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Jenna Haas
English 101H CRN 14084
Professor McKeever
5 October 2015
Word Count: 956
Donald Trump Profile: Youre Fired
It was just like any other day for Donald Trump: get up and get dressed and continue to
play the game of life. Donald John Trump The Donald is a 69 year old, blond- haired
billionaire entrepreneur extraordinaire. He is also a real estate developer, tv personality, and now
presidential candidate. The top of his mahogany desk is covered, and the walls lined with photos
and magazine covers that capture his notoriety over time. His abrasive style resonates with a
many who are disillusioned with the political status quo but very off-putting to others. These
days he can be seen donning red, white and blue as he is presently endeavoring to win the
Republican nomination for president of the United States. Donald has a knack for smooth but
fast speaking mixed with an air of self-assurance. I no longer like Donald Trump because hes
blaming Latinos and Mexicans for the crimes of the many, and is too arrogant to even admit his
own failures or shortcomings.
"Making America Great Again" is Mr. Trump's campaign slogan and political focus.
Unfortunately, many rank and file Republicans do not view his contributions thus far as uplifting
or inclusive. Many believe his divisive and controversial positions paint a negative picture of
the party as a whole and that it could ultimately cost the party the election. Trumps narrow
minded approach to governing is evidenced by his recent generalizations about and accusations
directed at Mexican immigrants. These accusations against other races has not only cost him the

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favor of Latin Americans but also ratings and outreach by way of his previous television
programs and pageants. The number of voters of mixed races and immigrant families are on the
rise in the United States. His attack on Mexican and Latinos for immigration problems will
return to haunt him and the Republicans he engages by alienating a large block of the voting
public. Trump, a Wharton business school graduate, seemingly can't accept the idea that some of
his thinking may be wrong. Although he touts his ability to create vast wealth, Trump related
companies have filed for corporate bankruptcies on four separate occasions(The Fiscal Times).
Many in Washington have "gotten a wonderful look at the unassailable way in which Trump's
mind works: He's always right, until he's not, in which case he was never wrong. You were
(Washington Post). His arrogance and refusal to admit his shortcomings leaves little room for
Another problem presented by his actions and words that defy that slogan is that he has
put majority of the illegal immigration problems on the backs of the Mexican and Latin
Americans. As he has states in his immigration reform plan, in regards to Mexicans and their
government, They are responsible for this problem, and they must help pay to clean it up. The
cost of building a border wall falters mightily in comparison to what American taxpayers spend
every single year on dealing with the fallout of illegal immigration on their communities, schools
and unemployment offices( The problem that arises with this is that not all
illegal immigrants who choose to commit crimes are Mexicans. He is placing the burden of
paying for the wall on one race which can bring up unwanted consequences in the future for not
just him but for all of America as well. This indirectly also showcases the depths of his arrogance
because he honestly believes he can make them pay for the wall, which will probably spell

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A third weakness of Donald Trumps is his seemingly unending arrogance. Other than his
companies filing for bankruptcy on multiple occasions, his accusations against other races has
not only cost him the favor of Latin Americans, but also ratings and outreach by way of his
previous television programs and pageants. This possibly also costs the majority vote in
elections since mixed race and immigrant families are on the rise in the United States according
to the Washington Post. In addition, his arrogance has affected the whole entire Republican Party
reputation by painting a negative view of the party as a whole.
As the Washington Post states, As a result, we've gotten a wonderful look at the
unassailable way in which Trump's mind works: He's always right, until he's not, in which case
he was never wrong. You were (Washington Post). This displays that he unfailingly refuses to
admit his own shortcomings since it was also proven by PEW Research Center that the crime
rate among first generation immigrants is significantly lower than the overall crime
rate(Washington Post). It just displays that whenever Trump is presented with accurate data, he
rationalizes it in a way that is delusional and ends with criticizing his critic because he cant
accept that some of his thinking is wrong.
In conclusion, Donald Trump is an entertainer and thinks of life as essentially a game. He
has proven himself as a man who would rather place blame on the weakest in society than admit
that his knowledge of a situation could be wrong. Its a wonder how he has so far been able to be
an icon to many in the business world. As smooth as he talks, he still doesnt hold the true power
to keep the truth away from others for long. Finally, I believe that his days as a political figure
are numbered and hope that when they do end, the Republican Party will find a candidate who
embraces all Americans. Donald Trump has proven to be an exceptional businessman and an

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engaging entertainer. However, his ability to be a political leader is nonexistent. I must say, based
on the knowledge of Donald Trump I have gleaned over the past few months, you're fired.

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