Listeningk 2

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Listening With Howard B.

(ASCA website, ASCA national model, Foundation, Student Standards)
Name: Listening with Howard B. Wigglebottom
ASCA Domain: Personal/Social Development/Academic Development
ASCA National Standard(s):
Standard A:(Personal/Social Development) Students will acquire
the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them
understand and respect self and others.
Standard A: (Academic Development) Students will acquire the
attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in
school and across the life span.
A:A1 Improve Academic Self-concept
A:A3 Achieve School Success
PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities
PS:A2.6 Use effective communications skills
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and
nonverbal behavior
A:A1.5 Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning
A:A3.1 Take responsibility for their actions
A:A3.4 Demonstrate dependability, productivity and initiative
Grade level: K-2
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will learn what effective listening
skills lead to success in school
2. Students will be able to identify good listening
skills in a situation, video, or with Charlie
3. Students will be able to identify if they are
good listeners, or need improvement.
Attention getter: We will start the lesson, and every lesson, by
practicing our belly breathing. (Bring Hoberman Ball)

Attention getter: 5-4-3-2-1.. I will count down starting loudly and

then getting softer and softer until I am almost at a whisper. By the
time I reach 1, the students need to be quiet and ready to learn again.
Attention getter: Ok x- graders! If you can hear me clap twice, if
you can hear me clap once.
Lesson: We will start with our belly breathing with our Hoberman Ball. We will then talk
about what it means to be a good listener. After some of the students have a chance to talk
about good listening, we will watch Howard B. Wigglebottom learns to listen. After we watch the video and talk about
how to be a good listener, we will do a brain break (shake your sillies out). I will talk
about how sometimes in order to be a good listener, we have to shake our sillies out first!
Our final activity will be a coloring sheet of Howard B. Wigglebottom!
Brain Break ideas:
1. Shake your sillies out played on guitar by me
Auditory Component: Talking and singing!
Visual Component: Howard B. Wigglebottom Video
Kinesthetic Component: Shaking our sillies out in order to be good
Questions to ask:
1. What does a good listener look like?
2. What does a good listener sound like?
3. How did Howard change his listening from the beginning of
the story to the end of the story?
4. How can we be the best listeners we can be?
Items to bring:
1. Hoberman Ball
2. Coloring Pages
3. Guitar and music
Reminder to myself: Charlie is on vacation this week!

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