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Adla Othov


Lesson plan Vocabulary set

Age of students: 5 - 7 years
Number of students: 8
Duration: 45 minutes
Task: practising seasons of the year + new vocabulary connected with WINTER
Objectives and goals: The students should first practice their knowledge of the
seasons of the year
from the previous lesson and get familiar with the new
vocabulary connected
with Winter.
Prior knowledge of the students and context: These students are mostly
beginners, who Ive been teaching for one year. They understand simple
classroom English and have basic knowledge of vocabulary.
Revision/Introduction to the topic (10 minutes)

Using the prop first (further description in the instructions)

Ending up with WINTER
Showing the children the 8 flashcards (5 of them are new vocabulary
connected with winter and 3 of them are words they already know which
are connected with summer/spring)
Asking the children:
Can we see a FLOWER in Winter?
Can we see a SNOWMAN in Winter?

By this separation, well get a Winter vocabulary set of 5 words

Direct Instruction (10 minutes)

Showing the learners all 5 flashcards and give each of them 5 blank
Telling the learners first: Draw me a snowman (in 2 minutes), than draw
me some snow..
so each student has his or her own 5 Winter flashcards

Guided Practice (20 minutes)

Then asking the children: Show me your snowman, Show me your icicle.
and rising the original flashcards with them
Game: Writing students names on the board and asking them show
me.. again, but this time, who rises his or her flashcard the first gets a
Exchanging game show the children how exchanging looks like and
asking them to exchange a snowman with someone, than an icicle. the
game is over when someone has his own five flashcards back (The teacher
has it under control of course)

Closure (5 minutes)
Rising each flashcard and asking the students What is this? to test what do they
Required Materials and Equipment

Flashcards (further in this document)

Blank flashcards
The four seasons prop
Colour pencils

Assessment and Follow-Up

According to how the children succeed in the closure activity I would practice the
next lesson. I would start with the rise-a-flashcard game and continue as
necessary. I would also add more words to build a snowman (scarf, snowball,

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