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ED 410 Case Study TIP Model

Phase 1
1. What is the problem Mia wants to address?
Mia wanted to include more meaningful multicultural activities in the social
studies curriculum.
2. What evidence does she have that there is a problem?
She sometimes overheard her students making disparaging comments about
people of other nationalities.
3. What would be the relative advantage of the method she is proposing?
The students would actually get to know the people from the cultures instead
of just learning about the culture.
4. In what ways does she hope this method will be better than previous ones?
The students would actually get to know the people from the cultures instead
of just learning about the culture. It was a great way for kids to learn about
other cultures in a meaningful way while also learning some geography and
5. What deficits does she have in technology, content, and pedagogical
She didnt know anything about digital cameras or the online resources used
in the project. She knew some information about some of the cultures they
would be studying, but not all she would need to know.
6. How could she go about addressing these needs to improve her Tech-PACK?
She would need to learn a little about digital cameras or webcams. Then she
would need to do some research or contact the teachers from the workshop
to find out more about the website or online sources they would be using.
Then she would need to research the standards and set up some guidelines
for the students projects.

ED 410 Case Study TIP Model

Phase 2 - Set 1
1. How do you think Mia should use the product rubric to assign grades?
By allowing points for the different levels of understanding the students
2. What kinds of questions could Mia include in a survey to measure how
much students liked this way of learning?

Did you enjoy getting to know someone from another culture?

Would you recommend this for another project?
Do you know more and understand more about the studied culture?
Would you ever like to visit this culture based on what you ve learned
about it?

Phase 2 - Set 2
1. Is Mias Approach primarily directed or constructivist?
2. Why did she decide to take this approach?
She wanted to give the students an overview of what they would be doing so
that they would have some prior knowledge before trying to attempt the
computer alone. This saves time and the students could start the project
3. At which point should Mia do the pre-assessments to measure students
skills and attitudes prior to the project?
I would test the students prior to them knowing what they will be doing. I
would want to know how they felt and what they understood before they
began to get excited about the project.
4. How should Mia determine students levels of required internet and email

ED 410 Case Study TIP Model

She could have them demonstrate their knowledge in partner groups. They
could compose emails and send them to their partner before starting the
Phase 2 - Set 3
1. If Mia wanted to do a demonstration and display of the project website to the
whole class at once, what resource(s) would she have to arrange to do this?
She would need a projector or a whiteboard. She could mirror her computer
to the screen and show the students at one time. If she could do this in a
computer lab, the students could access the site themselves as she
demonstrated how.
2. Mia was concerned about students revealing too much personal information
about themselves to people in their partner schools. What guidelines should
she give them about the information exchanges to protect their privacy and
Think before you post! Never give out any personal information to someone
online. Dont give your address, phone number, school name, or even the
city you live in. Dont contact the students outside of the provided school
email address provided by your teacher.
Respect yourself and other people. Never respond to a rude comment and if
you receive an inappropriate message, tell your teacher right away. Never
talk about someone in a rude manner and always respect yourself and others.
3. If the network or internet access were interrupted for a day, what could Mia
have the students do to make good use of their time during the delay?
They could do drawings to illustrate their travel brochures. They could write
letters or postcards to send. They could use the digital camera and make
films or take photos of interesting things in and around their school.
Phase 3
1. Although all of Mias groups did well on context overall, rubric scores
revealed that most groups scored lower in one area: spelling, grammar, and

ED 410 Case Study TIP Model

punctuation in the products. What steps could Mia add to the production
work checklist that might improve this outcome next time?
They could print their emails or send them to a partner for checking before
they send it to their email pal. If printed, the students can correct their
mistakes and learn from them. It will help them see that an email should be
respected as much as a written letter or assignment. They could also do their
work in stages so Mia could check the work.
2. If Mia found that only five of the seven groups in the class were doing well
on their final products, what might she do to find out more about why this is
I think if Mia broke up the project into phases it would help a lot. This way
she could tell how much time is needed for each and allow enough time for
each group to do a good job.
3. One teacher who observed the project told Mia that it might be good to have
the school district media/materials production office do the final work on the
products for the students. Does this seem like a good idea? Why or why not?
No, I don't like this idea. I think the students should be able to say they did
all the work themselves. If somebody redoes their work they will feel like
they didn't do a good job.
ED 410
1. Did you find the TIP Model as helpful resource for technology integration?
Explain your answer.
Yes, I think it lies out the steps so that it's easy to see what you need to think
about when planning, and during the lesson. It also prompts you to assess
what to improve on for next time.
2. Do you foresee yourself using a model or framework like the TIP model for
technology integration? Yes or No? Why or why not?
Yes, it is a great way to organize your content and assess the overall unit

ED 410 Case Study TIP Model

3. If you responded "yes" to question 2- Why do you think this sort of model is
helpful for technology integration?
It is a great way to organize your content and assess the overall unit
4. If you responded "no" to question 2 -Why do you think this sort of model is
Not helpful for technology integration?

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