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1.Describe a moment of high anxiety in the play,Rumpelstiltskin and

explain why it is such an anxious moment.Provide evidence from the
text to support your answer.
In 'Rumpelstiltskin', the moment of high anxiety is when Rumpelstiltskin comes
back to remind the queen of her promise to give him her first-born child.It is a
tense moment for the King,the Queen and Lisa's parents.
The Queen had made the promise in desperation because she had nothing else
to give the strange little man after he had helped her a third time to spin a tower
full of straw into gold.The King had kept his promise ,married Lisa and a year had
passed and both now have a baby sn.
It is a family picture of bliss in the nursery with the adults playing with the
baby.The happy moment is clouded by the sudden entry of the man.The queen
seems to have forgotten her promise to the strange little man.For a moment,it
looks as if even the King's power
might not be able to stop the little man from taking away the child.He is not
assuaged by the offer of gold from the Queen and comes close to get the baby.
Then,all of a sudden,there is a relief when he strikes a deal with the Queen to
tell him his name within three days.The Queen is given a three-day reprieve to
find out what his name is.Only then,does the tension ease a bit.
2.Describe the play,Rumpelstiltskin and explain why is such situation
happened.Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.
Lisa was a humble girl who lived with her parents in a small cottage in a
village.Her parents were very proud of her and were always telling people how
wonderful their daughter was.One day,the King visited the village and tasted
Lisa's delicious apple pie.Lisa's parents boasted to the King that Lisa was so
clever she could do anything,even spin straw into gold.
The King took Lisa to the palace and ordered her to spin a heap of straw into
gold.Lisa was worried and began to weep.That night, a strange little man entered
her room and offered to help her in exchange for her necklace.The next morning,
the King was delighted to see the room full of gold.However,the King wanted
more.This time,the King took Lisa to the tower and ordered her to spinall the
straw there into gold.Lisa was very scared as she had nothing left to give the
little man if he appeared again.Her father advised Lisa to promise the little man
anything he wanted.That night,the little man came and asked for Lisa's first-born
son in return for his help.Lisa remembered her father's advice and agreed.The
next morning,when the King saw the tower full of gold,he was overjoyed and
asked Lisa to marry him.

One year later,when Lisa's son was born,the little man came to take the baby
away.Lisa begged him not to take the baby and they struck a deal.If Lisa could
guess the little man's name in three days,he would not take the baby away.On
the first two days,Lisa could not guess the little man's name.Then, Lisa's parents
followed the little man to the woods.While he was singing and dancing,he
mentioned his name.The next day,when the little man came,Lisa guessed his
name correctly;Rumpelstiltskin.The little man stomped out angrily,leaving th
baby behind.
Lisa's parents learnt their lesson and promised never to be boast again.
3.Describe the theme in Rumpelstiltskin and explain why theme is
relevant in our lives.Provide evidence from the text to support your
answer.(Choose one theme)
Poor village girl marries a prince.
As with fairy tales and folk tales, an ordinary poor village girl suddenly becomes
a Queen. Rumpelstiltskin is this kind of a rags to riches story. I think all of us
dream of becoming rich and famous overnight! This is a common theme of folk
tales and fairy tales, such as a frog turning into a prince or a kiss can wake up a
princess who has been sleeping for many years, or Ali Baba finding lots of gold. I
think everyone of us would like to change ones fate and destiny in life and this is
what this story represent about our society.
There is a price to pay if you suddenly become rich .
There is a price to pay. You do not get something for nothing. This is a related
theme of the drama.
Nearly everyone of us, like Lisas father would like to to improve his status in life
and become rich without working for it! Lisas father wanted to draw the Kings
attention to Lisa, perhaps all the while hoping the King would marry her and his
social status would be elevated overnight.
He was determined to do this at all costs, that was why he said his daughter
could spin straw into gold. He did this a second time when Lisa had nothing else
to give the small man so he would turn the straw to gold, Lisas father told her to
promise him anything, thinking perhaps that when the time came to pay up, he
would be able to think up of something to solve the problem.
He did not know he would have to pay a price.
In this story the price Lisa was about to pay was her newborn son, the heir to the
throne. This is a very big price to pay.
Unexpected luck is a feature of folk tales and fairy tales. However, by some
sheer luck the situation was saved. Lisa did not lose her son. Fairy stories are like
this. Some strange luck happens and a bad situation is avoided.

