Shia Labeouf

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Shia LaBeouf

American Actor/Director

Adversity has a way of introducing a man to himself - Shia LaBeouf

Shia Saide LaBeouf was born on June 11, 1986 in Los Angeles to Saide and Jeffrey Craig
LaBeouf. Being an only child, Shia was able to fully harness his creative potential, by starting to
do stand-up comedy in places around his neighborhood at a young age. He attended Hamilton
Academy of Music in Los Angeles and graduated from Alexander Hamilton High School in
2003. Shia gained popularity by the public and audiences in 1999 when the hit show Even
Stevens aired on Disney Channel. This show starred Shia as a quirky little brother to Christy
Carlson Romano and earned him a Daytime Emmy Award. He is recently known for his role as
Sam Witwicky in the Transformers movie series. (Biography)
Growing up, Shia LaBeoufs family was not financially stable, especially after his father
developed a substance abuse problem and left the family. This then lead to his parents divorce.
After his success on Even Stevens, Shia used his money to help his family, making sure they
never had to struggle with finances again. Shia has a lot of character and integrity; he always had
a passion for helping the people that had helped him. Shias strength was always his selflessness.
Even as a young child star of 14, Shia was always level headed and did not get into trouble until
his later years. Not until November of 2007 did Shia LaBeouf do something that was out of
character. He was arrested for trespassing after he refused to leave a Chicago Drug Store.
Although the charges were later dropped, this was the first weakness Shia showed to his fans.
(Shia LaBeouf Biography)
Shia LaBeouf has never let fame go to his head, which differentiates him from most other child
stars. Strengths of his include stability, selflessness, thoughtfulness, and being charismatic.
Weaknesses include his inability to uphold a strong positive self-image. Shia is unable to stay
under the radar with his growing fame in multiple movies. Although Shia LaBeouf has made
mistakes, he is open about what he has done wrong and is working on becoming a stronger
individual that his fans will be proud of. (Shia LaBeouf Biography)

The theme of this campaign is centered on Shia LaBeoufs quote, Adversity has a way of
introducing a man to himself. In the previous months, Shias adversity has lead him to find
himself in a new, positive light. The ultimate goal of this campaign is to enhance his public
image and restore a positive image in audiences, publics, and fans. By playing to Shias adversity
and originality, while keeping open communication through tactics, this goal will be achieved.

This campaign is geared towards fans to have a better understanding of Shias artistic side and to
better understand the motives behind his actions. The purpose of his actions may not always be
clear and this campaign will help to clearly communicate with Shias publics. The theme of this
campaign will not only guide Shia to embrace his creativity, originality, and quirkiness, but to
also allow publics to experience these qualities through Shias eyes and thoughts.
Highlighting Shias accomplishments, success, philanthropy, and his original ways of gaining
attention will help fans embrace his adversity, as well as enhancing it through positive forms of
communication. Shia has many strengths as an actor, director, and advocator so during this
campaign these strengths will become more visible, creating an overall better professional image
for Shia LaBeouf. His weaknesses include his past run-ins with the law, a struggle with drugs
and alcohol, and fans not understanding the motives behind his actions. This theme will speak to
these past events and create a future that creates a clearer picture of who Shia LaBeouf is.


To increase the awareness of Shia LaBeoufs public involvement and artistically driven
To increase favorable opinion from Shia LaBeoufs current and future fan base in
recognition of his dedication to the arts industries.
To decrease the amount of negative publicity about Shia LaBeouf involving odd or
unexplained actions, and substance abuse.
To increase public interaction between Shia LaBeouf and his publics in order to provide
clarity of his actions and integrity.

Talk Show Appearances
The Ellen DeGeneres Show A follow up interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show will mark
how much progress Shia has made of his artistically driven actions. Ellen and Shia can discuss
how they have partnered with Ulta to raise $10,000 for breast cancer research through Shia
running in a pair of pink spandex pants. This will result in a high viewership and positive media
The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon This late night show that will gather the attention of
entertainment connoisseurs. This outlet will provide Shia with many viewers and a chance to
relate to his audience and publics. Shia will be able to talk about his life and recent events in an
environment in which many people take part in. The Tonight Show will also help to increase
favorable opinion from Shia LaBeoufs current and future fan base.

