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Name: ..

Class: Teen 9 (NIS)

Listen and fill in the blanks. (CD1 track 20)
A: Listen. I think theyre talking about our (1)_________________.
B: Flight number 69 to Toronto will depart at (2)_________________.
C: Did she say (3)_____________?
A: Thats right.
C: We have a long time to wait.
A: Are you late?
B: No. Thats our train over there.
C: The 3.30 (4)__________ to Townsville is now boarding on (5)_______________.
All aboard, please.
B: See? I told you.
A: Come on. (6)___________________.

Name: ..

Class: Teen 9 (NIS)

Listen and fill in the blanks. (CD1 track 20)
A: Listen. I think theyre talking about our (1)_________________.
B: Flight number 69 to Toronto will depart at (2)_________________.
C: Did she say (3)_____________?
A: Thats right.
C: We have a long time to wait.
A: Are you late?
B: No. Thats our train over there.
C: The 3.30 (4)__________ to Townsville is now boarding on (5)_______________.
All aboard, please.
B: See? I told you.
A: Come on. (6)___________________.

Name: ..

Class: Teen 9 (NIS)

A: Excuse me. Are you going to (7)_____________?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Me, too.
C: Apex Airlines flight number 404 to Taipei is delayed by twenty minutes. It
will now (8)______________________
B: Oh, no. Our flight is (9)__________________ late.
A: I think he said twenty minutes, actually.
A: I think were too early.
B: The next Gray line city (10)_________________ leaves at 11:05. Please buy
your tickets on the bus.
C: Oh, good. Its leaving soon. She said 11:05, didnt she?
A: Yeah, thats right.
C: Great. Now wheres the ticket window?
A: Actually, we buy our tickets on the bus, she said.

A: Excuse me. Are you going to (7)_____________?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Me, too.
C: Apex Airlines flight number 404 to Taipei is delayed by twenty minutes. It
will now (8)______________________
B: Oh, no. Our flight is (9)__________________ late.
A: I think he said twenty minutes, actually.
A: I think were too early.
B: The next Gray line city (10)_________________ leaves at 11:05. Please buy
your tickets on the bus.
C: Oh, good. Its leaving soon. She said 11:05, didnt she?
A: Yeah, thats right.
C: Great. Now wheres the ticket window?
A: Actually, we buy our tickets on the bus, she said.

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