then click OK. For more information, see Part Number Format Dialog Box (on page 68). 7. Click Short Desc Format, edit the short description format, and then click OK. For more information, see Short Description Format Dialog Box (on page 68), 8, Click Tag Format, edit the tag format, and then click OK. For more information, see Tag Format Dialog Box (on page 67). 9, Type a description of the project in the Description box, 10. Click the Location ellipsis to browse, select a location to save the new project, and then click OK. 1. Click OK to create the project. The project is created and displays under Project Specs on the left side of the Spec Editor, in the Main List View. Open 5 CADWorx Spec Editor File: Open i) Opens an existing project or catalog. 1. Click File > Open 2 2. Select the project or catalog to open, and then click Open. [HoTE] f prompted to update the projec from the base catalog, select Yes or No. Selecting Yes updates the projet from the base catalog. Selecting No does not update the project from the base catalog. This prompt only happens when you have made a change to the base catalog The project or catalog opens for editing. Save cabin spe Eat Fe save EY ‘Saves the catalog or project changes. This command is only available if you make changes to a product or catalog, * Click File > Save & The project or catalog Is saved with the defined file name and location. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 5 Save As % CADWorx Spec Editor File: Save As & ‘Saves the catalog or project, but gives you the option to name or rename the file, and where the file is saved 1. Click File > Save As a) 2. Selecta fle location. 3. Type file name, and then click Save The catalog or project is saved with the new name or new location. Recent Files $% CADWorx Spec Editor File: Recent Files Provides a lst of previously opened fles, This command enables you to reopen files you have previously worked with, + Click File, and then select a Recent Files from the list The selected file opens. About % CADWorx Spec Editor File: About Displays the version and copyright date for the CADWorx Spec Editor. Exit Spec Editor 3 CADWorx Spec Editor File: Exit Spec Editor Exits the software + Click File, and then click Exit Spec Editor. If prompted to Save File, select Yes, No, or Cancel. The Spec Editor closes. 16 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide SECTION 3 Home Catalog Tab Gives you access to the features in an open catalog. Clipboard - Enables you to edit the fields within the Spec Editor. For more information, see Clipboard Panel (on page 17), ‘Add Table - Enables you to add tables to a catalog, For more information, see Add Table Panel (on page 18). Legacy Catalog Data - Enables you to import legacy data. For more information, see Legacy Catalog Data Panel (on page 34). Transfer Data - Enables you to transfer projector catalog data. For more information, see Transfer Data Panel (on age 37). Export Data Panel - Enables you to export data to either a text document or an Excel document. For more information, see Export Data Panel (on page 39). Clipboard Panel §% CADWor Spec Editor Home tab: Clipboard [Fh JPaste = Pastes text rom the clipboard into the projector ‘catalog. For more information, see Paste (on page 17) ‘Copy - Copies highlighted text from the project or catalog {text areas to the clipboard. For more information, see Copy (on page 18). % [Cut Cuts highlighted text from the project or catalog text| ‘areas and places it on the clipboard. For more information, see Cut (on page 18). Paste r 5© CADWerx Spec Editor Home tab: Clipboard > Paste G Keyboard: CTRL+V Pastes text into the project or catalog after using Cut (on page 18) or Copy (on page 18) + Right-click the row where you want the text, and then select Paste. Alternatively, click the £ Home tab, and then click Paste “| on the Clipboard panel CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab Copy Cut §% CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Clipboard > Copy G keyboard: CTRL+C Copies highlighted text from the project or catalog. Use Paste (on page 17) to place copied text + Highlight the text to be copied, right-click it, and then select Copy. Alternatively, click the Home tab, and then click Copy —) on the Clipboard panel Right click Copy in Catalog Data Copies a selected table to Catalog Data. + Selecta table to copy, rightclick it, and then select Copy. The table pastes below the previous table. [NOTE] This only works on the tables themselves and not on the table folders. Right click Copy in Project Specs Copies a selected specification to Project Specs. + Select a specification to copy, right click it, and then select Copy. The specification pastes at the end of the list of specifications. Copy information from Branch Table to another branch table. Copies a selected range of rows and columns from one branch table and enables you to paste it to another branch table 1. Select the range of rows and columns you want to copy, and then click Copy ‘Gon the Clipboard panel, 2. Open the specification within the same project or a different project, and then select the Branch tab. 3. Select the rows and columns where you want to paste the information, and then click Paste the information in the branch table. The branch table information pastes in the rows and columns selected. §© CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Clipboard > Cut * G Keyboard: CTRL+X Cuts highlighted text from the project or catalog. Use Paste (on page 17) to place cut text + Highlight the text to be cut, right-click it, and then select Cut. Alternatively, click the Home tab, and then click Cut °% on the Clipboard panel. Other Editing Features ‘These features can be used throughout the Spec Editor, but are not located on the Clipboard panel 18 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab Undo Undoes a change in the project or catalog, + Right-click the row in properties, and then select Undo. Undo is only available by right-clicking when in the Properties window, otherwise you must use the keyboard control [NOTE] Spec Editor supports Undo using CTRL+Z. Undo is not available on the Clipboard panel Remove Row Removes rows from the table. + Right-click the row to be removed, and then select Remove Row. [NOTE] Remove Row is only available by right-clicking on a row and is unavailable on the Clipboard panel, Add Table Panel 5© CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Add Table Enables you to create the information for a catalog. All options are disabled until you start a new. catalog or open an existing catalog. [CAUTION] The first row of each table must be filed out for the program to function properly [Size Table - Adds a new size table file to the Size Tables folder in Catalog Data. For more information, see Size Table (on page 22) Material Table - Adds a new material table file to the Material Tables folder in Catalog Data. For more information, see Material Table (on page 24). [Schedule Table - Adds a new schedule table file to the ‘Schedule Tables folder in Catalog Data. For more information, see Schedule Table (on page 25), Thickness Table - Adds a new thickness table file to the Thickness Tables folder in Catalog Data. For more information, see Thickness Table (on page 27) End Type Table - Adds a new endtype table fle to the End Type Tables folder in Catalog Data. For more information, /see EndType Table (on page 28). [Category Table - Adds a new category to the Data Tables folder in Catalog Data, For more information, see Category Table (on page 30). Data Table - Adds a data table file to a Data Tables selected category in Catalog Data. For more information, see Data Table (on page 30). CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 19 Home Catalog Tab Edit table features Right-click Menu Import CADWorx Legacy Catalog From Spec File - Imports legacy data from a specification For more information, see Import By Spec (on page 34). Import CADWorx Legacy Catalog From Data File - Imports legacy data from a data fil. For more information, see Import From Data File (on page 35). Import AutoPLANT Data - Imports data from AutoPLANT for use in CADWorx. For more information, see Import AutoPLANT Data (on page 20). Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data - Imports data from AutoCAD Plant 3D for use in CADWork. For more information, see import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data for a catalog (on page 21). Remove All Tables - Removes all of the tables from the selected table type folder. Open - Displays the selected component in the Main Table List View. Copy - See Copy (on page 18). Remove - Removes the selected component from the table list. Rename - Renames the selected component. Select the component to be renamed, and then, enter a new name Expand - Expands the selected list Collapse - Collapses the selected list. Expand All - Expands all the table lists. Collapse All - Collapses all the table lists. Properties - Displays the Properties view. Export To Text Excel- Exports data to a text document or Excel document. For more information, see Export Table To Text Excel (on page 40). ‘Add to base catalog - Adds the selected table file to the base catalog Commit to Base Catalog - Commits the changes to the table in the base catalog Update from Base Catalog - Updates the selected table with changes made to the base catalog Review Table Links - Enables you to check and change the details of the catalog from the base catalog, For more information, see Review Table Links Dialog Box (on page 61) Import AutoPLANT Data 5D Right-click on the catalog in the Main List View and select Import AutoPLANT Data Imporis data from an AutoPLANT catalog Import - Imports the AutoPLANT data. Close - Closes the Import AutoPLANT Catalog Data dialog box. Help - Displays the online help. AutoPLANT Data File Path - Specifies the location of the AutoPLANT data Tables - Specifies the AutoPLANT Data tables. 20 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab CADWorx Components Program Code - Displays the program code associated with the AutoPLANT data ‘Short Description - Displays a short description associated with the AutoPLANT data. Size - Displays the size associated with the component for the AutoPLANT data. Double clicking the Size box displays a drop down that allows you to select or deselect sizes, ‘Schedule - Displays the schedule for the program code for the AutoPLANT component. Double clicking the Schedule box displays a drop dow that allows you to select or deselect schedule data Rating - Displays the rating of the program code for the AutoPLANT component. Double clicking the Rating box displays a drop down that allows you to select or deselect rating data Select / deselect all - Selects and deselects all check boxes in the CADWorx Components, box 1. Right-click on the catalog in the Main List View and select Import AutoPLANT Data The Import AutoPLANT Catalog Data dialog box displays. 2. Click the File Path ellipsis under AutoPLANT Data The Open dialog box displays. 3. Select the AutoPLANT data for import and click Open. Select a table from the Tables list. 5, Select a Program Code by clicking the check box. [NoTEs) + Youcan use the Select / deselect all check box to select all the program codes under CADWorx Components. + You can also change the Size, Schedule, or Rating by double clicking the boxes under each heading, 6. Click Import. 7. Click OK. You can view a log file of the details for the conversion by clicking View Log File. Imports the AutoPLANT data Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data for a catalog © Right-click the catalog in the Main List View, and select Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data Imports data from an AutoCAD Plant 3D catalog Import - Imports the AuloGAD Plant 3D data Close - Closes the Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Catalog Data dialog box. Help - Displays the online help. AutoCAD Plant 3D Data File Path - Specifies the location of the AutoPLANT data ‘Source Unit - Specifies the source unit being used for the import. The unit of the target catalog is the only unit available and when the Plant 3D catalog is selected the Source Unit list becomes unavailable. If there are no components related to the Source Unit in the catalog you select, then the CADWorx Components box remains empty. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 24 Home Catalog Tab CADWorx Components Component Type - Displays a list of the components in the AutoCAD Plant data. Long Description - Displays a long description associated with the AutoCAD Plant data Select / deselect all - Selects and deselects all check boxes in the CADWorx Components box Right-click Menu Check group - Enables you to check @ component group under Component Type without exeanding the group. Uncheck group - Enables you to uncheck a component group under Component Type without expanding the group. Expand all groups - Enables you to expand al the groups without having to select the plus sign, Collapse all groups - Enables you to collapse all the groups without having to select the plus sign’ 1. Right-click the catalog in the Main List View, and select Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data The Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Catalog Data dialog box displays, 2. Click the File Path ellipsis under AutoCAD Plant 3D Data The Open dialog box displays. 3. Select the AutoCAD Plant data for import, and click Open. 4, Click the plus sign to expand the Component Type, and then click the check box for the component you want to add [TIP] You can use the Select / deselect all check box to select all the groups under CADWorx Components, 5. Click Import. 6. Click OK. You can view a log file of the details for the conversion by clicking View Log File. CADWorx imports the AutoCAD Piant 3D catalog. Size Table ie 5 CADWerx Spec Editor Home tab: Add Table > Size Table 9 Adds anew size table file to the Size Tables folder in Catalog Data. The size table records the nominal size and outside diameter (OD) data for all the components used with CADWorx. You can use this command to create different size tables for use in CADWorx Name - Specifies the table name, There are no restrictions to what you can name the table. Description - Specifies the description of the table. There are no restrictions to how you can describe the table. Default Part Number - Specifies the default part number for the table. This ean be changed Current Units - Specifies the unit of measure for the size table. This cannot be changed 22 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab Size Table Fields NOM - Specifies the nominal size of the component. OD - Specifies the outside diameter and the actual size of the component. Description - Specifies the size description of the component. PTN - Specifies the part number of the size. What do you want to do? "Add a new size table (on page 23) + Eat size table (on page 24) Add a new size table 1. ck te Home a, and tan ck ste Table SO on ne ada Table panel Aternavey, “ight sick Size Tables in Catalog Data, an tren select Ad Size Table The New Size Table dialog box displays. 2, Type the name of the table in the Name box. ‘Type the description of the table in the Description box. 4, Change or accept the Default Part Number. [WOTE] The Current Units box should already contain the units curently associated with the open catalog, You should not be able to change the contents of his box 5. Click OK The new size table displays in the Main Table List View with the description you typed at the top left. The size table is also added to Catalog Data under the Size Tables folder. 6. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Add Standard Size 1. Right-click in the Main Table List View, and then click Add Standard Size. For mainsize instead of standard size, see Add MAINSIZE (on page 29) The Select size from template dialog box displays. NOTE] No standard sizes can be added if all standard sizes are already included in the selected size table. 2. Select the sizes that you need to add, and then click OK. Use the Select / deselect all check box to select or deselect al sizes. The sizes selected are displayed in the Main Table List View. 3. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Add New Size 1. Right-click the Main Table List View, and then click Add New Size. An empty box is displayed with the options to enter NOM, OD, DESCRIPTION, and PTN. 2. Type the necessary information in each box, pressing the TAB key to navigate to the next box. 3. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 23 Home Catalog Tab Edit size table 1. Select the size table file under Size Tables in Catalog Data. The table displays to the right of the Catalog Data in the Main Table List View. 2. Select a row or box to edit 3. Enter the changes, or right-click the table and use Remove Row, Cut, Copy, or Paste to edit The change is made. 4, Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, See Also Remove Row (on page 19) Cut (on page 18) Copy (on page 18) Paste (on page 17) Material Table 5 CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Add Table > Material Table & ‘Adds a new material table file to the Material Tables folder in Catalog Data. The material table records the specs data for all the components used with CADWorx. You can use this command to create different material tables for use in CADWorx Name - Specifies the table name. There are no restrictions to what you can name the table Description - Specifies the description of the table. There are no description restrictions. Material Table Fields ‘Spec - Specifies the material. Grade - Specifies the material grade. Composition - Specifies the material composition Density - Specifies the material density. Comptypes - Specifies the applicable component types. PTN - Specifies the part number of the material Add a new material table a) right-click Material Tables in Catalog Data, and then select Add Material Table The New Material Table dialog box displays. 2. Type the name of the table in the Name box. ‘Type the description of the table in the Description box. 4, Click OK. The new material table displays in the Main Table List View with the descriotion you typed at the top left, and is also added to Catalog Data under the Material Tables folder. 24 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab 5. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Insert Row 1. Right-click the Main Table List View, and then click Insert Row. An empty box is displayed with the options to enter SPEC, GRADE, COMPOSITION, COMPTYPES, DENSITY, and PTN. 2. Type the information in each box, pressing the TAB key to navigate to the next box 3. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Edit material table 1. Select the material table file under Material Tables in Catalog Data The table displays to the right of Catalog Data in the Main Table List View. 2. Select a row or box to edit, 3, Enter the change, or right-click the table and use Remove Row, Cut, Copy, or Paste to edit. The change is made. 4, Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, See Also Remove Row (on page 19) Cut (on page 18) Copy (on page 18) Paste (on page 17) Schedule Table © CADWorx Spec Eattor Home tab: Add Table > Schedule Table ‘Adds a new schedlule table file to the Schedule Tables folder in Catalog Data. The schedule table records the schedule data for all components used with CADWorx. You can use this command to create different schedule tables for use in CADWork Name - Specifies the table name. There are no restrictions to what you can name the table. Default Part Number - Specifies the default part number for the table, This ean be changed, Description - Specifies the description of the table. There are no descristion restrictions. ‘Schedule Table Fields ‘SCH - Specifies the schedule for the component. PTN - Specifies the part number for the component. What do you want to do? + Add @ new schedule tabie (on page 26) + Edit schedule table (on page 26) CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 25 Home Catalog Tab Add a new schedule table 1. Click the Home tab, and then click Schedule Table — 7" on the Add Table panel Alternatively, rightclick Schedule Tables in Catalog Data, anc then select Add Schedule Table oa The New Schedule Table dialog box displays. ‘Type the name of the table in the Name box. Change or accept the Default Part Number. Type the description of the table in the Description box. Click OK, The new schedule table displays in the Main Table List View with the description you typed in at the top left. The new schedule is also added to Catalog Data under the Schedule Tables folder. 6. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Add Schedule ‘Adds a schedule to the Schedule Table file in the Main Table List View. Standard Items - Specifies the types of schedules you can add Selected Items - Specifies the types of schedules you have added. 4. Right-click the Main Table List View, and then click Add Schedule. The Add Schedule Items dialog box disolays. 2. Select a schedule item from the Standard Items list, and then click the Add arrow to add the item to the Selected Items list ‘ou can select multiple items by holding the SHIFT or CTRL key down, and then selecting multiple items. Also, you can add new items by clicking New (2) or delete an added item by clicking Delete *. To move an item up and down in the list, simply select it and use the Up * and Down + arrows to the side. 3. When all the items are added, click OK. The schedule items are added to the list. 4. