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Kavon Adams Spell

Mrs. Hensel
English 4
September 17, 2015
Annotated Bibliography: Gun Control
Question: how has gun control effected the American civilians?

Lee, M., and Alexander Stingl. "Gun Control." Salem Press Encyclopedia (2015): Research
Web. 10 Sept. 2015.

The National Firearms Act and the Federal Firearms Act were passed banning machine guns,
imposing taxes on sales, and regulating certain kinds of sales and shipments of guns. It describes
how people can avoid getting in trouble with the law and how people can get in trouble with the
law. also if congress pass stronger gun laws. The article also explains political and social debates
on the subject over the the extent of gun control that was implemented in the U.S. usually
revolving around effectivenesses of gun control laws reducing violent crime, including the right
to bare arms that protect citizens and prevent crime. The interpretation of the second amendment
of the U.S. Constitution on the issue of whether or not the rights of protecting citizens and
preventing crimes, Including issues to carry guns extends to private citizens or to so-called well
regulated militia.

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