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Teacher Name

Mrs. Ellis

Grade Level

Fourth Grade

Observer Name

Caitlyn Ashby

Number of


Date of


Format (small

Whole group

Time of


Curriculum (if

resource, selfcontained)

Objectives for
the Lesson
[ask the teacher]

Students will be
able to identify the
cause or effect in a
sentence and be
able to produce
their own

Learning Environment:

Students desks are arranged in groups of 3-6 students no students are

The walls are full of posters and bulletin boards for student support.
Teacher is respectful and says things like I appreciate your
enthusiasm, however we must not touch things on the wall
Students are given exactly 10 minutes to work on independent work
Students help to keep each other on task for example when one
student had to sharpen a pencil another gave him her pencil sharpener
to borrow and then tried to help him understand the task.
Some students feet cannot touch the floor and their desk is so high it
is almost shoulder level.
This is a transition lets see how fast we can do that with no talking
The bare minimum is 7 words in a sentence the average is a C do you
want to be the average or bare minimum. It is your choice but every
day we should strive to be a little better than average


Students are completing work individually and working on different


Students are actively engaged in raising their hand and answering

Teacher asks students if they need to slow down and do more
examples or if they are ready to do it on their own.

Deepening learning:

Teacher used an example that pertained to their own life Because you
got a 3 at science lab what was the effect? Students response: we
were given silent recess
Now you should be an expert on cause and effect -> there is a slide
at the end that says congratulations!!!!!! You are now a Cause/effect
Students are given a list of prompting words
Students are given the choice to write about their spelling list or any
list they are given the opportunity to choose.
Homework: Cause and effect exercise then a 10-minute exercise in
class. Notes book paper and write your own Cause and effect

Supporting learning:

Teacher gives prompting questions and has a PowerPoint to guide

She gives students a chance to correct if them give a wrong answer
with out telling them they are wrong she just prompts them into finding
the correct response.
Always a positive tone to her voice
I just want everyone to make sure they are on the same section of the
Alright, from now on lets make sure we.
who ever is banging could we please stop with a smile still on her
each student has their own red pen to self correct work as they go over
it as a class
look back in your notes

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