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BIG STEP ie) (Om ES ess coo staal Cena Tie an.) NTV NHA xuAT BAN TONG HOP Cong ty TNHH ‘THANH PHO HO CHE MINE Nhan Tri Viet BIG STEP TOEIC 2 Copyright © 2008 YBM)si-sa Published in Vietnam, 2009 Taha fh land nile ae: Actonat tes TOM a Nass and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Lid. Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea, All rights reserved, No. part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, ‘or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. fe Preface Hau nhu ai trong ching ta cing mong mudn dat thanh tich cao dé giinh dupe mot vi tri lam vige tét hon. Trong thei dai ngay nay, diém sb TOEIC cé thé la mét minh ching vé thanh tich nhu vay, tuy nhién that khong dé néu ban dat muc tiéu cao ve diém sé nhumg Iai khong cé du thé gian va cing sue dé dau tu tuong xing, ‘Trong cde nha séch va trén mang Internet of rét nhitu tai ligu ve TOBIC nén chde hin ban sé khéng gap khé khan nhiéu trong viee tim kiém tai leu hoe tip. Tay nhién, diéu quan trong la trong vO vin tai lieu do, ban cin phai chon ra gido trinh nao phit hop véi trinh d} eung nhu kha néng eda ban than dé ginip cho viée hoe tap dat duye higu qua. ‘Toi hign day TOEIC tai mbt trang tm luyén thi TOEIC c6 uy tin lin dat tru sb 6 Jong No (Seoul, Han Quéc). Trong qué trinh gidng day, tot nhan thay hoe vien rat ‘edn mot gido trinh hay, dé hye, ¢¢ phan lugng phu hop, thfch ung:vei muc tiéu diém 86 dé ra eda mdi ngudi. Gido trinh nay duce bién soan nhim giip hoe vién nang exo nang lye sit dung ngon ‘nyt va edi thien diém s6 TOEIC cia ho trong thot gian ngdn nhat, Cac dae diém cia giao trinh bao gdm: 1, Gish thigu este cau hai tu dé thi TOEIC thye té duge té chute hang theing, 2. Chi tép trung trinh bay nhung noi dung trong tam gan voi bai thi TOEIC dé hoc vien ¢6 thé ndm ving trong thoa gian ngin, 4. Chon phuong phap truyén dat theo so d6 dé van dung vao hoe tap, khong hoc theo each thude long. Déi véi cae hoc vien méi bit dau thi viée c6 duge mét gido trinh phi hop Ia rét quan trong. Néuw ban 1a ngwii da chan ngdly vii nhumg tai itéu qua kho so voi kha nang cia minh hay ban la nguéi méi lam quen véi TOEIC, hay vach ra ké hoach hoc tp v@i BIG STEP TOEIC cho riéng minh theo timg giai doan, ban sé thay duge hieu qua. Ban cing nén chui y vao ede trong tam ciia bai hoe ma ching tot da trinh bay, khi ném duge ede trong tam nay, chae chan ban sé ty tin vi sé dat duge diém s6 cao hho trong mot thar gian ngén. Chic ban tién bo, ‘Kim Soyeong va Park Won - Vien nghién cau trudmg Nak Seong BIG step 2 2 | Contents ; é Ci nde ia sh 6 Cie de diém ehinh cia sich 8 g TOEIC la gi? 9 Gidi thigu chung vé cic phim trong Listening a.” ‘Comprehension vi Reading Comprehension ci ToEIC 10 | Listening Comprehension Part1 Unit 1. Hinh anh lién quan dén cing ty 18 Unit2. Hinh anh lién quan dén ngay nghi eudi tudin a8 Units. Hinh anh lign quan dén duemg pho 38 Part 1 Review Test as Part2 Unit 4. Cu hii Where/When/Who 58 Unit. Cau hii Why/How, What 66 | Unit 6. Cau hii Which Cau hai dling tra dng tir m Unit7, Cau hoi gid thé 80 Units. Cétu hot phir dinh /Cau hoi dudi /Céu hoi hea chon Bo Part 2 Review Test os | Part3 Unit 9. Bai d6i thoai lién quan dén hoi hop /céng viee/ van phong too | Unit 10, Bai déi thogi lién quan dén du lich ‘gia tri wR Unit 14. Bai 46i thoai lién quan dén mua sim/nha hang 46 Unit 12, Bai dé} thoai lién quan dén ngan hang/buu dign /giao thing 124 Part 3 Review Test 1g Part4 Unit 13. Théng bio! Hung dan /Quing edo ua Unit 14, Tin tue/ Phat thanh/ Du lich a5z Unit 18. Tin nbiin ghi dm /Gi6t thigu neuen be Part 4 Review Test 168, xs. Rantriviet.comn r Reading Comprehension Warming-up! TOEIC Grammar! Grammar (Part5 & 4) Unit 1. Su hoa hop gida chi nga va dong tir Unit2. Cum ding tw/'Thé bi dong Unit’3,Thi/Ding ti-nguyén mau Grammar Review Test 1 Unit 4. Vi tri ciia danh tit va dai tir unit S. Vj tri ciia tinh tu va trang to Unité, Tinh tu chi sé luumg/so sénh/phan ti ‘Grammar Review Test 2. unit7,Lién tu Unite. Lin ta két hop/ Lien tu kép Unit, Dai tr quan he Grammar Review Test 3 Vocabulary (Part 5 & 6) Unit 10. Tit vung (1) - Naim ving dong tu, danh tar ‘Vocabulary Review Test 1 ‘Unit 11. Tu vung (2) - Nam vig tinh tw, trang tr Vocabulary Review Test 2 Unit 12. Tu vung (3) - Nam vimg Hen ta Vocabulary Review Test 3 Reading (Part 7) Unit 13. Doc hiéu (1) = The tin/E-mail Unit 14, Doc hiéu (2) ~ Quang cao, Unit 15, Doc biéu (3) - Thong bao/"Thu bao: Actual Test Script & Answer Key ate wiwwenhanttiviet zogo1 asm £9 LC Cau tao ciia bai LC (Nghe hiéu) Bi quyét dat diém cao theo timg phin ‘Trave khi bat daw hoe timg phdn, ching ta hay quan sat cach ra cdu hin cia ETS (Co quan Khao thi Gio due) cho bat thi TOEIC, EE Trong tam bai hoe Chon ra eae eh €é vat not dung xual bien nhieu nhl trong cau hei ei bal thi thise t€. Nha phan nay, qua trinh On thi eda hoe vién sé 6 trong tim hon, do do hoe vien sb dat két quai | han hon. EE Nang cao kj nang co ban Buge 1: Tich liy vn tu co ban ‘Theo nguyén te, hgc vién sé luyén t€p nghe ti ving trude ri méi nghe edu. Do dé, phin nay trinh bay ede ti va cum ty edt 1 trong mdi Unit dé hoe vin nam ving day di tw vung trunge khi tra lon cau hoi, Buoc 2; Nghe tr rdi nghe cau ‘Trong bude nay, hoe vién luyn tap nghe ede céu thuimg: gp rb viét lai Bude 9: Nghe cau va tra léi edu hai | 0 bude nay, hoc vien phai nghe nhiéu céu cung Ide cha khong nghe timg cu nhu @ bude 2. Hoe vien cuing sé luyén tap phan doan edu tra lot nao dung, edu tra loi nto sat (E Layen tap ky nang paraphrasing (dién giai): Part 3 & 4 Hoe vien luygn tap ky nang din gidi cho tur va cau ea timg Unit trong Part 3 8 4, Nhi 46, ‘ho st nhén ra eac céeh dién dat khac nhau trong bai nghe. IE Két thic bai hoc bang cau hoi mo phong bai thi thuc té Bay la phn nang eao, gidp hoc vién tré lin nbung edu hai ed eung dé kh6 va e6 ae diém ‘tuvmg tr vo ede ctu hat trong bai thi that do ETS thiet ké. IE Review Test timg phin Cudi méi chii dé déu 06 phan cau hoi gidng nhw caw hoi trong bai thi thit, Neu luyén tép tot phéin nay, hoe viém sé tra lit cau hoi trong bai thi that t6t hon. © Actual test Cau héi trong phan nay gin nhu hoan toan giéng edu hot trong ede ky thi TOEIC gin day nhat. Thong qua phn nay, hoc vien sé hiéu ro diém manh va diém yéu cua ban than dé tr 6 c6 ké hoach On tap va bé sung kién thue phu hop. nantriviet com RC Cau tao cia bai RC (Doc hiéu)e——_. * 5) Warming-upt TOEIC Grammar! | ‘Trong tam cia phin nay la edu tric eau trong tiéng Anb. Cu tric ng php dupe phan tich chi tiét va day di. Hoe vien khong chi hiéu cfu tric ma cn phai tra loi edu héi mot. cach | nhanh chong, | | [E Nam vimg TOEIC Grammar co ban ‘Trong phén nay, hoc vien sé 6n lai nhung diém ngu phap da hoc trong BIG STEP TOEIC 1 (wét muc tieu 500 diém), Day la cor sir dé hoe vien hoc tiép cic nt dung mdi. | [& TOEIC Grammar nang cao | Cae diém ngw phép ning cao nay giuip hoe vien vuot qua trinh 46 so cap, dat muc tiéu 700 | idm, [E: Bai tap kiém tra m6 phong thie té Sau khi da nsim ving ede diém ngi phap trong tim, hoe vién bat ddu chuyén sang tré lon | ‘ac efiu hoi e6 dang thie gidng nhu thi that. Néw da ndm wang ng phap nhung win tra lov sai nhiing cau hoi nay thi chua dim bio két qua tot néu dy thi, Grammar/ Vocabulary Review Test | Trong timg Unit, kién thie duge sip xép theo