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SQA Navigation 032-73 Navigation March 2007 Staff Answers Question ta ‘Type of Route: A great circle track would be the shortest route and offer maximum Saving on distance, particularty on an E -W passage. ‘Must be navigational feasible check with Gonomic char. Wit vessel be heading against prevaling wind or gong with it Likelihood of fog, poor wis, ice oF TRS. ‘ust consider effect on speed Versi possible saving in distance. current: Need to determine if GC route offers favourable currents, Hf curents ‘are aginst then loss of speed may offset saving in distance Loadtine: ‘Does vessel have to.comply with ladtine regulations and can a direct route be chosen, cargo: ‘There may be restrictions on type of route due to type of cargo i.e. el cargoes, ersitve cargoes ete. ‘Question tb A 205 2715.36 174" 50/0 56° 2070S 409033 067" 2070 Dit 14-5808 137497 117" 5008 2980 707020 Dis = (OMP* + OLon? J x DLat = DMP Dis = (1374.97 = 7070 x B98 # 1374.97 = 4703.96 = 4704.0 WA i) P= 90+ 4122-13122 2 vw ‘ PV = 90+ 5820 = 148 20 sin co = tan PV x tan co PA (os P= tan PV + tan PA Pecos! (an PV tan PA) cos" (tan 148-20 + tan 138 22) 2-57 0605.27 Don AVI = 56 06 05.27 € Lon Vi = Lon 2 Oton AV ° "7450.0 € + 56,06 05.27 € v Lonvi PB = 90+ 5620 146 20 PV=90 « 5820-148 20 sin co = tan PY x tan co PE ‘cosP= tan PV » ton PB Pr cos” (Can PV = tan PB) Os" tan 14820 + tan 14620) 2 10 31.28 copa lon 6V2 = 22 1031.28 W SQA Nav Mar 07 Page 1 Lon V2 = Lon B + DLon AV2 067 20.0 W +22 1031.28 W Lon v2 089 30 31.28 Dlon Vi V2 = Lon V2 Lon Vt = 069 3031.28 W- 128 03 54.73 W 833 23.45 € os PV x cos AV 28 PY x cos A cos AV = cot PA # os PY ‘AV = cot (cos PA» cos PY) ‘AV cos! (cos 13122 + cos 148 20) ‘Av = 39003 38.02 Dis AVI = 2343.6 BV = cost (cos PB + cos PV) [AV= cos (cos 146 20+ cos 148 20) 120439.97 is vive" 1214.5 NM is AB = is AVI + Dis VIV2 + Dis V2 8 3.62 12145 +7287 4282.8 NM Dis AB Ail) Dep Jun 08/22:15 ST 0 RE UT Jun 08/10:15 ST = 4282.8 + 16 = 267-41 hours» 11 days 3s 4tmins ETA = Jun 08/10:15 “11/03:41 hun 19/1355 UT qehite = O4 Arrive Jun 19 09:56(+4) SQA Nav Nar 07 Page? ‘Question 2 un 10 SR 50 $.07:54 SRS 507:34 Ti +00:05 Correction for 1°15" sr‘ o739uT Ur t4sewe sR 1933 Now sv Dlat = 288.9 x cos 148 = 245.0 = 0405.0 Lat = 46155 + 0405.05 = 50° 20.05, Lat = (6 15+ 50 20) 42 = 4897.55 Dep = 268.9 x sin 48 = 153.1 lon = 1531 + cos 4817.5 230.1 = 003° 50.1 € ton 178 24.0 W -003 50.1 = 174° 33.9}W Position of 1st Approximation: 50° 20.0 174° 33."9 W SR 52 $.08:04 SR 50 $07:54 Tt 00:01 Correction for 20° SR O7:35uT Ur i3ewe SR 19:33 UT Same time as before therefore R/V postion same as 1st Approximation 2) Sunrise occurs at 19:33 GMT on the 10th June B)RV 50° 20.°05 174° 33.'9W RV 5020.08 1743.9 Warship 48° 30.05 179° 54.06 Dirt 01° 50.08 005-32.1€ 11005 332.4 [MLat = (6020 + 4830) +2 = 49° 255, Dep = 332.1 xc05 49 25 = 216.0 NA Com tan” 216.05 110) = 56.06 = 117 T Dis = 110 + Cos 63.0 = 242.4 NA Sp = 2024 + 16:03 = 15.1 Ms. Warship must steer course of 117° Tata speed of 15.1 knots to make the Rendezvous. SQA Nav Mar 07 Page> Question 3 Planning: ‘conducting Operations: are (®) CHECKLIST: Communications SQA Nav Mar 07 Sreting of all personnel who will be involved. This shoud clearly ‘explain the duties ofeach person and what action isto be taken inthe ‘event ofan emergency. ‘Test all emergency equipment, both LSA and FFA