Writing Lesson Plan

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Hannah King

Writing Lesson
Goal(s)Students will recognize different points of views.
Objective(s) When given a point of view, students will write with the voice that
follows the given point of view.
K.W.3.3 Use words and pictures to narrate a single event or simple story, arranging
ideas in order.
K.W.1 Write for specific purposes and audiences.
K.W.4 Apply the writing process to
- With support, revise writing by adding simple details; review (edit) writing for
format and conventions (e.g., correct spelling of simple words, capitalization of the
first word of the sentence).
Materials Memoir of Hamster by: Devin Scillian, large sticky notes, markers,
worksheets packets, final packets, each students box at their seat
Time : Lesson 25 minutes
Writing 10 minutes
Materials : Memoir of Hamster by: Devin Scillian, large sticky notes, markers,
worksheets packets, final packets, each students box at their seat
Space : We will read the story and brainstorm together on the Large Carpet.
Students will move to their seats to do their own writing. I will meet with
students individually at the Guided Reading table.
Students I will be using the card flipping system that is already in place in
the classroom. Students will be given a verbal warning before this action takes
Anticipatory Set
In our classroom, we have seventeen friends, 3 teachers, and one pet goldfish.
How do we take care of him? Yes, he needs water.every day we feed him, he has
some toys in there. What does he do all day?

Purpose: Today we are going to write as if we are Elvis. When we write like this, we
change our voice. We are able to share other details and support different


Adaptation to Diverse StudentsI will help guide each student, based on their work
and my previous knowledge of their ability, when I meet with each of them during
the writing meeting time.
For some, I will have add to the rough draft writing sheet by adding pictures
above the words to help indicate the lesson familiar words.


Do -


Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

I am going to read Memories of a Hamster by David Scillian. This book is a bit
like a diary or journal. What is a diary? Yes, someone writes in it and writes about the things
happening in their life. The hamster is the one writing and telling us about his life.
Read the story. Stop at several points and ask about the setting and what is
happening. Point out again that the story is in the hamsters point of view.
We were told this story from what the hamster sees and knows. We heard
what he saw outside his cage. What were somethings we learned? We might not have known
that if someone else had told the story. If the owner, person who takes care of the hamster,
had told the story it would not have been the same! The owner doesnt know the cat shared
about all the exciting things that happen outside of the hamsters cage. Hearing the story
through the hamster was fun to see how the hamster saw things.
Today, we are going to write a story as if we are the classroom fish. We are going to
write as if we are Elvis. One ways to write well is to have good voice. Today, we are
practicing our voice by writing as someone else. We are writing as if we are Elvis, so we
need to use the voice that Elvis would have if he could write. We will talk as Elvis may talk
or think. To help us, we are going to brainstorm together. (Have large sticky notes and
markers). We need to think like Elvis. See what Elvis sees. Before we start, lets close our
eyes.now imagine you are underwater, your fins are helping you breath, you see students
outside the bowl.
We are going to brainstorm together to help us be the best writers we can be! The
first thing we are going to brainstorm is :
(Take answers, writing on labeled sticky note, bounce of students answers, fill up
sticky note trying to get over ten).
What does Elvis hear? Now where is Elvis? How does that effect what he hears?
What does Elvis do all day? When we are here? How about at night when no one is
watching, what do you think he does?
Now to write my story (using the same worksheet the students will be given), I read
the sentence starter. I hear.Now remember you are Elvis, we are writing as if we are our
classroom pet. We can look at our brainstorms or you can use your own idea. So, I read the
sentence starterI hearwhat does Elvis hear? Children laughing. So I fill in with my words.
I hear is already written for youso I hear children laughing.
Now today we are going to meet with the teacher to make our writing the very best!
You will get time at your seats and then work with me.
You have a packet for to write your own Elvis story. I just did an example of the first
page. I hear children laughing. (Flip page,) I seeNow, we didnt brainstorm for this one but
you think as if you were Elvis, what would you see? What does he see from his tank? (Flip
page) This page is for something Elvis doesI (pull things for brainstorm sheet to create
several examples).
After you write some you will meet with me and then well create a final draft with
pictures! So today, we are working on writing as if we are Elvis. What do we, a goldfish,
hear? What do we see? And what do we, a classroom pet, do all day?
(Release to seats, have student start writing)
I will be pulling students to the Guided Reading table individually for a short
conference. If students have finished writing before I meet with them than can select a book
basket, practice writing their name, letters, or numbers)
When conference with students, I will be looking at if they are in the point of view of
the goldfish and accurately describing things that goldfish may hear/see/do.
I will start off each conference by having the student read me their writing. Upon
hearing the students work, I will praise something that was strong or stands out. Next, I will
ask them to further explain their details by adding more words.
If I only read this sentence and you did not know anything about Elvis or our class,
would you understand it?
What words can you add to share more detail? (Colors, adjectives)
(Help students think deeper of how what Elvis may see/hear/do)

Students will return to their sets to continue their writing.

Second Day :
Student will have turned in their rough draft. I will look through their writing and meet
with individuals who still need to enhance their voice. Students will be given their final draft
packs where they can rewrite their sentences and draw pictures.
Upon finishing these, we will move to a circle and students will be given the
opportunity to share their written. I will add these packets to the Read to Self station during
Guided Reading for several weeks.
VII. Check for understanding.
I will be able to see how well students are understanding as we discuss and
brainstorm together. I can restate questions as needed and change my language.
We are pretending to be Elvis
We are Elvis, so what do he see? He is living in that tank
I will also be aware of how well student understood when I have my writing conference
with them. I will be able to gauge this based on their writing. Here I can steer them
back towards the correct voice and use different language to state the same thing in
several ways.
VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure
Who did we pretend to be while writing today? Yes, we were a goldfish. We thought
like Elvis, we described what Elvis sees and hears. How was this different from if we
had written as ourselves?
You all did a wonderful job writing and telling us things from what Elvis may see! Im
so excited for you to share your stories with all our friends!
Tomorrow we will finish our writing and make our final draft. Our final draft will involve
pictures and neat handwriting. We will share this version with the rest of the class to
I will be informally assessing the students during the brainstorming. I will also be able
to check in on their learning during the writing conferences.
For a formal assessment, I will be grading the final draft for following the writing
process, voice, and correct letter handwriting along with a picture that matches.
How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why
What were my strengths and weaknesses?
How should I alter this lesson?
How would I pace it differently?
Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
Blooms Taxonomy
Gardners Multiple Intelligences
Was the brainstorm beneficial for students to help write their own paragraph?
How did students do with breaking up the writing into two days? Was there a
better way to make this happen?

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