Pipesim Exercise

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PIPESIM Exercise

IPR Based Control

Base Case:
Run Base Case Save Node Results

Case 1:
From Base Case, Include chokes after first node of the
branch @ CHK1, CHK2, CHK set diameter at 10 in. Run the
model and check pressure drop across the choke.
Set flow limits at selected branches to produce 25KBOPD @
Save Node Results for Case 1 (Mainly, P, T and Rates)

Case 2:
From Base Case, Include choke in branch RISER at the
Set flow limits at selected branch to produce 80 KBOPD
Save Node Results for Case 2 (Mainly, P, T and Rates)

Compare Results

Rate Based Control

Base Case:
Replace boundary conditions from PRESSURE to LIQUID
RATE for each well to produce 10,000BLPD
Save Results

Case 1:
From Base Case, Include choke in branch RISER at the
Set flow limits at selected branch to produce 80 KBOPD
Save Node Results for Case 1 (Mainly, P, T and Rates)

Compare Results

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