Property Reviewer

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Art. 419
Classification of Property According to
1. Public Dominion
2. Private Dominion
Public Dominion property of the state in its
public capacity intended for:
a. Public use
b. Public service
c. Development of national wealth
Private Dominion properties belonging to
private persons either individually or
Art. 420
Classification of Property of Public Dominion
1. Public use
2. Public service
3. Development of national wealth
Public Use properties that can be used
publicly such as:

a. Roads
b. Bridges
c. State Rivers
Public Service properties belonging to the
State which can be used only by those who
are authorized to do so such as:
a. Buildings for government offices and
b. Vehicles for public officials
c. Firearms
Development of National Wealth properties
which are consist of forest lands, minerals,
Q: Can public dominion properties subject for
negotiations for contract purposes?
A: NO. For these are properties outside the
commerce of men and cannot be subject for
Characteristics of Property of Public
a. Outside the commerce of men
b. Cannot be acquired thru prescription

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