Nightline Christmas Getaway

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invites you to The Nightline Christmas Getaway!

and 20th December 2015
(Check in 2pm Friday 18th, Check out 2pm on Sunday 20th)


YHA Sherwood Forest
Forest Corner
Edwinstowe NG21 9R
Open to all Nightline Committee Members
Email if you wish to attend.
(First come first serve due to limited spaces)
How much?
23 per a person
To be paid ASAP
More details on the accommodation:

The Norwich Nightline committee members who attended conference really enjoyed
meeting and learning from other volunteers, and wanted another chance to meet everyone
again in a social setting. We all work really hard to keep our Nightlines going so I think its
well deserved if we all let our hair down and had some Christmassy fun!
So, whats the dealio? Well basically we have put a deposit down on a hostel that sits on the
outskirt of Sherwood Forest. The whole place will be to ourselves (woo!).
There are 56 beds up for grabs. Unfortunately this means that not every committee
member from all the Nightlines will be able to attend, but this was the biggest and also the
most accessible hostel we could find in the UK.
So what are we going to get up to? Well, in terms of timetabling, we are very open to
anything youd like to focus on whether thats volunteer burnout, expansion, or working
with your student union. We were thinking of running a lot of open discussion sessions,
possibly some being in regional groups, as well as having a laugh (Seans already planning
the quiz). Lots of time will be left free to give everyone a chance to catch up, play games and
even have a group walk in Sherwood Forest (maybe a scavenger hunt?!)
Tickets will be 23 per a person and details of where to transfer the money will be given at a
later date, once we have confirmed attendees. A facebook group/event will also be created
to make communication and travel plans easier.
If youve got any questions please dont hesitate to contact our External Coordinator Sean
This event is being solely organised by Norwich Nightline and isnt in association with the
association, so please direst any problems or concerns to us. We want to make this the best
weekend possible so were looking forward to hearing from you to ensure this.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, and to a successful national social!

Lots of Nightliney love,

Pat & Sean

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