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Edit schedule table 1. Select the schedule table file under Schedule Tables in Catalog Data. The table displays to the right of Catalog Data, in the Main Table List View. 2. Select a row or box to edit 3. Enter the change, or right-click the table and use Remove Row, Cut, Copy, or Paste to ecit The change is made. 4. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog See Also Remove Row (on page 19) Cut (on page 18) Copy (on page 18) Paste (on page 17) 26 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab Thickness Table § CADWor Spec Editor Home tab: Add Table > Thickness Table © Adds a new thickness table file to the Thickness Tables folder in Catalog Data. The thickness table records the thickness data for all the components used with CADWorx. You can use this, command to create different thickness tables for use in CADWorx. Name - Specifies the table name, There are no restrictions to what you can name the table. Size Table - Specifies the size table attached to the thickness table, Schedule Table - Specifies the schedule table attached to the thickness table. Description - Specifies the description ofthe table. There are no description restrictions. Thickness Table Fields. NOM - Specifies the nominal size of the component supplied by the size table. Other numbers - The other numbers in the thickness table are pulled from the schedule table and represent the schedule of the thickness. What do you want to do? + Add a new thickness table (on page 27) + Edit thickness table (on page 27) Add a new thickness table 1, Click the Home tab, and then click Thickness Table ©) on the Add Table panel Alternatively, right-click Thickness Tables in Catalog Data, and then select Add Thickness Table ©* The Thickness Table dialog box displays. Type the name of the table in the Name box. Select the size table from the Size Table lis. Select the schedule table from the Schedule Table list ‘Type the description of the table in the Description box. The new thickness table displays in the Main Table List View with the descrigtion you typed inat the top left. The thickness table is also added to Catalog Data under the Thickness Tables folder. 6. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog [HOTE] The new table brings in all the nominal sizes from the size table, and the schedule ‘numbers from the schedule table, emphasizing the thickness of each component according to its schedule Edit thickness table 1. Select the thickness table file under Thickness Tables in Catalog Data The table displays to the right of Catalog Data, in the Main Table List View. 2. Select a row or box to edit CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 27 Home Catalog Tab End 3. Enter the change, or right-click the table and use Cut, Copy, or Paste to ecit The change is made. 4, Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, NOTE] Thickness table rows can be removed by removing the associated nominal size inside the associated size table. See Also Cut (on page 18) Copy (on page 18) Paste (on page 17) Type Table 5% CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Add Table > End Type Table ca ‘Adds a new endtype table fle to the EndType Tables folder in Catalog Data. The endtype table records end types data for all the components used with CADWorx. You can use this command to create different endtype tables for use in CADWorx Name - Specifies the table name, There are no restrictions to what you can name the table. ‘Type - Specifies the end type applied to the table. Size Table - Spetifies the size table attached to the thickness table. Part Number - Specifies the part number assigned to the table Description - Specifies the description of the table. There are no descristion restrictions. EndType Table Fields Mainsize - Specifies the main size of the component. OAL - Specifies the overall length. FLGTBL - Specifies the flange table. FACELEN - Specifies the face length CFD - Specifies the connection face diameter. FFD - Specifies the face diameter. CHD - Specifies the connection hub diameter. FHD - Specifies the face hub diameter PENGLEN - Specifies the pipe engagement length. CPENGD - Specifies the connection pipe engagement diameter. FPENGD - Specifies the face pipe engagement diameter. For more information, see EndType Tables folder (on page 42) What do you want to do? + Add a new enatype table (on page 29) "Edit endtype table (on page 29) 28 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab Add a new endtype table 1. Click the Home tab, and then click EndType Table or on the Add Table panel Alternatively, right-click EndType Tables in Catalog Data, and then select Add EndType Table | The New EndType Table dialog box displays. Type the name of the new table in the Name box Select the end type from the Type list. 4. Select the size table from the Size Table list. Clicking the Size Table ellipsis enables you to select the main size(s) for this endtype. table. Alternatively, use Add MAINSIZE in the Main Table List View. Type a part number in the Part Number box. ‘Type the description of the table in the Description box. Click OK. The new endtype table displays in the Main Table List View with the description you typed in at the top left The endtype table is also added to Catalog Data under the EndType Tables folder. 8, Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Add MAINSIZE Right-click the Main Table List View, and then click Add MAINSIZE. The Select size dialog box displays. 2. Select the sizes to add, and then click OK. [TIP] Use the Select / deselect all check box to select or deselect all sizes. The sizes selected are displayed in the Main Table List View. 3. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Add New MAINSIZE 1. Right-click the Main Table List View, and then click Add New MAINSIZE. ‘An empty box is displayed. 2. Type the information in the applicable columns, using the TAB key to navigate to the next box 3. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Edit endtype table Select the end type table file under EndType Tables in Catalog Data The table displays to the right of Catalog Data, in the Main Table List View. Select a row or box to edit. Enter the change, of right-click the table and use Remove Row, Cut, Copy, or Paste to edit The change is made. 4. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog For more information, see EndType Tables (on page 44), See Also Remove Row (on page 19) Cut (on page 18) Copy (on page 18) Paste (on page 17) CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 28 Home Catalog Tab Category Table 5© CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Add Table > Category Table fill ‘Adds a new category to the Data Tables folder in Catalog Data. For more information, see Data Tables folder (on page 42) Category - Specifies the component category to be added. Description - Specifies the description of the category. There are no description restrictions. NOTE] When adding a category, the data tables folder must be either empty or missing a category. You cannot add multiple categories of the same component type. Su 1, Click the Home tab, and then click Category Table fifi) in the Add Table panel. Alternatively, right-click Data Tables in Catalog Data, and then select Add Category #2208. The Add Category dialog box displays. 2. Click the Category lst, and then select a category to aca. ‘Type a description of the category in the Description box 4. Click OK. The new category is added to the Data Tables folder in Catalog Data. 5. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, Data Table LL, 5 CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Add Table > Data Table ‘Adds a data table to a Data Tables specific selected category in Catalog Data. This option is only available when categories have been previously created, and a particular category must be selected. For more information, see Data Tables folder (on page 42) Name - Specifies the table name. There are no restrictions to what you can name the table. ‘Type - Specifies the end type applied to the table Size Table - Specifies the size table attached to the thickness table. Default EndType - Specifies the end type for the table + Start - Specifies the end type forthe start point of the component. + End - Specifies the end type for the end point of the component + Left - Specifies the end type for the left branch of the component, + Right - Specifies the end type for the right branch of the component. Part Number - Specifies the part number assigned to the table Description - Specifies the description ofthe table, There are no description restrictions [NOTE] For descriptions of each column and category, see Data Table Properties (on page 77) What do you want to do? + Add a new data table (on page 31) + Add new user shape (on page 31) "Add new topworks table (on page 32) + Eat data table features (on page 33) 30 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab Add a new data table 1. Click the (+) sign on the Data Tables folder in Catalog Data The Data Tables folder expands displaying the categories. 2. Select a category & 3. Click the Home tab, and then click Data 1" on the Add Tables panel. Alternatively, fightclek a ctegoryin Data Tables in Catalog Data, and then select Add Data Table ae The New Data Table dialog box displays. 4. Type the name of the new data table in the Name box 5. Click the Type list, and then select the type. [WOTE] The contents of the list depend on the category you chose at the beginning of these steps. 6. Click the Size Table list, and then select a size table. Next, click the Size Table ellipsis, select the sizes to add from the Select Size list, and then click OK. [HIP] Use the Select / deselect all check box to select or deselect all sizes. 7. To apply the same end type on all ends, click the Apply same end-type on all ends check-box. 8, Click the Start list, and then select a start end type for the component. Click the End, Left, and Right lsis, and then select the necessary end types. 9. Type the part number in the Part Number box. 40. Enter 2 description of the table in the Description box 11. Click OK. The new data table appears in the Main Table List View with the name in the upcer left comer, and is also displayed in Catalog Data under the category you selected at the beginning of this process. 12. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog. See Also Add MAINSIZE (on page 28) ‘Add New MAINSIZE (on page 29) Component Tables (on page 44) Add new user shape ‘Adds a user shape to the specification. NOTE] If Spec Editor is already displayed skip to step 2 1. Click Start Spec Editor (2 on the spec view palette. Alternatively, click Spec Editor on the desktop. The Specification Editor software opens. 2. Click File > Open. The Open File dialog box displays. 3. Select a catalog, and then click Open The Catalog Data window displays. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 31 Home Catalog Tab 4. Click the (+) sign on the Data Tables folder The Data Tables list aisplays. a 5. Right-click User Shapes, and select Add Data Table O The New Usershape Table displays. 6. Type the name ofthe table in the Name box. 7. Select a user type in the Type list. 8, Select a size table in the Size Table lst [TIP] You can select and clear multiple sizes by clicking the Size Table ellipsis. 9. Select the Reducing Component check box if you want this to be a reducing component. 10. Type the user shape folder name in the Usershape Folder box. ‘1. Type the part number in the Part Number box 12. Type the description of the user shape in the Descri 13. Click OK. The user shape fle appears under the User Shape category in the Data Tables folder, and also to the right of Catalog Data, in the Main Table List View. 14. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog. [NOTE] You can now enter information for the specifics of the user shape that you have added to this specification catalog. For more information, see Add a new data table in CADWorx Spec Ecitor User's Guide tion box. See Also Add MAINSIZE (on page 29) ‘Add New MAINSIZE (on page 29) Add new topworks table 1. Click the (+) sign on the Data Tables folder in Catalog Data The Data Tables file expands displaying the categories. 2. Select Topworks 3. Cle the Home tab, and then eek Data BY” onthe Add Table panel. Atermatvely, right-click Topworks in Catalog Data, and then select Add Data Table The New Topworks Table dialog box displays. 4. Type the name of the new topworks table in the Name box. 5. Click the Type list, ang then select the type. 6. Click the Size Table list, and then select a size table. Next, click the Size Table elliosis, select the sizes to add from the Select Size list, and then click OK. 7. Enter a description of the table in the Description box. 8 Click OK The new topworks table appears in the Main Table List View with the name of the table in the upper left comer, and in the Catalog Data under the category you selected in the Data Tables folder. 9. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog. 32 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab See Also Add MAINSIZE (on page 28) ‘Add New MAINSIZE (on page 29) Edit data table features Right-click Menu ‘Add User Part Number Column - Automatically adds the User Part Number Column which can be used to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s to component data Remove All Tables - Removes all the data tables from the catalog [WOTE] All data tables must be removed, before the enctype tables can be removed. Open - Displays the selected component in the Main Table List View. Copy - See Copy (on page 18) Remove - Removes the selected component from the data table list. Rename - Renames the selected component. Select the component to be renamed, and then enter a new name Expand - Expands the data table list Collapse - Collapses the data table is. Expand Alll - Expands all the table lists. Collapse All - Collapses all the table lists, Properties - Displays the Properties view. ‘Add to base catalog - Adds the selected table file to the base catalog Commit to Base Catalog - Commits the changes to the category to the base catalog Update from Base Catalog - Updates the selected category with changes made to the base catalog For more information, see Component Tabies (on page 44). Right-click Menu Main Table List View ‘Add MAINSIZE - Adds a main size. For more information, see Add MAINSIZE (on page 29), ‘Add New MAINSIZE - Adds a new main size. For more information, see Add New MAINSIZE (on page 29). Remove Row - See Remove Row (on page 19). Cut - See Cut (on page 18). Copy - See Copy (on page 18) Paste - See Paste (on page 17) ‘Show Required - Displays the required information ‘Show Enhancement - Displays the enhancements. ‘Show User - Displays the user information CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 33 Home Catalog Tab Legacy Catalog Data Panel $© CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Legacy Data Imports legacy data to the Spec Editor. You can import legacy data by Spec or from Data files. Import By Spec - Imports legacy data from a specification. For more information, see Import By Spec (on page 34) Import From Data File - Imports legacy data from a file. For more information, see Import From Data File (on page 35) Import By Spec i} 8 cADWorx Spes Editor Home tab: Legacy Catalog Data > Import By Spec {J Imports legacy data from a specification, Specification File - Specifies the specification file for import. Library Folder - Specifies the location for the legacy components folder for import. This must be located in the legacy CADWorx folders. ‘Topworks Folder - Specifies the location for the topworks folder for import. This must be located in the legacy CADWork folders. DatabaseCodes File - Specifies the legacy database code DAT fie for the import [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported ‘rom the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN}s by right clicking the data table and selecting Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled. If you do not select a DatabaseCodes File you receive a message informing you the the User Part Number field is not going to be created. Click Cancel to go back and add one or click OK to continue Size Table - Specifies the size table for the import, Data Files - Specifies the imported spec information. + Path - Specifies the path for the legacy spec + Status - Specifies the status of the imported spec. If Status is Missing then the incorrect, Library Folder was selected Import - Imports the legacy data. View Log File - Displays the log file for the legacy import. Bg 1. Clik the Home tab, and then click Import By Spec {1 on the Legacy Catalog Data Panel. The Import Legacy Data From Spec dialog box displays, 2. Under Souree, click the Specification File ellipsis, The Open dialog box displays. 3. Select a legacy spec file to import, and then click Open The Data Files box fils with the legacy spec data. 34 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab 4. Click the Library Folder ellipsis. The Browse For Folder dialog box displays. 5. Select the legacy folder that contains the data fle for the spec, and then click OK 6. Click the Topworks Folder ellipsis. The Browse For Folder dialog box displays. 7. Select the legacy folder that contains the topworks data fle for the spec, and then click OK. 8. Click the DatabaseCodes File ellipsis. The Open dialog box displays. 9. Select the legacy database code DAT file for the import, and then click Open. [WOTE] 1f you do not select one you are informed by a message when you click Import and can either click OK to continue or click Cancel to go back and add one The DatabaseCodes File box fills with the DAT fle. See the note above for more information. 10. Click the Size Table list, and then select a size table. 11. Select the data files you want to import from the Data Files box, and then click OK. Alternatively, select the Select / deselect all check box to select all legacy data in the Data Files dialog box. 12. Click Import [WOTE] You get one of two responses: either No files were converted, or [Number] files were converted. 18. Click OK on either message you receive. 14, When finished with the import, cick Close. 18. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog. [ips] + For detailed information about the contents that were, or were not converted, click View Log File. * You can double click any of the data files in the Data Files dialog box to view its information in notepad Import From Data File 88 5 cADWorx Spec Eeitor Home tab: Legacy Catalog Data > Import From Data File [)” Imports legacy data from a file. ‘Add Files |" - Imports legacy data using chosen fies. ‘Add Folder ‘= - Imports legacy data using chosen folders. Delete % - Deletes a selected source from the Source Files box. Source Files - Specifies the selected files or folders for import. Converted Files - Specifies the files converted after import. Size Table - Specifies the size table for validation of import. By Column Count - Specifies all the data file types for each source in the Source File box. By Column Name - Specifies the data files for the source file you have selected. Select Data File Type - Specifies the component type for the specification import Import - Imports the legacy data CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 35 Home Catalog Tab View Log File - Displays the log file for the legacy import. ‘There are two options for importing data from the data files. Use Add Files, or Add Folder. depending on what kind of data you want to import Import using Add Files LE 1, Click the Home tab, and then click Import From Data File |)” on the Legacy Data pane. The Import Legacy Data From File dialog box displays. 2. Click Add Files (1, The Open dialog box displays. 3, Select a legacy file spec to import, and click Open, The file displays in the Source Files box. 4, Select a source file, and then under Validation, select a size table from the Size Table list. The data file type displays in the Select Data File Type box. Selecting By Column Name or By Column Count determines how information is displayed in the Select Data File Type box. Selecting By Column Count cisplays all the data file types for each source in the Source File box. Alternatively, selecting By Column Name only displays the data files for the source file you have selected. Some selections in Source Files do not have data fle information 5. Select a data fle type from the Select Data File Type box. [NOTE] Only one data fle type can be selected at a time. The data fle type needs to be set for each source fie listed in the source flles box. 6. Click Import. The converted file displays in the Converted Files box. [NOTE] These steps can be repeated without having to close the dialog box. 7. Click Close when finished 8. Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, (ips) + To see why something was not converted, or what, where, and when it was converted, click View Log File. + You can double click any of the data files in the Source Files dialog box to view its information in notepad Import using Add Folders as 1. Click the Home tab, and then click Import From Data File |!” on the Legacy Catalog Data panel. The Import Legacy Data From File dialog box displays. 