timg chi dé nhiim gitip hoe vien tip thu dé hon. Tuy nhién, bai thi that sé khong theo timg chi dé nhu vay. Bai Review Test cing 86 sidng nhw bai thi that, trong 46 ciu hit duge dua ra mot edich téng hop, chit khong theo tumg chi dé rieng 1é, (Vocabulary Review Test duge trinh bay theo timg unith © Actual Test Thong qua phan nay, hoe vién se dy dodn duge két qui hoe tap cia minh, Véi cae cu hb | tuong ty nhu cau héi trong bai thi that, hye vign sé hiéu duge diém manb va diém yéu cia bain thén sau khi lam xong bai test nay. \ / 2901 ausoM 618 » Cac d&c diém chinh cia ach) -— “BIG STEP TOEIG 2" co eae muc tieu chin nhu sau: (1) Gitip hoe vign tra loi ding eae dang eau hot co bai 6 giai dogn so cap (2) Gitip hoe vien tang cuvng vin tur va ky nang doe hiéu, nhim dat dém mie diém ter 630 dén 704d eép 4 trang dip (3) Loat hinh cu hoi da dang giap boc vién thich xing dé dang vii cu hoi trong ky thi TOEIC that DE) Layee tip da dang dé dat diém cao vis hoc tip theo timg giat doan mot cich he théng Lc : Sau Khi trai qua cic giai doan ca bin nw Tuyen tu", “luyén edu’, luyén ky nang trai ler cau hai", hoe vién bat dau hoe tat ed calc nd} dung trong tam ela TOEIC ‘trong thoi gian ngdn nhat. Cau hoi duoe trinh bay theo timg Unit, tung ty nh cde edu hdi trong bai thi that (trong cdc phn nhu Part Review Test 1, 2, 3, 4), ®RC ! Céc bai luyén tip Iudn tip trung vao cae ndi dung trong tém cla ky thi, nhiim Inusng hoc vién dén mic diém 620-700, Cae bai t4p duge sdp xép tir dé dén kho, ‘Méi Unit két thuic béing cde cau hoi trong tam trong Part 5 & 6. Khi dao “BIG STEP TOEIC 2" trong tay, vite dat dim 50 cao chi con la van dé thot gian, WE Phan teh chi tet bai thi that Phan tieh cde eau hoi hién c6 ciia ETS xudt hién trong cdc ky thi TOEIG méi thang. com \ —_——-—___—_ Toe IC la gi? © Khai nigm TOEIC TOEIC la tit viet tit etia Test of English for International Gommunication, la ky thi quéc té dinh gla nang tue si dung tiéng Anh thue dung trong moi trudng edng vige do ETS {Educational Testing Service} t6 chute va quan ly. Day la ky thi nhim danh gia “kha nang dng ting Anh dé giao tip" cia nhung nguoi khong sit dung tiéng Anh nhu tiéng me dé, vvd trong tm la tiéng Anh thye dung duoe diing lim phuong tién giao tiép trong mdi truomg cing vige. © Cfu trie cia TOEIC Wish be carat | hl ha ia Dik 30 | “a a5phit 4 30_| + New TOEIC 6 gi khac? Gl Phat am va giong digu da dang hon, Cée bai nghe duge dua tren noi dung phi hap voi tinh huding thue t8, eo 5 dat dat hom phién bin ca va dupe phat dm theo nbiéi giong khic nhau nhu: Me, Anh, Canada, Ue, ‘New Zealand... IE Caw hoi duge doe qua bang. Trong LC, cat héi khdng chi dupe in tren dé thi ma ban con duce nghe ching qua bang. JE Cau hoi RC da dang hon. ‘Thus nhat, phin phat hign 161 sai trong cdu da dupe bi di; thi hai, cde doan vin trong: phan doc hiéu dit hom va Khong ehi ¢6 cae cata hoi vé bai doc don ma con c6 ed eae: edu hot cho bat doe ghép. Ngodi ra, trong New TOBIC, dé danh gia kha nang doc hiéu mach van, mt nia s6 edu hoi duge xay dmg dua trén ede doan vin, zomoLssis 9 1 | OL LC Gidi thiéu chung vé cdc phan trong - ' LC TOEIC Part 1 (10 eu hél) ‘Méi hinh o6 4 dap dn cho sin, sau khi nghe 4 dap dn cho sin do, ban phai chon ra dép an miéu ta bite hinh chinh xe nhat. Vi day la part dé nhat trong mon nghe nén sau khi hoc xong sich nay ban nén e6 ying kim diing it nhalt 6 edu trong ting sé 10 ctu hit (A) The man is fishing from the boat. (B) The man is putting on a hat. (©) The man is s (0) The man is sitting on a chair. nding at the waterfront. Part 2 (30 clu héi) Mii cau héi co 3 dip dn cho sin, Gau hoi thuimg duoc bat du bing nhung ta nghi van mu: What, Where, When, Why, How. Tuy nhién, nhiing edu hat bat dau bang Oo, Have. Be va cau hii phui dinh, eau hoi dudi cting quan trong khong kem, @: Why don't you join us for a cup of coffee atter work? (A) Igo to work by bus, (8) That sounds good. (C) I prefer black cotfee. ® Part 3 (30 cBu hil) Ban nghe mot doan dét thoai ngiin rit tré lin cau hoi, Vi day la part kho nén hig nguot moi bat déw hoe hay tap doe doan déi thoat trade khi bat déu nghe né. Ban cin phai kim quen vor “eae cach dién dat tinh hudng thuimg gap” cing nhu nhung ti vung thuimg duve dung dé dat cau hoi, Mi: Marke, the view president has asked that all new employees be in the cafeteria | tounge on Friday at 6 P.M. fora meeting. ‘M2: A meeting? What for?- Mic think he wants to take everybody out for dinner. "'m not sure. I'm just instructed ‘o tell everyone about the meeting. 2: Well, | had plans to take my family to an amusement park for the weekend and we were to leave right after work on Friday. guess I'll have to reschedule, @::Who does the vice president want to meet on Friday? (A) Managers {B) New employees (©) Retiring employees (0) Mark's family Part 4 (30 céu héi) Cae bai nghe of dang: huemg din, dua tin, thong béo noi cing cong... Moi bai mghe ¢6 3 elu héi, va ban phai chon dap an chinh. xac nhét trong sé 4 dap an cho. sdin duet méi edu hot, Vi ay 16 loat edw hot xudt bien thuong xuyén va hink thie cia bai nghe hdu nhw of dinh nen ban can phai hoe that nhiéu tir vung va céch dién dat eda méi chi dé tung ung vor eae bai nghe duge cho. ‘Attention, passengers. Gan | have your attention, please? This G train is going out of service at the next stop, Grand Avenue. All passengers must get off the train at Grand ‘Avenue. Due to a fire on the tracks between Baltic Street and Mulberry Avenue, the G local will not be running past Grand Avenue. To continue to ail stops on the way to Center Station, take the H train at Grand Avenue. The H train will not, | repeat, will not be running express. The H train will be making all local stops between Grand Avenue | and Genter Station, No passengers are to remain an the train once we stop at Grand ‘Avenue. Thank you, and we regret any inconvenience that this causes you. Q:Who is speaking? (AYA fireman (B)A passenger (C) The train's conductor (0) A bus driver =i OO ZOOL gS DM EL Zi R , Gidi thiéu chung vé cac phan trong »——____ RC TOEIC Part 5 (40 céu hai) Day la part yeu cu chon ta thich hop dé dién vao chd tring trong edu, trong dé khoding mot mia 36 edu hot la vé tir vung va 86 com lat la vé nga phap. Diéu quan trong khi lam bai thi TOEIC la pha tra loi ede eau hoi mot etch nhanh ching trong Khoding thet gian durge cho, The two companies signed an to share the semiconductor production technology. (A) agrees: (B)agreement (agreements (0) agreed Part 6 (12 cau hoi) Day eding la part chon tut thich hop @é dién vio chd tréng nhu part 6 nhung véi ede bai dye 6 dang nhur: quang edo, e-mail, thu ta, thong bio... Phin nay o6 tat c@ 4 bai doc, mdi ba ¢6 3 cau hoi, Cac eau hot chi yéu li vé tu vung va mot phan (khoing 3-4 cu) hot vé ngw php. Mac di part 6 14 part cd hinh thite doc hiéu bai doc, nhung cic yéu t6 can thiét dé gid ‘quyét cau hoi Ini tuong ty nhur part 5. To: Martinez Perez, Accounting Manager From: Todd Handler, Sales Manager : September 29, 2007 Subject: Sates Totals {rogret to... you that its impossible for us to submit our sales totals by this coming Friday. | 141.18) announce | {B) intorr (C)talk Ohexpress ‘As you know, our sales staf has been very having clearance sale for the last ow weeks, 142. (A) busy (©) expensive (C)exciting (O} impressive | heard that the Madrid branch alroady submitted its sales totals, but | think we need more time tocaleulate . 