Thursday Lesson Plan

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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Nadine Taylor

Date: Thursday
Subject / grade level: K-5 General Education Classroom for all Inclusion Students
Materials will be provided by the classroom teacher
5th Grade Classroom from 9:00 am to 10:00 am visiting L.M. and T.C.
Assist classroom teacher by working with students in a center during ELA and Reading
Redirect and help individual students as needed.
Goals for L.:
Improve word recognition skills
Define words by showing an understanding of the meaning of the word
Student will be able to answer comprehension questions of a story including characters, setting, plot, and theme
Provide evidence from a text to support answers
Student will create graphic organizer to organize thought before writing
Student will write 3 paragraphs (beginning, middle, end) and stay on topic
Student will solve word problems involving money
Student will be able to use coins to determine given amount
Solve multistep problems in correct order
Student will add and subtract uncommon fractions
Student will multiply and divide
Student will learn to raise his hand when answering questions
Student will be able to transition without arguing or disturbing
Student will learn how to communicate his feeling
Student use coping strategies and use a break if needed
Goals for T.:
Read text fluently with expression and appropriate timing
Read multisyllabic words in isolation and in context
With assistance the student will identify main character, setting, and sequence of events
Student will use chapter headings, highlighted work, and glossaries to find information
With the use of assistance, prompts, and graphic organizers the student will write with correct punctuation,
capitalization, and spelling
Write complete sentences with subject and verb agreement
With assistance identify if multiplication, addition, or subtraction is needed to solve a math problem
Remove unneeded information from a problem and solve it
Identify mixed group of coins and assign the correct monetary value
With the help of charts, the calculator, or an adult student will be able to add money
Student will continuously work from 2 to 10 minutes
Student will be able to answer wh questions after reading a story
Identify and demonstrate the use of plural nouns
Student will identify and use pronouns

5E Lesson Plan

Student will use comparatives and superlatives

Identify and show usage of adjectives and classify them by color, shape, size, and kind

4th Grade Classroom from 10:00 am to 10:25am

Assist all students in the classroom as assistance is needed
Help K.G. with her work especially in writing and reading
Goals for K.:
Write complete sentences with correct noun-verb agreement, punctuation, and capitalization
Identify and read consonant clusters and vowel digraphs
Distinguish beginning, middle, and ending sound of words
Identify story elements (character, plot, main ideas, setting)
Use phonics and context clues to understand words and sentence meanings
2nd Grade Classroom from 10:25 am to 11:05 pm
Help students during center work
Goals for D.:
Identify the days of the week
Student will recall his address and the state he lives in
Distinguish between beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words
With the help of a number line student will add and subtract
Student will identify plus, minus and equals and know how to solve the problem
Student will answer wh question and answer in 2-3 word phrases
With no more than two verbal prompts student will stay on topic
Student will comply without crying
When given a cooperative learning task, the student will participate and improve in social communication
Room 20 for lunch and planning from 11:05 am to 12:20 pm
Kindergarten Classroom from 12:20 pm to 1:20 pm
Help students during reading time
Assist students who have trouble working on the table task
Goals for J.:
Tell beginning and ending sounds of target words using visual and verbal prompts
Describe pictures using regular present and past tense action words
Student will improve production of affricates /ch,sh,j/ by correctly producing them in isolation and syllables
Student will imitate words and poems containing /l/
When presented in random order, student will recognize and name all upper and lower case letters
Identify, write, and name numbers up to 20
Goals for C.:
With visual and verbal prompts student will identify emotions student is feeling and telling those feelings
Student will utilize coping skills e.g. leaving the room
Student will comply with classroom rules and routines
Comply with consequences of classroom behavior plan with no more than 3 verbal prompts
1st Grade Classroom from 1:20pm to 2:45pm
Help with centers and/or tasks
Goals for B.:

5E Lesson Plan

Student will use a more functional pencil grip

Write the letters of the alphabet legibly
Write while adhering to the baseline to improve legibility on written work
Identify and name numeral up to 50
Use one-to-one correspondence to construct sets up to 50
Express concepts of 1-digit
Recognize and name all capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Student will listen to and say CVC sounds and blend the sounds to make the words
Student will listen to one syllable words and tell the beginning and ending sounds
Identify, describe, and retell stories including characters, setting, and plot
With visual and verbal prompts student will transition appropriately
Student will participate in tasks to completion by exhibiting appropriate behavior
Student will follow classroom rules and directives given visual and verbal prompts

3rd Grade Classroom from 2:45pm to 3:15pm

Assist students during journal writing and table tasks
Goals for Z.:
Student will write complete sentences of statement, command, and question
Students will revise and review own writing for clarity and meaning
Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences
Solve multistep subtraction and addition problems including words problems
Student will add and subtract whole 3 digit numbers
Identify, describe, and retell stories including characters, settings, and plot
Student will answer wh questions
Student will recognize main idea and supporting concepts
Participate in class discussions with appropriate comments
Student will engage in conversational turn-taking with others
Student will initiate communicative interactions
Room 20 from 3:15 pm to 3:45 pm
Consultation with Mr. Wilks to look back on the day and student progess
Students IEP goals will be monitored during classroom observations. The teacher will take anecdotal notes or monitor
progress with the help of a checklist.

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