2. Click Add Folder 7. The Browse For Folder dialog box displays. 3. Select a legacy folder to import, and then click Open The entire folder displays in the Source Files box. 4, Select a source file, and then under Validation, select a size table from the Size Table list. 36 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab The data file type displays in the Select Data File Type box. Selecting By Column Name or By Column Count determines how information is displayed in the Select Data File Type box. Selecting By Column Count displays all the data file types for each source in the Source File box. Alternatively, selecting By Column Name only displays the data files for the source file you have selected. Some selections in Source Files do not have data fle information. If you need to delete a fle from Source Files simply select the file, and then click Delete #%. The file no longer displays in source files. 5, Select a data fle type from the Select Data File Type box. NOTE] Only one data file type can be selected at a time. The data fle type needs to be set for each source fil listed in the source files box. 6. Click Import The converted file displays in the Converted Files box. [WOTE] These steps can be repeated without having to close the dialog box. 7. Click Close when finished 8, Click File > Save to save the changes to the catalog, TIPS] + To see why something was not converted, or what, where, and when it was converted, click View Log File. + Youcan double click any of the data fles in the Source Files dialog box to view its information in notepad Transfer Data Panel © CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Transfer Data Enables you to transfer data from one catalog to another catalog, or from one project to another project. ‘=p)EG | Catalog Data - Copies data from one catalog to another 8 |catalog. For example, the source catalog data can be copied to the target catalog. For more information, see Catalog Data (on page 37). Project Data - Copies data from one project to another project. For example, the source project data can be copied to the target project. For more information, see Project Deta (on page 38). Catalog Data ht =5a %® CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Transfer Data > Catalog Data BS Copies data from one catalog to another catalog. For example, the source catalog data can be copied to the target catalog. Source - Specifies where the information to be transferred comes from. ‘Target - Specifies where the information is transferred CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 37 Home Catalog Tab 1. Click the Home tab, and then click Catalog Data B& on the Transfer Data panel NOTE] Data transfers for projects and catalogs can be conducted while working in a catalog or a project, The Would you like to use the current catalog for target? dialog box displays. [WOTE] This only displays when you have a catalog open 2. Select Yes to use the current catalog OR Select No to use a different catalog The Transfer Catalog Data dialog box displays. 3. Click Open ® next to the small Source box. The Open dialog box displays. 4. Select a catalog to copy data from, and then click Open. The data displays in the large and small Source boxes. 5. Select New BE to transfer to a new catalog, The New Catalog dialog box. Complete using the information in New Catalog (on page 13). oR Select Open “®, next to the small Target box, to transfer to an existing catalog The Open dialog box displays depending on your selection. Select the source catalog and then click Open The data displays in the small and large Target boxes. 6. Click and drag the table file information from the Source box to the Target box Alternatively, you can right-click a source, and then Copy/Paste the source into the Target, box. 7. Click Save bl to save the changes. 8. Click Close when finished Project Data », 53 CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Transfer Data > Project Data &. il Copies data from one project to another project. For example, the source project data is copied to the target project. Source - Specifies where the information comes from for the project transfer. Target - Specifies where the information goes to for the project transfer. ili 1. Click the Home tab, and then click Project Data l.!""" in the Transfer Data panel, [NOTE] Data transfers for projects and catalogs can be conducted while working in a catalog or a project. The Would you like to use the current project for target? dialog box asplays [WOTE] This only displays when you have a project open 2. Select Yes to use the current project. 38 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Catalog Tab oR Select No to use a different project. The Transfer Project Data dialog box displays. 3. Click Open i next to the small Source box. The Open dialog box displays. 4. Select a project to copy data from, and then lick Open. The data displays in the large and small Source boxes. 5. Select New fl! to create and transfer to a new project, The New Project dialog box. Complete using the information in New Project (on page 14). oR Select Open |? next to the small Target box, to transfer to an existing project The Open dialog box displays. Select the source project, and then click Open The data displays in the small and large Target boxes. 6. Click and drag the specification information from the Source box to the Target box Components can be copied from the loaded source project to the loaded target project by dragging or by using right-click Copy/Paste functionality across the component listings. Target project components can be deleted by selecting the applicable component with right-click and Delete, or by pressing DELETE. 7. Click Save fl to save the changes. 8 Click Close when finished The CADWorx Spec Editor dialog box displays, teling you the project has been modified outside the application, and asking if you would like to reload it. 9. Click OK to load oR Click Cancel to exit, The CADWorx Spec Editor dialog box displays when you click OK, asking if you would like to load from the base catalog. 10. Click Yes to load base catalog. oR Click No to not load the base catalog The project reloads with the changes. 11, Click File > Save to save the changes to the project Export Data Panel §% CADWorx Spec Editor Home Catalog tab: Export Data Exports data to a text document or an Excel document. og Export Table To Text Excel - Exports the table selected to Ja text document, For more information, see Export Table To Text Excel (on page 40). CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 38 Home Catalog Tab Export Table To Text Excel 8 cADWorx Spec Ector Home tab: Export Data > Export Table To Text Bxcat OAS Exports data from the selected table to a text document. 1 Open eatag fl, ad hen ele! atabe B 2. On the Home tab, click Export Table To Text Excel DES onthe Export Data panel Alternatively, right-click and select Export Table To Text Excel The Save As dialog box displays. 3. Inthe Save As Type list, select Text Files (*.txt) or Excel Files (*.xI5). 4. Select or create a folder to save the document, and then click Save. The text document saves to the selected folder. [MOTE] To view the document, open it in Windows Explorer. 40 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide SECTION 4 View Catalog Tab Select a check box to open each window. Display - Displays the Catalog Data, Base Catalog Data, Properties, Component Table, and EndType Tables ‘windows. For more information, see Display Panel (on page 41). Display Panel S CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display Enables you to view the following windows. Catalog Data - Displays all the data loaded in a catalog, and enables you to manipulate the data. For more information, see Catalog Date (on page 41). Base Catalog Data - Displays all the information in the base catalog. For more information, see Base Catalog Data (on page 43). Properties - Displays the properties of all the data in the catalog, For more information, see Properties (on page 43). ‘Component Tables - Lists all the components by table name and version. For more information, see Component Tables (on page 44). EndType Tables - Lists ofall the end types by table name and version. For more information, see EndType Tables (on page 44) Catalog Data % CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Catalog Data Displays all the data loaded in a catalog, and enables you to manipulate the data. Catalog Data displays when an existing catalog is opened or a new catalog is made. For more information on the folders contained in Catalog Data, see the following six topics. Selecting Catalog Data hides or displays the Catalog Data View. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide at View Catalog Tab Size Tables folder Contains all the size data for the components in CADWerx. You can manipulate the size data by adding new size tables, and by changing existing size tables. Size tables can be opened, deleted, and added in Catalog Data, by right-clicking the file or table, and then using the menu that displays. For more information, see Size Table (on page 22). Material Tables folder Contains all the material data for the components in CADWorx. You can manipulate the material data by adding new material tables, and by changing existing material tables. Material tables can be opened, deleted, and added in Catalog Data, by right-clicking the fle or table, and then using the menu that displays. For more information, see Material Table (on page 24), Schedule Tables folder Contains all the schedule data for the components in CADWorx. You can manipulate the schedule data by adding new schedule tables, and by changing existing schedule tables. ‘Schedule tables can be opened, deleted, and added in Catalog Data, by right-clicking the file or table, and then using the menu that displays. For more information, see Schedule Table (on page 25). Thickness Tables folder Contains all the thickness data for the components in CADWorx. You can manipulate the thickness data by adding new thickness tables, and by changing existing thickness tables Thickness tables can be opened, deleted, and added in Catalog Data, by right-clicking the file or table, and then using the menu that displays. For more information, see Thickness Table (on page 27). EndType Tables folder Contains all the end type data for the components in CADWorx. You can manipulate the end type data by adding new end type tables, and by changing existing enctype tables. Endtype tables can be opened, deleted, and added in Catalog Data, by right-clicking the file or table, and then using the menu that displays. For more information, see EndType Table (on page 28). Data Tables folder Contains all the category and component data for the components in CADWorx. You can manipulate the category and component data by adding new data tables and categories, and by changing existing data tables and categories. Data tables can be opened, deleted, and added in Catalog Data, by right-clicking the file or table, and then using the menu that displays. For more information, see Data Table (on page 20). 42 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide View Catalog Tab Base Catalog Data § CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Base Catalog Data Displays all the information in the base catalog for Spec Editor. The base catalog information can be displayed in the Main Table List View or Main Spec List View, by clicking the Base Catalog Data check box in the Display pane! Properties 5B CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Properties Displays the properties of the specific data you have selected in the catalog. You can use the Properties view to change the aspects of a specification, project, catalog or catalog table file. The table folders do not have properties. Selecting the Fields ellipsis or double clicking Custom Data brings up the New Field or Edit Field dialog box. For more information, see New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Each category in Data Tables cisplays different components. Each component has its own specific information under properties, as well as a picture of the component. Different types of unavailable options vary by component. Some components have avaliable options that others do not have. They are explained in the Appendix See Also Appendix Property Descriptions (on page 71) New Field Dialog Box 5 CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display > Properties > Custom Data Double clicking Custom Data opens the New Field dialog box and enables you to add new information to the properties of the specification data. This dialog box can be opened anytime Custom Data is displayed in the Properties view. Name - Specifies a name for the new field Title - Specifies a title for the new field Description - Specifies a descristion of the information in the new field Required Input - Specifies whether the information you are creating requires input from you. Create a new properties field 4. Open a project, and then select a spec oR Open a catalog, and then select a table Click the View tab, and then click Properties in the Display panel Double click Custom Data, Alternatively, right-click Custom Data, and then click Add. The New Field dialog box displays. Type a name in the Name box. ‘Type a title in the Title box ‘Type a description in the Description box. Select the Data Type list and select a data type Select the Required Input lst and select Yes or No. ‘Type a defauit value in the Default Value box, 0. Click OK The new field is added to the properties window. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 43 View Catalog Tab Edit a field 1. Click the View tab, and then click Properties in the Display panel 2. Selecta field in Fields and click the ellipsis. The Edit Field dialog box displays 3, Update the necessary fields, and then click OK, Component Tables 5© CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Component Table ‘Shows a listing of all the components by TABLENAME, AUTHOR, and PTN (Part Number). To view the component tables, click the View tab, and then select the Component Table check box in the Display panel. The Component Tables display on the Main Table List View. EndType Tables © CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: EndType Tables ‘Shows a listing of all the end types by table name and version. To view the endtype list, click the View tab, and then click EndType Tables on the Display panel. The EndType Tables displays on the Main Table List View. 44 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide SECTION 5 Home Project Tab Gives you access to the features in an open project. Clipboard - Enables you to edit the boxes within the Spec Editor. For more information, see Clipboard Panel (on page 17), ‘Specification - Enables you to add specifications to the project. For more information, see Specification Panel (on page 45). Catalog - Enables you to update the project with changes ‘made to the base catalog. For more information, see Catalog Pane! (on page 60). Legacy Specification - Enables you to import legacy specifications. For more information, see Legacy Specification Panel (on page 62) Transfer Data - Enables you to transfer project or catalog data, For more information, see Transfer Data Panel (on page 37). Export Data Panel - Exports data to either a text document fr an Excel document. For more information, see Excort Data Panel (on page 38). Editing Panel - Finds and replaces values in the Spee Exitor. For more information, see Editing Panel (on page 63). Specification Panel 5 CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Specification Enables you to add information to a project. “alll [more information, see Add Specification (on page 46). ‘Add Specification - Adds a specification to the project. For CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab Add Specification S cADWorx Spec Esitor Home tab: Specification > Add Specification ill ‘Adds a specification to a project Name - Specifies the name of the specification Catalog - Specifies the base catalog, Weight Factor - Specifies the weight factor ofthe specification. This option is used for various margins of component weights, such as paint weights, and weld weights Component Class - Specifies the class type specification for the component. ‘Temperature Rating - Specifies the maximum allowable temperature for the component Pressure Rating - Specifies the maximum allowable pressure for the component. ize Table - Specifies the size table used in the base catalog, Available Size - Specifies the available sizes of the size table. These can be changed by selecting or clearing the check boxes in the list. Thickness Table - Specifies the thickness table used in the base catalog Material Table - Specifies the material table used in the base catalog Layer Name - Specifies the layer name. By default this name is the name of the spec, but the name can be changed Layer Color - Specifies the color of the specification Created By - Specifies the name of the person who created the specification Description - Specifies the description ofthe specification What do you want to do? + Add a new specification (on page 48) + New end Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) * Add single new component to a spec (on page 51) + Component LD Format (on page 50) + Add Multi Component Pane (on page 53) + Add muttiole new components to a spec (on page 53) Add a new specification a 1. Click the Home tab, and then click Add Specification “sill on the Specification panel Alternatively, right-click the project name in the Project Specs window, and then click Add Specification. The New Specification dialog box displays. 2. Type the name of the new spec in the Name box. 3. Use the default catalog, or click the Catalog ellipsis for a new catalog. When the Select, Company Catalog File dialog box displays, select a catalog, and then click Open. 4. Type the weight factor in the Weight Factor box. [NOTE] The weight factor accounts for the various margins of the component weight, such as paint weight, and weld weight 46 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab ‘Type the component class in the Component Class box ‘Type the temperature rating in the Temperature Rating box. ‘Type the pressure rating in the Pressure Rating box, Click the Size Table list, and then select a size table. Use the Available Size list to select or clear sizes, (0. Click the Thickness Table list, and then select a thickness table. 1 Click the Thickness Table ellipsis to specify schedules for specific thickness types, using the Schedule Assignment dialog box that displays. Click OK when finished 12. Click the Material Table list, and then select a material table. 18. Click the Material Table ellipsis to assign material for specific data types, using the Material Assignment dialog box that displays. Click OK when finished. 14. Click Long Desc Format. For more information, see Long Description Format Dialog Box (on page 66) 415, Glick Part Number Format. For more information, see Part Number Format Dialog Box (on page 68). 16. Click Short Dese Format. For more information, see Short Description Format Dialog Box (on page 66) 17. Click Tag Format. For more information, see Tag Format Dialog Box (on page 67). Click OK in each dialog box when finished, 18. Type a layer name in the Layer Name box, select one from the list, or use the defauit layer name. 19. Click the Layer Color list, and then select a layer coler. 20. Type your name in the Created By box 21. Type a description of the specification in the Description box. 22. Click OK 23. