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Special March 2010 Update report

Dear Ministry Supporters, This is Josh Decker, Ed’s youngest child. I’m 32 years old and have a beautiful wife
and two amazing kids. I owe so much of what I have today to my father. He has been the solid foundation for
our family and has been a constant source of love, faith and wisdom for us all.

As some of you may know we have just completed the new website update for! It took us 2
years of planning, design, development! It is finally online! We are continuing to work on it constantly adding
content and continuing to upgrade components. Your feedback on the site is imperative to our success! Please
check it out at and let us know what you think.

The goal of this website is simple: To create a LEGACY of my Dad’s 30+ years of work in the ministry that will
last well beyond his years! It has reached millions of people around the world to date and led so many
thousands out of spiritual darkness into the light of the Lord. We believe its biggest impact is yet to come.

So far well over $5000 and literally hundreds and hundreds of hours have been invested into this new website.
In addition we have continual monthly costs associated with hosting the site and paying for ongoing
development. We have only recouped a small fraction of this cost to date in donations.
Visit the new site today at
I wish that I was writing with good news regarding Ed’s health, but that news will have to wait for now. My dad
is battling some serious health issues. We are praying and believing for a complete breakthrough of healing for
him and we ask for you to STAND WITH US in PRAYER. Ed is going to the MAYO Clinic on April 6 th. Please pray for
the hidden issues causing his health problems to rise to the surface and for the doctors to have wisdom.

In the meantime, he has been told by the Doctor’s to stay off the computer. The effects of the medication they
have given him are not good at all and have caused him to not be able to even read, type or put sentences
together. If you know my dad, you can only imagine how tough this is for him. He loves replying to emails,
helping people find the real Jesus, updating his blog and reading up on the latest ministry news. For him to be
offline is very difficult. He has almost finished a new book, a novel that will knock your socks off. It just sits there
waiting for his healing.

I know that my dad asks you for financial support and I am so thankful that many of you have been faithful to
support the ministry, some for many years. I have never done this before but I feel so strongly that it is
IMPERITIVE for my dad’s wellbeing and that of the ministry that I am going to make a special request of you all.

Much of my dad’s health problems can be related to stress. And it’s not much surprise that with ministry giving
down to only a fraction of what it was just a few years ago that my Dad’s main cause for stress has been
financial. My mom and dad have always sacrificed for the ministry over the past 35 years. IT IS NOW TIME FOR

Please consider a donation by either mailing a check to Saints Alive P.O. Box 1347 , Issaquah WA 98027 or call a
gift in at our 800 number, 1-800-861-9888. For those of you who use Pay Pal, you can send a gift to and it goes straight into the bank account.

Please, would you consider a special donation to help support the ministry during this time of great need?

We really need a few heroes.

We normally enclose a return card with the newsletters we mail out. I am leaving that out of this one to save
some dollars to put toward postage. If you have a prayer request or special need, please write it down on a
piece of paper. The one thing dad still does with a passion is pray for your needs.

Saints Alive Ministries

P.O. Box 1347
Issaquah, WA 98027       

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