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Are You Afraid to Shine?

Enjoy tapping along with EFT Master Carol Look as she helps you uncover the
reasons you block yourself from attracting abundance and shining in your
personal and professional life!
Feeling afraid to shine (or to stand out) is one of the most common emotional
blocks to attracting success and abundance and reaching our goals. One way to
understand why you might have this block is to ask yourself some simple yet
revealing questions:
1) Whats the downside to shining?
2) Whats the upside to staying invisible?
3) Does it feel safe to shine? (And if not, why not)
4) What happened the last time you were successful or stood out?
5) What benefits do you get from staying small?
Then you might want to fill in the blanks in the statements below to help you
identify the reasons you are afraid to shine:
1) Im afraid to shine because _________________________
2) If I shine, they will say _____________________________
3) If I shine, they wont like it because ___________________
4) Its dangerous to shine because _____________________
5) If I shine, they might _______________________ again.
When you identify the reasons you are blocking your success, you can use these
reasons as targets and tappable issues with EFT setups statements and
sequences and finally attract the success and abundance into your life that you
EFT Master Carol Look

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