Photo Ops
People Magazine Posing on the cover of People Magazine with Brad Pitt for the comeback of
Shia Labeouf will enhance his global philanthropy efforts. Brad Pitt supports Labeouf and his
vision of giving back globally. This will bring positive attention to his image and spread
awareness of what Shia is trying to do to give back to the world.
For the arts- Since Shia is so interested in the arts and raising awareness for theatre and other
artistic outlets, having a photo op when he goes to different productions will increase positive
media attention. This will lead to him gaining a larger following of artists and a potential charity
out of this passion. These photo ops will also highlight his adversity in creativity and forms of

Press Release
Clearing It Up For Fans- A press release will be released and written by Shia consisting of the
explanation of recent actions and how they may have been confusing for fans to understand. This
press release will serve as direct communication with fans, create a clearer message, and it will
let Shia express why he chose to use artistic outlets for expression. A press release to the media
and fans will help to decrease the amount of negative publicity about Shia LaBeouf involving
odd or unexplained actions, and substance abuse.

Social Media/Blog
Facebook- Shia will utilize his Facebook account to keep fans posted on his current causes he is
supporting, new career moves, and any other positive information that fans need to be aware of.
This will create a two-way communication with fans that will allow him to gather feedback from
fans as well as keep them updated. Facebook will also increase public interaction between Shia
LaBeouf and his publics in order to provide clarity of his actions and integrity.
Twitter- Since recent tweets show Shia has been using Twitter to broadcast he is no longer
famous this social media account will be used for more of a positive outlet. Shia will be able to
connect with fans, keep fans updated on any public appearances, and gain positive feedback
through his fan pages. This will also be an outlet where he can update fans on his faith and how
Christianity has helped him in his career.
Instagram- Instagram will be utilized by posting pictures of his recent engagements in the arts,
movies, media appearances, or any philanthropy he is a part of. This will boost the positive
image Shia is striving to obtain. Fans will be able to see how Shia is enhancing his image,
instead of just reading about it.
Blog- Shia will keep an online blog updating fans about media appearances, public appearances,
interviews, philanthropy, photo ops, awards, and movies. This blog will also act as a way for
Shia to express his views on issues and clear up any misunderstandings the media may portray. A

blog will also help to increase the awareness of Shia LaBeoufs public involvement and
artistically driven actions through his own words.


Shia LaBeouf exercises his artistic freedom in non-traditional ways that expresses his
love and need for adversity.
As an actor, Shia LaBeouf is transforming his image from his prior roles to an image that
better explains his ultimate goal of self-expression.
Shia LaBeouf strives to display his independence from his Hollywood image through a
variety of artistic demonstrations and media resources.
As a public figure, Shia LaBeoufs unique qualities break the barrier of the traditional
celebrity persona in a way that conveys his individuality.

Communication Audit Positives:

Positive News about Shia
Shia Creates an exhibit: In February, 2012 Shia collaborated with artists Nastja Sde Rnkk
and Luke Turner to create an exhibit, which is showing at the Stephen Cohen Gallery in Los
Angeles. This exhibit is entitled #IAmSorry. #IAmSorry is an art based show where Shia
apologizes for his actions in the recent months in an artistic setting. (Hare)
Shia runs, says nothing: Shia ran 144 laps around a museum in Amsterdam in what has been
described as a conceptual art performance. He wore purple leggings and a green vest and said
nothing to reporters as he completed his run. He ran his marathon around the Stedelijk while a
12-hour artistic conference took place inside. Two other performance artists joined them and it
was staged to mirror the long debate taking place inside the building. ("Shia LaBeouf Runs
'Marathon' for Dutch Art Performance")
Shia LaBeouf has raised $10,000 for breast cancer research: Since Shia is an avid runner, talk
show host Ellen DeGeneres struck a deal with him in Oct. 2014. If Shia wore the skintight, bright
pink leggings with Ellen For The Cure emblazoned on the backside, as discussed on her talk
show, while jogging in Los Angeles Ulta Beauty would donate $10,000 to cancer research. Shia
agreed to the deal and $10,000 was donated to breast cancer research. ("Shia LeBeouf's Pink
Leggings Raise $10K For Charity ")
I found God doing Fury, I became a Christian man.: During the filming of Shias newest
movie, Fury, which is currently in theaters, Shia converted to Christianity and now is looking to
God for answers. Christianity promotes a healthy way for Shia to have some control over his
actions, behavior, ideas, thoughts, and path in life. Becoming a Christian man was a surrender of
control for Shia and a full-blown exchange of heart for the actor. (Donahue)

Shia wants to contribute globally: Shia is looking to do more, not only with his life, but also
with his money. His co-star and friend, Brad Pitt, has inspired Shia to get involved globally
through charity and causes. Shia wants two things to be at the forefront - his acting and helping
others. Shia wants to show people that he's more than an entitled Hollywood punk.
He's actually a down-to-earth guy who's been through a lot - and he's still aiming to come out on
top. ("Brad Pitt Has Reportedly Inspired Shia LaBeouf to Do More Charity Work.")