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project. The new spec appears under the project name in Project Specs. New and Edit Component Pane § CADWorx Spec Editor Product Specs window: Double-click a product specification Enables you to add or edit components for a specification. The information in the list comes from the base catalog Click Show Data Table @, when available, to display the Base Catalog Data and obtain more information. Component Setup Group - Specifies the component to add or edit. While editing, this box is disabled. ‘Type - Specifies the component type for the group selected Data Table - Specifies the specific data used for the selected type. Also populates the EndType Data Table. See the note below under the EndType Data Table subheading Data Table Update Only - Specifies whether this is an update only. The Data Table Update Only check box is only available when editing Size Range - Specifies the sizes of the component. BOM Type - Specifies the Bill of Material type for the component CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide a7 Home Project Tab Layer Name - Specifies the layer of the component Color Index - Specifies the color of the component in a drawing. Select 0 - ByLayer, 1 - Red, 2 - Yellow, 3 - Green, 4 - Cyan, 5 - Blue, 6 - Magenta, 7 - White/Black, from the list or type 0 through 255 to specify other colors. Optional Component - Specifies whether the component is an optional selection. Select the Optional Component check box, if you want the component to be an optional choice. EndType Data Table Apply same end type to all ends - Specifies that the selected component has all the same end types. Select the Apply same end type on all ends check box, to apply the same end types to each component. If the Apply same end type on all ends check box is selected, the other three end type options are unavailable Start - Specifies the starting point end type for the component. End - Specifies the end point end type for the component Brancht - Specifies the first branch end type for the component. Branch is available when the Apply same end type on all ends check box is cleared, and the component has three connection points, Branch2 - Specifies the second branch end type for the component. Branch? is available when the Apply same end type on all ends check box is cleared, and the component has four connection points. [NOTE] When selecting a Data Table associated with any new component, that component's. EndType Data Table is automaticaly set to the Default EndType Data Table Setup associated with that Data Table in the catalog ISOGEN Symbol Information Identifier - Specifies the identifier used by |SOGEN for the component, For more information, see SKEY Information in the CADWorx Plant User's Guide, SKEY - Specifies the SKEY used by ISOGEN for the component. For more information, see 'SKEY Information in the CADWorx Plant User's Guide. Topworks ‘Topworks - Specifies the topworks for the component. Topworks is available only when the component has topworks. Schedule & Material Main - Specifies the main schedule for the component Reduction - Specifies the reduction schedule for the component. Reduction is available only if the component has a reducing side. Material - Specifies the material schedule for the component Rating Component Class - Specifies the class type specification for the component ‘Temperature Rating - Specifies the maximum allowable temperature for the component. Pressure Rating - Specifies the maximum allowable pressure for the component. 48 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab Sort Sequence Sort Sequence - Specifies the location of the item in the bill of material. If the user entered 999, this component would be placed last inthe lst. If it was set to 0, it would be placed frst. Setting the same sort numbers to different components in the specification, places the components in the list in an alphabetical order. Description Long - Specifies the long description for the component. You can change the long descristion, by clicking the Long ellipsis which opens the Long Description Format dialog box. For more information, see Component LD Format (on page 50). ‘Short - Specifies the short description of the component. You can change the short description, by clicking the Short elipsis which opens the Short Description Format dialog box. For more information, see Component SD Format (on page 50). Tag - Specifies the tag information of the component, You can change the tag format, by clicking the Tag ellipsis which opens the Tag Format dialog box. For more information, see Component Tag Format (on page 51) Notes - Specifies any notes attached to the component. NOTE] If you receive a red exclamation £ or a warning triangle db, hover over it with your mouse to identify adcitional detail on possible data issues. Long, Short, and Tag Format Dialog Boxes % CADWorx Spec Editor New component pane: Click the Long, Short, or Tag ellipsis Enables you to edit the Long description, Short description, and Tag formats for components in a specification. Component Tables Component tables - Lists the COMPTYPE_CMP_TBL, TABLENAME_CMP_TBL LENGTH_CMP_TBL, and USER_STRING_OR_SEPARATOR formats in Table Fields. Material Tables - Lists the TABLENAME_MAT_TBL, SPEC_MAT_TBL, GRADE_MAT_TBL, COMPOSITION MAT_TBL, DENSITY_MAT_TBL, PTN_MAT_TBL, and USER_STRING_OR_SEPARATOR formats in Table Fields. Size Tables - Lists the TABLENAME_SIZ_TBL, NOM_SIZ_TBL, OD_SIZ_TBL, DESCRIPTION_SIZE_TBL, PTN_SIZ_TBL, and USER_STRING_OR_SEPARATOR formats in Table Fields. Schedule Tables - Lists the MAINSCH_SCH_TBL, BRANCHSCH_SCH_TBL, and USER_STRING_OR_SEPARATOR formats in Table Fields. ‘Thickness Tables - Lists the MAINTHK_THK_TBL, BRANCHTHK_THK_TBL, and USER_STRING_OR_SEPARATOR formats in Table Fields. EndType Tables - Lists the TYPE_END_TBL and USER_STRING_OR_SEPARATOR formats in Table Fields. Spec Tables - Lists the SIZE_SPC_TBL, TAG_SPC_TBL, TYPE_SPC_TBL PRGMCODE_SPC_TBL, DATATABLE_SPC_TEL, and USER_STRING_OR_SEPARATOR formats in Table Fields. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 48 Home Project Tab Long, Short, and Tag Format dialog box fields Table Fields - Lists the long or short description format, or the tag format for the chosen table, and enables you to add the table field to the Long Desc Format, Short Desc Format, or Tag Format. Long Desc Format, Short Desc Format, or Tag Format - Lists the actual long or short description format, or tag format, and enables you to add information. Use the arrows to add formats from the Table fields box. Format - Displays the actual appearance of the long or short description, or the tag format, Example - Displays an example of the long or short description, or the tag, as it would appear in the software, See Also * Component LD Format (on page 50) + Component SD Format (on page 50) "Component Tag Format (on page 51) Component LD Format The Long description in the New component pane can be changed by either typing new information in the Long box, or by clicking the Long ellipsis, and then changing the Long Description Format. 1. Click the Long ellipsis The Long Description Format dialog box displays. 2. Select the Components Tables list and change if needed. 3. Use the left @ or right # arrows to move table boxes from one field to another. 4 5, Use the up # or down + arrows to move the Long Desc Format around. To edit the format appearance, select the table in the Long Desc Format box, and then change the format in the Format box. 6. Click OK when finished, 7. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project, Component SD Format ‘The Short description in the New component pane can be changed by either typing new information in the Short box, or by clicking the Short ellipsis, and then changing the Short Description Format 1. Click the Short ellipsis. The Short Description Format dialog box displays. Select the Component Tables list and change if needed Use the left ¢ or right # atrows to move table boxes from one field to another. Use the up # or down + arrows to move the Short Desc Format around, To edit the format appearance, select the table in the Short Desc Format box, and then change the format in the Format box. Click OK when finished. 7. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project. 50 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab Component Tag Format ‘The Tag format in the New component pane can be changed by either typing new information in the Tag box, or by clicking the Tag ellipsis, and then changing the Tag Format. 1. Click the Tag ellipsis. The Tag Format dialog box displays Select the Component Tables list and change if needed Use the left ¢ or right # arrows to move table boxes from one field to another. Use the up # or down + arrows to move the Tag Format around To edit the format appearance, select the table in the Tag Format box, and then change the format in the Format box. 6. Click OK when finished. 7. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project, Add single new component to a spec 1. Double-click the specification in the Project Specs view. The specification displays in the Main Spec List View with the New Component dialog box visible, CADWorx displays any default settings already specified in the initial set-up in the boxes. 2. Ifthe Edit Component pane is visible instead of the New Component pane, then right-click the spec component lsting, and then select Add. [NOTE] if some of the boxes are not completely visible, increase the height of the pane. 3. Click the Group list, and then select a group Click the Type list, and then select a type. 5. Click the Data Table list, and then select a data table. When you select the Data Table, CADWorx automatically populates the EndType Data Table with the default data from the Default EndType Data Table Setup in the base catalog. [NOTE] You can view the information you selected by clicking Show Data Table @. The Base Catalog Data cisplays data tables for each component group. For more information, see Base Catalog Data (on page 43) Click the Size Range list, and then select or clear the necessary sizes. Click the BOM Type list, and then select a Bill of Material type or use the default BOM type. Click the Layer Name list, and then select a layer, or use the defauit layer. Click the Color index list, and then select a color, or use the default color (0. Select whether or not the component is an optional component, by selecting the Optional Component check box. 11, Select the Apply same end type on all ends check box to apply the same end type to all ends on the component. [WOTE] The type of component you have selected determines which options are available under the EndType column OR a. Click the Start list, and then select a starting end type. This list defaults to the Default EndType Data Table Setup for Start in the base catalog, when applicable. It can be changed to something other than the default CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 51 Home Project Tab b. Click the End list, and then select an ending end type. This defaults to the Default EndType Data Table Setup for End in the base catalog, when applicable. It can be changed to something other than the default. ©. Click the Brancht list, and then select a branch end type. This defaults to the Default EndType Data Table Setup for Brancht in the base catalog, when applicable. It can be changed to something other than the default. d. Click the Branch? list, and then select a second branch end type. This defaults to the Default EndType Data Table Setup for Branch? in the base catalog, when applicable. It can be changed to something other than the default, 12. Under ISOGEN Symbol Information, the software should list defauit data in the Identifier and SKEY boxes. To change the Identifier and SKEY, type your identifier in the Identifier box, and then select your SKEY. 18. Click the Topworks list, and then select the topworks, 14, Click the Main list, and then select a main schedule. 16. Click the Reduction list, and then select a reduction schedule. 16. Click the Material list, and then select a material type. 17. Under the Rating section, the software lists default values from when the specification was created. Change the Component Class, Temperature Rating, and Pressure Rating values as needed. 18. The software lists default information for the Sort Sequence. You can change the sort sequence, which is used for the Bill of Materials. 1. Under the Description column, the software lists a default type of the component for the Long and Short description. You can change the long and short description 20. Type Tag and Notes information in their respective boxes. 21. Click Add at the top-right hand side of the New component pane. 22. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project, The component is added to the list in the main window. Branch Tab ‘The Branch tab lets you set up the permitted specification components by main and reduction sizes, through a grid that enables you to choose which sizes use which types of components. 1, Click the Branch tab at the bottom of the New component or Edit component pane. A grid displays with Branch Size (NPS) on top of the grid, and Main Size (NPS) on the left side of the grid. 2. To add permitted components to the grid, right-click the applicable main and branch size intersection, and then select one of the types listed. The grid can be modified IMPORTANT] You must change the Apply Branch Table Rule option, under Piping Rules in CADWorx Plant Setup, to Automatic to apply the branch table settings. The grid box displays letters, indicating that you have added a component. [NOTE] To add components to multiple intersections at the same time hold down CTRL while either selecting multiple intersections, or left-click a box and drag the mouse in any direction to select multiple boxes. 3. Click Save when finished. Every time a change is made, the project must be saved for the change to take effect, 52 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab Add Multi Component Pane 3 CADWorx Spec Editor Product Spees window: Double-click a product spec ‘Adds multiple components to a specification. When adding muttiple components you must define a data table for each component when finished ‘Component - Displays a list of components that can be added to a specification, You can select muttiple components by selecting as many check boxes as necessary, or by using the plus + sign to select individual components in each group. Size - Specifies the sizes for the component Component Class - Specifies the class type specification for the component. ‘Temperature - Specifies the maximum allowable temperature for the component Pressure Rating - Specifies the maximum allowable pressure for the component. Optional Component - Specifies whether the component is an optional selection. Select the Optional Component check box, if you want the component to be an optional choice. End-Type Apply same end type on alll ends - Specifies that all selected components have the same end type. If you select the Apply same end type on all ends check box, the software disables the other three end type options. Start - Specifies the starting point end type for the component. End - Specifies the end point end type for the component. Brancht - Specifies the first branch end type for the component. The Brancht list is active if the Apply same end type on all ends check box is not selected, and the component has three connection points, Branch2 - Specifies the second branch end type for the component. The Branch? list is active ‘when the Apply same end type on all ends check box is not selected, and the component has four connection points. Schedule Main Schedule - Specifies the main schedule for the component. Branch Schedule - Specifies the branch schedule for the component. Remaining options BOM Type - Specifies the Bill of Material ype for the component. ‘Tag - Specifies the tag information for the component. You can change the tag format, by clicking the Tag ellipsis which opens the Tag Format dialog box. For more information, see Component Tag Format (on page 51). Notes - Specifies any notes attached to the component Color - Specifies the color of the component in a drawing. Layer - Specifies the layer of the component. Add multiple new components to a spec 1. Double-click the specification in the Project Specs pane. The specification displays in the main window with the New component dialog box visible, 2. Right-click the component listing area of the screen, and then select Add Multiple. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 53 Home Project Tab The Add multi component dialog box displays. CADWorx displays any default settings already specified in the initial set-up in the boxes, 3. Use the Component box to select muitiple components, by clicking the check boxes. 4, Click the Size type list to select or clear sizes. You might need to increase the pane height if some of the boxes are not visible. 5. The Component Class, Temperature Rating, and Pressure Rating information are set to default values. Change these values as needed 6. Select the Optional Component check box to make this available as an optional component. 7. To apply the same endetype on all ends, select the Apply same end type on all ends check box. The type of component you have selected determines which options are available under the End-Type column oR a. Click the Start list, and then select a starting end type, b. Click the End lst, and then select an ending end type. ©. Click the Brancht list, and then select a branch end type. d. Click the Branch2 list, and then select a second branch end type. 8. Click the Main Schedule list, and then select a main schedule. 9. Click the Branch Schedule list, and then select a branch schedule. 10. Click the BOM Type list, and then change the Bill of Material (BOM) type or use the defauit type. 11, Type tag information in the Tag box. oR Click the Tag ellipsis, use the Tag Format dialog box to set the tag format, and then click OK. For more information, see Component Tag Format (on page 51). 12. Type additional information in the Notes box. 18. Click the Color lst, and then change the color, or use the default color. 14, Click the Layer list, and then change the layer, or use the default layer. 16. Click Add at the top-right hand side of the Add multi component pane. 16. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project. The components are added to the list in the Main Spec List View. Branch Tab ‘The Branch tab sets up the permitted specification components by main and reduction sizes, through a grid that enables you to choose which sizes use which types of components 1. Click the Branch tab at the bottom of the Add multi component pane. A grid displays with Branch Size (NPS) on top of the grid, and Main Size (NPS) on the left side of the grid. 34 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab 2. Toadd permitted components to the grid, right-click the applicable main and branch size intersection, and then select one of the types listed. The grid can be modified IMPORTANT] You must change the Apply Branch Table Rule option, under Piping Rules in CADWorx Plant Setup, to Automatic to apply the branch table settings. The grid box displays letters, indicating that you have added a component. To add components to multiple intersections at the same time hold down CTRL while either selecting multiple intersections, of lef-click a box and drag the mouse in any direction to select muttiple boxes, 3. Click Save when finished. Every time a change is made, the project must be saved for the change to take affect, Edit Project Specs features Right-click Menu Add Specification - Enables you to add a new specification to Project Specs. For more information, see Add Specification (on page 46) Sort Specification Ascending - Sorts the specs in Project Specs in ascending order. Sort Specification Descending - Sorts the specs in Project Specs in descending order. Import Legacy Specification - Imports a legacy specification data. For more information, see Import Legacy Speoffication (on page 62). Import AutoPLANT Data - Imports data from AutoPLANT for use in CADWorx. For more information, see Import AutoPLANT Data for a project (on page 55). Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Spec - Imports data from AutoCAD Plant 3D for use in CADWorx, For more information, see Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specs for a project (on page 57) Open - Displays the selected component in the Main Table List View. ‘Copy - See Copy (on page 18). Remove - Removes the selected component from the table list Rename - Renames the selected component. Select the component to be renamed, and then enter a new name. Collapse - Collapses the selected list Properties - Displays the Properties view. Export Specification To Text Excel - Exports data to a text document or Excel document, For more information, see Export Specification To Text Excel (on page 69). Import AutoPLANT Data for a project $ Right-click on the project in the Main List View, and select Import AutoPLANT Data Imports data from an AutoPLANT specification. Import - Imports the AutoPLANT data. Close - Closes the Import AutoPLANT Specification Data dialog box. Help - Displays the online help. AutoPLANT Data File Path - Specifies the location of the AutoPLANT data CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 55 Home Project Tab Use Spec Catalog - Uses the catalog of the AutoPLANT specification. Clearing this option enables you to select a different catalog using the Catalog ellipsis. Catalog - Displays whether or not a CADWork catalog is being used. If this box is blank, then the Use Spec Catalog option has been selected. If this box is filled, the catalog is a CADWorx catalog Tables - Specifies the AutoPLANT Data tables. Size Table - Specifies the size table ‘CADWorx Components Program Code - Displays the program code associated with the AutoPLANT data. Short Description - Displays a short description associated with the AutoPLANT data. Size - Displays the size associated with the component for the AutoPLANT data. Double clicking the Size box displays a lst that allows you to include or exclude sizes. ‘Schedule - Displays the schedule for the program code for the AutoPLANT component, Double clicking the Schedule box displays a list that allows you to include or exclude schedule cata Rating - Dispiays the rating of the program code for the AutoPLANT component. Double clicking the Rating box displays a lst that allows you to include or exclude rating data, Select / deselect all - Include or exclude all check boxes in the CADWorx Components box. Import a spec using an AutoPLANT catalog 1. the project in the Main List View, and select Import AutoPLANT Data The Import AutoPLANT Specification Data dialog box displays, 2. Click the File Path ellipsis under AutoPLANT Data. The Open dialog box displays. Select the AutoPLANT data for import, and click Open Select Use Spec Catalog to use the AutoPLANT catalog Select a table from the Tables list. Select the check box of the required Program Code. + Youcan use the Select / deselect all check box to select all the program codes under CADWorx Components. + Youcan also change the Size, Schedule, or Rating by double clicking the boxes under each heading, 7. Click Import. 