An happily ever after ending. As with all fairy tales, everything ends happily ever
after. Lisa is a queen who has a son, heir to the throne. The miller has a king as
his son-in-law.
4.Describe the moral value in Rumpelstiltskin and explain why moral
value is relevant in our lives.Provide evidence from the text to support
your answer.(Choose one Moral Value)
Moral values:

Egoistic pride and boastfulness. There are many values we can learn from
the drama Rumpelstiltskin. The first is egoistic pride and boastfulness. The story
would not have happened if Lisas father, the miller did not boast (and lied) that
his daughter could spin straw into gold. There is a saying Pride comes before a
fall. This means that people who think themselves (or their family) superior to
others will come to a bad end. We ourselves must guard against pride and ego.
Lets say we do well in class and get high marks. We should not be so proud of
ourselves that we go around bosating to other people about our abilities. People
who boast usually exaggerate (i.e make something bigger than it is).
Greed. There is also the theme of greed. If the King had not been greedy for
riches, the story would not have happened. Greed is not a good thing as it
usually gives tise to all kinds of evil. In our modern society, for example, people
take bribes because they want more money than what they get from their
salaries. In this story, the King was already rich, but he wanted to be even richer.
In so doing, he foolishly believed that Lisa could spin straw into gold. He caused
a lot of anxiety and suffering to Lisa and her parents and he nearly lost his firstborn child if Lisas parents had not found out Rumpelstiltskins name. Greed is a
sickness among most people, especially in this modern society. People want big
cars, big houses and the latest gadgets in their homes.
Beware of people who do favours, they want something in return. In life,
we must be careful when people are too nice to us. Lisa and her parents should
have suspected that the small man was evil. He had a hidden agenda. Probably
he had planned to get the Kings son and heir all the while. He pretended to want
to help Lisa for a small price, like a necklace and a ring. All the while he was
aiming for the grand prize, the Kings son. The moral of the story is not to be too
trusting of people.
Dont make promises you cant keep. The drama warned us not to be too
quick to make promises. Also think hard before making a promise as often
promises are difficult to keep. For example, which mother would want to give up
her child? A girl who will become a mother in the future should know this, that
mothers often value their children more than anything else in the world,
sometimes even more than their own lives.

5.Describe the language used in Rumpelstiltskin and explain why the

language is relevant in our lives.Provide evidence from the text to
support your answer.(Choose 5 example)
The drama Rumpelstiltskin used very simple language so you should not have
too much problems with understanding the play.
However, there are a few unusual words that you may not be very familiar with
and some figurative language, i.e. picturesque language used which you may
find useful to use yourself, either in writing or in speaking.
Some of these examples are:
cottage a small village house, usually on a farm
weave turn thread into cloth using an equipment called a loom
finest (thread) fine usually means something very complicated or having high
quality. Here, when referring to thread it means very, very thin
fit for a king we sometimes use this to refer to something very grand thing, for
example, my mother prepared a birthday dinner for me that was fit for a king.
Or Our welcoming ceremony for the new school principal was fit for a king.
brilliant the actual meaning is shining, but here it means very clever and is
used to refer to smart, intelligent or very skilled people
scrumptious very delicious i.e. tasty and mouth-watering
reward to give something in return for something wonderful that is done
spin to use a wheel to turn cotton, wool, etc, into thread. The usual meaning is
to turn round and round
tower a high, narrow structure which is part of a building
scratch to scrape or rub on a surface
exchange to give someone something and to take something from him in return
unfasten to undo, to loosen in order to open up (a dress) or release (a bracelet
or chain)
wheelbarrow a cart with only two front wheels and has to be pushed by the
first-born the first child you give birth to
whirl to turn round fast
riddles a guessing game. You usually guess from clues given, but in this drama,
no clues were given

cuddle to hug or hold in ones arms

trick to do something to mislead someone
Note: when the King said Scrumptious! Delicious after eating Lisas apple pie,
two words were used instead of just one for added emphasis, to show how
extraordinarily delicious the pie was.


