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Demand and Control Analysis #1


The environment of the assignment has changed and so the interpreter

will have to get comfortable with a new setting.

Interpreter has no preparation for the IEPC.
Intrapersonal demand: interpreter feels unprepared for the meeting.

The interpreter is surrounded by faculty and administrators that are

dressed professionally.
More technical jargon may be used since it is a professional meeting
The goal of the interpreter is to interpret a meeting full of professional

staff and parents.

Lighting may be different in the meeting than in a classroom
A presentation could be used during the meeting, which would make

the room darker.

There may be tables set up to where it is hard to see/hear everyone.
Interpersonal demand: Communication between faculty,

administrators, and parents

Interpreter doesnt have a team, so he/she must interpret all day

Interpreter may be ridiculed after the assignment for not dressing in an

appropriate manner.
Intrapersonal demand: interpreter feels great at how the meetings

Interpreter is worn out mentally and physically from interpreting all day





Interpreter can quickly go through the room of the meetings to get

comfortable with the setting.

Interpreter can also see where the best place to be placed is at
Interpreter can see if the lighting is appropriate.
For preparation, the interpreter can ask the administrators and faculty

if they have an agenda for the meetings printed off.

Interpreter can quickly google what terms may be used in an IEPC

If the interpreter feels unprepared, he/she can call in for back-up and

see if a team member can assist.

Interpreter step out of the situation and call for another interpreter.
Warm up beforehand to get ready for a long day.
Make sure you have a water bottle to keep you hydrated.

If the interpreter has a spare change of clothes in the car, run and

change really fast.

Technical jargon used, see if the staff has an agenda or ask what the

meeting will consist of.

If a presentation or videos will be played, ask if they have captions
See beforehand where you are going to be placed in the meeting.
Ask the faculty/administrators for another interpreter
If the room has tables, ask if they can move the tables beforehand to


make better communication.


From then on have spare clothes in your car. Also, have an emergency

kit to assist you in last minute changes.

Interpreter must educate themselves/attend more educational

workshops to become more familiar with IEPC.

Ask for feedback from the Deaf consumer.

Consult your mentor/supervisor for guidance and improvement


The interpreter is at a last minute change and so the interpreter will interpret in the
clothes he/she has on and make sure from then on that they have a spare change of
clothes in their car at all times. The interpreter will interpret all day by them-self,
since it was a last minute change, but in the future, call for a team member to give
you breaks mentally and physically. The interpreter will ask the superiors where
they are going to be placed in regards to the Deaf client and if there will be any use
of the projector. After the assignment, the interpreter will ask for feedback from the
Deaf client and make sure they preparation time next time.

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