8. Click OK. You ean view a log fle of the details for the conversion by clicking View Log File. Imports the AutoPLANT data, Import a spec using an CADWorx catalog 1. Right-click the project in the Main List View, and select Import AutoPLANT Data The Import AutoPLANT Specification Data dialog box displays 2. Click the File Path elipsis under AutoPLANT Data. The Open dialog box displays. 3, Select the AutoPLANT data for import, and click Open, 56 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab 4. Clear the Use Spec Catalog option to use a CADWorx catalog. This defaults to the catalog you selected as the base catalog when creating the project. To change the the following: a. Click the Catalog ellipsis, The Select Company Catalog File dialog box displays. b. Select a CADWorx catalog and then click Open. The CADWorx catalog populates the Catalog box. 5, Selecta table from the Tables lis. Select a size table from the Size Table list. 7. Select the check box of the required Program Code, (nores) + Youcan use the Select / deselect all check box to select all the program codes under CADWorx Components. + You can also change the Size, Schedule, or Rating by double clicking the boxes under each heading, 8. Click Import. 9. Click OK. [WOTE] You can view a log file of the details for the conversion by clicking View Log File. Imports the AutoPLANT data. Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specs for a project S Right-click the project in the Main List View, and select Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Spec Imports data from an AutoCAD Plant 3D specification, Import - Imports the AutoCAD Plant 3D data Close - Closes the Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specification Data dialog box. Help - Displays the online help. AutoCAD Plant 3D Data File Path - Specifies the location of the AutoPLANT data Use Spec Catalog - Specifies when the import uses the spec of the AutoCAD Plant 2D data, Catalog - Specifies a CADWorx catalog when the Use Spec Catalog option is not used. Size Table - Specifies a size table when a CADWorx catalog is used for import. View Detail - Displays the PLANT 30 Size Table Detail dialog box. This option is only available after you have selected an AutoCAD Plant 3D specification. For more information, see PLANT 3D Size Table Detail Dialog Box (on page 59) Target Unit - Specifies the units of the target project. This is only available when Use Spec Catalog is selected Source Unit - Specifies the units in the Plant 3D size catalog that are used for import. WOTE] The Source Unit list is only available when Use Spec Catalog is selected and Target Unit is set to MetriciInch units. You then have the option to choose between importing either English/Inch components or MetriciInch components. In all other instances the Source Unit Iist is unavailable because the Source Unit must reflect the Target Unit. When the Target Unit is selected for either English/inch and MetriciMetric Units the Source Unit is automatically selected for both English/inch and Metric/Metric Units respectively, CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 37 Home Project Tab CADWorx Components Component Type - Displays a list of the components in the AutoCAD Plant data. Long Description - Displays a long description associated with the AutoCAD Plant data. Select / deselect all - Includes and excludes all check boxes in the CADWorx Components box Right-click Menu Check group - Enables you to check a component group under Component Type without expanding the group, Uncheck group - Enables you to uncheck a component group under Component Type without expanding the group Expand all groups - Enables you to expand all the groups without having to select the plus sign. Collapse all groups - Enables you to collapse all the groups without having to select the plus sign. Import a spec using an AutoCAD Plant 30 catalog 1. Right-click the project inthe Main List View, and select Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Spec. The Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specification Data dialog box displays. 2. Click the File Path ellipsis under AutoCAD Plant 3D Data. The Open dialog box displays. 3. Select the AutoCAD Plant data for import, and click Open 4. Select the Use Spec Catalog option to use the AutoCAD Plant catalog. This is the default option. 5. Select the Size Table for import. NOTE] You can click View Detail to view the sizes in the size table and change the outside diameter (OD) for a size. For more information, see PLANT 3D Size Table Detail Dialog Box (on page 59). 6. Select the units from the Target Unit lis. This automaticaly sets the Source Unit to the same units and makes the Source Unit ist unavailable unless otherwise noted [NOTE] CADWorx Components only populates when there are components in the Plant 3D catalog for the units selected. If there are no components in that unit of measurement the CADWorx Components box remains empty. 7. Click the plus sign to expand the Component Type list, and then click the check box for the component you want to add [IP] You can use the Select / deselect all check box to select all the components under CADWorx Components. 8. Click Import. 9. Click OK. [OTE] You can view a log file of the details for the conversion by clicking View Log File The AutoCAD Plant 3D specification imports. Import a spec using a CADWorx catalog 1, Right-click the project in the Main List View and select Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Spec. The Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specification Data dialog box displays. 58 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab 2. Click the File Path ellipsis under AutoCAD Plant 3D Data The Open dialog box displays. 3. Select the AutoCAD Plant data for import and click Open. 4, Clear the Use Spec Catalog option to use a CADWorx catalog. This defaults to the catalog you selected as the base catalog vinen creating the project. To change the catalog, do the following a. Click the Catalog elipsis. The Select Company Catalog File dialog box displays. b. Select a CADWork catalog and then click Open. The CADWorx catalog populates the Catalog box. The catalog selected must have the same units as the Plant 3D specification that you selected in File Path or no components appear for import 5, Select a size table from the Size Table lst 6. Click the plus sign to expand the Component Type list, and then click the check box for the component you want to add. Do this for each component you want to add You can use the Select / deselect all check box to select all the components under CADWorx Components, 7. Click Import. 8. Click OK. [WOTE] You can view a log fle of he details for the conversion by clicking View Log File The AutoCAD Plant 3D specification imports. PLANT 3D Size Table Detail Dialog Box ® Click View Details. Enables you to check the size table for the Plant 3D catalog when using the Use Spec Catalog option and to change the outside diameter (OD). - Displays the name of the P3D catalog. This is dynamic, so itis always the name of the size table you have selected in the Size Table list. NOM - Nominal Size - Displays the nominal sizes in the Plant 3D size table from the catalog attached to the Plant 3D specification that you selected in the File Path. This cannot be changed. OD - Outside Diameter - Displays the outside diameter of the nominal size in the Plant 3D size table from the catalog attached to the Plant 3D specification you selected in the File Path. To change the outside diameter, follow the steps below. 1. Click View Details. 2. Click the OD box of the number you want to change 3. Type the new information. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 58 Home Project Tab 4. Click Apply to keep the change and make more changes. oR This only happens if you click OK without clicking Apply. Click OK to accept the changes. The "Do you want to save the changes to (table name)?" message box displays. + Click Yes to save the changes, No to discard the changes, or Cancel to return to the PLANT 3D Size Table Detail dialog box. You are retuned to the Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specification Data dialog box. To finish your work, see Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specs for a project (on page 57). Catalog Panel © CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Catalog Enables you to update the project from a catalog and review the tables for update. | | Update From Catalog - Updates the project from the base [EZ | catalog. For more information, see Update From Catalog (on page 60). FHF [Review Table Links Enables out review and edhe table links for the catalog update. For more information, see Update From Catalog & % CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Catalog > Update From Catalog L-<) Updates the spec project from the base catalog, ca 1, Click the Home tab, and then click Update From Catalog [<<] on the Catalog panel. The CADWorx Spec Editor dialog box displays, asking if you would lke to update from the base catalog. 2. Click Yes, No, or Review Update. 3. Ifyou click Review Update, see Review Update (on page 61) & Review Table Links Dialog Box (on page 61) to continue. The project updates from the base catalog. 60 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab Review Update Ga 5 CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Catalog > Update From Catalog [<1] > Review Update Enables you to check and change the details of the spec project that you want to update from the base catalog Ga 1, Click the Home tab, and then click Update From Catalog [<1] on the Catalog panel. OR Open a project that has had its base catalog updated, The CADWorx Spec Editor dialog box displays, asking if you would lke to update from the base catalog. 2. Click Review Update. The Review Table links dialog box displays [NOTE] For more information, see Review Table Links dialog box (on page 61) Review Table Links © cabvion Spec Ear Home tab Catalog > Review Table Links. | Displays the Review Table Links dialog box enabling you to review the links for update and change the Source Table Name and the Source ID as needed. 1. cl te Home an en lek Review Table Links “onthe Catalog pare The Review Table Links dialog box displays. 2. See Review Table Links Dialog Box (on page 61) to continue. Review Table Links Dialog Box Enables you to check the data IDs and other information pertaining to a Catalog or Project and change the Source ID andior Source Table as needed Specification - Displays the specifications in the project that you can select to update from a catalog to that specification. This options is only visible when working in a project, ‘Show Alll Tables - Displays all te tables associated with the project you open. ‘Show Mis-Matched Tables - Displays only the mis-matched tables associated with the project, you open, ‘Show Tables With Updates - Dispiays only the tables with updates from the catalog for the project you open Table Type - Displays the type of tables in the catalog. Use anyone of the three options above to receive only those types of tables. Destination Table Name - Displays the destination table for the catalog to be updated from, Source Table Name - Displays the name of the source table in the catalog where the information being updated is coming from. If this is isted incorrectly, click the Source Table Name box under the heading and a list appears. Select the correct source table Destination Base ID - Specifies the ID for the destination table. Source ID - Specifies the ID for the source table. The Source ID box is editable. Destination Table Date - Displays the date of the destination table. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 61 Home Project Tab ‘Source Table Date - Displays the date of the source table, OK - Accepts the settings and updates from the catalog and closes the Review Table Links dialog box Cancel - Cancels the update. ‘Apply - Accepts the updates from the catalog, Help - Displays the CADWorx help fe Force Update All Tables - Forces an update of all data from the base catalog * Change the Source Table Name and Source IDs as needed, and then click OK to update Alternatively, you can click Force Update All Tables. [NOTE] To view the Review Table Links dialog box in a catalog you, must have a catalog that, Uses a base catalog and the catalog must contain data. You can access this option by right-clicking the catalog and selecting Review Table Links. Legacy Specification Panel 5 CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Legacy Specification Enables you to import specs from earlier versions of CADWorx. ij] !mport Legacy Specification - imports specifications from {J>" Jan earlier version of CADWorx. For more information, see Import Legacy Specification (on page 62). Import Legacy Specification 5© CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Legacy Specification > Import Legacy Specification gl! sos spectators ton an eve veson of Hon. Specification - Specifies the specification folder for import. Catalog - Specifies the base catalog for the import. Size Table - Specifies the size table for the import. 1, Glick the Home tab, and then click Import Legacy Specification {J on the Legacy Specification panel The Import Legacy Specification (.spc) dialog box displays. 2. Click the Specification ellipsis. Navigate to the folder and specification file for import, and then select it 4. Click Open The Specification and Catalog boxes are populated, 5, Tochange the Catalog box, click the Catalog ellipsis. IMPORTANT] You must have a catalog already set up, with the data for the specification already imported into it 6. Click the Size Table list, and then select a size table, 7. Glick Import The Converted successfully dialog box appears. 8, Click OK 62 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Home Project Tab 9. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project. Export Data Panel 5 CADWorx Spec Editor Home Project tab: Export Data Exports data to a text document or an Excel document Export Specification To Text Excel - Exports the table TAS | setecteato a text document. For more information, see Export Specification To Text Excel (on page 63). Export Specification To Text Excel 5 CADWorx Spec Editor Home Project tab: Export Data > Export Specification To Text a Excel oy Exports data from the selected specification toa text document 4. Open a project file, and then select a specification 2. On the Home tab, click Export Specification To Text Excel TS on ne Export Data panel. Alternatively, right-click and select Export Specification To Text Excel The Save As dialog box displays. 3. Inthe Save As Type list, select Text Files (*.txt) or Excel Files (*.xIs) 4, Select or create a folder to save the document, and then click Save. The text document saves to the selected folder. [NOTE] To view the document open it in Windows Explorer. Editing Panel § CADWor Spec Editor Home tab: Editing Enables you to edit specified values. a Find and Replace - Finds and replaces specific values, For more information, see Find and Replace (on page 63). Find and Replace % CADWorx Spec Editor Home tab: Editing > Find and Replace & Finds and replaces specific values in the Specification Eaitor data Look in + Current Project - Searches in the current project. + Current Specification - Searches in the current specification. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 63 Home Project Tab Find options * Match case - Matches the search to the case (lower or upper) in the Find what box. + Match whole word - Matches the search to the exact whole word in the Find what box. * Search Up - Matches the search moving upwards in the Spec Editor rather than downwards, Find type + Long description - Matches the search to the long description. + Short description - Matches the search to the short description + Tag - Matches the search to the tag data NOTE] Long description, Short description, and Tag can be selected at the same time so that the search finds all types associated with the text Find + OntheHome cick Find and Replace on ie Eing pare The Find and Replace dialog box displays. 2. Type the text you want to find in the Find what box. Specify parameters for Look in, Find options, and Find type. 4. Click Find Next The value is found. Replace + onthe Home ack Fins and replace © ne een are The Find and Replace dialog box displays. 2. Type the text you want to find in the Find what box. 3. Select the Replace with check box. The Replace with box activates. 4. Type the text to replace in the Replace with box. 5. Specify parameters in Look in, Find options, and Find type. 6. Click Find Next, and then click Replace oR Click Replace. OR Click Replace All [CAUTION] Replace All replaces every instance of the text in the Find what box throughout the Specification Ecitor fr the open project. Use this option with caution. The value is replaced, 64 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide SECTION 6 View Project Tab Select a check box to open each window. Display - Displays the Project Specs, Base Catalog Data, Project Catalog Data and Properties. For more information, see Display Panel (on page 65). Display Panel 3 CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display Project Specs - Displays the current project, and enables you to add, delete, open, and import specification data. For more information, see Project Specs (on page 66). Base Catalog Data - Displays all the information in the base catalog of CADWorx. For more information, see Base Catalog Data (on page 43). Project Catalog Data - Displays all the information attached to the open project. For more information, see Project Catalog Data (on page 65). Properties - Displays the properties of all the data in the project. For more information, see Properties (on page 65). Project Specs © CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Project Specs Displays the current project, and enables you to add, delete, open, and import specification data. For more information, see Specification Panel (on page 45). Selecting the Project Specs check box, hides or displays the Project Specs view. Project Catalog Data 5 CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Project Catalog Data Displays all the information attached to the open project. The Project Catalog Data includes the information taken from the catalog and the information from the added specifications. Project Catalog Data enables you to view, but not change, the information. Eclts can only be made ‘when working with the edit options in the Home tab of the Spec Editor. Selecting the Project Catalog Data check box, hides or displays the Project Catalog Data view. Properties 3 CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Properties Displays the properties of the specific data you have selected in the project. You can use the Properties view to change the aspects of a specification, project, catalog, or catalog table file. Selecting the Fields elipsis or double clicking Custom Data brings up the New Field or Edit CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 65 View Project Tab Field dialog box. For more information, see New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). You can also access the Long Desc Format Setup, Part Number Format Setup, Material Assignment Setup, and Schedule Assignment Setup and make changes. Different types of unavailable options vary by component. Some components have available options that others do not have They are explained in the Appendix See Also Appendix Property Descriptions (on page 71) Long Description Format Dialog Box (on page 68) Part Number Format Dialog Box (on page 68) Material Assignment Setup (on page 68) Schedule Assignment Setup (on page 69) Long Description Format Dialog Box 5© CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display > Properties > Long Desc Format Setup ellipsis Specifies the long description format ‘Component List - Displays the available list of components, Component Tables drop-down - Displays the lst of Catalog Tables to choose for the long description Table Fields - Lists the long description formats for the chosen table, and enables you to add the table field to the Long Desc Format. Long Desc - Lists the long description format, and enables you to add the long description formats, by using the arrows to add formats from the Table fields box. Format - Displays the actual appearance of the long description. Example - Displays an example of the long description, as it would appear in the software. 1. Open an existing project or create a new project. The Long Description Format dialog box can be opened in both places. If creating a new project skip to the second part of step 3. 2. Click the View tab, and then select Properties in the Display panel. 