143. (Aus. Blours (©) our (0) we would appreciate your patience. Told Hanae Part 7 (48 Bike dah Khbog, mb ti neti din. dng doing some paperwork ae oo, lng Keg ob ag te hy bop “The lid of the copiers open. Bg reosee waieg eae sheets of paper. ~~ Bue dnb khdag cd abidw nguti, edog khong 06 dong te xt gilly. copier (1) may photocopy Wid (0) ndlp dy cabinet (9) i examine (y) xe net hand (9) tra0, 4, Bign thoai © Tim hiéu trong tim cita bite hinh; Bute hinh mo ta 2-may dién thoni ban dat canh-mhau, eo be i ging nhan, | «Hoe thude ede eum tit thuiing gap o08.m03 2 14n theo giong Anh va gionye My nil doe theo, talking on the phone lined up at the phone booth using the telephone conducting a phone conversation holding the receiver None of the phones are being used. . 2. Passilsle ansiwers £007 03 ‘Tim dip an sai ‘The man is inserting some coins ‘into the machine. © Bie anh khng m4 ti ngwti sd dung itn thsi dang 33 dng xu vo mis ‘The manis installing the teleph- ‘one. > Bie nb King md-t& agus choo ‘ay Up dat ga thos. ‘similar (x) ging whaw in use dang dias sit ding place () dt, A€ Be lined up due dé sani hang ‘be boing used amy digne uling conduct (thu ign receiver ‘hent eoin (9) dd ie iota) fap Lar Ging nghe dig thowi insert (9) niet, ze by Ps a a a 5 iS | Nang cao kha nang co ban | liar eisasnenness 5 copier (nt may phorocopy unoccupied desk (0) hin ming do the paperwork ii ving on file cabinet (9) (i hia sy drawing table. (0) /kin e) mya keo hand the paper tra ii 1? view some documents Fead through pages. de yas ec iran wip address |) den rhs face the screen directly. di dieu man ‘reach into the cabinet check information yn tra thous ten turn the newspaper ira (hie type on the keyboard inl nu lien hin phinv conduct a conversation i/i hyn mn phong cms tt Lage (ii ine edi tay cao ew id su make a phone call go din show workstation (9) bin sl mei distribute the papers. pid phat duo enter the office oo vd pling hang up the phone fi’ divn show! xing (dt i nighe songh Phone someone. 01 die tinal cho ui Jook into the drawer whi co nyan eo tead from the sereen’ lye ticmain hinh i sinsh office supplies (0) vun pling putin talk in a discussion phit bidicrrong mit cwie vi tinh thao ludn attend the conference sium dis hol ght deliver the speech yc da’n can fix the fax machine cits nay fax share the office space am inoue cline wan phing organize the paper sup xcp gidy 0 1. She is ‘on the monitor. 2.Heis 3. The speaker is the audience. 4. The man is __ 5S. Sheis directly. 6. The woman is to the man. 7. She is, ‘on the stage. 8. He is at the desk. 9. The desk is _ 10. The woman is vuwwenhantivietcom CwimEEe =) People are Some people are People are People are Poo BP People are There is on the table. Both people are She is the paper. People are standing moo p> The man is o 2 @ ww A. B. c. o. Ee. There are some flowers The men are are standing behind the podium The men are One of the men is Pcn aaa” PCE The man The man is his sunglasses. ‘The bag has been placed Heis at the beach, There is at the moment. The lights are The chairs are ‘ Some seats are set Attendees are All the men are They are They've just They are They are @® Peet eae | Nang cao kha nang co ban | Lam quen vGi cam giac thi that | om» A 8) {c) (2) A ®) {c) (2) Wy e) ie} (0) A) ®) (c) (0) “ 8) © (0) ) ®) () © 8 8 & q i Unit 2. Hinh an cman ge bie h Tim hiéw trong tim cia bite hin Tim dap an sai «Hoe thuge cée eum tit thudng gp orm “The worsen 4s purchasing tba items. Nghe 2 ldn theo giong Anh vit gong My rit doe t be dngenua baw be on display pels: nope eal bre as be placed on the shelves ‘egy. browsing in the store The bags are being placed on i s ‘examining some good: sieioe purchasing the goods ‘= 0s bh ache GS eae be stacked on the floor sin trén ki, cht Khbog phi dong be displayed co a ls e sat, mre (ang) on eaplay dane rng by Shel 4) Ké Cec (0) chin Uoing ering | id (hing) Browse) xe quar examine (0) xem xéF purchase \°) miu be stackod 2. Khong gian trong phong © Tim hiéw trong tam eda bite hink: bite: hin khach, chi oo mot $6 humng khang + Hoe thude ede eum ti thing gip (6m 2 lan theo gion sing My roi d The bed has been made. be covered with tites be hung above the couch be made of bricks The food is cooking on the stove. There are plants in front of the windows. There is a balcony at each window. fend (a) iu ( @ ities lamps on both ends # The paintit all 5 is hanging the sofa. along the wall Tim dap an sai “The floor is being carpeted. > Phong Khdeh may di diye 6 thi sl, chi Khing phii ob «45 dang lim dng, the It thin hus cum bo being carpeted mb ti. ‘The woman is hanging a picture ‘on the wall, > Cling ihOng ob gut: dang treo bie ‘inh Téa tatog, Bde inh i date tr ado oi, painting (0) bic rand: make the bed don giving tee @overed with aye pei (lot bcc) tndi bang ~ te (n) gach ft, ngdi couch (n) ghé dali, ansimg fx! brick (0) gach stove (n) bép lo balcony (n) bar céing eanpet (v) trdi thm GoioL aS Oa 16 | OB © Tim hiéu trong tém eta bile hinh: numg dune dat lam dap an. Tron «Hoe thude cde cum ti thuitng gap ising Nahe 2 lin theo giong Anh va giong My rot doe theo, taking a food order studying the menu be served to the table ; Tim daip an sai pouring water into the cup ‘The silverware is boing polished. be busy with customers > Teong inh hing thy by ddan be set fora meal dang dupe lau. Bb 4b in da cb in ‘rn bin. having their meals. People are finishing their meats. > Thit Raich ding to, king phi do ong ah. ‘oustomer (0) ic hang moat n) bua die in use dang digg: ni dung wear (v) mi Kong-sleeved (0 do) ty ai tak an ore hi msn dx leach gor study (v) xem (thie dom) pour \) nit be sat die sp sn sitverware (nj 5 d8 sn polish (lu (hii ake © Some ducks are * The water is very « The ground ts partially shaded © Tim hiéu trong tim cia bite Tren mat hé la vai chige thuyén va vat eon vit, mat ho yon tinh. Chui y ceic tu dé nhém Hin nhu duck, dock, 3k khi nghe dap an Hoe thuge ee eum tif thuimng gap 020." Nghe 2én thee My r0i doe theo. ong Anh va floating in the water standing on the deck of the boat Tim dap an sai rowing a boat / canoe ‘The water is very rough. > Theo bie hind thi mit bd dang yén. ‘tah chi Kdiing 20 ng, no ua strolling along the beach ‘chon The water is very rough Ii hing ding. be docked at the harbor overlooking the water ‘The boat is being taken out of ‘the water. > Chide thuyén dang nlm teén mft bd, ‘ing phd dang bi héo len kt mat ridin ng tt balng taken a i. a tbe docked dij, cap bén swim (y} bat partially (acy) mde phn shade (y) che mt, (9) bong mat ‘z float (v) ndi harbor (0) eding row (v) eido stroll (v) di dao along (prep) doc theo overtook (y) rhin ra rough («) (mit hd) ding ® | Nang cao kha nang co ban | = pull out of the water. fo yu bli) nei bepiled up. dw chit ding ag porch (nj mat oom doorway agitiny cha bs be placed dere dur be on display on the rack duoc tring buy fd take afood order iti Wi ede midi an tn gid d Hdch oi serve food phic vu vie an 2 bbe loaded with cargo lui sly hing infront of phria rede S near yin wallpaper (0) sid da sume kitchen utensils our dun nied hep look into the store n/n euto cil fing decide what to eat yinét diovi dn cui gi an outdoor shop «ili hang nyodt erie try ona pair of shoes hie i i eeay tieupaboat oii chidi shuyén Pay for the products. ind 1 (clio man han on both sides iio fii pia lead up to dun fen tor be stocked with items dic cldi day hang hia headboard ying nc du (721 gewing hou trén ghé) be sorted into boxes dive phior wav time hip centerpiece rit irony tid gee han an be displayed for sale sin bay radi hun browse the shelves. hin fut qua cle hy doy do grocery shopping mus sin dif tap ho be laid out fine bey ra chop vegetables «it ray cv 1. The sandals on the ground. 