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The writer establishes a setting

or situation for his or her
The writer introduces a narrator
and/or characters.
The writer organizes his or her
narrative into a sequence of
unfolding events.
The writer uses narrative
techniques, such as dialogue and
description, to develop
experiences and events or show
the responses of characters to
The writer uses transitional
words to show the sequence of
The writer uses concrete words
and phrases and sensory details.
The writer wrote a conclusion to
the events in the narrative.
The writer demonstrates
command of grade-appropriate
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage.
The writer demonstrates
command of grade-appropriate
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and




Narrative Writing Assessment

Name: Student A Date: November 11
Title: Yumm.. Pizza
Total Score: 26 /36
Student A, your story definitely caught my attention as a readerextremely
funny! Your topic and story choice really worked for your benefit. You
established the setting, and you had a clear conclusion. During the drafting
stage, I know that one of your goals was to add concrete words, and you
met that goal! You used very concrete words such as popped, snatched, and
gobbled! Continue to add sensory detail like you did with crunchy pizza to

enhance your descriptions. As we keep working on our writing, lets keep

adding transitional words and more dialogue. Also, read your narrative out
loud to make sure you add punctuation in the appropriate spots. Your
writing is continually becoming stronger. Keep working hard!
-Miss Lutes

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