3. Click the Long Dese Format Setup box in the Properties window, and then click the Long Desc Format Setup ellipsis. oR Click Long Desc Format in the New Project window when creating a new project. The Long Description Format dialog box displays. Select a component from the Components list Select a table from the tables list above Table fields Use the left ¢ or right # arrows to move table boxes from one field to another. Use the up # of down + arrows to move the Long Desc Format around. To edit the format appearance, select the format in the Long Desc Format box, and then change the format in the Format box. 9. Click OK when finished 10. Click File > Save to save changes to the project, NOTE] The Long Description Format dialog box can also be accessed using the Add command for a new specification from the Home tab in the Specification panel Short Description Format Dialog Box © CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display > Properties > Short Desc Format Setup ellipsis 66 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide View Project Tab ‘Specifies the short description format Component List - Displays the available list of components, Component Tables drop-down - Displays the list of Catalog Tables to choose for the short description ‘Table Fields - Lists the short description formats for the chosen table, and enables you to add the table field to the Short Desc Format. ‘Short Desc Format - Lists the short descriotion format, and enables you to add the short description formats, by using the arrows to add formats from the Table Fields box. Format - Displays the actual appearance of the short description Example - Displays an example of the short description, as it would appear in the software. 4. Open an existing project or create a new project. The Short Description Format dialog box can be opened in both places. If creating a new project skip to the second part of step 3 2. Click the View tab, and then select Properties in the Display panel. 3. Click the Short Desc Format Setup box in the Properties window, and then click the Short Desc Format Setup ellipsis. oR Click Short Desc Format in the New Project window when creating a new project. The Short Description Format dialog box displays. Select a component from the Components list Select a table from the tables list above Table Fields. Use the left ¢ or right # arrows to move table boxes from one field to another. Use the up # or down + arrows to move the Short Desc Format around [WOTE] if you want to remove a format from Short Desc Format, select, and press DELETE. 8. To edit the format appearance, select the format in the Short Desc Format box, and then change the format in the Format box. 9. Click OK when finished, 10. Click File > Save to save changes to the project. NOTE] The Short Description Format dialog box can also be accessed using the Add command for a new specification from the Home tab in the Specification panel Tag Format Dialog Box % CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display > Properties > Tag Format Setup ellipsis ‘Specifies the tag format Component List - Displays the available list of components, Component Tables drop-down - Displays the list of Catalog Tables to choose for the tag format. Table Fields - Lists the tag formats for the chosen table, and enables you to add the table field to the Tag Format. ‘Tag Format - Lists the tag format, and enables you to add the tag format you want, by using the arrows to add formats from the Table Fields box. Format - Displays the actual appearance of the tag format. Example - Displays an example of the tag, as it would appear in the software. 1. Open an existing project or create a new project. The Tag Format dialog box can be opened in both places. If creating a new project skip to the second part of step 3. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 67 View Project Tab 2. Click the View tab, and then select Properties in the Display panel. 3. Glick the Tag Format Setup box in the Properties window, and then click the Tag Format. Setup ellipsis, oR Click Tag Format in the New Project window when creating a new project. The Tag Format dialog box displays. Select a component from the Components list Select a table from the component tables list above Table Fields. Use the left ¢ or right # arrows to move table boxes from one field to another. Use the up # or down # arrovrs to move the Tag Format around [NOTE] |f you want to remove a format from Tag Format, select it, and press DELETE 8. To edit the format appearance, select the format in the Tag Format box, and then change the format in the Format box. 9. Click OK when finished. 10. Click File > Save to save changes to the project. NOTE] The Tag Format dialog box can also be accessed using the Add command for a new specification from the Home tab in the Specification panel. Part Number Format Dialog Box S© CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display > Properties > Part Number Format Setup ellipsis Specifies the part number format Available Part Number Fields - Lists the part number description formats available, and enables you to add the format to the Selected Part Number Fields. Selected Part Number Fields - Lists the actual part number format, and enables you to add the part number format you want, by using the arrows to add formats from the Available Part Number Fields box. Format - Displays the actual appearance of the part number format Example - Displays an example of the part number, as it would appear in the software 1, Open a project or create a new project. The Part Numbers Format dialog box can be opened in both places. 2. Click the View tab, and then select Properties in the Display panel. 3. Click the Part Number Format Setup title in the Properties window, and then click the Part Number Format Setup ellipsis. oR Click Part Number Format in the New Project window when creating a new project The Part Numbers Format dialog box displays. 4, Use the left « or right # arrows to move part number boxes from one field to another. 5. Use the up # or down + arrows to move the Selected Part Number Fields around. [TIP] You can delete part number boxes from the Selected Part Number Fields box, by selecting a pant number format, and then clicking Delete 6. To edit the format appearance, select the format in the Selected Part Number Fields, and then change the format in the Format box. 7. Click OK when finished. 68 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide View Project Tab 8. Click File > Save to save the changes to the project. [NOTE] The Part Number Format dialog box can also be accessed using the Add command for 2 new specification from the Home tab in the Specification panel Material Assignment Setup 5% CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display > Properties > Material Assignment Setup ellipsis Specifies the material assigned to each component using the Spec and Grade. The material assignment for a component can be changed. 1. Select Material Assignment Setup in the Properties window, and then select the Material Assignment ellipsis 2, Select a component from the Assign Material list, and then select a new material in the right column, by using the drop-down arrow. Material numbers in this list are based on industry standards. To access detailed information on a material number in the Assign Material list, open the Base Catalog Data, and then open the Material Table. Schedule Assignment Setup 5% CADWorx Spec Editor View tab: Display > Properties > Schedule Assignment Setup ellipsis Specifies the schedule assigned to each size. The schedule assignment for a size can be changed 1. Select Schedule Assignment Setup in the Properties window, and then click the Schedule Assignment Setup ellipsis. 2. Select a size in Schedule Assignment, and then select a new schedule in the right column, by using the drop-down arrow. Schedules in this list are based on the schedules assigned to the sizes in the Schedule Tables file. To access detailed information on a schedule in the schedule list, open the Base Catalog Data, and then open the Schedule Table. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 68 View Project Tab 70 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide APPENDIX A Appendix Property Descriptions This appendix contains all the property descriptions available in CADWorx Spec Editor. In This Appendix Project Properties 71 Catalog Properties 72 Project Properties Project Name - Specifies the name of the project. There are no restrictions to naming conventions. Catalog Name - Specifies the name of the base catalog. This can only be changed in Catalog or by selecting a different base catalog, Catalog Path - Specifies the folder location of the base catalog. You can change the base catalog by using the Catalog Path ellipsis, Long Desc Format Setup - Specifics the appearance of the long description attached to components. For more information, see Long Description Format Dialog Box (on page 66). Part Number Format Setup - Specifies the appearance of the part number attached to components. For more information, see Part Number Format Dialog Box (on page 68). BOM Type - Specifies the bill of material type associated with the project, This can be changed by click the name of the BOM Type, and using the list that appears. Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box. Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Description - Specifies the description of the project. Change as needed Specification Properties Specification Name - Specifies the name of the specification being worked in. This can be edited Catalog Name - Specifies the name of the base catalog. This can only be changed in Catalog or by selecting a different base catalog, Catalog Path - Specifies the folder location of the base catalog. You can change the base catalog by using the Catalog Path ellipsis, Measure/Bore - Specifies the units tied to this specification, This cannot be edited, Size Table Name - Specifies the current size table being used by the specification. This cannot be edited Thickness Table Name - Specifies the current thickness table being used by the specification. Change this with available or newly created Thickness Tables by clicking the name of the old one and selecting the new one from the list. For more information, see Thickness Table (on page 27). CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 71 Appendix Property Descriptions Material Table Name - Specifies the current material table being used by the specification Change this with available or newly created Material Tables by clicking the name ofthe old one, and selecting the new one from the list. For more information, see Material Table (on page 24) Weight Factor - Specifies the weight of the component. This can be edited Component Class - Specifies the classification of the components in the specification, ‘Temperature Rating - Specifies the temperature rating a component can handle. Pressure Rating - Specifies the pressure rating a component can handle, Layer Name - Specifies the numerical value of the layer spec. AutoCAD Color Index [0-255] - Specifies the color appearance of the components when using this specification to draw. Select 0 - ByLayer, 1 - Red, 2 - Yellow, 3 - Green, 4 - Cyan, 5 - Blue, 6 - Magenta, 7 - White/Black, from the list or type 0 through 255 to specify other colors. Long Desc Format Setup - Specifics the appearance of the long description attached to components. For more information, see Long Description Format Dialog Box (on page 66). Part Number Format Setup - Specifies the appearance of the part number attached to components. For more information, see Part Number Format Dialog Box (on page 68). Limit Spec Size Range To - Specifies the size limit for components within this specification This can be edited Material Assignment Setup - Specifies material numbers for specific components. For more information, see Material Assignment Setup (on page 68). Schedule Assignment Setup - Specifies the schedule values for specific sizes based on the schedule table. For more information, see Schedule Assignment Setup (on page 69). Default Flange Type - Specifies the default flange type for the specification. This can be edited Reducing Component Selection - Specifies the reduction size setting. There are three options: + Use Reduction Size - Uses the reduction size for the component. + Use Main Size - Uses the main size for the component + Use Larger Wall Thickness - Uses a larger wall thickness for the component Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box. Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. ‘Spec Description - Specifies the description of the spec. This can be changed Custom Data - Add custom data to the specification, For more information see, New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Catalog Properties Name - Specifies the name of the catalog being worked in. This can be edited, Measure/Bore - Specifies the units tied to this catalog. This cannot be edited. Base Catalog Name - Specifies the name of the base catalog. This can only be changed in Catalog or by selecting a different base catalog, Catalog Path - Specifies the folder location of the base catalog. You can change the base catalog by using the Catalog Path ellipsis, Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box. Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Catalog Description - Specifies the description of the catalog. Change as needed. 72 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Each of the tables in the catalog has it's own properties For more information, see the following topics + Size Tables Properties (on page 73) + Material Tables Properties (on page 73) + Schedule Tables Properties (on page 74) + Thickness Tables Properties (on page 75) + EndType Tables Properties (on page 75) * Data Table Properties (on page 77) Size Tables Properties Table Name - Specifies the name of the table selected. This can be edited MeasurelBore - Specifies the units tied to this catalog, This cannot be edited Default Part Number - Specifies the default part number assigned to the table. This can be edited. Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Description - Specifies the description of the table, This can be edited. elds NOM - Nominal Pipe Size - Nominal sizes of the pipe selected when table is built. OD - Outside Diameter - The diameter of the pipe. Description - Description - The description of the pipe size. PTN - Part Number - The part number assigned to the size, Material Tables Properties Table Name - Specifies the name of the table selected. This can be edited Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This eannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box. Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Description - Specifies the description ofthe table, This can be edited Fields ‘SPEC - Material Specification - Value that specifies the material spec. GRADE - Grade - Value that specifies the grade of the material. COMPOSITION - Composition - Value that specifies the composition of the material. COMPTYPES - Component Types - The type of component the material type is associated with Use the list to add component types. DENSITY - Density - Value that specifies the density of the material PTN - Part Number - The part number associated with a particular value of material Custom Data - Enter new fields to be attached the components via properties. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 73 Appendix Property Descriptions Schedule Tables Properties ‘Table Name - Specifies the name of the table selected, This can be edited Default Part Number - Specifies the default part number assigned to the table. This can be edited Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box. Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Description - Specifies the description of the table, This can be edited, ields SCH - Schedule - The schedule of the thickness for components. ‘SCHENCWT - Schedule Enhance Weight - The schedule used with enhanced weight Calculation. Enhanced weight calculation calculates the weights of components based on the AutoCAD solid geometry, calculated by (the hollow enhanced solid volume multiplied by the component density). A manufactured component may have a larger wall thickness then the schedule requires. To make the enhanced weight calculation more accurate, SCHENCWT can be set to a larger wall thickness schedule. The Enhanced weight calculation is used anytime the WEIGHT column is 0.0 in a data table. The component drawing mode (2D Double line, 2D Single line, 3D Solid, or 3D Enhanced) does not have any effect on the weight calculation, The weight calculation is run in background using a temporary 3D enhanced AutoCAD solid when uusing 2 Double line, 2D Single line, or 3D Solid drawing mode, Weights of the following components are based on the AutoCAD Solid geometry when the WEIGHT column is 0.0 in the component data table: PIPE ‘SCH thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry ELBOWS _ [SCH thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry OLLETS [SCH thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry TEES ‘SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry CAPS. ‘SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry CROSSES |SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry LATERALS [SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry REDUCERS | SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry FLANGES | [Enhanced Data Table Values used to create AutoCAD solid geometry Weights of the following components are always based on the Data Table WEIGHT column: COUPLINGS GASKETS BOLTS 74 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions WELDS SANITARY SPEC_BLIND BLEED_RING EXPANSION JOINTS ‘STRAINERS UNIONS USER_SHAPES VALVES Y_SHAPE PTN - Part Number - Value assigned to specific schedules Thickness Tables Properties ‘Table Name - Specifies the name of the table selected. This can be edited Size Table - Specifies the size table associated with the Thickness Table. This cannot be changed, itis set up when the Thickness Table is created ‘Schedule Table - Specifies the schedule table associated with the Thickness Table. This cannot be changed, itis set up when the Thickness Table is created, Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box. Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Description - Specifies the description of the table, This can be edited Fields NOM - Nominal Pipe Size - The size of the component from the size table. ‘Schedule types - The values in this area are schedule table values associated with the thickness table. They represent the weight and thickness of the component. EndType Tables Properties nae, properties for each component within the EndType Tables are all the same. They are as follows: Table Name - Specifies the name of the table selected. This can be edited. EndType - Specifies the end type for that particular component. This cannot be edited Size Table - Specifies the size table associated with the EndType Table. This is set up when the EndType is created. Part Number - Specifies the part number associated with that particular component end type. Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who ereated the project. You can type a name in the box. Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Description - Specifies the description of the table. This can be edited. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 75 Appendix Property Descriptions Fields MAINSIZE - Main size - Specifies the main sizes used for that end type. (OAL - Overall length - Specifies the overall length used for that end type. FACELEN - face length - Specifies the face length of that end type. CFD - connection face diameter - Specifies the connection face diameter for that end type. FFD - face face diameter - Specifies the face face diameter for that end type. CHD - connection hub diameter - Specifies the connection hub diameter for that end type. FHD - face hub diameter - Specifies the face hub diameter for that end type. PENGLEN - pipe engagement length - Specifies the pipe engagement length for that end type. CPENGD - connection pipe engagement diameter - Specifies the connection pipe engagement diameter for that end type FPENGD - face pipe engagement diameter - Specifies the face pipe engagement diameter for that end type, Picture Description Provides an image of the component endtype. Examples of Component Endtypes Buttweld Ferrule and Ferrule Hub 1. 0AL 1 1.0AL 2.FFD ao 2. CPENGD = 3 PID PENGD 4.cFD , PENGLEN PID . HD 2) 45 Flanged H,1,Q, and Tri-Clamps 1. FD 1.0FD 2. FACELEN 2. FACELEN 3.PID PID 4.CFD FFD 1 34 1 -34 2 2 Socket Engagement Specific Engagement CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions 1.PID 1. 