Family Artifact Reflection

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Kiana Dehmand

9th Lit Honors

Family Artifact Reflection

I am very connected and fascinated still with my culture. This family artifact assignment,
for me, was very easy to write and also get lost in the writing. The artifact I decided to research
and write about was a statuette of a spiritual symbol that links my family members, here and in
Iran, together due to its cultural and traditional meanings. The daughter of Soheyla Sadeghiani is
me and the writing was very accurate, explaining my interest for this symbol, Farvahar. As
mentioned in standard, ELAGSE9-10W2.b., I concluded well choses, significant facts that
revolve around the topic (Farvahar) and the main focus point does not change throughout my
essay. Im very happy with my piece of writing because of how I mentioned both the history of
the artifact and the connection it has with my family members and I. Just like many of my
classmates though, it was difficult to make the article in 3rd person with myself playing three
roles: the writer, interviewer, and the daughter of my mom, Soheyla. Yet I managed to do this
throughout the writing well and I think it was a good experience to do a change in point of view
for once in my language arts writing. I am also happy with this assignment because it was the
first time I was required to write a meaningful piece about my family and culture. Also, for the
first time in a long amount of time, most of the sentences came very easily and naturally without
myself even

knowing exactly whats being typed on the paper. Although I have not mentioned anything about
this artifact in pieces like the Where Im From poem, each piece is still similar in a way
because each have deep roots in my ethnicity and culture. In conclusion, I did enjoy the artifact
assignment because like many other writers, I can easily enjoy writing when it comes to the
things that I care about deeply. Also in standard, ELAGSE9-10W3.e., I worded the concluding
sentence as a short reflection on what the speaker has learned through the experience, quoting,
Also, for Kiana Dehmand, getting to expand her knowledge of learning about different points of
views and stories from places around the world.

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