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Chapter 10 : Democracy in America 1815-1840

1. What is Nationalism and how did Nationalism take on Economic, Civil

and Political (Democratic Nationalism) forms after the War of 1812?
(Look to both Chapter 9 & 10)
2. What was the Information Revolution and what did the proliferation of
an informed, reading public seem to represent democratization of
American life?
3. Summarize the politically-geared American System that was put in
place after the War of 1812? How was the national economy to be
affected by this system?
4. What was the significance of the McCulloch vs. Maryland case? Explain
John Marshalls justification and interpretation of the constitution?
5. Explain the issues brought up and the results of the events surrounding
the Missouri Compromise. How did the 3/5th Compromise enter into
the debate over Missouri? What prediction was made by a prominent
politician during this controversy that proved to be on point a
generation later?
6. The 19th century saw most Latin American colonies achieve
independence. Explain the issues brought up and the relation of Latin
American events surrounding the Monroe Doctrine.
7. What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830? What were the major
economic, humanitarian, political and social arguments for and against
Indian removal?
8. In what ways did Andrew Jackson and his presidency embody the
contradictions of Democratic Nationalism? How did he and his time as
president typify the idea of the self-made man and the growth of
9. What political parties formed out of the election of 1824 and what were
the major points of differentiation between these parties?

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