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Name Lee Ning Jie Class, 682 Date_of experiment : 30.08. 2012. Number of experiment + 2 Topic + Kinematics. Tle + Projectile objective * To study Mie trajectory of an object subjected 40 fhe gravitahona| acceleration . Theory When an object is projected at an initial velocity Ye at an angle ® to the horizontal, the position (x.y) of the object at some later time + can be specified by two equations. x2%.t —O Yrvyt + Sgt? —@ where Vou = Votes@ ——@ Voy * Vosin 8 ——@) By eliminating ¢ in equations © and © gues Yah a ye etree —@O which is of the general matnematical frm for a porabola, y=bx tex", From equation @and ©, tan 8* vs Tis equation) can be rewritten aS y-ttme = 44 2° —@ Apparatus: (A 10m aluminium V- track (id) A target board (30cm x tooem) (ii) Steel ball bearing (about tem) (iv) Garbon_ paper | Corbonised. printing paper (OF einelre tie 4) Retort stand Procedure + 4) The apparatus was set up as showi in Figure |. Ball bearing - Ny A —— Be (¥) Using suitable method . the angle © = 60° was set. (©) The Aarget board was placed 2+ 5.0m from the table. (A) The ball bearing wos released at a suitable height h ond the position where it hits ‘the target board was noted () h was measured and revorded. (f) Keeping h constant, 4 was increased in stages and step (4) was repeated unkl the ball strikes the floor. (g) The positions of the hit mark y for the correspending % were measured and_revorded (h) x.y ad y-atan® were tabulated. (A graphy against and a graph of y-xtan8 agains} x? were plotied. (J) Using 4 suitable graph in Ci), the initia) velocity Vo of fhe ball bearing when it leaves the V-frack was determined. (i) Using the principle of conservation of energy . vo was calculated - The results were compared and discussed. Results : Terpendialar AGH Fam The op A We Wale] Ange: belaten Whe Tae and The No. | 4e the ball bearing'r initial pesitien. Jem | oluminitm V-drack , 0/° ' 53.00 60.0 2 53.00 60.0 3 53.00 60.0 4 $3.00 60.0 5 53.00 60.0 Average 53.00 60.0 Soe | eel [ela 5.00 3.00 70 4.05 ~L-61 0 4.00 450 | 1450 | 150 ~ 1.04 810 13.00 3u.4o | 24.30 | 2435 183 (64.0 1.00 34.50 | 34.40 34.60 5.16 289.0 21.00 45.00 | 4490 | 44.85 6.48 441.0 _— 55.60 5540 | 55.50 tn. 625.0 29.00 63.50 64.40 67.60 434 4.0 33.00 82.00 | 82.00 | g2.00 | 2/8454 1084 ¥ The height of the table 1S 82.00¢m. The ball bearing struck 1he Moor when x =33,00¢m ¥ Refer to graph paper. Calculations Using the graph of y-xtan 8 against 2*, gradient + 21-50 -3.50 80-2100 = 18.00 870 = 0.0204m~' = 201m" Aconking 4» the equation extn = 3 eo 2 2 Veg 18 the gradient of Je graph y-sttan6 against 2” oe Brug 2 207 2 4 9 we? 4 [Sel > $[ #8] 2) 7.03 = 2.34 m? gt Vox > S234 = 64m" Vex By resolving Yes Vox _* Vo (0S 9 + Vo * tos boo Vo + s600* = 3.08 ms" Using the principle of conservation of energy . folal energy at point A = total energy at point B Using the top of the fable av reference base, gravitational potential energy of A +kinelic energy ot B mgh > dmv? h= 53.00 o. We * Jagh 2 0.53m ve 1204-81) (053) = 321ms"! The relative error Rvs of initial velocity Vo is the ratio Vo - Me zy, > Lee = Sel where Voesp - Voth isthe magnitude of the difference behween the experimental ond theoretical values oP Vo. Rv = | 3.08- 3.722] 3.21 = 0.0435 = 4.35% The experimental value of vo = 3.08 ms js less than the theoretical value of vo 3.22ms*. Ts is due to errors in the experiment. Relative error of ve is 4.35%o. Discussions + (9) Precautions (0) The projectile ball bearing should aot be obstructed by the edge of the table. (i) the target boord 1s positioned vertically - (ii) Load is added to stabilize the target board. (b) Sources of enor (i) The elect of friction between the ball bearing end ihe_aluminum V- track is ignored (ii) The _effect_of air resistance_is ignored (ii) Inability fo achieve accurate measurement for 860.0% due to inflexibility of the protractor (c) Steps te overcome the weakness of the experiment (i) Take into account the effect of fricton (ii) Garry out the projectile motion in vacuum Gil) Use flexible pirtactor with micro-tine marking hole positimed at 6 > 60.0° Conclusion By using the graph _y-xfan8 against x*, the inital velocity of the ball bearing. Ve when itleaves the V-track 1g 3.08m5"'. sing the principle of conservation of energy , Vo = 3.72.m S”". The experimental value of vo is tes than its theoretical value due to a celatve error of 4.36%

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