2. The hats _— * 3. A woman is ‘ 4. The boat has been ‘ 5. The boat is ‘ 6. The table we for a party of five, 7. They stop 8.Amanis - at the dock. 9. There are lamps ofthe bea. 10. There are the front door. wwyunhantriviet com A B. c. b. — moo > The picture is There is some The painting has been hung There is The shelves are The shelves The items: The clerk is with products. There in the store. Al the bottles ® sap Pp The boat is Tho boat is The waves are in the fake. The boat is People are the stairs. The woman is ‘The woman is The woman is The staircase is the next level ® op > 9 oom Pp m The man is The man is The man is Vegetables are The man is Water is People are People are People are People are « Nghe va chon edu mi « (8) @ (0) A (8) © © “a 8) co 0) (A) 8) (c (0) Unit 3, Hinh anh lién quan dén dudng pho \ = Hoe thuge ede eum ti thuiing gp 02si2 Nghe 2 Idin theo gong Anh va giong My rbi doe theo parking the car backing up the car Pulling into the station foading onto the truck be parked in opposite direction be lancied on the ground chi park opposite {ici dis’ tand nhac tiv repair siea chido dda, dB (ce) In front of pha etek pull) 1 fio wing grouneh hose nhidu nga ° Cima ‘Tim dap ain sai “The train has just arrived. “> Bae hinh Rhdng thé hign bit kj chi tide nto vé xe htm, The car is being lifted to be re- paired. Chie ae nky dang de ttn phi hing phi dang die ndng leo ‘shh chia, to, ghé vio load v) chat hang ) sn ge ie (0) dy 1B, ‘mat duit platform ® 2. Con duing PRBS GWE OT pea aking ik Tim hig trong tam cia bite binb: Buc Hinh nay mé ta edn 8 ta dang chay tr rr thong, ap phich qusing cao, Hoc thuve edie cum tit thuing gp ore Nahe 2 lin theo giong Anb va gtong My roi de theo walking along the street crossing the road ‘Tim dap an sai ting for the traffic li Wells for tes bate At Childron are drinking from the resting around the fountain water fountain, sitting on the curb > Trvog dah Kling Binh vi phan re (water fount). looking into the store window The trees are along the street. The woman is walking faster than the rest of the peopie. “roag hink e6 abil gui ang 1), nhung 6 hin trang thi tinh nla ta thing thé bit de a dang ai abanh ba. e pedestrian (r)kiich bo heinh walk atong di doe tieo eross (1) ei qua (duhng) traffic light (n) dén io thing sign (0) Ping eigt Bia bdo sidawal (°) viahé pave () lor (dung) rest (0) mgueiodt 0m Lat fountain (9) vb nutc- eurt (n) dé ime comoLdaso iy | Ob Tim hiéu trong tim eiia bile hinh: «Hoe thuge fe cum ti thuting gap 30 mot Nahe 2 lin theo giong Anh wa gion My it doe then be under construction have finished the construction moving a heavy object ‘Tim dap an sai igging the earth The man is replacing the win- The crane towers are against the sky. ope 9 Trong inh khdng of hinh apa din The walls are being built. ng ang thay ci 8, The worker is putting on a protective helmet, > paling on a’ protective helmet ghia 1A dang i md bio bg. rong’ boe inh sng ob cinh mi. material (9) ct Tif be piled iow ct dng site (n) cénig nag be in operation clang har doreg ower (0) ship move {¥) di chee abject (0) eat dig (y) de earth (>) dat replace «thay protective jo) hiv ké ® 4, Lao déng «The erates are bein by © Tim higw trong tam ei bute inh Var chu dé nay, hoat dor thé eda Aguen dong cing hur nui tao dong thuong duoe dung tam trong tam cho « hii, ‘rong hinh nay eo xe edu dang nang mot $6 kien \ © Hoe thude cae cum tif thuting gap 032 m3 Ni in theo gigng Anh va gong My roi a, doing some work at the table using a hand toot climbing the ladder carrying a box under one’s arm: ta dap dn sai painting the fence ‘The man is folding the lackor. mowing the lawn > Trong in Kbng of binh pst din ng dang pedi thang. assembling the parts ‘She is planting some flowers. > Trong i cng Rhiog b ob agi hay dang ted boa. 1m up nice Ten erate (0) thing @0 We plod up diay cha chink ding outdoors (ait) nyc tah machine (9) my store (i) git rz hand tool (n) tide cmt tay ladder (0) shan Feo. camry mang. 2 under the arm ap: mich kd (v) xe plant (rine | Nang cao kha nang co ban | operate heavy machinery in firth mid’ mo: dog rang walk down the street five theo von ariveway ()linig Sco hte motorist (9) xn lal seo wl inspect the car hich» tru xe resurface the road [in Joi mare pull into sp sui repair the lamppost snr 1 de wait at the taxi stand fj ci fi di tat push the wheelbarrow iy v1! bt be under construction ny due aay dime wait at the curbs hy «fe dian change a flat tire ia lop xe Intersection. jy) yin hv be lined up dine stp shew hang runway (p)dtamy hare into the distance «ny ue use ahammer diay hus climb onto the roof fi fy ms Get out of the taxi swine climb the lacider (0) ire swoop the road yu! hniny board the train fe sun hile lay a concrete sidewalk Wi he sins sau he final destination icine dire overpass. (9) edt viet be on the crosswalk fin irik que donnay be under renovation wlan Ji sin cap Banal cli Meh Be ein wait to cross. «fi yaw shore 1. The pedestrians are 2, The train is the station. 8. Some people i 4. A motorcycle is 5. The building is 6. The road curves 7. The man is. 8. People are the street. 9. They are es 10. The bus has arrived at its harrier eon «Site 3: Nghe cau va chon dp in ding A 8. GC. The bus D. The bus is E. He is The umbrellas are The outdoor cate is People are on the sidewalk A B C. | Most chairs are D. E. Some people are ® A 8. c. D. e The man has The man is at the moment. The man is The man is The manis by himsolt. None of the people is The workers are The workers are to construct a building, The building is The construction is ® Some trees are . The cars are The sky is The road is The traffic is The band is The trees are along the street. The lotis The road ® | Nang cao kha nang co ban | Lam quen vGicamgiac thithat |" 4 Nihe va chon ¢ a) © © )) @) © ©) (0) ® a) @ © (2) (a) ®) © © @® eomoL asso Gy | BY ® 52 | 53 BIGSTEP TOEIG2 @® \ is Ghi ché chin sifa 1ya chon sai wien nbaritivetcon Part2 Unit 4. Cau héi Where/When/Who Unit 5. Cau héi Why/ How/ What Unit 6, Cau hoi Which/Cau hai ding tro. dong bir Unit 7. Cau héi gidn tiép Unit 8. Cau hdi phi dinh /Cau nda dudi/ Cau héi wa chon Part 2 Review Test Bi quyét dé dat diém cao 1. Nam vimg cau hoi co ban ty Se ae tt ais ay Pan 2 yeu edu thi sinh chon cau tra tin thich hop hit cho caw hdt wun duve nghe. Du ban nghe 2 dove het of 3 hm chon nung khong. nghe due et i thi eung vo keh. Vie nghe nhieu eau hid gan S ‘i bau co thé lam ban @& him Han, Gisu trinh sé cung cap eae bak tap giup bao luyen tkp phan Ey nay. Hay nghe ede cau hot thing gap sau diy waedién yao chd tring bang cie ta nght vain Fe (question word) Fy UT) Nighe va dién vao ché trong eae tu nghi vin, 08h ep 1 ‘are you going to Seattle this aftemoon? "be going to + danh tit chi nat chin” ob nghis Ia di dé net 2 are you going to Seattle this aftemoon? oaks oe 3 are you going