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Jowce One Examples of Using Direct Quotes, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Word for word quotation (direct quote): Definition: Using an authors language word for word (verbatim) Ways to avoid plagiarism: * Use quotation marks around the author's words. + Use a signal or dentiyng phrase thal tells who and wha you are quoting, + Add an intext (parenthetical) efererce a the end ofthe passage. + Include citation atthe end of your paper (Works Cited), MLA Example: Rodriguez and Bellanca observe, “In some urban classrooms, children arrive without any notion of sharing behavior. If they have grown up as street survivors, without strong early mediation for sharing, they may come to school ready fo do battle to the death" (135) or “in some urban classrooms, children arrive without any notion of sharing behavior. Ifthey have grown up as sieet survivors, without slrong early ‘mediation for sharing, they may come to school ready to do battle to the death” (Rodriguez and Betanca 135). Include on your Works Cited page: Rodriguez, Eleanor Renee, and James Bellanca, Whol sit About Me You Can ‘Teach?: An Instructional Guide for the Urban Educator, 2 ed. Thousand Caks, CA: ‘Corwin, 2007, Paraphrasing: Definition: Putting an author's ideas in yourown words Ways to avoid plagiarism: * Use a signal of identiyng phrase thal tells who and what you are paraphrasing + Use the same ideas as in the origina text * Use your own wards when phrasing. in most cases, avoid using any of the same wording that the author used uniess you pula key term in quotation marks. + Add an inex (parenthetical reference a the end ofthe paraphrase, + Include a citation a the end of your aper (Works Cited). ‘Annie Oakley's lfe spanned years of tremendous change for American women. By the time of her death in 1926, Americans were celebrating the liberated, urban-focused, ‘modern times of the Jazz Age. Women had won the right to vote, wore less restrictive clothes, and followed a changing ideal that was loosening some of the restrictions on ‘women's roles and behavior that had reigned through the nineteenth century. Jovxce Ore Annie Oakley's life spanned years of significant changes for American wormen. By the time she died in 1926, women had the vole, wore looser clothing, and embraced the freedom from restrictive 19° century roles and behaviors. (Sounds too much lke the original passage. Also the sentence structure is too similar to the original text) Correct paraphrasing: ‘As discussed in the biography on PBS's American Experience web page, sharpshooter ‘Annie Oakley lived through a period of many liberating changes for women, from the Victorian era through the first quarter of the 20th century. Examples include voting rights for women as well as the freedom to wear comfortable and practical clothing (Annie Oakley) Include on your Works Cited page: “Annie Oakley: In a Man's World.” American Experience. 2006. PBS Online. 19 May 2008. , ‘Summarizing: Definiion: Condensing an authors ideas 1 a more succinct statement re to avoid plagiarism: Use a signal or identifying phrase that falls who and what you are summarizing + Use a quick description of the main points ofthe passage. ‘+ Use your own words and phrasing. In most cases, avoid using any ofthe same wording + Add an intext (parenthetical reference atthe end of the summary + Include a citation al the end of your paper (Works Cited) MLA Example: By 1964, there were an estimated 33,500 restaurants in the United States caling themselves “drive-ins,” but only 24,500 offered hot food, the remainder being ice cream sand soft-drink stands primarily. Layout varied from drive-in to drvesin, but three prinelpal ‘spaces could alvays be found: a canopy-covered driveway adjacent fo the building, @ kitchen, and a carhop station linking kitchen and parking lot. The smallest drive.ins offered carhop service only, bul many also featured indoor lunch counters and booths, sometimes on the scale ofthe coffee shop, ‘Summary: In the chapter "Quick Service Restaurants in the Age of Automobile Convenience,” The authors note that by the mid-1960s, nearly 35,000 sell-proctaimed “drive-in restaurants inthe United States existed. Most served hot meals while others served justice cream Jource One and soft drinks. No specific blueprint defined the typical drive-in; however, three. characteristics describe this new type of casual eating establishment: a covered driveway, a kitchen, and a carhop station (Jackle and Sculle 85). Include on your Works Cited page: Jackle, John A., and Keith A. Soule. Fast Food: Roadside Restaurants in the ‘Automobile Age. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1998, Common knowledge: Definition: A fact that isso vel known that ican be found in numerous sources and therefore does not need tobe cited. Examples of common knowledge: ‘The state bird of Caifomia is the California Qual ‘The Dodo has been extinct since the mid-to-late 17th century The red. ied hawk lives in he Livermore area, Examples of detailed information that needs to be cited: ‘Adult qual begin to molt their plumage in mid-surnmer, while the chicks are being reared (Leopold 105). ‘The primary causes of the Dodo's extinction were the destruction of the forest (which cut off the Dodo's food supply), and the animals thal the sailors brought with them, including cats, rats, and pigs, which destroyed Dado nests (Dodo). Most ofthe Red-tailed Hawk migration in the western United States occurs from early October to early November (Liguori 42). Include on your Works Cited page: “Dodo.” Ammetican Museum of Natural History. 