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Prompt 8/31/15

My mother- My mother always used to read to me every night before bed. She also
would help me with grammatical errors in my papers. She has always encouraged
me to keep trying to improve on my reading and writing skills.

Mrs. Reed- Mrs. Reed was my tenth grade chemistry teacher and helped influence
my writing style. She helped me learn how to get my point across in papers fast,
though very blunt. The way scientific papers are written is very appealing to me,
because when I am reading to get the information that I want quick and for it to be
explained clearly.

Mrs. Hedgepeth- Mrs. Hedgepeth helped improve how I wrote papers immensely.
Mrs. Hedgepeth was my eleventh grade writing teacher and started to get me into
using a thesaurus and finding joy in reading that I never knew before. While in her
class my skill in spelling improved and I began to enjoy writing essays and
assignments. Though I still have a lot to learn she helped push me in the right
direction, coming from one of hatred for reading and writing.

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