to Seattle for your trip? ranpéo mbut agin fh di dink 4 are you going on yaur vacation this summer? Mi" #- 5. time are you going to leave for the workshop? Vi dy " wisseing sig He's gong to New York: (nh Spats maviatonial fy dang d Hi New York 7 are you going to take, a bus or the subway? Aho ly bot Si (Anh ay du dish gip khich (D Xwe dink cau tra loi dung. 1. How are you going to Seattle this aftemoon? Le Dung How dé hoi edch di dén Seattle (bang phuomg tien gi) 2. Why are you going to Seattie this afternoon? \ Dhingg Why 6 hoi [¥ do: di dn Seattle 3, When are you going to Seattle for your trip? ‘+ Ding When dé hoi thin diem di.dén Seattle 4, Whiere are you going on your vacation this summer? = Bung Where dé hi nov myhi hie 5. Whot time are you going to leave for the workshop? + Thing What két hyp voi time dé hat thin gian di dén cude hos thaw 6. How about going to a movie tonight? > Dung How kéx bop van about dé dé nghi di xem phim 7. Which are you going to take, a bus or the subway? ‘+ Diing Which két higp vin a bus or the suoway dé chon lua mét trong hat ‘tip in) chicvtin ci vacation.) (chanwir df) nghé mat Weave for rai (noi ndo dé) dé din ~ werkeshop AO) Adi tido, take a bus bal xe buy yeweenhantriviet cam ‘Nam phuong phap loai tric dp an sai ‘Trong sé 90 citu hos eda Part 2 thi khodng 10 cau hii co dip cin duing la eau tea loi ghin tiép, Nghia la ‘néw céu hoi la Where thi trong 10 tring hop, dap dn ding khong phai la cau tra lot chi non chon, ‘Q: Where did you get that camera? A: Oh, it's a gift from my friend, John, RO ring, ediu tri lot eho cau hai trin Khang: phai la mot nev chin bir ta thuong mong doi. Do dd, truae hét. cae ban phai hoe caich loai tit cdc ctu tra fot hide nhién sat, sau dé ban sé dé dang chon dune dap sn dung hon. [W) Nghe 2 dap an cho mdi cau hoi duoi day, danh X vao dap dn OED sai, va O vito dap an dung, 0993 © Néu nghe mi thing phn don due div 1h dip a sai tht 1. How much sugar do you want for your coffee? Khing thé sit dung phuing a ® hip loi tr > Thing thang trong ce dp in ‘2.Which do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat? aa ate = “ e cy iwi thi thudmg Ta dip an ‘sai. Do 44, khi nghe néu ban chi mbi lodng thoing cic Am mi khing higu nghia thi khéng ‘Xac dinh cau tra loi dung. thé chon ding dupe. AO x How much sugar do you want for your coffee? > Hdl vi Huyme: dime ean bo wo ca phe 1A) I prefer biack. > ‘Tra Vi Ja thich e@ phe den (tie la khong can doomg (8) Yes, we're out of sugar. > Day la cau hdi 06 te nghi vin nen khong due tr li bing Yes 2 A)o B)x Which do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat? > Hoi rb ché ban thich ngoi, gin eta si hay gan 161 di {A Either fine with me. > Ché nao eang duce tkhing chon 1 cho hu mong dvi} {B) The cold food is in aisle 3. > Thue an ngudi «day thi 3 prefer (\) Hick hom toe out of Hig aisle (0) (oi di either cali nay hode cai Ria (ek ndo ciime dear) ‘cold food thie dn ngnii Unit 4. Cau hoi Where/When/Who Bai ioe trong tam Part 2 xudt hién cita hii dang Wh- (Wh- questions) vi eau héi Yes/No. 1, Cau hoi Where Li cau hit ve noi chin, khdng thé tra teh bing Yes hode No. Dap an oo thé la mot ia diden hone mat cum ta khong true tiép chi net chon, \ ce Nee wi lip lai cde edu hat dui day, ines Eins ‘binit gate (0) cing leave (9) (di) de bel oe: tas ee le Gp hing cum ti) > nthe conterance room ino i walt your mabox hc an chi noi chain ‘opposite the park “et your dea ies Bane ghey tubes ip hack there line ight net othe door i u/s nthe send o0e nS ha bythe door «fo saw nhaneriviet com 2. Cau héi When Day la eau hdr vé thot gian, khong thé tr lat hang Ves hoe No. Cau trd loi haw hét déuvé thia plan, ‘ban nén cin than loai ba cau tra lor ti nghia va khong phu hop, Neko vit Mp ai eke edu hoi id diy, 04055) Q: When is the show suppased to begin? ‘A: 110 minutes. Q: When are you going to finish the report? ‘A: Today. Q: When are you taking your vacation this year? ‘A: As | complete this project. i Q: When is this report due? A: Early next week, ext we @: When did you reserve the hatel room? ‘A: Bwoeks ago, ‘be supposed to do. the le hagch /then wing di ii ~ | - rngry i complete \) hac shan be due Zn vn reserve the hol SE acne se Ning cum ti sometime next week (x nde nai 0) PORRBLRP Lc 2 gi lal bith ian rghtnow sng hiv i? ny he endo is month erin Ha nay thiting sip an hour oni ‘wo Thursdays ge ule) 20 hu ht mtr, cata st e o BuD wiyenhantrivetcom @® 3. Cau hoi Who Day 1a caw hii ve ngaod, khong the tra lon bing Yes hose No. Dap an c6 thé la ten ngusi, chic vy, hoac snot cum be khong true tiép chi nguer |, Nahe vit Lip lai ede cl hai dudi day, 082 @: Who is going to be working on this project? ‘AsTom, I think. ‘Q: Who's the person in charge of payroll? tc 8 A: That would be James. i Q: Who do | talk to about getting anew computer? A: You should talk to your supervisor first. Q: Who presented first at the workshop? = ‘A: The department head started off. Q:: Who was absent trom yesterday's meeting? ‘A: Sophia had a doctor's appointment. cD Nhing cum tit + presente. cn etvison end: (orig hi hén sweety cn hy hi agi cepresiiont. 0) pl ci ie ecepinist (0) tie i am tn thimg gp Suber eM oat oferector (9) Ham (uum die exccutie officer (9 nln ei Jidwhnl eewetae 60) ein dic yewvenhantivetcom | Nang cao kha nang co ban | get the results. hiin kei qua make copies. suche sti leew begin production fir didusiin wiuit lead engineer ky airing invitation (9) fi mai deadline (0) tit Han cat cxing ‘sometime next week life nd di hud «i call the time {iin icin handle (x07! within a week trong cing mt tain ‘in less than 6 months ing core dial 6 thang niu ‘before lunch today runic bela trae aim nay factory sample yd sin plidin (cai nh md) ‘near the station in wi ga ‘singe my graduation ie 1 Wi wi anghiep pick up the ticket yuu se get promotion iar sn en take the vacation di night mar take the rest of the day off uli ti gid eh hcl gay lim vig predict the rain die docs la co nue aweek trom now rony J ruin keltichdy wid be responsible for sit mici nhigme sé ~ BSaturdays ago aici uy J elie hay leave forLondon di Luin Din facilities department pling rie hi shipping department phi board room (0) pibvig hop cia hao gicin de cafeteria. (n) guuin dn ne phe ow director (9) gid dite din clugyén 1. When will the 2. Who'll be the —_ 8. When were those 4. Where can | oe 5, Where 6.Who's goingto 7, When is your mother Answer 2 In tess than 6 months. 2 ‘Mr. White, I guess. ? Before lunch today. 2 ‘The machine is broken. ? Near the station. 2 His secretary will. 2 Tomorrow night. 