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Possible Sources

Directions: As you search for sources today, focus on understanding what types of sources you have found. Also, evaluate the
credibility and usefulness of each source to your research question and topic. Today is about gathering many sources and
understanding whats out there. Keep a list of URLs so you can find sources later. At the end of todays class, you will need to
decide if you should adjust your topic and/or focus. Work quickly and quietly. No talking at all unless it is to a teacher or librarian.
Title: The Ethic of Genetic Engineering

Author: David Koespell

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Center for Inquiry

The Center for Inquiry

is a nonprofit
organization. Its primary
mission is to foster a
secular society based
on science, reason,
freedom of inquiry, and
humanist values.


August, 2007

Thoughts: I love love love this article. The facts in it are laid out extremely well and it is easier to understand than others. I also like
how it breaks the article up into different sections depending on what moral problems arise from it. It also does a great job in
refuting claims.

Title: The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering

Author: David Heaf

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An international forum
for Genetic Engineering


April 2001

Thoughts: I really like the layout of this article (Its a really big table with both pros and cons) because it is easy to go through and
pick out pros and cons. I think this one will be good in getting more benefits to Genetic Engineering. The credentials of the article
itself are a little worrying though, but I talked to a librarian and because it is a .org website she said that it was probably a decent

Title Genetic enhancement, Social Justice, and Welfare Orientated Patterns

of Distribution

Author: Edwin Etieyibo

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Bioethics Journal
Volume 26.6

Bioethics is the official

journal of the
International Association
of Bioethics. The IAB
aims to be truly
international, linking all
those working in
bioethics and related
fields, facilitating mutual
contact, and
encouraging the
discussion of crosscultural aspects in


Thoughts: I did like this article, especially in the first few pages where it outlined everything that he was going to talk about.
However, the article did get extremely confusing due to the word choice.

Title: Biomedical Engineering Ethics

Author: P. Brey

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It is a preprint of the
article in A Companion
to Philosophy of

Drawing on essays
from leading
international and multidisciplinary scholars, A
Companion to the
Philosophy of
Technology is the first
comprehensive and
authoritative reference
source to cover the key
issues of technologys
impact on society and
our lives.



Thoughts: While some of this article was not relevant to the subject, the pages on genetic engineering and its ethics were
extremely helpful. It laid out the potentials of genetic engineering well.

Title: Genetic Engineering

Author: Ming Y. Zheng

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Thoughts: I really like this article and its discussion on genetic engineering. Its very organized and lays out the information very
well. However, the document itself does not have a lot of information on who wrote it besides her name and that she has a PhD.
This is a little bit concerning to me.

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