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How to make a virtual 3 PC network!

Step 1: open up the virtual box software and click new:

Step 2: once you have done that, make sure it is set to Windows in the
type of OS in the first drop-down. And after that go the second drop-down
and click on Windows7 (32-Bit). Also, name it what you want. This is what

should look like:

Step 3: now after that then you should select 1GB of RAM (1024MB) on
your virtual PC and then all you need to do is just click ok on all of the
following tabs. This is what it should look like:


should have one virtual PC made. And you will have to make another two

Step 4: now what you need to do is run the virtual PC and then follow the
simple instructions after that, it will start the instalment and after that,
youll be faced with this screen:

Step 5: and now after the simple setup you should be on the actuatl virtual
desktop. If your now sure, it should look like this:

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