8. Who's the invitation? Mr, Park handles that, 9. Where did you ens | brought yesterday? © They're on my desk. 40. When can! of my physieat?” Within a week. wwwenhantriviescom ighe cau hr wd edu tri: lor, hoitn chinh cae cfu dé nghe, sau do danh dau tick (¥ > vie dap an 3 dung. g 1 When did you ? Fd ae (A) No, | @ a (8) © (B) I'm a Oo © 2. ‘Where can! 2 we aw ): ey 5 © or 3. Who's going to ¥ (A) (A) We need ®) ® on o_ 4a Where is the a 2? we (A) itnuns ® ® © (C) dust 5s. When is the ? Ao (A) Tom is 6 (B)! placed On + at the tatest. vawwanhantriviet cont a @ Ao o> Oo an Bu oo When areyou 1 eee (8) She has (C) I thought sd Who's going to (B)Only = © oe wauwnhantrwietcom vein | Nang cao kha nang co ban | Lam quen v6i cam giac thi that | 4663 9% Nghe va chon edi tra lin dung ohat g 7 ® ® c a eo 2, ® ® © 8 3 ® ® @ 4 ® ® © 5. ® ® © 6 ® 8 © 7 ® ® e 8. ® ® © 9. ® ® e 10. ® ® © few: nharittivietcom \ gh Ghi chi chinn sita 1ya chon sai yewernhantriviecom Rena Unit 5. Cau hoi Why/ How/ What a ‘Mii tu Why, How vo What thong mang 2 nghia. Trong mét bat thi thye 1, 06 it mbit 2 edu hi bat din bang tu Why. How 9 What, 4. Cau hoi Why Day ta eu Hdd ve Hy do have a ho A’ nigh) (nh trong Why don't we ...2), Khong tré toi bang Yes hate No. {Nahe vi lip la ee edu hi dui diy, tne Q: Why Is Mr. Nakamura teaving the company? A: He's taking a job in another city, Q: Why don't we try « new restaurant for lunch today? A: That sounds m 920d, Why has the presentation been postponed’? Q: Why did Sara go to New York last week? ‘A: She had to attend the conference. Q: Why don't you call the service center? ‘A: Lalready did, but there was no answer. CED + Phan tich mau dip an thong gép cia ctw hoi Why. 1+ Cub Wy hi Iy doc Nai because. dip dn con co cd du higw khdc nbu dye to Peavy rain (vite), 4 submit he ‘apont (46-lpp bo edo), for he prosaniaton iho bai pit bigul, Cu bi Wy ming mghin dé nghi: Cu tri a tis chi hoge ing ¥, Cae miu eu ing ¥ theng dung: Tats a good idea (Y hay di, That sounds good (Nhe due A, Vt lve to (Ti ait hich), ‘ va .ntianttiviewcom 2. Cau hoi How (Caw hoi nay edt da dang: How did you... (phuomg phip/How far...? (khoding each)/How about 2 {de ngh()/ How do you like...2 (y kidn)/ How much...? (gid ca)/How tong...? ‘khong thei gian», Cau hot How khéng duye tra loi bang Yes hoac No nhung vit How about ~ ? (edu dé nghi) thi eo thé ding Yes/No. 4 “g Nahe va ip lai ede edu hai duéi diy, 048inn @:: How many people are attending the workshop? A: [imnot sure about it, Q: How farisit trom here: ‘to the airport?” ‘A: Only an hours drive. Q: How did you finish the project so quickly? A:Tom gave mea lot of help, > i} thd Aah (hain hah ati) em cigs nmr Qian (0) ear sp = Cac cau hoi How thing dung Neodi cée cich ding trén, How obn nhidu cach dmg khée ban cdr nim vitng: Howis your business ging? + Cling vige-a ss ri? (tid tinh eng vite) How.come sho tailed to meet tne deadine? + Ty sao cb y khfing ding han? (yj do) Hows yourtator? > Bé cia ban ed kh King? (se Khe) Wvawinhantiiviencom 3. Cau hoi What Caw hot nay eung rat da nghia, Ngo nghia co bi la “eds gi". what con 06 nhiéu nghis khde nhau tay ‘véo tu theo sats no. Vi du; What time:..? (dhe gian)/ What size...? tkich e0)/What country...? (que guan)/What do you think of (about)...? (y kien), Cau hot dang nay khong tra loi bang Yes hate No. t © Nghe vi lap lai ede ctu hoi dudi day. 989mos “A: Ataround 4 p.m. A: more on business. : nm i CTD © Civ hoi What thong dung What's your new supervisor tke? Chun iy én i tn ech a mit gai. Dip An ding thuong Tia hang ty chi tin heh mbuc ard working (eh chi opensninded ping Khong) generous tn ung) aperoacbabe his thin)! ed l,l, = weniunhantrinet.con | Nang cao kha nang co ban | team of the position rim hie got to the post office li dn fins dien conference room pling fii ght department head irene phiie exhibition canter run tui eri’ liam ‘take the airport shuttle se hint cuss sin buy ‘company-wide free (nw ‘gotothe theater) com hil employment (9) eié lun ‘cancel the meeting /invy «wie hog secretarial position © 17 su hy annual banquet ti hag mie mention the date. «fi cup dé micav retire |v) 26 hu heie ove neo ds Ws Aen mam go tothe beach i ru has biew ‘big enough send out gai estimate di dou Visit the branch office sulin oun pong cht whan relocate (y) di din restructuring sii sup sep Jat applicant. (=) 1m: savin over adecade fin | thip nie fast for an hour vo diit tron mon sia dig ho paid vacation inv np co hoainy imme following week sii sie de storage room ht Wa award ceremony (i vial Answer 1. What Orange juice, please. 2 of this position at PPC magazine? | read about it in the newspaper. to the beach with me? Sure, when are you leaving? ro changed? Since Mr, Park couldn't be here then. 5 room? Big enough for more than 100 people. 6. to get to the post office? Through the park, e over there? That's a goad idea. 8 - toave? ‘It should depart soon. a. before we get to the theater? About 15 minutes or $0. 10. ‘to all department heads? ‘That sounds better. vewerfhantiiviet com ® ewan | Nang cao kha nang co ban | 2 Nghe cau hot va cau tra lot, hoain chink ete ctu da nghe, sau do dank dau tick (¥) vao dap an dung. cI 1 ‘What bank 9% | fi wo A) Yes, the bank financing is: os 00 F | @) (8) The factory is FI ©) (©) We used . 2 Why did you come to ra 2 a) (A) No, ® @) Because (ce) (C) Because there was athe a How did you at 19 (AN) AW . (8) (8) In fact, o (©)! shouia 4. How about 3? vw (No, 3 (8) @) sounds a Mio (C) We should ais 5. What time do you start 2 “) a 8 (8) You don't need to on (©) Sony, sera thantiviecom wo 8) oO eo oo An La ail wr eo: Or ‘Why don't you join us ? (A) Well, " (6) Sure, : (©) Because * (A) He will (8) Den't worry. Tom and Mary (C) Wewill _ ee = (A) No, we are waiting for 5 ® it (its the old program. Why is Sophia 2 (A) She's (B)No, this winter. (C) Yes, _ How ? (A) They're _ s (8) fight now? oo | Nang cao kha nang co ban | Lam quen véi cam giac thi that | ms & Nghe va chon cau tra toi dung shat, S 8 1 ® ® © q Fy 2 ® ® © i 3. ® ® © 4 ® ® © 5. ® ® © 6. ® ® © 7. ® ® © 8. ® @ 9. ® ® © 10, ® ® © wwenhantnvieticom | gs Ghi chi chinh sifa lya chon sai wenwnhantiivietcom Unit 6, Cau héi Which / Cau hdi ding tro déng tir Trong Part 2, cu hit Which vi edu hat dung tre ding tu li phim kho nbsit. De biet, chu had dung trg ong tu xuat hin kha shiéw (3.~4 cau trong mot bai thi 4. Cau hoi Which La ci héi yeu edit chom 1 trong 2 hay ohiéu tha. Cau tra lit 6 néi dung eu thé thudmg la dap an ding. Khong duge tri tit bing Yes hode No cho cau hil Which “a Nee vit lip lai ede cd hai didi diy. 68 mo Q: Which shirt should | buy? ‘AcThe grey one, Q:: Which medicine do you recommend? Ree : Q: Which way is the shortest to the airport? A :The highway is the quickest. @: Which designer did you decide to hire? A: We're still discussing it, Q:: Which report do you want me to go sver with you? A: The one we discussed yesterday, ‘grey (a) xm medicine (9) shneic recommend (v) dé xudi highway ‘sa tie) thud esc ‘er thdo lun 08. 90 over.) xem xét » Phan tich dip an dung thong gap cia cau hoi Which 1. Trutmg hap chon dot Khoi mét tha: Cu ri 1 ding trong tring hyp nay thal ding git one, ching han The first one, ‘Te tue-one, The one nea tne door, 2 ‘Trag hap king dit Hoot: Chu td theo Kida Lin tinh, cg hy have rene. We haven cis. ityet tsa dieu question, iwwwinhantrhietcom. 2. Cau hdi ding tro dong tir Cau hoi dang may e6 nghia. rat dae biet va luon eo-teer ding ta di Kem. Vi dy: Cam you ...? / Could you nha va) hode Would you like ...?