Based on the short story One Is One and Alone,write about a moral values
that you have learnt.
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.
1. in not less than 50 words
2. in continuos writing (not in note form)
One Is One and All Alone - The Moral Values I Have Learnt (Sample
The Moral Values I Have Learnt
I have selected the short story entitled One Is One and All Alone written
by Nicholas Fisk in order to answer the question. The short story tells about a girl
named Trish who travels to Planet Trion in a spaceship in 2045. She clones
herself in the BioLab and Clo who is her clone becomes her companion. However,
the twist happens when Trish is disposed by her own clone.
(..and then continue with one of these moral value/s)
1. Think before you leap!/Do Not Make Rash Decision
The moral values that I have learnt from the short story are to think carefully
before we take certain actions and we must not be cruel to others. The moral
values are portrayed by the main character in the short story, Trish. First and
foremost, Trish does not think carefully when she decides to clone herself in the
BioLab. She then clones Clo who becomes her companion but later her enemy

because Clo is always interrupting her privacy. In addition to this, Trish does not
think twice when she decides to dispose Clo by using the spaceship disposal
system. She forgets that Clo thinks the same thing as her too. Last but not least,
Trish is cruel by having the bad thought to dispose Clo through the hatch. In the
end, Trish does not think of the consequences of her actions and Clo outsmarts
her and disposes her.
In conclusion, the moral values that I have learnt from the short story are
to think carefully before we take certain actions and we must not be cruel to
others. I do not want to end up like Trish in the short story.
(260 words)
2. Family relationship!
The moral values that I have learnt from the short story are family relationship.
The moral values are portrayed by the main character in the short story, Trish
and her father. Family bonding is very importance. Parents should try their best
to guide their children. The parents must be there as the child grows up and
learn habits and skills. In the story, Trish is left alone. She spends most of her
time alone or with the machine- the VoicePrinter. There is no true family bonding
and there is also no bonding with friends her age. She gets involved in cloning as
there was no parental guidance and she does not realize the implications.
In conclusion, the moral values that I have learnt from the short story are
to maintain family relationship before we take certain actions and we must think
about our parents. I do not want to end up lonely like Trish in the short story.
3. Do not be self-centered
This short story tells us not to be self-centered. We can see that Trish focused on
herself and wanted everything her way. When we make decisions we must think
of how our decisions will affect others in our life. Trish make the decisions to
clone herself. In doing so she got herself killed and this was a sad thing for Trish
and her parents.
We must think carefully before we do anything. We must always think through
the problem. We should not make decisions in emotional situation. We must try
to be as rational as we possibly can. Sometimes when we make emotional
decisions, they may not be rational ones. As a Trish did not think of the
consequences of her actions. She thought they were harmless. In the end, Clo
outsmarts her and disposes her.
As the conclusion, the moral values in this story relates to the characters. They
actually relate to qualities of the characters. The story teaches us to think about
others before we take certain actions.

One Is One and All Alone - The Theme of the Short Story (Sample

The Theme of the Short Story

I have selected the short story entitled One Is One and All Alone written by
Nicholas Fisk in order to answer the question. The short story tells about a girl
named Trish who travels to Planet Trion in a spaceship in 2045. She clones
herself in the BioLab and Clo who is her clone becomes her companion. However,
the twist happens when Trish is disposed by her own clone.
The theme of the short story is family relationship is of utmost importance in the
process of growing up. Children need the love from parents and siblings in order
to grow up healthily. First and foremost, Trish is the only child in the spaceship
and the other crews are adults. She does not have anyone of her age to play with
and to share her happiness and sadness. So, siblings are important to children in
the process of growing up. In addition to this, Trishs mother is away in Planet
Trion and she is deprives of motherly love. Trish needs her mother by her side to
guide her in the process of growing up so that she does not make the wrong
choice of cloning herself. Last but not least, Trishs father is too busy with his
work in the spaceship. There is no one to monitor Trishs moves and tell her that
it is wrong to clone herself.
In conclusion, the theme of the short story is family relationship is of
utmost importance in the process of growing up. Only with the love from both
parents and siblings then the children can grow up healthily and happily.

Other Themes:

1. Loneliness. The main character, Trish is the only child and she has no
sibling. She lives in a spaceship which is heading to Planet Trion. She is the only
child in the spaceship while the rest of the crew are adults who are busy running
the system 24/7. To make the situation worse, her parents are extremely busy
with their own works and have no time to company her. Her father is busy with
the workloads in the spaceship while her mother is on Trion, setting up the space
station. The Voice Printing is the only friends she has, but as the time passes by,
she starts to feel bored with this kind of relationship when there are only
computer images and sounds. Thus, she starts to have the feeling that she really
needs someone to talk to and her loneliness has given her the idea to create a
clone of herself.

