Willie Davis Endorsement Resolution 11-16-15

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Endorsement of Willie Davis for Houston City Councilman


Willie Davis, candidate for Houston City Council At-Large

Position 2, is currently the pastor of MacGregor Palms Baptist
Church; and,


Pastor Davis has been a leader in the fight against Houstons

Proposition 1, also known as HERO; and,


The voters of Houston rejected Proposition 1 by a margin of 6139%, but several Councilmen and the soon-to-be-former Mayor
have expressed a desire to revisit the issue; and,


Now that the bitter and expensive fight over this proposition has
come to a close, it is critical to the healing of our City for the
next Council to have a majority which is unwilling to bring back
this divisive and unnecessary ordinance; and,


Willie Davis has advanced to the City of Houston runoff, which

will take place on December 12, 2015.

Be it resolved:
That the Harris County Republican Party hereby endorses
Willie Davis for the position of Houston City Councilman (AtLarge #2); and,
Be it resolved:
That the Harris County Republican Party is authorized by
its Executive Committee to use the resources at its disposal to
support Willie Daviss campaign for Houston City Council during
the 2015 Runoff Election.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Bowen Senate District 11 Chairman, and Precinct 416 Chairman,
Harris County
Heather Harris Precinct 076 Chairman, Harris County
Jarrod Keeling Precinct 420 Chairman, Harris County
Phillip Webb Precinct 474 Chairman, Harris County
Greg Aydt Precinct 333 Chairman, Harris County
Tom Zakes Precinct 220 Chairman, Harris County

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