and rescue. Const IANSAR re helicopter operations Determine safest winching area on deck and ensure that area is clear ‘of movable ebjects and debris. (Check that warship regarding communications with helicopter during operations. Check that collect PE i available, ‘Make sure that casualty i eady fr transfer and that all medical notes are available for transfer Bridge and engine room has adequate manning for operations. ‘Communications ae checked and emergency means of communication avaiable, Nain engine on standby and bother steering mores are engaged with man on wheel. Correct day signals ae shown, Prior to arial of helicopter personel advised that no unauthorised personnel on deck. Fice maln pressurised and rescue boat swing out with crew standing by. Radar watch maintained for helcopter and any approaching vessel. anoeurre vessel to minimise pitch and rol oF as per pilots Instructions. iso: Monitor weather and sea conditions throughout. Advise helicopter of concltions at vessel 1) Means of communication tested and checked with warship 2) Appropriate signals available and ready 3) Signalling amp available 4) Smoke canisters available 5) All departments briefed in transfer arrangements. Landing/Wincing area clearly identified ‘Area clear of all bstructions and debris ‘Area clearly Mluinated. Page 4 Equipment: ts relevant emergency equipment available? Has ire iting equipment been rigged and tested? Has LSA gear been made ready? Has PPE been sued to all in deck party? Medica: 1s cawalty ready tobe transferred? Is record of al treatment given with casualty? [are casulty's personal documents safely stowed on stretcher "Availability of position fixing: ‘Vessel making 8 passage in Mi June which is southern winter. 2, Maintaining an accurate DR postion: ‘cawets are not wel defined, although they are generally Eastery. Transfer of positon fines owes extensive time pertods may be inaccurate due fo unknown strong currents, Winds are generally Westerly but can change rapidly due to rapid passage of frontal “pnts, ceusng excessive leeway. Vessel may also experience poor vsbilty 3 Vessels out of range of other electronic navigational aid e.. LORAN. Water is deep, heretore echo scunder of no we. ‘There ts very lle traffic at these latitudes therefore there is no opportnity to check ‘wn vessel postion with ater vessels Part (0) 1. Vessel sto make the passage in Southern Winder. Weather is ikely tobe poor with eaw seas and dopresions passing rapily from West to East. Visibility may be poor wth re fain and fog, Vessel alo likely to encounter following seas which may be heavy 22. although it s winter, icebergs sea ice may be encountered at anytime inthe ‘Southern Ocean. south of 0° in the Pacific. Detecting bergs at adequate range in poor ‘Witty and heavy seas may be aficult. Pack ice wil not affect the vessel but fee Uecretion s possible. SQA Nav Maro7 Pages Question 4 Part (e) 19/2215 70 Urs 125 36515 N-8. UT = 15/06:15, cr 15/06:2 CE 00:02:35 5 UT 15106:25:50 GHAA. 15/06 353° 246 Sia Ach 335°47."3 ine 25:50 006° 28."6 Lon 125° 36° W La 570° 045, 360° a 210° 04.5 ‘A= tan 5805 «tan 210045 = 2.7725 5 B= tan 5720.8 + sn 710045 = 3.11398 #27725 + 3.1139 = 5.8863 ‘Azo tan’ (1 +5,8863 + cos 58 05) « 17.8 rue Bearing 162. Compass Bearing 203 Compass Error” 40.80 Variation 34.0W Deviation oew SQA Nav Mar 07 Page 6

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