Siop Senses DC

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SIOP Lesson Plan


Lesson Preparation
a. General Information
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject Area/Topic: Science
Student Demographics: 20 Students; 7 ESOL
Lesson Duration: 20 minuets
b. State and/or National Standard(s) and/or Benchmark(s)
Make observations of the natural world and know they are descriptors collected using the
five senses.
c. Learning Objective(s)/Outcomes(s)/Essential Question(s)/Content Objectives
Students will be able to observe and describe natural objects through their senses.
d. Language Objectives
Students will be able to connect with realia to facilitate discussions and oral descriptions
and comparisons of the objects.
e. ESOL Teaching Strategy
What do you know? (p. 173)
f. Detailed List of Materials and Resources for Teacher and Students
Brown paper bags
Several natural materials such as sticks and leaves

2. Building Background
Links are explicitly made between past learning and new concepts.
I will start making connections by playing the video that reviews the five senses. I will then
inform the students that we are going to be learning about senses.
I will then ask the students, what natural objects do you remember from our nature walk?
After waiting for a response I will follow up with connecting the senses they might have used
while observing that object. What do you remember a rock feeling like? Have you smelt a

rock? What other senses would you use when experiencing rocks? I will continue to build
off their responses and background knowledge.
3. Comprehensible Input
Teacher candidate's explanation of academic tasks is clear.
I will make sure I am using appropriate language and hand gestures. I will start by going over
the academic task step by step. When you return to your desks you will see one person with
the paper bag. They will keep their eyes closed and try and use their other senses to guess
what natural object is in the bag. I will then provide a time for questions and answers before
I send them back to their seats.
4. Strategies (include a Step-by-Step Instructional Plan)
Teacher candidate uses a variety of question types, including those that promote higherorder thinking skills throughout the lesson/strategy (e.g., literal, analytical, and
interpretive questions).
Throughout the lesson I will be asking students questions to further their thinking into the
content area. Once tables have had an opportunity to feel their object in the bag I will ask
them questions such as, what did you object feel like? What do you think it could be? What
other senses did you use to experience this object? Based off their answers I will then
further their higher-order thinking by asking questions such as, How did you know? What
connections did you make? For kindergarten this is guaranteed to get them thinking.
5. Interaction
Grouping configurations support language and content objectives of the lesson.
While experiencing the objects students should be sharing their experiences with their
tablemates. They might say things like, It feels hard, rough, or smooth. Once each student
has gotten a chance to explore the contents of the bag the students are expected to discuss
and make educated guesses about what the object might be. They might say things such as,
since it is smooth, hard, and heavy I will guess that it is a rock.
6. Practice/Application
Teacher candidate provides hands-on materials and/or manipulatives for students to
practice using new content knowledge.
This whole lesson is focused around students using manipulatives to observe natural objects
through their senses. The students will be learning about their senses for the first time during
this lesson. They will be able to use the hands on natural objects that they are familiar with to
uncover new content knowledge. I will guide students through language such as, when
experiencing the natural object within the bad focus on touch, smell, and sound. We have

taken sight out of the picture to broaden their understanding and they are unable to taste these
items. I also will then keep them engaged by saying, remember we will have a big reveal of
your object at the end to make even more connections between the familiar and unfamiliar.
7. Lesson Delivery
The content objectives are clearly supported by lesson delivery
Throughout my lesson delivery I will be supporting the content objective for students to be
able to observe and describe natural objects through their senses. Students will have many
different opportunities to observe their objects in their paper bags and then describe them to
their peers and to the teacher candidate. An example would be when I ask the students to,
place your hand into the bag while keeping your eyes closed and make observations about
your object. Another example is when I go around to each table and ask questions such as,
what did you feel inside of your bag? What did you smell or hear?
8. Review/Assessment
Teacher candidate provides a comprehensive review of key content concepts.
I will start the review by saying, today we looked at how to observe natural objects through
the five senses and continue with, can anyone tell me what they learned or what they found
most interesting? I will then prompt them through the review to make sure all of the topics
are covered. We will focus on going over the five senses and how they used them.
9. Analysis
a. Explanation of Addressing Diversity (Referring to your responses to the above items in 2., please
discuss how you addressed diversity throughout the strategy/lesson.)

I addressed diversity throughout the entire questions. I am constantly changing my pace

and questions to adapt to the individual I am talking to. When teaching whole class I try
to use hand gestures and speak at a clear and slow pace. I also address the students who
need more of a challenge by asking questions more appropriate for their academic level
and doing the same for the students who need things at a lower level. When teaching
whole class and addressing diversity it is most important to have clear directions, repeat
yourself often, and be aware of the students so the lesson can constantly be adapted to
their needs.

Informal Assessment Plan

Pre-assessment: Questioning or using verbal discussions to make observations about
the students academic level.
Comprehension check: Throughout the lessons I will rely on questioning and
observations to check comprehension.
Post-assessment: I would have students apply their knowledge within another activity,
preferably a writing activity, where they can show the new content knowledge.

c. Critical Reflection (Write one paragraph of 8-10 sentences)

Reflecting back on this lesson, I feel that it was very successful. This was my first time
teaching this lesson and this strategy. I was nervous before teaching this lesson because I
was worried about how the students would do when sharing supplies in a group. The
strategy what do you know requires students to gather information from realia. This
was the class first time doing anything like this. I think they worked really well together
and did a good job fallowing directions and taking turns. If I had a chance to teach a unit
about natural objects or senses I think this would be a great introductory activity. If I
could reteach this lesson and do something differently I would allow time for each table
to practice the activity with two different types of objects. I think the students would have
really benefited from doing one more round. Overall, I am very happy with how this
lesson turned out.

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