Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan


General Procedures
A. Students entering/exiting the classroom
a. Students should enter the classroom quietly. If
students from the previous class linger in room,
those entering should wait politely before settling
into their desks.
b. Students exiting the classroom should also do so
quietly and will be asked to push in their chairs
and fix their desks back to its original position.
B. Distribution of Materials
a. The teacher will distribute the materials to
students by asking them to please take one and
pass it. By giving students this task, the educator
saves time by not having to stop and count the
number of papers in each row.
b. Graded work will be passed back according to its
grade value. The teacher will hand big
assignments back to the students and students
will be given the task of passing back smaller
C. Storing of students personal items
a. Students will be asked to put these items in a safe
place, such as their lockers, before class. At
requests, the teacher can lock the item in a
cabinet or their desk for safekeeping.
D. Students going to the restroom/drinking fountain
a. Students going to the bathroom should raise their
hands and ask for permission. Once they fill out
their agendas and the educator has initialed it,
students must take the bathroom pass and return
it once they reenter the classroom.
b. Students wishing to go to the water fountain
should first raise their hands and ask permission
from the teacher. If the response is yes, then
they should take a pass and return promptly.
E. Classroom interruptions (announcements, intercom
a. The educator and students should remain silent
when this occurs so that important messages are
received and/or sent.
F. Student tardiness to class
a. Students entering into the classroom late will be
excused if they have a pass. If they do not, the


educator will have a private talk to address the

issue and should follow up if necessary.
G. Student dismal from class
a. A student excused from class should do so quietly
and without further disruption.
H. Food/drink in the classroom
a. The educator will follow the school-wide policy on
this issue. If there is not one in place, food and
drink will be permitted in the classroom as food
and beverages help students focus and give them
energy to participate.
I. Forgotten materials (pen, paper, notebook, etc.)
a. Students will be asked to retrieve important
materials, such as their binders or notebooks,
from their lockers. If not they do not have them at
all, the teacher will understand and try to
accommodate them.
b. Simple materials, such as a pen, will be given to
the student upon request and returned by them as
c. If the student is not prepared on a regular basis,
the issue should be addressed privately.
J. Sharpening pencils, throwing away trash (etc.)
a. Students will be permitted to get out of their seats
upon request. However, if they do not raise their
hands and ask permission, these students will be
asked to return to their seats.
Academic Expectations
A. Turing in Homework
a. The educator will ask students to pass their
homework down and will collect them by rows at
the beginning of class.
B. Late or missed work
a. Students will receive half credit if they turn
homework in at a later time and/or date. The
homework will not be accepted at all after one
b. Missed work caused by an absence will be
addressed as soon as possible. If the student does
not return the work in a timely fashion or at all,
the teacher will address this issue privately and
on a case-by-case basis.
C. Participation in classroom discussions
a. Students will be encouraged to participate in the
classroom as much as possible. If the discussion


becomes idle, the educator will call on random

i. The teacher will not put the student down
for his or her answer and should try to make
the classroom setting as comfortable as
possible to encourage free discussion and
voluntary participation.
D. Extra help
a. The educator will be available at lunch and after
school upon appointment and will assist the
student when issues arise. The teacher should
welcome extra help to relieve students of stress
and confusion.
E. Lack of student success (low or failing grades)
a. The educator should strive to prevent this issue in
the first place by offering extra help. Should the
student persistently refuse support, a private
meeting with the student and/or parents will be
Student Behavior
A. Minor disruptions (talking/calling out)
a. The student will be asked to discontinue the side
conversations or raise their hand before calling
b. If this is a persistent issue with the student, the
teacher should address it with the student
B. Conflict with classmates
a. The teacher will try to deescalate the situation
and meet with the students outside the classroom
to address this issue.
b. If conflict becomes physically, the educator will
call the office for help and will try to find a faculty
member who is certified to physically stop the
altercation. The teacher will avoid getting directly
involved to prevent any liability concerns.
C. Expectations (rules for student behavior)
a. The teacher will not tolerate bullying in the
b. Cell phones should not be used during class.
c. Please use appropriate language for school,
especially in the classroom.
d. The teacher will strive to make the classroom an
interesting and enjoyable place to be so students
should make every effort to be positive and avoid
unfriendly conflict.

D. Consequences
a. The teacher will provide the student with at least
one warning to make the issue known to them.
b. The teacher will document the problem on STARS,
or a similar system, and have a private, one-onone meeting with the student.
c. A phone call or email to parents/guardians will
follow if the student does not change his or her
behavior. The educator will document this
exchange as a precaution.
d. The teacher will request an in-person meeting
with the student, his or her parent(s), and a school
IV. Teacher behavior
A. What teacher behaviors will you pay attention to in
planning and delivering your lessons in order to limit
student behavior issues?
a. I will focus on motivating students during the
planning process to avoid them becoming
uninterested and acting out.
b. I will also demonstrate withitness and monitor
student behavior closely while delivering the
B. What actions will you take to build mutual respect and
positive relationships?
a. I will always treat them as a person, first and
foremost, and avoid putting them down.
b. I will also use humor and enthusiasm to gain their
respect and maintain positive relationships with
C. How will you avoid escalating student behaviors?
a. I will remain patient and understanding.
b. I will have private, one-on-one conversations with
students who are misbehaving to avoid
embarrassing them.
c. If students feel as though a teacher is not doing
these things, they may feel disrespected or
ignored and are more likely to act out.

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