2. The need of love and attention. Trish feels the loneliness as her parents
always busy with their works and that causes her to get the idea to clone herself.
In her mind, cloning is the only way to escape from this boredom and
imprisonment so that she will have somebody to talk to and play with -

somebody of her age. She wants someone to accompany her to replace the roles
of her parents who will never have time to be with her.

3. Another person can be a mirror of ourselves. Based on this short story,

Trish cannot stand Clos picking habit. Ironically, she doesn't realize that Clo is
just being herself; Clo's behaviours are the reflection of herself. We can use this
to measure ourself and other people. Sometimes we felt that we dislike other
people negative trais but at the same time we forgot about our own misgivings.
From this theme, we must learn to let forgive others and let go of our own
negative characters.

One is One and All Alone by Nicholas Fisk is a science fiction story,
set in 2045. The main character is Trish, an 11-year old girl who is the only child
on a spaceship to Trion. Her father is the Executive Officer of the spaceship and
her mother is in Trion helping to set up a space station. She will only meet her
mother in mid January 2047.After three months, she feels lonely and bored as
she does not have any real friends to talk to except her private, multi-functional
diary: the Voice Printer (VP). VP is an intelligent computer which keeps Trish
entertained with its ability to perform many functions. Through her dialogue
sessions with VP, Trish learns about clones and the cloning process. The idea of
cloning fascinates Trish and she soon decides to create a clone to keep her
company in the spaceship Bio lab without her fathers knowledge. She names her
new identical twin Clo and initially it becomes her perfect friend and
companion. They have fun playing and sharing their time together. However,
certain mannerism of Clo begins to irritate Trish as the clone behaves and thinks
like her. Soon they start to argue and disagree with each other over trivial
matters. The last straw happens one night when Clo starts referring to Trishs
mum as her mum and this upsets Trish as she feels her privacy is being invaded.
The next day, Trish opens up her diary and confides in VP that she does not like
to be swamped, invaded and taken over. At that instant, she decides to
dispose off Clo forever through the DISPOSAL hatch near her cabin. The story
ends with a twist when it is Trish who is disposed by Clo. Clo then assumes Trishs
identity and Trishs dad is not aware of the change at all. Clo then enjoys being
one is one and all alone and her new lease of life as Trish in the spaceship.

Characters and Characterizations.

1. Trish
Trish is the main character of this short story. She is portrayed as a lonely child
as her parents are busy with their own works. She has no friend, no sibling and
her only friend in the spaceship is VoicePrinter. She is bored playing and talking

to a machine and she needs a real human of her age to talk to and play with. She
cloned herself and named her Clo. Trish is brilliant in science and technology. She
clones herself without anyones help.

2. Clo
Clo is the clone of Trish. Her character
Trishs clone. She does whatever Trish
she keeps repeating what Trish says
situation makes Trish to feel that Clo is

is totally the same as Trishs because it is

does, for examples she has picking habit,
and she feels what Trish is feeling. This
annoying, thus the quarrel starts.

3. VoicePrinter (VP)
A machine and Trish's best friend. Although it is a non-living thing, it can react
and responsd to Trish just like a human. VP is loyal and always be by Trish's side playing games with her and also a genius machine as it can correct Trishs
spellings and punctuation. It has also become a teacher to Trish. It also gives
Trish dictionary lesson and provides the information on cloning process to Trish.

4. Father and Mother

Busy working people - running the spaceship and setting up the space station.
Her father is a caring person as he is always poking his head on Trishs door and
asking Trish about her life. However, he fails to show his love and Trish is
disappointed because of that.


1. Time
In the future: 2045. Trish mentions that they leaves Earth on 12 March 2045 and
they will not reach Trion until mid January 2047. Modern creation such as the
voice printing is mentioned too. It respond to human's actions; talks and even
plays game as well as teaches Trish about the dictionary lesson.

2. Place
Mainly in a spaceship which is on its way heading to Trion planet. Every event
occurs in this ship. Trishs father works here, the BioLab and Trish's room. It is
also the place which causes Trish to feel lonely without any human friend.

3. Social
Lonely and workaholic society.
The lonely society is portrayed through Trish's character who is always being
alone as she is the only child on the spaceship while the rest of the crew are
adults. The only friend that she has is the VoicePrinter (VP). Her loneliness leads
her poor judgement of cloying herself.
The workaholic society is shown trough the characters of Trishs parents. They
are too busy with their own workloads. The father is busy running the spaceship
while the mother is on Trion, setting up the space station. Their hectic schedules
cause theme to forget their responsibilities towards their daughter.

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