Shia LaBeouf Fans Remain Positive

Although the antics of Shia LaBeouf have recently been abstract or not understood by fans, they
are still supporting him as a celebrity figure and actor. His fans have created social media
accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter, to show their gratification towards the actor. The Shia
LaBeouf official page on Facebook currently has 1,128,688 likes and multiple positive
comments have been posted in the last few days:

Shia- Heard you put your faith in Jesus man! So awesome! Ill be praying for you. I
aint an easy road, but its worth it! Bless you brother - Tim Ainley
One of our Restoration Church members who works on movies texted me earlier. He
chatted with Shia LaBeouf for 30 min. about Jesus today. Praying for him. - Dean Ross
Shia, I doubt you will ever see this, but I think you are beautiful!!! I love you man. Im
glad youre turning a new page in your life. I cant wait to see what you do next in your
career! -John G. Ripley
Thanks for your work in Fury, fantastic movie and you were great. -Kelly Thompson

Although these are just a few Facebook posts, it shows Shia still holds a solid fan base even with
his peculiar actions in the past months. Fans still value him as an actor and continue to value his
work. ("Shia LeBouf: Actor/Director ")
Another big social media account where fans can express their views of Shia LeBouf is Twitter.
Shia LaBeouf currently has 187,000 followers on Twitter and there are multiple fan pages
created about him, such as, Shia LaBeouf Daily, Shia LaBeouf Online, Shia LaBeouf Fan,
Shia LaBeouf Hub, and Shiantology. By just searching Shia LaBeouf in the search box,
fan posts instantly pop up:

Wish I had a mate like Shia LaBeouf - @Ryan_Chandna

The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman is madcap, lustrous, touching. Beautifully
shot, great cast, hilarious script. Shia LaBeouf shines. - Charlene_Jeffer
Shia LaBeouf is still my idol. - @TheTomHoerup
Shia LaBeouf is a funny man. -@xxTay_
Dont know why Shia LaBeouf retired. Killed it in Fury. -@CostaToby

Shia LaBeouf still has a large and strong fanbase despite recent negative news events. Fans
remain positive that Shia will continue to entertain them through a multitude of outlets. Trending
on Twitter, regarding Shia, is his new movie, Fury. This movie is gaining attention through

social media accounts and its putting Shia in a positive spotlight with fans. ("Results for "Shia
Shia LaBeouf has many features that draw fans to him. Hes peculiar, but has good intentions.
Not only has he participated in charity events and has been an advocate for multiple causes, but
he does them in a way that gains the interests of people. He wears tight spandex to spread
awareness and earn money for breast cancer awareness, he runs laps around a building to create
awareness of the arts, and he plans to take his philanthropy around the globe. Shia is unique in
the film industry because he demonstrates a sense of originality. He isnt a cookie-cutter actor
who gives money to charities and stars in a few movies.
Shia embraces his adversity and his differences and owns up to his mistakes. Fans realize Shia is
human and tend to forgive his actions after his public apologies. When in an entertainment crisis
he takes the proper steps for damage control. He immediately responds to the negative event,
releases an honest statement, and apologizes. This is important for maintaining the relationships
he has with his fans.

Communication Audit Negatives:

Negative News about Shia
The brown bag that said I Am Not Famous Anymore at Nymphomaniac premiere: When
Shia showed his artistic side to the public, they thought it was a joke. In result people started to
verbally attacked him online and in public. He then proceeded to wear a brown bag over his head
that read, I am not famous anymore to the premiere of Nymphomaniac. Wearing the brown bag
was a symbol of how he thought the public was not supporting his artistic outlets.
Plagiarizing Daniel Clowes: Shia produced a short film called HowardCantour.Com that was
found to be plagiarized. It originated from a novel written by Daniel Clowes. Shia said was just
caught up in the creative process and forgot to follow correct accreditation. He then apologized
and admitted he was wrong in taking the words of Daniel Clowes.
Steven Spielberg incident: Shia Labeouf starred in an Indiana Jones film, which was directed
by Steven Spielberg. After the filming, Shia Labeouf accused Spielberg of dropping the ball,
with the film and didnt think the movie lived up to its potential. Shia apologized and felt as
though his words towards Spielberg has negatively impacted their relationship.
Spitting and interrupting Cabaret: Shia interrupted the Broadway performance Cabaret,
after a boozy afternoon, and was escorted out of the theatre by police. As Shia was arrested and
being escorted out of the building, he spit on the cop and was taken into custody for a full day.
He was placed in a mask and led jacket. Shia apologized and admitted he had a meltdown and
was drinking that afternoon.

