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Professional reflection

I decided to study social work,

because I have social skills, I like to
community, it is a race that has
different fields of professional
action. Furthermore I have the
ability to channel conflict between
individuals or groups, by becoming
a mediator to reach a consensus.

Continuing the reflection, the profession of social

work has positive and negative aspects against the
positive you have a direct contact with the
community who have different needs, it uses
various techniques and dynamic tools of
intervention, working in an interdisciplinary way,
working so alternating in different contexts of
human beings both individually and in communities
and groups, working to protect the rights of
individuals and communities perceive the individual
under the process of cause and effect, take
advantage of the qualities and abilities of persons
for each process executing.

On the other hand, regarding the negative it is

evident that few professionals systematize
investigations, the profession is perceived as
paternalistic, and professionals can create
great proposals but depend on the policies
and resources of the institution, which
becomes a limiting.

Social Work I have learned to understand that

there are different realities and social problems
communities, to those around her family,
friends, neighbors, educational contexts,
religious, political, social, and cultural. I have
also learned to know the different fields of
action of the profession, perform different
individual and group dynamics dynamically and
according to the needs.

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