/ Would you care ...? imét mock: Dang ciu hor nay eo thé tra Jot bing Yes hoge No. 5,» Nehe wi lip Iai cde edu hii dui day. ossinp8 ‘A: Thatwould be great. Q: Gould you give me a ride to the airport? ‘A; Sure, what time is your fight?” GQ: Would you like to address at our annual convention in September? ‘A: Letme check my schedule. Q: Gan you send me a copy of the revised contract? A: Yes, iLmail it tomorrow. Q: oul youicere te Oe the seretow eT ca a Give me aide che Widi nhd-xe Might (n)chuotia hay address.) ri chigite (inate dem divs) Pe) annual (3) thuimg nién convention (0) koi nght copy (7) bin, bain san revised dit dunse chink sia contract (n) Kup dig: mail (v) gti care to do ~ehich fim — window table bier yin ctu CEP ~ Cau hoi thong dung voi Would like [igi ce cAeh ding tri, would ti cin whit ebch dong khie ban eén nim vig: | an: woukt youth your comeu > Hv db m/s cia ch ph stone spoont lease. How.would you like your steak? » Hi wé di chin cia bitte ware nbanrtivietcom @® = E | Nang cao kha nang co ban | Would you care to do=? eli Ch mewn ~ sion look forward to ‘Is thore a shortcut to the station? Nu cé ding th (shoreut, ta loi Yes; ‘Néu o6 dting tt (shorcu), cing tra lai Ves: nu hing, ‘nla King, tr ii No, cng tr li No. 2. Cu i dust (Nhdn bit thi wa chi ng thong qua phi dus (taq)) ‘You did't mest Charles, cid you? Noi dang la gp Charles ht qué kh, chi nga you. ‘Néoob hp, tra lo Yes; abu hing gip, rk li No Mc, Johnson tikes Vietnamese food, doesr't he? Noi dung i thi min an Vigt Nam, chi ig fg chil ngd la pa, = Néu thich, tr lot Yes: néu khéng thich, ti Joi No. ww nhanttivietcorn 2. Cau hoi Iva chon Li edu hoi yéu edu phat chon mot trong hai thi, Cau tra loi e thé la “A, “B", *hoac A hoac B déu ‘duge", hoa “ching chon cai nao ea”. Khéng tra loi bang Yes-ho&e No cho dang cau hoi nay. . e Nghe vi lap lai cde cau hoi dui day, (066.903 ‘Q: Would you rather have sugar or honey with your tea? {@:: Should | have the contract sent to you or will you pick It uP? A:Lwileome qvertogetit, Q: Do you want to have elivered oF go to a restaurant? contract, (3) gp ding. plek up (vy) 1d dy come over (») 1 awe anc cltvered ‘dat meant mang. ‘com trae th (odin phon) (GEED © Mau tra lai gidn tiép 1, Hote A hoge B du due thors fro with ne, I doear't mater. I doit caro. Whichoveryou tke. Wsuptoyou 2 CA vi B dba khong dave Nother. “They haven't decd yot ‘The ec one, actualy. wiew nhantriviencom 2 3 n : & : Nang cao kha nang co ban | cancel a subscription uy be vite dar hav work number 97 din thoi er giant assistant manager trl) giv veh. choose a candidate tiny my sien ask fora repair visit du cit vit nye din stka (edi gh da sign the contract i ligp using ‘accopt the conditions lu whim cde dieu bien be accompanied dui ship vin be busy all week ui travel agent w/idr a flavin the program wot Idi ron hunny trash od tun fing ty du lech come in for an interview ui den phony vin Mhasn't been decided yet. Njian sun hws daa rar guivet dink: The rent is rising, Pin thus “nhid) dla tang eu home number house number 9 v/s attend the orientation rfc wir uit hianie tin call the help desk 1 bur hinne din 46 didn thnai nha ‘expect someone tiny ai li check the terms icin rra cue dif bhacin inrong hop ding) ‘own the properties: «ft rai sim bring the umbrefla many shee du approve the proposal. dp dn dé seit ook promising ein eu! Udy hues her Neither do, 1 cary: Bling: Either is fine, Cuil nao cre dian Don't bother yourself. ii, pind aml chit qu ‘Question ‘Answer 1. Mr. Kim - didn’t he? No, he Is-going to do it tomorrow. 2 roading the report? No, two more pages are let. 3, Do you want - 2 Whichever one | can reach you at. 4, You wit for this evening, wan't you? I've already made one. 5. Didn't you a Yes, | went with a friend. 6. Can! + ordo | have te 2 Either is fine, 7. wonder =don't you? think Jonathan has a good chance. 8. 2 I's open 24 hours a day. 9. ? No, it wasn't very helpful. 10.Youar «tight? Actually, | will attend. SG ese now iit 1 (Ay s SB - aea3° se (e) @a ‘Do you want to A (e) (c) Yes, Didn't you call the (A) No, (B) Yes, 1am. (C) Yes, (A) Yes, (8) Ineard he (C) He was talking about (Mr, White is (A)He (8) Yes, (C) No, ‘Will you (A) Rents are. (8) We (cy Nghe cau hot va cau tra loi, hoan chink ede cau da nghe, sau de dan daw tick ("| yao dip an dung or tomorrow? at the Blue Moon restaurant. at 3pm. _ or is he still checking the terms? ‘of the company, isn't he? awwinhanniviet con any s 8 2 8 af d a 2 Wwwwinhanttiviercor (A) It's been raining _ (©) Oh, thanks. ‘Saturday or Sunday? {B) Yes, © ‘ ‘The board members: . dicin’t they? “ (8) Yes, (C) No, os nai Is the problem with Ss sie (A) think i's 8) here. © ‘ You've chosen forthe position, haven't you? (ive (C)I should tomorrow. | Nang cao kha nang co ban | Lam quen v6i cdm gidc thi that | wore f _— i sae Nghe va chow cle tri lod duing nba. is ® @ o z ® @ © 3: ® ® eo 4. ® ® © 5. ® 6 aC 6. ® ® © 7, @ ® © 8. ® ® © 9. ® ® © 10. ® ® © waywenhanrevieticom: Part 2 Review Test Nghe va lua chon dap: an dum aha 1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A Bo 2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. wi Bo 3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. “a B «© 4, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A 1 ‘8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. “a (8) (cy 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, ao By a 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. “a 8 © 8, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Al Bo ‘9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, A B)- tc) 10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) eB (6 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. aw 8) (ec) 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ) 8 (ce) 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ) 8) © 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. La) 8) © 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ay 8 (c) 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A” ®) © 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) Bo ©) 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (6) © 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. AL (By) ©) 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) ey (ey 21, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Al BO Ci 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. a @8° © 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Ao (Cc) 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A) () (c) 25, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. a) (8) col 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. “ @) @ ‘27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (a) (8) c 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. a 8 © 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. a) e © ‘30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) ( war nharnvivieLcom Part3 Unit9. Bai déi thoai 1ién quan dén hoi hop /céng viéc / van phong Unit 10. Bai 46i thoai 1ién quan dén du lich /giai tri Unit 11. Bai déi thoai 1ién quan dén mua sam /nha hang Unit 12. Bai d6i thoai 1ién quan dén ngan hang /buu dién /giao thong Part3 Review Test Bi quyét dé dat diém cao 4, Phan tich cdu hoi trén giay thi Trong Part 2, trade hit ban oye pt bai dt thoal. saw di tr at @ atu hal cho méi bis, Phin nay 0 tding cing 90 ef Ol, du dame in so trén gy. Ban nen doc quia caw hil trudge Kh nghe dé nen Dit thing tin ea ba dé dang hm, 5 , : : 1. Cau hoi What |chiém 45 ~ 55% trong téng s6 30 cau hoi] (ER) Hoi chu dé: Thong tan vé chu dé thuomg sudt hien phan du bat d6i thoai. What are the speakers talking about? What is the topic of this conversation? What are the speakers mainly discussing? WW: Wel | think we should go ask him. >> Tin Ong Kim nghi vide dime cho trong ctu diu cia bit 461 thoai Ia dap sn dung. [BD Hoi noi dung cu thé: Hoi ve mot vat hoe swvige cu thé nao 46. What does Mr. Gomez ask about? What is the man unsure of What does the woman ask the man to do? © Bai 46ithogi mau 'M : Rosa, did you send out the memo to the sales manager? W:: No, Katherine stil hasn't passed me the manager's e-mail address. M : Could you try to contact him directly? I'd like to get his response as soon as possible. o> Newis dan’ong didi ra yew chu 6 evo) bal dol thoal Wt edu tre Could you...?