19 May 2008, -, Leopold, A. Starker. The California Quail. Berkeley, CA: UC Press, 1977, 105. Liguori, Jerry. Hawks from Every Angle. Princston, NJ: Princeton UP, 2005, 42. More Help with Citations: LPC Ctation Style Guides ‘Other examples of parenthetical documentation Jone Jeo Need Some Help Figuring Out When & What to Cite? ‘When should you cite? ‘What needs to be cited? ‘Another's, words? {s it common knowledge?’ Do not cite it. What is Common Knowledge? Common knowiege cludes whatever an educated person would be expected to know or coud ca in an ordinary leneyeloped and does nol need to be ct. For example: + Easiy observable behavior (Heat makes peope tein the summer; punpes copay tremendous enersy) ‘Commonly reporea facts (Orances contin vesmin:; Napoleon's army was decimated bythe winter march oF Moscow during the Wat of 1812), *+ Common sayings "Yousre what you e2t"“Look before you ea) Infermaton est found within general eterence sours (rankin D, Rootevetwas tornon January 30, 1862) ‘But beware: while commen knowledge need not be cited, spec expression of common knowledge must be identnea For example, younay mention without tation, as above, fat Napoleon's army autre ruinous osses uring tne wintr march on Mostow. However, fYour source eae, "Napoisr's army frozen croves aa tstuggiee toward Moscow.” You must uso quotaton mars and cite the source of howe words # ou include tem. Therefore, yOU use someone's words, you must quot and cts them, even f they contin anes at commen knowedge (Fone anc by Rabe A. a Paik abn. 2001) s8eyotent fJourte Two 2S GRACE HAUENSTEIN LIBRARY NS AQUINAS COLLEGE Differences in Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing woe, ‘You use te source's words + Exactsane lengh as the source, nls yeu follw theres for adding deleting material fom a meena. You use your own words Approximate te same length, ‘ough ofen shorter than the Quotation Paraphrase ‘Summary Difference Diference Diference Watchowthe source wore Te Watches the source in ems oF “Siig pe corre pontorine ‘You use your own words. ‘Much shorter ran he source. By quoting an autre) “To get somoone's exact words (wen HOW someone sald someting iss mporant as sr thatr exact words ae not important 2. Their exact word ae not appropriate (ave too dense or too simpe fr example) or uote Barpose Purpose Purpose [To provide cediity for what you | To getoan the meaning oT To gat coun the git af are saying (You support your pont |” somaone elas words wher someone else's work To avoid unnecessary deat ‘when the main pint al you eed, ‘There are speciat es for capitsztion and punctuation wn quits See Wing Lab for hancoisor 2 utr forheip (Cte according to whatever ste your instactorfequres (eg MLA) source youre going © parapivase. Putitaway ang wote Gown m your awn wores what ne source is saying. Then go back and check o see you misees anyiheg. cae justice a quote. [Appears on Works Cred page WaT they sai) Useful (what they emphasize is |. To show tat you understand diferent rom wnat youwantto |’ what the source le saying fempraste) ‘To ettesh the eaders memory ‘Toshow hatyounave command |’ they nave reedtne source ofthe material (ota save tothe ngeal autor wore), “To.ove your ausionce a general eodeton to te ‘To*shorten’a section fom he Source source that sto ong to gute ‘Te demonsrate comprehension (independent assignmers). Haws How's Howie Copy he source's words eacly [7 Carauly read the section ofthe Caraty read the secian oe source you are going > paraphrase. Put tavay and ‘wie down the main gots) of {he source. Do nat bea ave to the soutce's organization you decide wat he main pois Fstsertence: "John Doe! essay [Wd Gt] stats at.” Suan Sovace 3 ‘Examples of Using Direct Quotes, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Word for word quotation (rect quote} Definition: Using an author's language word for word (verbatim) Ways to avoid plagiarism: Use quoaon marks around the author's words Use 2 signal or identfyng phrese that es who and what you are quoting, ‘Add an intext (parenthetical) reference alte end ofthe passage. Indude a ctaion atthe end of your paper (Works Ged) MLA Example: Rodriguez and Belanca cbsewve, In some urban dassrooms,cicren arve without any nation of hating behavior. I they have grown up as sect survivors, without tong early mediation fr hating, they may come fo school ready to do bale fo the death (13). or “In some utban dassrooms, citron ave without any notion of sharing behavior. I they have grown up a5 street sunivos, wthout strong early mediation fr sharing, ey may come fo soot ‘ead todo batle othe dea" (Rociguez and Bellanca 135), Include on your Werks Cited page: Rodriguez, Eleanor Renee, and Janes Bellanca. Wha st About Me You Cant “Teach? An Instructional Guide forthe Utban Educator. 