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Lesson Cycle

Intern: Farrah Mackie

Constitution Day
Time Estimate: 45 minutes

Subject: Social StudiesDate:

Instructional Objectives: TSW review and further understand the

U.S. Constitution.
Objective in English: Identify the date and parts of the U.S.
Constitution by direct teach and differentiated reinforcement rotations.
4.15 A, 4.15 C, 4.21 ABC
C.4 J, C.4 K
Power point
Mentor Text
Constitution manipulative for stations/ with independent
Attention Getter of the day:
Teacher: Macaroni Cheese
Students: Everybody Freeze
1. Ice Breaker/Gaining student focus: Students will be
instructed to come in quietly, put their items on their desk and
have a seat on the front floor. The song, School House Rock
Constitution will be playing and students are instructed to listen
to figure out the purpose of the day. Once, the song has ended
will ask for objective of the day by inferring from the song.
2. Seek prior/background knowledge: This will lead into prior
knowledge by asking probing questions such as, Does anyone
know what today is?
3. Review topic/skill/strategy: September 17th, Im sure you
have heard of this special day in past grades but if not we are
going to go over it.
4. Introduction of new topic/skill/strategy: Will present
objective verbally and in power point on 1st/ 2nd slide. Then, do a
book walk through mentor text We the Kids by David Catrow.

5. Teacher led whole group (modeling): Will use a power point

and graphic organizer to introduce key definitions and
information of the U.S Constitution with visuals.
6. Teacher-student lesson (Guided Practice/ Independent):
Students will perform rotating centers of the U.S. Constitution for
reinforcement. Teacher will walk around and informally assess. A
timer will be used for 5 minutes for each station.
7. Independent activity extension: Graphic organizer will be
used independently during stations. Students will perform a self
check/self-reflection over information with answers included in
stations then turn in it in.
8. Whole group summary/reflection (Closure): State the
purpose as a whole group and reflect on a class what special dad
it is and ask questions such as, What is important about
September 17th? What are the parts of the Constitution?
Modifications: MC-check for understanding, clarify vocab., divide work
into small segments, Oral test, retest below 70, reduced length of test,
reminders to stay-on task, positive reinforcement AB- fm system,
check for understanding, close to teacher, oral tests, reminders to stay
on task CC-Oral Testing-MB-Preferential seating, extended time for
tests. HC-Oral testing TR-Reminders to Stay on-task, seating away
from clocks. NM-Stress Ball/Chair Bands JK-minimize distractions,
reteach/retest, read ALL test questions and answer choices. extra time

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