MAB (Master Appointment Book)

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MAB(Master Appointment Book)

The Fitness Clubs expert Master Appointment Book(MAB) to enhance their

ability to maximize the utilization of trainers capacity, By providing a system that allows
Fitness Managers(FMs) to set trainers availability, track usage of individual trainer and
whole club capacity usage, encourages counselor’s to book Goal Assesments(GA) at a
Point Of Sales(POS) and encourages FM to Trainer Communication, FMs hope to
Maximize each Trainers availability and there by increase club revenue.
The Primary need for MAB is to increase the booking of GAs from 15% to
atleast 30% and decrease the time from purchase of training to activation of 1’st session.
It is our intension to keep the sales process as simple as possible. We want to increase
member satisfaction by scheduling them in a GA or FSA appointment as quickly as
possible, there by adding to the potential for increased revenue.

Work from the Master Calendar: This monthly view provides an at-a-glance display of all
appointments for the month. Click on an appointment to see details; click on the date to
see the Master Day view.
Work from the Master Day-View: This view provides a powerful tool to track daily
activities. Daily employee schedules are color-coded for easy viewing. Customer
appointment status can be set as confirmed, checked-in/out, cancelled or no show.
Additional options include the ability to cancel an appointment and view/edit a
customer’s fact sheet, history and comments. Create new salon services by entering the
service category, duration, price, in/active status and whether this service can be
performed simultaneously with other services (service overlap).

Add new employees easily by entering personal information, services that they perform,
weekly availability, vacations and blackout dates. Additional information that can be
customized by employee includes required appointment lead-time and whether service
overlaps can be managed. View Customer and Employee Phonebooks: These are not
regular phone books, but dynamic rolodexes with drill-down capabilities to easily
manage a customer or employee profile, calendar or appointments.

Hard ware Specification:

Processor : Intel P-VI based system
Processor Speed : 250 MHz to 833MHz
RAM : 512MB to 1024 MB
Hard Disk : 2GB to 30GB
Key Board : 104 keys
Software Specification:
Software : Visual Studio .Net 2005
Language : C# .Net
Database : SQL Serve-2005, Oracle-9i
Operating System : Windows 2000,XP,2003
Web Technologies : HTML, Java Script, ASP.NET

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