0AL 2. OAL 2.PID 3. FHD 1 3 - 2 | 2 1 ‘Threaded and Socket Weld ‘Threaded Engagement et ope 1.0AL 1. PENGLEN: 2. FHD 2. OAL, 3. CPENGD = PID FPENGD 1 4, PENGLEN 2a | 5 5.PID Data Table Properties Properties in the data table are broken down by the specific components, known as a category. Most component properties are similar. This list provides the properties for each category. Properties for each component are listed by component. For more information see the lst of categories below. Category Properti + Name - Specifies the name of the category. + Type - Specifies the type of component contained in the category. + Description - Specifies a description of the category List of Categories * Caps (on page 80) * Couplings (on page 81) * Crosses (on page 83) + Elbows (on page 84) Flanges (on page 88) Gaskets/Bolts/Welds (on page 89) Laterals (on page 83) (O-Lets (on page 94) Pipe (on page 95) Reducers (on page 97) CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 77 Appendix Property Descriptions Sanitary (on page 98) ‘Spec Blind/Bleed Ring/Exp Joint (on page 100) Strainers (on page 102) Tees (on page 103) + Topworks (on page 104) + Unions (on page 106) + User Shapes (on page 108) + Valves (on page 109) + Wye Shape (on page 112) Common Component Properties This list of properties specifies the common properties attached to all components within each category. The rest of the properties are broken down in their respective category for the component type. Each of the following properties is contained under Component Table in each category, Name - Specifies the specific name of each component based on type and schedule. This can be changed ‘Type - Specifies the type of the actual component. This is the common name of the component and cannot be changed Size Table - Specifies the size table attached to the component. This is based on the size table selected when the component was added to the category. This cannot be changed, Part Number - Specifies the part number assigned to that particular component type Version - Specifies the Spec Euitor version. This cannot be changed. Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. You can type a name in the box Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. Description - Specifies the long description of the component. This includes the common name, the end type, and the weight. This can be changed. 78 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions ETS ETS or Bitwise End Type Placement Control is common to most but not all data tables. ETS controls the end type display. ETS Description In the 2012 legacy program, flanged components such as 45FL, 90FL, CONFL, ECCFL, PIPFL, TEFL, and YFL use the FLGS vatiable to control cisplaying of endtype at the ends. This variable is a bitwise flag (0, 1, 2...) and depends on the numbered connections of the component, as shown in the graphic below. oO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In the 2013 NG system, the data tables also have an ETS variable (Endtype bitwise flag) to control display endtypes. This is similar to the legacy FLGS variable, as shown in the graphic below. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 When importing, the FLGS variable is converted to the ETS variable, Otherwise a default value is set that depends on the number connection of components. For example: the value is 1 for CAPS and 15 for CROSSES. ‘Special components are used for flanged pipes. PIPFL is a special endtype component, and PIPFL2 is a flanged component. In 2D single mode, the components have different shapes. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 78 Appendix Property Descriptions ‘The ETS of PIPFL is a design value of 100, 101, 102, or 103, such as ETS = 103, The design of PIPFL2_is ETS with a value of 0, 1, 2, or 3, such as ETS = 3 Caps ‘Specifies the caps properties. To view the properties: 1, Click the plus (+) sign next to Caps to expand the category, 2, Click a plus (+) sign next to Cap or Plug. 3. Click the actual data table. [WOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties specified. If property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is set to True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed [HOTE] This property sets the default endlype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47). Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. LEN - Length - Specifies the lengths for the component. HUBOD - Hub Outside Diameter - Specifies the diameter value for the component WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component 80 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting Add User Part Number Column, You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as its spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Plug 1. LEN 1. LEN 2.MAINSIZE 2. MAINSIZE 3. HUBOD 3. REDSIZE 3 2 1 Couplings ‘Specifies the couplings properties. To view the properties: 1, Click the plus (+) sign next to Couplings to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a coupling component 3. Click the actual data table. [WOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component, REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction prozerty is only available on reducing components. LEN - Length - Specifies the lengths for the component. HUBOD - Hub Outside Diameter - Specifies the diameter value for the component WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement control. Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide a1 Appendix Property Descriptions has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component recorcl-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as its spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component ‘Coupling Coupling Reducing 1, MAINSIZE 2 41.MAINSIZE 2.LEN Cc 2. LEN 3. HUBOD 3. REDSIZE. 1 3 1 3 a 2 Coupling Half Nute. 1. MAINSIZE: 1. HUBOD 2. LEN 2. LEN 3. HUBOD 82 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Crosses ‘Specifies the crosses properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to Crosses to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a cross component. 3. Click the actual data table, NOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup ‘Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. Brancht - Specifies the first branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed, Branch2 - Specifies the second branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For ‘more information, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction property is only available on reducing components, CENEND! - Center to Branch 1 End - Specifies the distance from the center to an end. CENEND2 - Center to Branch 2 End - Specifies the distance from the center to an end. CENENDS - Center to Branch 3 End - Specifies the distance from the center to an end. CENENDG - Center to Branch 4 End - Specifies the distance from the center to an end. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2s two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individual component. [HOTE] Upon import of the DAT fil the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 83 Appendix Property Descriptions Cross Cross Reducing 1. CENEND1 2 1. CENEND1 1 2 2. CENEND2 —" 2. CENEND2 | 3. CENENDS 1 3. CENENDS 4. CENENDS 3 | 4 CENEND4 4S MAINSIZE 5. MAINSIZE ° 6, REDSIZE 5 4 3 6 Elbows Specifies the elbow properties. To view the properties: 41. Click the plus (+) sign next to Elbows to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to an elbow component. 3. Click the actual data table. ‘Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is set to True, When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed. End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47). Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction property is only available on reducing components. RAD - Radius - Specifies the radius of the elbow. ANG - Angle - Specifies the angle of the elbow. ‘STLEN - Start Tangent Length - Specifies a tangent length, ETLEN - End Tangent Length - Specifies a tangent length, WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component, ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement control, Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee a4 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43), Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Long Radius Elbow Short Radius Elbow 1 4.RAD 1, ANG 2. MAINSIZE, 3 | 2 RAD 3, MAINSIZE 2 2 Elbow Reducing Elbow 1 1, RAD 1.ANG 2. MAINSIZE, 2. RAD 3. STLEN 3. MAINSIZE 2 4. ETLEN 4 2 3 3 Street Elbow 2 1.RAD 2. MAINSIZE CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 85 Appendix Property Descriptions Flanges ‘Specifies the flanges properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (+) sign next to Flanges to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a flange component, 3. Click the actual data table. [NOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property, Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is set to True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. OTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction prozerty is only available on reducing components, LEN - Length - Specifies the lengths for the component. FLGTHK - Flange Thickness - Specifies the thickness of the flange. FLGDIA - Flange Diameter - Specifies the diameter of the flange. HDLE - HUB Diameter Large End - Specifies the diameter of the large end of the flange. HDSE - HUB Diameter Small End - Specifies the diameter of the small end of the flange. PENG - Pipe Engagement - Specifies the value of the pipe engagement. PSB - Pipe Set Back - Specifies the value of the pice set back forthe flange. LJLEN - Lap Joint Length - Specifies the lab joint length for the flange. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported ‘rom the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Enhancement RFD - Raised Face Diameter - Specifies the diameter of the raised face. RFLEN - Raised Face Length - Specifies the length of the raised face. 86 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions BHD - Bolt Hole Diameter - Specifies the diameter of the bolt hole. BCD - Bolt Circle Diameter - Specifies the diameter of the bolt circle. BHN - Bolt Hole Number - Specifies the number of bolt holes. (OTD - Orifice Tap Diameter - Specifies the diameter of the orifice tab, OTA - Orifice Tap Angle - Specifies the angle of the orifice tab OTN -- Orifice Tap Number - Specifies the value attached to that specific orifice tab. PID - Pipe Inside Diameter - Specifies the diameter of the inside of the pipe. RF - Fillet Radius - Specifies the radius ofthe filet. Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Flange Blind Flange Lap Joint 1 3 1. BHO 1 1 HDLE-HDSE (4 2. RFLEN 2 3] 2.PD ot T 3 and 4. 9 ep 3, FLGTHK wt) ea RSTH 4 RFLEN 5 LEN, HE 5 Reo 6 RFD 5 _ | 6.BCD h— 7 —#t 6.BCD 4 7.FLGDIA 7. FLGDIA é 8 LEN 7 —+ oeHD Long Weld Neck Flange Weld Neck HOLE oy HOLE HDSE 2 HDSE PID 3 PID 1 1 2 2 oS 3 3. 4) 4. FLOTHK Ha) 4| 4 FLGTHK 9 i? S.RFLEN 951° = 5. RFLEN 8. RFD | gt &.RFD 7 TF 7. 8 8 9 9 1 1 esno u BCD BCD FLGDIA — FLGDIA LEN LEN (0. BHD (0. BHD ero CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 87 Appendix Property Descriptions Flange Reducing Slip On a le 2 —m 10-] | hW-7 —4 Flange Reducing Weld Neck 1 3 6 7 8 Flange Socket Weld 1 Flange Reducing Threaded HOLE HOSE PENG PSB LEN PID RFD BCD 1. FLGDIA 10. RFLEN 11. FLGTHK 12. 8HD. Flange Slip On HOLE 1 HOSE 2 PID FLGTHK 4 RFLEN 1 t RFD LEN 9 10. BHD HOLE 1 HOSE 8 PENG oye BET wero ix) HO en oe 6 BCD — FLGDIA 10. RFLEN 11, FLOTHK. 12. BHD HOLE HOSE PENG PSB FLGTHK RFLEN PID RFD 9.BCD 10. FLGDIA 411. LEN 12. BHD SNORE nS= HOLE HOSE PENG PSB FLGTHK RFLEN PID RFD BCD 10. FLGDIA 41. LEN 12. BHD 4. HOLE = HOSE 2. MAINSIZE LEN RFD BCD FLGDIA RFLEN FLGTHK BHD Cerone 88 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Stub 1 1. HOLE | 2. HDSE 3a 3. PIPETHK } 4. FLGTHK 5. FLGDIA 4] 6.LEN L—- 5 _Jt Gaskets/Bolts/Welds Specifies the gasket, bolt, and weld properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to Gaskets/Bolds/Welds to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a weld, gasket, or bolt 3. Click the actual data table. [WOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Gaskets Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component FLGOD - Flange Outside Diameter - Specifies the outside diameter of a flange for a gasket, THK - Thickness - Specifies the thickness of a gasket. RNO - Ring Number - Specifies the ring number of a gasket. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled. Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 89 Appendix Property Descriptions Gasket 1. MAINSIZE 2.THCK 3. FLGOD Bolts Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component NOSET - Number of bolts in set - Specifies the amount of bolts for a set of flanges or connections. DIA - Bolt Diameter - Specifies the diameter of a bolt LEN - Length - Specifies the length of a bott TYPE - Bolt Type - Specifies the bolt type. NUTCNT - Nut Count - Specifies the number of nuts per bott NUTTHK - Nut Thickness - Specifies the thickness of the bolt EXT - Bolt Extension - Specifies the extension of the bolt TOL - Tolerance - Specifies the tolerance of the bolt and used to round the bolt length after calculation. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported ‘rom the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component 90 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Bolt Length Calculation Bolt Type =1 4 Thread 1] 2] [2] ] ae 3 -Runout 4-Shank 5 -Radius 6-Head 7- Thread Length cu 3 8 | > 8-Grip Length 9 = Nominal Length Bolt Type = 2: with bolt extension ‘ 4 2 \ 4 Nuts 4 2- Thread 3- Nominal Length 4- Bolt Extension Bolt Length Formula Bolt Typ BOLT LEN = Round ( X # Number Nut * Nut Thickness + Bolt extension) Bolt Typ: BOLT LEN = Round ( X + Number Nut * Nut Thickness + 2°Bolt extension) Where X is: UIP : f ills Zi ‘The round function works with the BoltRoundControl setting, BoltRoundCentrol specifies the rounding of bott length: + 0-No rounding is performed + 1-Rounds the value up to the nearest multiole of the value specified in Tolerance + 2+ Rounds the value down to the nearest multiple of the value specified in Tolerance. +3 Rounds the value up or down to the nearest multiple of the value specified in Tolerance. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 31 Appendix Property Descriptions [NOTE] The bolt length is maximum of calculated length and bolt length in the data table. Bolt Flanges Two flange components are required, with optional gaskets and components, ‘Components in the middle must have a wafer end type on both ends, Two components are allowed x os 1 - Bleed ring 2- Spectacle bling 1 2 Welds Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component THK - Thickness - Specifies the thickness of a weld. TYPE - Type - Specifies the type of weld WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component [WOTE] Upon impor of he DAT fle the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part ‘numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled. Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component 92 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Weld 1. Thickness 1 Laterals ‘Specifies the laterals properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (+) sign next to Laterals to expand the category 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a lateral component. 3. Click the actual data table. [OTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed, End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. Branch1 - Specifies the branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [OTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47). Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction option is only available on reducing components. CSEND - Center to Small End - Specifies the small center end CLEND - Center to Large End - Specifies the large center end, CBRH - Center to Branch - Specifies the center branch. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro. Placement contro is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 33 Appendix Property Descriptions [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also spetity this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting Add User Part Number Column, You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exacly as its spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input felds using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Lateral Lateral Reducing 1. CBRH 1. CBRH 2. MAINSIZE 2. REDSIZE Me 3. CSEND 3, MAINSIZE ( 4. CLEND 4, CLEND 5, CSEND O-Lets Specifies the o-lets properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (+) sign next to O-Lets to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to an o-let component. 3. Click the actual data table. [WOTE] some ofthe components do not have all properties. Ia property isnot Iisted fora component, then that component does not use the property. Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is set to True, When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [OTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47). Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. PSA - Pipe Sizes Allowed - Specifies the pipe size allowed for the O-let. HUBOD - HUB Outside Diameter - Specifies the outside diameter of the O-let PROJ - Outside Projection - Specifies the projection from the outer point. OLETANGLE - Olet Angle - Specifies the angle of the O-let PENG - Pipe Engagement - Specifies the pipe engagement of the O-et PSB - Pipe Set Back - Specifies the set back of the pipe from the end point, 94 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions POD - Pipe Outside Diameter - Specifies the outside diameter of the pipe. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro. Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part ‘numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Elbow-O-Let Nip-O-Let 1 1. MAINSIZE 2. PROJ 1, PROJ 2. SOCTHR 3. MAINSIZE |44. PSA Pipe ‘Specifies the pipe properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to Pipe to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a pipe component. 3. Click the actual data table. [WOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup ‘Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component, This can be changed. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 95 Appendix Property Descriptions [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated datia table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane, For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47). Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component MINLEN - Optional Minimum Pipe Length - Specifies the optional minimum lengths for the component. MAXLEN - Optional Maximum Pipe Length - Specifies the optional maximum lengths for the component. THRDCL - Threaded close length - Specifies the length of a threaded close for a nipple. ‘SOCCL - Socket close length - Specifies the length of a socket close for a nipple. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro. Placement contro is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individual component. [OTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported ‘rom the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled. Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Pipe 1 1, MAXLEN 2. MINLEN 2 3. MAINSIZE 3 96 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Reducers Specifies the reducers properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to Reducers to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a reducer component. 3. Click the actual data table, NOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup ‘Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [HOTE] This property sets the default endlype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47). Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction property is only available on reducing components. LEN - Length - Specifies the lenaths for the component. CENOFF - Center Lines Offset - Specifies the offset of the centerline SESLEN - Small End Straight Length - Specifies the straight length of the small end of the reducer, LESLEN - Large End Straight Length - Specifies the straight length ofthe large end of the reducer WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide o7 Appendix Property Descriptions Bushing Concentric 1. MAINSIZE 3 1. MAINSIZE 2. LEN 2 (2. STLEN 3. REDSIZE 4 3. LEN 3 2 4. ETLEN 5. REDSIZE 1 5 Eccentric ‘Swage Concentric 1. MAINSIZE 2 1. MAINSIZE 2. CENOFF 2. LEN 3, REDSIZE 3. REDSIZE | 1 3 3 ‘Swage Eccentric 2 MAINSIZE 2.LEN REDSIZE Sanitary ‘Specifies the sanitary properties. To view the properties: the plus (#) sign next to Sanitary to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a sanitary component. 3. Click the actual data table. [WOTE] Some ofthe components do net have all properties. a property isnot listed fora component, then that component does not use the property. Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is set to True, When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component, This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. Branch1 - Specifies the branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For ‘more information, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) 98 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. REDSIZE - Redustion Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction. property is only available on reducing components. RAD - Radius - Specifies the radius of the uben. ANG - Angle - Specifies the angle of the uben. STLEN - Start Straight Length - Specifies the distance from the start porto the start of the curve. ENLEN - End Straight Length - Specifies the distance from the end port to the start of the curve. PRO4J - Side to project branch - BRANPROJ - Branch projection - Specifies the distance from the centerline of the bend to the end of branch projection. ACTLG - Actuator length - Specifies the length of the actuator ACTOD - Actuator outside diameter - Specifies the outside diameter of the actuator. YOKELG - Yoke length - Specifies the length of the yoke for a multi-port CENCEN - Center to center ports - Specifies the distance from the center to the center of ports. CENPORT - Center to port - Specifies the distance from the center to the port. CENSTEM - Center to stem - Specifies the distance from the center to the stem, Body Type - Expand for information on Body 1, Body 2, and Body 3. BODY’ - Body 1 - Specifies the component drawn for body 1 based off the image below. Values entered can be from 1 to 9 BODY? - Body 2 - Specifies the component drawn for body 2 based off the image below. Values entered can be from 1 to 9, BODYS - Body 3 - Specifies the component drawn for body 3 based off the image below. Values entered can be from 1 to 9 Acanertergh rst ond nay Tyne § , i 2 . 