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Learning for life

A proper education
In the text ,, A proper education the author explains what value had his education in his
real life.
1.Being well-educated and with an intellect packed with knowledge, the author expects work
to be easy for him, something he can accomplish with no effort at all. However he discovers
as a shock that what he had learned will not be of any use to him neither in life nor at work.
2. In school the author was thought to deal only with closed problems (problems with a right
or a wrong answer;problems that have only one solution leading to a right answer) but in life
he has to deal also with open respectively open-ended problems (problems with any number
of possible answers; problems with several solutions leading to several different answers).
3. At school the writer has been educated as an individual, rather than in a group, so that in
his mind his colleagues became competitors in a race to be at the top of the class. The
situation is slightly different at work, where his co-workers become his colleagues.
4. In his work the man has also to meet with salesmen from different countries and of
different cultures( eg:chines), for which he is not prepared, because cultural exploration is a
process unknown to him (he never met someone two years older than him except family and
5.The author concludes that the content he had learned in school and the fact that he studied
philosophy are not of any use to him in real life. He even has a false perception of life: getting
rich and establishing a family but life is far more complicated.
6. In his opinion the author doubts that nowadays schools prepare pupils better for life than
they did in the past, but he thinks that people can change this so that the shock of reality is
less cruel.
Unknown words
undue=nemasurat, asiduu, excesiv

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