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Evolution Of Tools

By: Charlie Dominaux

Stone Age Tools

In the stone age they had harpoons made out of katanda bone to hunt and kill
They had hammer stones instead of hammers on sticks to hammer in nails and
make things sturdier
They also had points made of various types of rock to go on arrow heads to hunt

Bronze Age Tools

In the bronze age they made bronze saws to cut wood
They began making stone temples to live in and worship
This is also when they invented the wheel to make carrying
things easier

Iron Age Tools

In the iron age the main building material was mud bricks
They also started to pave their streets to make it easier to
walk on and ride on
Both rectangular and square bricks were very common

Medieval Tools
In the medieval times they made a lot of castles to live in
They had hoes for farming to gather food
They also had shovels for digging out ground for projects that
they may be working on

1500 Tools
In the 1500s they had sharp knives with handles made
of wood and birch bark to make them waterproof so
they dont soak out
The saws that they used didnt even have ridges in
them so they were not very efficient

1600 Tools
In the 1600s there hammers were rocks attached to pieces of wood to make structures
They had handsaws instead of reciprocating saws and they were made from sharpened
metal on a wooden handle to saw through wood
Knifes were the same as saws but smaller and more portable they had sharpened metal
for a blade and had a firm wooden handle

1700 Tools

In the 1700s they started to develop to metal scissors and tweezers to cut
strips of objects to make it more convenient
The hammers began to become double sided and made of stronger
material for better efficiency
They made hay crocks that helped with farming

1800 Tools

In this time they began to modernize they're tools with

curvy blades for maximum efficiency and purpose
The saws began to become more efficient with better
blades and a stronger handle
They started to make tweezers and scissors stronger for
bigger jobs

1900 Tools
In the 1900s they began to make power tools to make everything
easier and better
They had drills to make the job easier to make nails easier to put in
Reciprocating saws to make sawing wood much much easier

Modern Day tools

Today we have many tools such as table saws to get
and even cut
We have chainsaws to cut down trees for our stove in
the cabin
We also have big machinery for clearing out areas for
our home

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