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Malaysian Maritime Academy/Seamanship Oral/May 2003

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Merchant ship notices which are published by the MCA and recommendations contained
in it should be complied with. It is a method by which the MCA promulgates information,
which is quickly brought to the attention of seafarers, management and those associated
with the industry.
They are divided into three categories:
(MSN) Merchant Shipping Notices (white coloured): convey mandatory information
that must be complied with under UK law. In otherwards they explain and amplify
statutory requirements.
(MGN) Marine Guidance Notices (blue coloured): SOLAS, MARPOL, etc.
(MIN) Marine Information Notes (green coloured): administrative information aimed
at training establishments.
Each notice will be affixed as follows: (M): for merchant ships
(F): for fishing vessels
(M+F): for merchant ships and fishing vessels

The main sections of the Weekly Notices to Mariners.

Section I: Explanatory notes, Indexes to Section II.
Section II: Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Correction to charts.
Section III: Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings.
Section IV: Corrections to Admiralty Sailing Directions.
Section V: Corrections to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals.
Section VI: Corrections to Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
The information contained in EACH section of the Notices to Mariners.
Section I: contains explanatory notes and advice on the use of charts and publications
followed by index of notices and chart folio index of charts affected together with
geographical index.
Section II: contains notices for correction of charts, including all notices effecting
navigational charts, and are listed consecutively from the onset of the year. The section
also includes 'T' and 'P' notices relevant to the week. The last weekly notice of each
month will also list the 'T' and 'P' notices which are remaining current. Any new editions
of charts together with new publications issued are listed in this section. Latest edition of
publications are listed at the end of March, June, September and December.
Section III: contains list of all Navarea messages in force with reprints of those issued
during the week. It also list other Hydrolants, Hydropacs, US special warnings received
together with edited reprints of selected messages in force for those areas. The first
weekly notice of each year contains a list of Navarea, Hydrolant and Hydropac messages.
Section IV: contains all corrections effecting Sailing Directions for that week. A
cumulative list of these corrections in force is also published on a monthly basis.
Section V: contains all corrections effecting the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals
for that week.

Malaysian Maritime Academy/Seamanship Oral/May 2003

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Section VI: contains all corrections effecting Admiralty List of Radio Signals for that
State the purpose of Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners.
The purpose of the Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners is for checking and updating
charts. It records the chart number, edition and the notices to mariners affecting the chart
from previous till the latest notice prior publishing to this list. The list is published by the
Hydrographic Department of the Navy every six months and contains correction to charts
for previous two years. It affects BA Admiralty charts as well as Australian and New
Zealand charts which have been republished with the Admiralty series.
State the contents of Summary of Annual Notices to Mariners.
1. Admiralty tide tables - Addenda and corrigenda.
2. Suppliers of Admiralty chart and publications.
3A. Official messages to British flagged Merchant ships - GBMS.
3B. Official radio messages to Merchant ships - The allied MERCOMMS System.
4. Distress and rescue at sea - Ships and Aircrafts.
4A. Distress and rescue - ships position and reporting system.
5. Firing practice and exercise areas.
6. Former Mine Danger areas, swept routes.
7. UK and USSR (former) - Mutual safety procedures for Military units.
8. Submarine information.
10. Mine laying and mine counter measures exercises.
11. North Atlantic Ocean weather ships.
12. National claims to Maritime Jurisdiction.
13. World-Wide Navigation Warning Service and World Meteo Organisation.
14. Availability of Notices to Mariners.
15. UK allowance.
15A. Negative storm surge.
16. Protection of Historic and Dangerous wrecks.
17. Traffic Separation Schemes.
17A. Ship reporting system - (AIRS) Automatic Ship Identification and Reporting ystem.
18. Carriage of Nautical Publications.
19. Satellite Navigation system Position and BA charts.
20. Protection of Offshore installations.
21. Canadian Charts and publication regulations.
22. US Navigation safety regulations relating to Navigation charts and publications.

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