Potential Problem Areas:

Immaturity - Publics may view Shia as immature and irresponsible. It may seem to publics Shia
cannot present himself in a professional manner. Shia is a normal human being and may forget
how big of a public figure he is. He tends to act out and in his mind he understands it, to some, it

seems childish. Shia has made mistakes in the past and has owned up to them. He has had
personal struggles for the duration of his life, which in result, have shaped the way he looks at
the world. There is are methods and motives to Shias actions, but sometimes those actions come
off as immature to people.
Consistency Shia makes rational decisions that sometimes make him look insane. Showing up
to a movie premiere in a brown bag seems off the wall, but he did it for a reason. He is adverse
and tends to not care what others think. His decisions are not off the wall, just different. He
doesnt live a life of consistency, but of spontaneous actions. This comes off as Shia being
Substance Abuse: Shia Labeouf has been a victim of substance abuse for a part of his life. Shia
has been in rehab and other facilities that help with areas of substance abuse. He has been
receiving treatment for alcohol addiction recently to stay out of trouble and the negative lime
light. Although he intends to stay clean of drugs and alcohol, convincing the public may be
difficult of this.
Law Shia has had a negative history with the law. He has been arrested for fighting in bars,
plagiarizing someone elses work, and even lighting a cigarette during a Broadway performance.
During a conflict, Shia needs to remain rational. A bad history with the law will follow Shia for
the rest of his life. Shia has been doing his best to stay out of trouble, but both the media and
audiences are waiting for him to slip up.

Proven Maxims
Personal, face-to-face contact
This proven maxim is essential in Shias current situation. Although most people would not be
able to communicate face-to-face with Shia LaBeouf, there are other outlets for this proven
maxim. By having Shia LaBeouf go on talk shows, such as The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
or Ellen, he is able to reach a large audience of people and discuss his side of every story
targeting him in the media. Talk shows are a perfect way to allow a celebrity to share their
experiences, especially negative, and their sides of issues or events. If Shia LaBeouf were to
simply release a statement, it would not effectively impact the public as a talk show would.
Allowing the public to see the emotions of Shia and view his responses to recent events will give
the audience a better understanding of Shia LaBeouf as a person and understand the why
question everyone has been asking about his actions.
Subsequent events that reinforce the original stimulus
It is not enough to simply say that Shia LaBeouf will be doing certain things to enhance his
public image, he must also show how he will be doing so. On top of saying he will be supporting
causes, such as the Arts, Shia will also be (as has been) seen supporting them in public. Whether
it be through financial causes or physically supporting a showcase, Shia LaBeouf will be seen
following through with his new image enhancement. Audiences must see that he is not simply
saying he will do things, he must be seen out actually doing them to reinforce his words. His
actions are what is going to be believed, not something that he just says.

People tend to believe what they want to and hope for

This proven maxim idea is ideal when it comes to a celebrity such as Shia LaBeouf. First
being a childhood Disney Channel star, he has reached a demographic, or public, that ranges
from children to young adults. His recent films such as Transformers and Lawless allow him to
be loved then not only by children and young adults, but an older demographic as well. Shia has
been in the spotlight since he was 14. Fans have a hope for Shia that he will prevail from recent
negative events and hope the best for him. He has such a huge fan base and a big support system.
Public opinion of Shia LaBeouf will tend to stay positive because he is still known for so many
great things and is a successful actor. Although Shia may mess up sometimes, most people will
always still hope for him to succeed and believe that he will. It also helps in a situation like this
that he apologizes and owns up to his actions, which he has done every time.

Works Cited
"Biography." IMDb., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"Brad Pitt has reportedly inspired Shia LaBeouf to do more charity work.." NZCity . New
Zealand City , 29 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Nov 2014.
Donahue, S.. "After calamity comes hope: actor Shia LaBeoufs faith-based role prompts
spiritual conversion." The Oregon Optimist . Oregon Right to Life , 03 Nov. 2014. Web. 6 Nov
2014. <>.
Fisher, Luchina. "Shia LaBeouf's Biggest Public Missteps." ABC News. ABC News Network.
Web. 5 Nov. 2014.
Hare, Breeana. "Shia LaBeouf is sincerely sorry." Cable News Network , 12 Feb.
2014. Web. 6 Nov 2014. <>.
"Results for "Shia LaBeouf"." Twitter. Web. 6 Nov 2014.
< labeouf&src=typd>.
"Shia LeBouf Actor/Director ." Facebook . . Web. 6 Nov 2014.
"Shia LaBeouf Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"Shia LeBeouf's Pink Leggings Raise $10K For Charity ."106.1 The Corner WCNR. Saga
Communications , 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Nov 2014. <>.
"Shia LaBeouf Runs 'Marathon' for Dutch Art Performance."BBC News . BBC, 25 Sept. 2014.
Web. 6 Nov 2014.
"Shia LaBeouf Quotes ." BrainyQuote . BrainyQuoteMODE . Web. 6 Nov 2014.

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