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Fatiha Keraghel , Kamel Loucif , Boualem Keskes
(1): Laboratoire des Matriaux non Mtallique Universit Ferhat Abbas de Stif 1 Institut dOptique et Mcanique de Prcision Algrie,
(2) : Laboratoire de Mcanique Universit Ferhat Abbas de Stif 1 Institut dOptique et Mcanique Prcision Algrie
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-X- ray diffraction

The present study investigated the tribological and microstructural characterization of the bronze
alloy Cu-10% Sn sintered under pressure from prealloyed powder. Different experimental techniques
have been implemented. Microscopy, we observed that the structure is porous grains have generally
maintained their original forms. We have found, by X-ray diffraction, the type a phase Cu17.3Sn.
Furthermore, we followed the evolution of the friction coefficient for different conditions. This showed
that the contact is very unstable. The coefficient of friction is of the order of 0.3 in the good operating
conditions. The wear of the samples was described as abrasive type for the normal force of 1N and
adhesive for 3N. Membership debris bronze ball has been proven by weighing and EDX analysis. The
bronze debris adhesion on the ball was proven by weighing and analyzes EDX

Experimental method
-Material : The material used is a bronze obtained by sintering under pressure of a
prealloyed powder Cu-10% Sn.
-Metallographic Observation
Optical observations were performed on an Universal metallographic microscope. The
magnification attained in this case is of the order of 500x. For electronic observations, they
were performed on a SEM type JSM-6100 equipped with a secondary electron detector, a
backscattered electron detector and a qualitative analysis of system elements.
The EDX analyzes were also performed in order to confirm a possible diffusion between
grains. On the other hand, the microscopy was used to characterize the degradation of
surfaces wear, and identify mechanisms that control such wear.
-X-Ray Diffraction
The X-ray diffraction is used to identify the phases formed during the elaboration. Analyzes
were performed on a SIEMENS D 5000 diffractometer equipped with a copper tube =
1.5406 A, using DIFFRAC Plus software, and TOPAS V2.0 for calculation of the lattice
parameters. The analysis conditions are as follows: 0.5 divergence slit, rotating sample
holder 15 rev / min, scanning 25-95 with a step of 0.02 and a speed 4 steps / second.
- Tribometry
For tribological characterization was used a type tribometer ball an disk. This tribometer
designed and built by CSEM (Neuchatel, Switzerland) also allows to perform tests under
controlled atmosphere and high temperature up to 800C.
- Evaluation of wear
After each friction test, the different characteristics to quantify wear: L us width, depth ZUS and
air wear SUS of a wear track section, are determined with a profilometer type Dektak 3030

a: Different pressures

b: Different durations
Samples diffraction from Cu-10% Sn

Tribological characterization
- Study of friction

a: Normal force =1N

b: Sliding speed= 62.8mm/s
Evolution of the friction coefficient in function of time
-Wear of the antagonistic pieces

Aspect of a wear profile

The wear mass loss is given by the difference of the final mass m f (after wear) than initial mass mi
(before wear):
m= mf - m

Experimental Result
Microstructural characterization
- Metallographic observation

F (N)

m Pastille (mg)



m Bille (mg)


Variation mass loss according

to the normal force

a:T=400C, P =100 MPa, t= 3h

b :T=400C, P =100 MPa, t =4h

Optical micrograph of samples sintered under different conditions

from pre-alloyed powders Cu-10%Sn (500x)

a :Sample F=2N,V= 62.8mm/s

b : Balle F=2N, 73.26mm/s
Wear surfaces of two antagonistic pieces


a: (T= 400C, P = 100 MPa ; t = 3h) b: (T= 400C, P = 100 MPa ; t = 4h)
MEB Micrograph of samples sintered under different conditions

The microstructural characterization and tribological bronze Cu-10%Sn sintered under pressure from prealloyed
powder was carried out by different techniques. Essential conclusions in this study are as follows:
-The structure of the material is highly porous, the grains of powder have powder despite their identities
coalescence observed between some grains,
- the X-ray diffraction revealed a phase Cu17.3Sn with the existence of tin in solid solution in the following,
-The evolution of the friction coefficient showed that the contact between the two pieces is very unstable and this
has led to very excessive coefficients and use self-lubrication is essential,
- the coefficient of friction remains substantially constant in the area swept slip speed and normal force,
- two wear mechanisms controlling the degradation of the sample surface: abrasion and adhesion.

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