5 4 TwrTbay —Tymet ty Tet } CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 98 Appendix Property Descriptions ANGLE - Angle 1 - Specifies the angle ofthe branch from the main line of the valve. ANGLE2 - Ange! 2 - Specifies the angle ofthe branch from the main line of the valve ANGLES - Angle 3- Specifies the angle of the branch from the mainline ofthe valve WEIGHT - Weight- Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement control. Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7 USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individdal component. [WOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMIBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom daia field Which associates part rhumbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported ‘rom the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You ean also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis, spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Spec Blind/Bleed Ring/Exp Joint Specifies the spectacle biind, bleed ring, and expansion joint properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (+) sign next to Spec Blind/Bleed Ring/Exp Joint to expand the category, 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a spectacle blind, bleed ring, or expansion joint 3. Click the actual data table. ‘Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is set to True, When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed. End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47), Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component, FLGOD - Flange Outside Diameter - Specifies the outside diameter of a flange for a bleed ring, expansion joint, or spectacle blind THK - Thickness - Specifies the thickness of a gasket or a weld CCOAL - Center to Center / Overall Length - Specifies the center to center distance or the overall length of the component, WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. 700 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported ‘rom the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Bleed Ring Expansion Joint 1, LFGOD. 2.THK 1. THK 2. LFGOD 3. CCOAL 4, MAINSIZE 2 Spectacle Blind 1, LFGOD. 2. THK i 3. CCOAL 1 2 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 401 Appendix Property Descriptions Strainers ‘Specifies the strainers properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to Strainers to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a strainer component. 3. Click the actual data table, NOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup ‘Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. Brancht - Specifies the branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47} Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. LEN - Length - Specifies the lengths for the component. CENBTM - Center to Branch End - Specifies the distance from the center to the extreme bottom of the component. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individual component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component. 702 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Strainer 1. CBRH 2. MAIN 3. CEND 4, MAINSIZE Tees ‘Specifies the tees properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to Tees to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a tee component 3. Click the actual data table. [WOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. fa property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property To view the properties listed in this topic, click the plus + sign next to Tees. The category opens and you need to click a plus + sign next to a tee group. Next, click the actual data table. Some of the components do not have some of the following properties. if a property isnot listed when clicking on a particular component that component does not use that particular property. Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is set to True, When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed. End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. Brancht - Specifies the branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Edit Component Pane (on page 47). Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component REDSIZE - Reduce Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. Only available on reducing components CMAIN - Center to End 1 - Specifies the distance from the center to the main end. CEND - Center to End 2 - Specifies the distance from the center to the end end. CBRH - Center to Branch End - Specifies the distance from the center to the branch end WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 103 Appendix Property Descriptions ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported ‘rom the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Tee Tee Reducing 1, MAINSIZE 5 4, REDSIZE 2. CMAIN 2. MAINSIZE 3. CEND f] 3. CMAIN 1 4. CBRH 4. CEND fds car Topworks ‘Specifies the topworks properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (+) sign next to Topworks to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a topworks component. 3. Click the actual data table. ‘Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. OPOR - Operator Outside Radius - Specifies the radius from the center to the outside of the actuator wheel. OPTHK - Operator Thickness - Specifies the thickness of the operator wheel RESERVED - RESERVED OPLENGTH - Operator Length - Specifies the length of the operator stem. HANDLEOR - Handle Bar Outside Radius - Specifies the outside radius of the handle. 104 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions HANDLELENGTH - Handle Length - Specifies the length of the handle to operate the valve SUBDIRECTORY - Sub Directory - Specifies the directory where the topwork is located DWGNAME - Drawing Name - Specifies the drawing name of the topwork, ROTATION - Rotation - Specifies the direction of the topwork. LEFTOR - Left Outside Radius - Specifies the left outside radius. LEFTLENGTH - Left Side Length - Specifies the left side length of the topwork. This property is only on a topwork that has sides. RIGHTOR - Right Outside Radius - Specifies the right outside radius of the topwork RIGHTLENGTH - Right Side Length - Specifies the right length side of the topwork. This property is only on a topwork that has sides. NODERADIUS - Node Radius - Specifies the radius of the node. This property is only on a topwork that contains a node, GEARBT - Gear Bottom to Stem Bottom - Specifies the distance from the top of the stem to the bottom of the stem. WHEELBT - Gear Top to Gear Bottom - Specifies the distance from the top of the gear box to the top of the stem WHEELFT - Stem to Wheel Distance - Specifies the distance of the wheel to the stem. WHEELOR - Wheel Outside Radius - Specifies the outside radius of the wheel. WHEELLENGTH - Wheel Length - Specifies the length of the wheel, SPOKENO - Number of Spokes - Specifies the number of spokes on the wheel. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component Actuator Geart 1.0POR 1 +. WHEELFT 2. OPOR/2 2=-2. 2°0PTHK 3. MAINSIZE 3, OPTHK 4, OPLENGTH 4, WHEELOR 5, GEARBT 6. WHEELBT 7. OPLENGTH CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 105 Appendix Property Descriptions Geara GearActuator 1 1, 2NODERADIUS 1 1, 20POR 6 2, RIGHTLENGTH 2, OPLENGTH 2 3. OPTHK 3. GEARBT 3 4. OPLENGTH 2 4. WHEELLENGTH 5. 2OPOR }¢ 6. LEFTLENGTH 3 7 5 Levert Lever2 1 1, HANDLENGHT 1 1, HANDLENGHT 4 20PLENGTH ot 5-2. ZTHANDOR 3. 20POR 3, 20POR J 4, HANDOR 4, OPLENGTH 5, OPTHK 3 3 Wheel 1 1. OPORIS 2, 2OPTHK 2 3. OPLENGTH 4, MAINSIZE 3 § 5. OPOR 4 Unions ‘Specifies the unions properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (+) sign next to Unions to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a union component 3. Click the actual data table. ‘Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed fora component, then that component does not use the property 106 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed. End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. LEN - Length - Specifies the lengths for the component NUTCRNS - Nut Crown distance - Specifies the distance of the nut crown. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro. Placement contro is calculated by the end type number for each end port. For example, a Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component. [OTE] Upon import of the DAT fle the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component. Union 1, NUTCRNS 2. LEN 4 3. MAINSIZE CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 107 Appendix Property Descriptions User Shapes ‘Specifies the user shapes properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to User Shapes to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a user shape component, 3. Click the actual data table, NOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. TYPE - Type - Specifies the type of user shape. ‘SUBDIRECTORY - Sub Directory - Specifies the directory where the user shape is located DWG3DSOLID - Drawing Name for 3d Solid mode - Specifies the drawing name given to the User shape when it was created DWG2DDOUBLE - Drawing Name for 2D Double Line mode - Specifies the drawing name given to the user shape when it as created DWG2DSINGLE - Drawing Name for 2D Single Line mode - Specifies the drawing name given to the user shape when it was created CONNPOINT - Connection points - Specifies the value of the user shapes connection points REFPOINT - Reference points - Specifies the value of the reference connection points for the user shape. CONNDIRECT - Array Connection directions - Specifies the value of the direction for the connection points of the user shape. CONNREDUCER - Array Connection reduce flags - Specifies the value for the reducing connections flags. CONNENDTYPE - Array Connection endtypes - Specifies the value for the connection points endtypes. PROFILEPOINT - Array profile points - Specifies the user shapes profile points if there are any DENSITY - Density - Specifies the density of the user shape WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component. LENGTH - Length - Specifies the length for the component. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field Which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification. You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43). Picture Description - Displays a 20 image of the component 708 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Valves ‘Specifies the valves properties. To view the properties: 1. Click the plus (#) sign next to Valves to expand the category, 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a valve component, 3. Click the actual data table. [NOTE] Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed for a component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. Brancht - Specifies the branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed [NOTE] This property sets the default endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table Is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more infermation, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component, REDSIZE - Reduction Size - Specifies the reduction sizes for the component. The reduction property is only available on reducing components HUBOD - Hub Outside Diameter - Specifies the diameter value for the component. ODIN - Outside Diameter Inlet - Specifies the outside diameter of the inlet. ‘SQ - Square Dimension - Specifies the square dimensions of the valve LEN - Length - Specifies the lengths for the component. OAL - Overall length - Specifies the overall length of the component. ENDPORT - End to port outlet - Specifies the distance from the end to the port outlet. CENFEMALE - Center to Female End - Specifies the distance from the center to the female end CPRES - Center to pressure end - Specifies the distance from the center to the pressure end. ODPRES - Outside Diameter Pressure End - Specifies the outside diameter of the pressure end CREL - Center to relief end - Specifies the distance from the center to the relief end, ODREL - Outside Diameter Relief End - Specifies the outside diameter of the relief end, CMAIN - Center to End 1 - Specifies the distance from the center to the main end. CEND - Center to End 2 - Specifies the distance from the center to the end end, CBRH - Center to Branch End - Specifies the distance from the center to the branch end, WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component, ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro Placement contro is calculated by the end type number for each end port. EXAMPLE: A Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 108 Appendix Property Descriptions USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER Is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification, You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting ‘Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled. Custom Data - Enables you to input felds using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43) Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component 3-Way Valve 4-Way Valve 1. MAINSIZE 1. MAINSIZE 4 2 CMAIN 3) 2-cMAIN 3. CEND 3. CBRH 1 4.0BRH ae Angle Valve Ball Valve 2 1. MAINSIZE 1. MAINSIZE 2. CPRES 2. LENGTH PN] 3.CREL 3. HUBOD 1 H 4.ODREL 4 is 2 Butterfly Valve Check Valve 1. MAINSIZE 2 1. MAINSIZE 2 2. LENGTH 2. LENGTH \ 1 | 710 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions Control Valve pe___2___» Diaphragm Valve —— Globe Valve bo La J Plug Valve Dual Check Valve 1. MAINSIZE 1. MAINSIZE 2. LENGTH ————— 2. LENGTH Xbody Gate Valve 1. MAINSIZE 2,1. MAINSIZE 2. LENGTH 2. CENFEMALE 3. 0AL 4 4. HUBOD Gate Valve 1. MAINSIZE 1. MAINSIZE 2 LENGTH 2. LENGTH 3.0) 4s “Ip Needle Valve 1. MAINSIZE 1. MAINSIZE 2. LENGTH 2. LENGTH 2 Relief Valve CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 111 Appendix Property Descriptions 2 1. MAINSIZE 1 1. CPRES | 2. LENGTH 2. REDSIZE 3. MAINSIZE 2 4. CREL Rotary Valve 2 1. MAINSIZE coals Wye Shape Specifies the wye shape properties. To view the properties: 1, Click the plus (#) sign next to Wye Shape to expand the category. 2. Click a plus (+) sign next to a wye shape component. 3. Click the actual data table. ‘Some of the components do not have all properties. If a property is not listed fora component, then that component does not use the property Default EndType Data Table Setup ‘Apply same end type to all ends - Applies the same end type to all ends when this option is setto True. When set to False, the software uses more than one end type. Start - Specifies the start end type associated with that component. This can be changed End - Specifies the end end type associated with that component. This can be changed. Brancht - Specifies the branch end type associated with that component. This can be changed [NOTE] This property sets the defauit endtype(s) when a new component referencing the associated data table is added to a Project Specification in the New Component pane. For more information, see New and Ealt Component Pane (on page 47) Required MAINSIZE - Main Size - Specifies the main sizes for the component. CMAIN - Center to End 1 - Specifies the center main to the end of the wye. CEND - Center to Branch 1 End - Specifies the center of the first branch to the end of the wye. 142 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Appendix Property Descriptions CBRH - Center to Branch 2 End - Specifies the center of the second branch to the end of the wye. WEIGHT - Weight - Specifies the weight for the component ETS - Bitwise End Type Placement Control - Specifies the value for the placement contro. Placement control is calculated by the end type number for each end port. EXAMPLE: A Tee has three ends so the bit type placement control would be 7. Side 1 is 1 side 2 is two and side 3 is 4 equaling 7. USER_PART_NUMBER - User Part Number - Specifies the unique part number of each individtial component. [NOTE] Upon import of the DAT file the user field USER_PART_NUMBER is created for each component data table. This is a unique custom data field which associates part numbers derived from the DAT file with each component in the new specification imported from the legacy specification, You can also specify this custom data field manually to assign component record:-level part numbers (PTN)s by right clicking the data table and selecting Add User Part Number Column. You can also accomplish this by double clicking Custom Data in the Properties pane and creating the USER_PART_NUMBER field exactly as itis spelled Custom Data - Enables you to input fields using the New Field Dialog Box (on page 43), Picture Description - Displays a 2D image of the component wye v 1. CBRH 2. CEND 2 3.CMAIN 4 4, MAINSIZE CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 113 Appendix Property Descriptions 114 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Index A About + 16 ‘Add a new data table «31 ‘Add a new endtype table + 28 Add a new material table * 24 ‘Add a new schedule table * 26 ‘Add a new size table * 23 ‘Add a new specification 46 Add a new thickness table * 27 ‘Add MAINSIZE + 28 ‘Add Multi Component Pane + 53 ‘Add muitiple new components fo a spec + 53 Add New MAINSIZE + 29 ‘Add New Size * 23 ‘Add new topworks table * 32 Add new user shape * 31 ‘Add Schedule + 26 Add single new component to a spec * 51 ‘Add Specification + 46 Add Standard Size * 23 ‘Add Table Panel + 19 ‘Appendix Property Descriptions + 74 B Base Catalog Data + 43 c Caps + 80 Catalog Data + 37, 41 Catalog Panel - 60 Catalog Properties * 72 Category Table + 30 Clipboard Panel «17 ‘Common Component Properties * 78 Component LD Format + 50 Component SD Format + 50 Component Tables * 44 Component Tag Format + 51 Copy + 18 Couplings «81 Create a new properties field + 43 Crosses + 83 Cut 18 D Data Table + 30 Data Table Properties + 7 Data Tables folder » 42 Display Panel 41, 65 E Exit afield + 44 Ezit data table features + 33 Ezit endtype table « 28 Edit material table + 25 Euit Project Specs features * 55 Edit schedule table + 26 Ezit size table « 24 Ect table features - 20, Ezit thickness table + 27 Editing Panel + 63, Elbows + 84 EndType Table = 28 EnoType Tables + 44 EndType Tables folder « 42 EndType Tables Properties + 75 Exit Spec Editor - 16 Export Data Panel + 39, 63 Export Specification To Text Excel » 63 Export Table To Text Excel + 40 F File + 13 Find and Replace + 63 Flanges * 86 G Gaskets/Bolts/Welds + 89 H Help + 12 Home Catalog Tab + 17 Home Project Tab + 45 1 Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Data for a catalog * 21 Import AutoCAD Plant 3D Specs for a project + 57 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 115 Index Import AutoPLANT Data + 20 Import AutoPLANT Data for a project + 55 Import By Spec * 34 Import From Data File + 35 Import Legacy Specification » 62 Insert Row + 25 Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor + § K Keywords + 9 L Laterals + 93 Legacy Catalog Data Panel «34 Legacy Specification Panel » 62 Long Description Format Dialog Box + 66 Long, Short, and Tag Format Dialog Boxes +48 Material Assignment Setup + 68 Material Table + 24 Material Tables folder + 42 Material Tables Properties « 73 N New and Edit Component Pane * 47 New Catalog « 13 New Field Dialog Box + 43 New Project = 14 ° OLets +94 Open = 15 Other Editing Features + 18 P Part Number Format Dialog Box + 68 Paste + 17 Pipe » 95 PLANT 3D Size Table Detail Dialog Box - 59 Project Catalog Data + 65 Project Data + 38 Project Properties + 71 Project Specs + 65 Properties + 43, 65 Q Quick Access Toolbar + 11 Recent Files + 16 Reducers + 97 Remove Row + 19 Review Table Links + 61 Review Table Links Dialog Box - 64 Review Update * 61 s Sanitary + 98 Save + 15 Save As 16 Schedule Assignment Setup + 69 Schedule Table + 25 Schedule Tables folder » 42 Schedule Tables Properties * 74 Short Description Format Dialog Box + 66 Size Table + 22 Size Tables folder + 42 Size Tables Properties « 73 Spec Biind/Bleed Ring/Exp Joint + 100 Specification Panel + 45 Specification Properties + 71 Status Bar 12 Strainers + 102 T Tag Format Dialog Box * 67 Tees + 103 Thickness Table * 27 Thickness Tables folder + 42 Thickness Tables Properties + 75 Topworks + 104) Transfer Data Panel « 37 uU Undo + 19 Unions + 108 Update From Catalog * 60, User Shapes 106 Vv Valves» 109 View Catalog Tab + 41 View Project Tab + 65 116 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide Index WwW What's New in Spec Editor + 7 Wye Shape + 112 CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide 117

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