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The Big Pitch


Our Chosen Genre

We have chosen the genre of Thriller, this due to us being limited due to our
budget scheme yet it still remains the one with the most potential concerning
shots, angles and camera movement to enable us to build tension and

The thriller genre is there to enforce a thrilling adventure for the audience. It
promotes a visceral pleasure which pleases the audience as they endeavour on
the journey of thriller genre.

Many genres concerning thriller are:

Horror/thriller : Saw
Crime/thriller: The Silence of the Lambs
Mystery/ Thriller: Seven

The Thriller Genre

The Thriller genre is used to entice the audience through its typical

First of all it is to build tension and suspense

The narrative is focused around an enigma

There is usually a violent aspect to the narrative.

It also consists of low key lighting, quick cuts, shadows (to symbolise the
ambiguity of the antagonist), incidental music, high and low angles (to
emphasise vulnerability and the dominance of a character) etc.

Yet, after researching into multiple different types of thriller sub genres,
we decided to focus on a horror thriller.

This mood board brings together the main

ideas of a thriller horror. It also highlights
common themes as it brings forth specific
links, including the typography. The
typography is typically very similar,
usually in bold and distinct lettering. Yet,
for films such as The Birds it as a more
composed feel to present the juxtaposition
of the title and the harmony of the town In
comparison to the content of the film.

Our Chosen Target Audience

After our research on thriller horrors, we have decided that our genre is
typically acquired to a young adult audience.

With these factors in mind we wanted to aim for a young adult primary
target audience (16-25), this allows us to feature more explicit content
and doesn't limit our film. This is due to them being able to relate the
characters as we aim to cast ourprotagonistandantagonistto be
around 16-18.

Our secondary target audience would therefore be female or male

asmales enjoy the violent aspects whereas females enjoy the
unravelling of the film.


We decided that our narrative will involve an abduction.

The story will begin in a school state equilibrium and we will state a
significant protagonist.


A young girl has left school like any usual day, excited to go to a party that
same night. We watch as she walks home, her usual route. Yet something
appears to be strange, she gets a weird chill that something or someone is
watching her. She can feel their presence. We watch as the chilling piece is
set before us, what has happened? Is it someone closer than she thought?


We have decided that we wanted begin our film in Chenderit school, as

it links to our sub plot . Theclassroomsetting will allow the audience to
feelcomfortable within the urban setting as it is a typical setting that
they are used to.

Yet, as the narrative develops we shall travel from the hallways for the
school to an outside setting.


Most thriller films are accompanied by incidental music and non

diegetic sound to help promote the building of tension and suspense.
This shall be used when our protagonist is getting followed, this will
therefore add pace to the piece.

Within the piece as a whole there will be ambient sounds to create the
realistic atmosphere, this will feature when in the classroom, which will
be created by the students and the surrounding areas. This will be
followed on when they are also in the street.

At the end of the piece we have close ups of different items which have
been left, whilst we are cutting to these different items we are allowing
the phone to remain ringing. This can be presented as diegetic sound
as it can heard in the scene; yet it shall just be amplified within the
editing process to heighten the effect of the on going ringing sound.


Concerning credit names we began thinking of different institutional

/production company names.

Thinking about juxtaposition we developed Pure Dread Productions.

The connotations of pure can be symbolic for our film due to the purity
of the protagonist yet by adding dread symbolises the actual content of
our film.

With relations to typography, it would again relate to the bold and

distinct font like we have researched previously.

Yet this will be further on developed during the process.

Film Name Ideas

When thinking of film names we wanted it to match the narrative of our piece,
with the idea of ambiguity.

We thought of names such as:

Nemesis, ( yet there was a film released in 1992 which resulted us to acquire to
the name Nemesis: Unknown, with suggestions of a question mark to further more
imply ambiguity. )

We both decided that we would try and keep the film titles small and
minimalistic, this therefore allows us to manipulate the title and give it an
impact in the editing process.

Camera Shots

Our piece will consist of multiple shots to convey to the thriller horror

Through our story boards we were able to display specific camera shots to
help our narrative progress and each shot has a purpose of which we
want the audience to have some form of reaction.

Predominantly we have multiple eye line matches, to establish that she is

the person someone is following, or to add tension by establishing
nothings there.

Also there is a lot of close ups to add significance to specific things or to

establish fear from the protagonist.

Concerning camera movement, we will also be using a tracker, again

establishing the idea that someone is following her.


Within our piece we will be having multiple cuts to different scenes as a

typical thriller horror doesnt use continuity editing.

We will also be using fade to blacks to emphasise the ambiguity of the

antagonist, especially when we have a close up of his eyes. There will
then be more fade to blacks/black outs at the end of the piece to add to
suspense as we single out different items which have been left at the

Mise En Scene

As the piece begins in a school the protagonist shall be wearing a

school uniform; yet depending on the casting we may establish that it is
a sixth former therefore in typical everyday clothes. Yet by having the
young girl in a school uniform brings forth adolescence making the
audience have a higher catharsis towards her as she appears

Due to the antagonist being ambiguous we have decided that we will

be dressing him in all black. This also symbolises the stereotype of a

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