2 nd od Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2007. Paraphrasing: Denton: Pung an author's ideas in your on werds Ways to avoid pagiasm Use a signal or denying phrase that tls who and what you ate paraphrasing Use the same ideas asin the original txt Use your oan words when plrasng. tn most cases, void using any ofthe same wording tha the chor sed unless you put a key term in quotation mars, ‘Add an intext (parenthetical) reference athe end ofthe paraphrase Indude a alain atthe end of your paper (Works Cited, MLA Example: (Orginal passage: ‘Annie Oakley's fe spanned years of tremendous change fr American women. By the be thet lath in 1926, Amaricans were celebrating the berated, urban focused, modem times ofthe Jazz ‘Age. Women had won the night to vole, woe less estcive dothes,andfolowed changing ideal that was loosening some of Ihe estictons on women's roles and behavior tha had reigned Utvough the nineteenth contr Incorrect paraptrasing Source 3 ‘Annie Oakey’ ie spanned years of sgnifcant changes or American woman, By the tne she Leopold, A. Starker, The California Qual. Bekele, CA’ UC Press, 1877, 106. Peace Worksheet for Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Quoting Name Period Date: Directions: Read the article by Roger Sipher below and do the exercises which follow. Sample essay for summari quoting 9, paraphrasing, and ‘So That Nobody Has To Go Ta School if They Don't Want To ‘by Roger Sipher [A decline in standardized test acores is but the most racent indicator that “American education isin rouble. ‘one reason for the criss is that present mandatory-attendance laws force Imany to attend schoal whe have no wish to be there. Such children have little desire to learn and are so antagonistic to school that neither they nor ‘more highly motivated students receive the quality education that is the birthright of every American, [The solution to this problem is simple: Abolish compulsory-attendance [ans ‘and allow only thosa who are committed to getting an education to attend. “This will not end public education. Contrary to conventional belief, legislators lenacted compuisory-attendance laws to legalize what already ensted. William Landes and Lawis Solomon, economists found litle evidence that imandatory-attendance laws ineraaced the number of children in school ‘They found, too, that school systams have never effectively enforced such Jaws, usuelly because of the expense involved, “There is no contradiction between the assertion that compulsory attendance has had ite effect on the number of children attending school end the {argument that repeal woul be a postive step toward improving education Mest parents want a high school education for thai chtéren. Unfortunately, compulsory attendance hampers the ability of public schoo! officele to lenforce legitimate educational and disciplinary policies and thereby make the education a good one. Private schools have no such problem. They ean fal or dismiss students, knowing such students can attend public schod!. Without compulsory attendance, public schools would be Freer to oust students whose ecademic [br personal behavior undermines the educational mission of the institution Hos not the noble experiment of a formal education for everyone felled? While we pay homage to the homily, "You con lead a horee to water but you | ‘can't make hm drink,” we have pretended ifs not trus in ecucation, [Ask high school teachers ifrecaldtrant students lesrn anything of value. Ask keachers if these students do any homework. Quite the contrary, these students know they will be passed from grace to grade until they are old enough to quit or until as is more lkaly, they receive a high schos! diploma. [At the point when students could legally quity most choose te remain since they know they are likely tobe allowed ta gradvete whether they do acceptable work or not Abolition of archaic attendance las would produce enormous dividends. First, would alert everyone that school isa serious place where one goes to lebm, Schools are neither day-care centers nar indoor street corners. Young people who resist leering should stay away; indeed, an end to compulsory schooling would require them to stay away. ‘Second, students opposed to learning would not be able to pollute the {educoticnal atmosphere for those who want to learn. Teachers could stop policing recalotrant students and start educating, ‘Third, grades would show whet they are suppoved to: how wall a student is learning. Parents could again read report cards and know ifthe children were making progress. Fourth, public esteem for schools would increase. People would stop regarding them ae way stations for adolescents end stat thinking of ther ‘2s inctitutions for educating America's youth, Fith, elementary schools would change because students woud find out y they had better learn something oF risk funking out later. Elementary [eachers would ne longer have to pass their failures on to middle and high ‘schoois. | Sixth, the cost of enforcing compulsory education would be eliminated. ‘Despite enforcement efforts, nearly 15 percent ofthe school-age children in fur largest cties are almost permanenty absent from school ‘Communities could use these savings to suppert institutions to deal with jyoung people not in echoo. If inthe lang tun, those inatittions prove more esti, atleast we would not confuse thei mission with that of schools, [Schools should be for education. At present, they are only tangentially so, ‘They have attempted to serve an allencompassing socta function, trying to be all tings to all people. In the process they have faled miserably at whet they were orginally Formed to accomplish 1), Writ the thesis statement fr this work onthe lines below. 2), From the first page, who does the author summarize? Write that summary on the lines below 3). From the first page, who does the author paraphrase? ‘Write thst parephrase onthe lines below. 4) Who is being quoted in the First quoted passage from the story? Write that quote on the lines below 5). On the lines below, summarize, in order, the six (6) points the author uses to make his ‘ase against compulsory school attendance laws,

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