- talk about vie’ — tople (9) chai dd mainly (oc) chil yen, discuss (y) thdo (uit Wawa (\) réa bd Mee) ask di hihi unsure (0) Khong cdc suggest (y)uté nghi send out () 3 pass: (y) chiar contact |.) lién ke getaresponse hire clu end lo wrw.nhantriviescom: 2. Cau hoi Where [chiém 5 ~ 18% trong téng s6 30 cau hoi] 1 Hoi vé dia diém dién ra cude doi thoai/nei lam viee: Dap an co thé xuat hién o phan dau hoae rai rév trong ed baa d6i thoal. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers probably working? Where does this conversation take place? © Bai déi thoai mdu M: Hello, | have a package for Sophia Kim. |s this her office? W: Yes, but she went out for lunch 30 minutes ago? MM: Should | come back in an hour then? W: Oh, | can sign fort instead of her. ~> Ce tir “bau pam” hay “bua én trua” chi la bdy. Cude déi thoat nay didn ra phong. B) Hoi dia diém cu thé: Nhw not dén, hay vj tri eda mon db. Phai nghe that ky méi nhan ra dure cae ~~ dia diém nay. Where is the newspaper? Where is Edmond? Where did the supervisor travel on business? © Bai déi thosi mau M: I'm wondering if the workshop is still supposed to take place in the north wing next ‘Thursday. W : Actually, they've decided to change that. It will be held at the main building. : Then | should let my team members know the changed schedule. ‘WI think you'd better do that, -> Dia diém cu la north wing, dia diém mot duye thay #61 ld main building. take place (0) didn ra package (n)kigm hang gout (v) firamgodi supervisor (0) gidim sat oxen bbe held diac 1 chat: wonder (v) choi te supposed todo tlie ki! hoach /theo tring don st ~ wing (9) Tale dau, nguit dan dng chi tram xe bust, hung sau 46 ngudl phy ni bol vé tau dién ngdm (subway) nén nguoi dan ong chi tram tau dién gdm. & suggest |v) dé nght contact (v) lidn he! book |v) dt get to + nok chin di dex mot nde do verze destination (9) diém dé bus stop (9) ram xe bin In-ahumy dang adi transtor (y) chioyén (xe) 4. Cau hoi Who [chiém 3 ~ 13% trong téng sé 30 cau hdi} Héi vé ngwoi noi: Thuong li vé nghé nghiep cua ngudt noi, Nghe ky tat ca ciic thong tin vb nighé nghiép, sau 46 tap hop lai dé suy ra nghé nghiép. Who are the speakers? Who is the woman? Who is Mr. Park talking to? © Bai d0i thoai mdu M: Does the price include meals and excursions? W: Itcovers hote! costs and the cruise tour, but not food. M1 decide after discussing it with my wite then. >> Thong qua cae ti excursions /hotel costs /cruise tour, ta ed thé suy rs. ngudl phy nit nay la anhin vidn cbng ty du lich. CB) expect () cving chit meal (y) bita én excursion (n) chien tham quan cost (n) chi phi Mes erulee (i) cdncnde div hyouin Frén sng (big 2. Banh gid 46 kho cia ciu hoi bing cich doc qua cae cau tri loi trén bai thi ‘Vide nghe bai d6i thoal rit tri Toi tat ed cae eitu hor ve bai dét thoay dé ta tinmg dot Kho, Do d hoe vién ¢0 trinh do so edp va trang cap nén doc qua tit ca cae cau bai va cae lua chon truoe khi nghe, sau de nén tap trang véo' mot hoac hai cfu hii cho mai lan nghe. Caw hoi vé thin ian nh (A)5:00 pm. {B)6:00 p.m. (7:00 pm. (0)8:00 p.m. Vii cdr hdl loa nay, dl nba ban sb dé chon va. dave edu tra at him ei hit dud day. (A) She has already packed her boxes. {) She is stil deciding where to go. (C) She has planned the trip for more than 5 years. (2) She is a bit worried about being away for sa tong. Da do, ban & 8 dang hon. tip trung ted lin ede céiu hit v6 chor 86, thot gian, tén ngudi va dia diém trioe thi sé “ZOKOL gas 518 101 | OO Unit 9. Bai d6i thoai lién quan dén hoi hop /céng viéc/ van phong Bai deh thoat Tien quan dén exc ohu dé hw thay i oh am vige, Ten eh cho amét eude hop hay hit hy, thuyen chuyin, thang ehite, di eng tac, han nop biio-céo, dat hang, siza hits thiét bi van phong, 4 © Hoc ede miu cau hai thuting gip 9725 Where does this conversation most likely take place? How did Mr. Parker get to work? When is the meeting scheduled to begin? What is she told to do? When will the man be at the office? What has Ms. Lindon done this week? Why was the man planning to cali his clients? How will Ms. Wong mest the deadline? 5» Lim quen vai dé tai thiting gap 078 m0 1, What are the speakers discussing? fA) A new position (8) A job interview (C) A support team (0) A training program 2, Who is Larry Weston most likely? (AA university teacher (8) Anoffice assistant (©) A product salesman (0) A tectmicat expert 3. What does the woman say about Larry Weston? (A) She will show him a technology. {B) She will assign him a task. {C) She will work with him, (0) She will ask him for help. \. «Phan tich bai déi thoai 974mos M: Michelle, how's it going? Hasn't It already been © a month since you moved into Technical ‘Support? ~ W: Yes, Nick, this is my fith week. The work is very interesting here. M:: Good. You can ask Lary Weston if you need help. ©) He's one of the best people we have. W: Actually, # I've been assigned to his team. I'm meeting him tomorrow. © Gi thick 1. ‘Trong céu hit 1, nhir cum a month sinee you moved into, ta biét bai déi thoai nét vé cong vite ti (anew position), 2. Chiu hai nay Ab Oi pha nghe ky tin mguii. He's one of the best people we have cing chinh la expert. 2. Nhé cum tir 've been assigned to his team ciia cb gai, ta chon work with him, move int |v) clio ei Tashnieal Support 2) phn Hao ‘ie wang 9) ia te 3 E | Nang cao kha nang co ban | receptionist position ©) ir le sin mailroom (9) phone edn thie ‘expense account hai Ad vin (ae phi technical support ultra hv chsuit be assigned iar pliin wing support team whim hd irr expert beunderstatted hii min vin security office poi bao the boardroom phidniy hyp lit bur yum di adjust the schedule die chinh he hoch sales figures dish si outsource (vj ld fink kid ‘nhiin li nw én myo come up with miv ra (sang hiv) advertise aggressively juin «ar manh tn) gen gia Production lime in) day chuven sam xual teleconference (1) /uii ngiy vidn diem getapromotion dim suing ten log into the computer dune nhuip ei mai sink ‘meet the deadline finn thitnh ding hax heating bill fic din he thing sait take care of the paperwork cui sr wie oun phing make progress. ui hi) Supplier (it cue sone alittle behind the schedule hs en! w eon At howls marketing meeting busi hop han v8 tiépohi reschedule the meeting sp ngay Wie cho cuiie hop inquire (v) his gardening personnel di next whan oven Lam im commute to work Wi lam whiny sine bang but, <2 6 Wi, ten didn nga at in Doctor Johnson's office last week. 2, We have been for almost one month. 3. She suggested ‘ 5. We need to 6. Ihave @ question about my 7. Let's step into the office and 8. You should speak to someone in too much. We should come up with a new product. for the project. 9. Have you had any problems using your computer this morning? : 10. t doesn't look your crew has im the construction site.

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