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Character OGR

Josh Audsley-Smith

My Cards

The cards that I was given for my project were History, Stone and
Metal. With these cards in mind I have come up with a game idea
for a console platform. I based my game upon the Medieval era
because of the history card and I have developed two races that are
based upon the stone and metal cards.

Set in a Medieval era, you play as a King of a race of people who
can manipulate stone to help build their civilization. A dark force
starts to creep across your kingdom and the only hope is the King
and his ability to create a stone army. Every decision you make
may bring your civilization closer to death or closer to freedom.

Outcome Statement
The goal of this project is for me to have two fully developed
characters and two sub-monsters that fit into the design of my
game. These characters will have facial expression sheets, a bio,
turnarounds, action poses and props. I will also be designing
buildings for both races along with a concept art that fits in with
my design.

Possible Character Poses

Possible Character Poses

Possible Character Poses

(Hero and Villain)


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