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Artistic Behaviors

Advanced (5)
I demonstrate a thorough
level of knowledge and
understanding of the
desired learning target(s).




Proficient (4.25)
I demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of the
desired learning target(s).

Progressing (3.5)

Emerging (3)

I demonstrate partial/
fluctuating levels of
knowledge and/or
understanding of the
desired learning target(s).

I demonstrate minimal
knowledge/ understanding
of learning target(s).

No Data (0)
I do not demonstrate
knowledge or
understanding of target(s)
or no data submitted.

I am developing a personal
style. My ideas are original
and creative. My
ideas/materials/ methods
used are novel, striking, and
highly evident. Common
materials/ideas have been
combined in revealing and
clever ways

My ideas are original as they

are unique to me. If I
borrowed ideas, I
merged/changed them by
80% to create something
new. I am striving to create a
personal style.

I attempt to use original

ideas. I need to work on
ways to adapt the ideas of
others and combine them
into my own interpretation or
develop my first
ideas/sketches further to
make them clever or more

My ideas are unoriginal,

and/or copied. My work
could be considered
trite/clichd, leading to a flat
and predictable artwork. I
need to bring a sense of
myself (my interests, voice,
or style) into my work.

My ideas are plagiarized. I

copied an Illustration, logo,
comic, character, tattoo,
clipart, or other work of art. I
need to use these ideas as
starting points, but invest
more time in developing an
idea that is all my own.

I experiment and practice

with the media so that I can
convey my desired
message. My effort exceeds
expectations. I demonstrate
a high level of attention to
the finish and presentation
of my work.

I put forth the needed effort

to develop new skills. With a
little more practice/effort, my
work could be outstanding. I
need to spend more time
exploring the media and/or
on the finishing touches to
make it a highly crafted

I attempt to learn new skills,

but I become discouraged
when I run into challenges. I
need to follow directions to
improve my presentation
and craft of my piece.

I am staying at my current
skill level. I need to
experiment with other
techniques to improve my
skills. I need to pay attention
to the craft and presentation
of my work so that it appears
I have given attention to the
overall aesthetic appeal.

I could have given more

effort to the planning and
creation of my work. I need
to manage my time so that
I create a finished piece.

I create an impactful piece

using personal interests and
self expression through the
following ways:
ques can be used without
appearing excessive. 2-Edit
and simplify the
ideas/techniques: Less is
more 3-Rules or
conventions may have been
broken to create a powerful
new statement.
The audience is highly
responsive to (perhaps
disturbed by) the work

I create work that has an

original message that is
accessible to the viewer. I
may need to work on
editing/simplifying the
ideas/techniques to clarify
the message. I could
improve the subtlety of the
message in the work.

I attempt a message, but it is

too similar to my inspiration
or it is too predictable. My
message becomes lost or
confused.I need to refine my
message so that I can
convey it to the viewer. I may
need to spend more time in
the planning stage. I may
need to add more
information or remove nonessential imagery.

I attempt to create a
message, but I do not
execute my idea
successfully. I need to work
more on the planning stage
to develop my composition,
ideas and meaning.

I did not consider an

original idea or meaning
while planning this artwork.
I need to find a way to
make my work more

I embrace the potential of

risk through the exploration

I select options where the

I take limited risks where the I select familiar options with I can take risks, but I
outcome is unsure. I need to outcome is somewhat
predictable outcomes. I need choose not to. I need to

of new ideas and/or

investigate a variety of
materials to take my work to media and techniques as
the next level. I work with
well as ideas.
my mistakes.

predictable. I need to have

confidence that I can make
mistakes and learn from

to be more open to other

that may make me

experiment with more

to gain confidence in my
artmaking. .

I proactively seek and

attempt solutions to
problems through multiple
approaches and defend my

I proactively seek and

attempt solutions to
problems and defend my
decisions. I could use online
resources, other techniques
and suggestions of others to
help me solve problems.

I am open to suggestions
provided by others, and I
attempt them. I justify why I
use or do not use others
suggestions. I can work on
approaching others or
researching for ways to work
through my problems.

I give up when I run into

problems. I need to have
confidence in myself and talk
to others or experiment to
figure out different solutions.
I know I can do this if I just
try some more.

I am not attempting to
solve problems. I need to
ask for help if the problem
is too challenging or
experiment and play with
the materials to figure out
alternative solutions.

I understand and take

inspiration for art making
from current/historical global
sources. I can discuss the
l significance of my

I utilize examples of art

outside my personal
experience through multiple
sources/references. I could
do more research to
understand the motivations
of the artists and/or
meanings of the

I have a limited awareness

of art outside of my personal
experience. Instead of using
a singular reference photo,
idea or image (ie. Pinterest,
Google Images) I need to
explore multiple options..

I understand art in a
personal context. I need to
observe the world around
me and draw inspiration
from objects, ideas, images
and places I am interested

I do not research. I need to

observe/utilize the world
(and its many possibilities)
around me.

I am a leader, searching out

other art communities, or
starting one when I cant
find one. I talk to those
around me and others in my
studio, and I get
suggestions from outside of
the studio.

I actively collaborate. I am
learning to interact as an
artist with other artists. I talk
to my peers around me and
in other groups/tables in an
appropriate way at
appropriate times. Im going
to work on becoming a
leader as a collaborator,
offering suggestions to
others around me.

I collaborate passively. I am
only interacting with those in
my art studio/peer
group/table. I need to talk to
other people about my ideas
or techniques to help me
grow as an artist.

I work alone, sitting quietly

by myself. Im not sharing or
caring about/with others. I
need to talk to my peers and
see if they have other ideas
to help guide me, and if I can
help them.

I need to ask questions if I

am lost. If Im not feeling
motivated, I could talk
about my struggles with
other artists to try to spark
some ideas..

I independently analyze
artwork and apply my
observations to past,
present, and future work. I
not only understand my
strengths and weaknesses,
but I address my
weaknesses or have a plan
of how I can improve in the

I independently
convey/articulate my
strengths and weaknesses
of my artwork. I need to
consider how this work
impacts my future work and
how Ive grown from my
previous ideas and projects.

I somewhat recognize
strengths and weaknesses
of my work. I need to think
about ways I can improve
and create a plan to do this.

I need help analyzing work. I

need to think about how I
work and try to push myself
in future works.

I do not reflect. I need to

consider how Im working
and what needs to be done
in my artwork.





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